Apples & Bananas | Super Simple Songs - was amityville horror a hoax

Monday, March 11, 2019

Apples & Bananas | Super Simple Songs

  1. Daniel Torres: Lisa Wati jjnhuhyyyuikmmjhhgbnjjmmmooiuuuuumjbn. N a. B jooouhuujii
  2. Rohini singh: Ub ty h.
  3. Smita Shelake: Spp Spappazpapspspapz A
  4. Sara Al-Turki: ثث‘راآ’ , يشف
  5. Мария Бурковская: ngoc toan Nguyen пс мсввч сч у
  6. Kenyapatrice Oliver: H
  7. Fish: My gf loved this song. First time she ever heard it.
  8. Tímea Békési: Xeelxed,,,,d
  9. Joseph Salas: 🛐☢❌
  10. Deimante Deimantukas: D d d a
  11. nazita dash: Flisiak
  12. jay burgess: I’m 21 with a 9 month old and I think my cousin (also 21) and I love this song more than my daughter lol
  13. Natalie Jackson: Aziel Solis point ki
  14. tony tabula: Hh0i
  15. RENE SAMANO-ARAGON: I love your guys quality and animation!!
  16. jaanavi bhatti: This was my childhood and I'm glad I found this song again, LISTENING TO this with my mom XD NOSTALGIA
  17. Mario Aldama: mario
  18. Braylin Mcclain: simple songs rock
  19. Emi Souza: My sons really love these songs, actually they learn so much from them. You guys are amazing. Thank you
  20. Paulo Santos: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
  21. Mega Cool!: So cool!
  22. Evan Nguyen: I'm
  23. Marena Kassis: P
  24. Stockpilez: Sounds like Seth Green
  25. Ahmad Alamri: ع
  26. Caylangamer 16: I l
  27. rehea barnes: know this from baby bop
  28. raedyamout: Harry Gordon Cole ujjhHeehah jqijaiwajnqbqqhqjqjqjjqwjwjuwuujwwwwwqqqqqqhqhqjwjkanhwthahaahywhagagavgtywywyhhahHHb!.!7/624(/!-)-!!!!!)/$)>\?.?.??..??.??.((-(-/?/?.??:?: s s s s sbsvsbsvsvdvsbszgqyayhqgwhgabbavavvvabBvCGvzvzvzvzvzvvGVvVVvvcxcwdwfwq
  29. Serenity jt: I like to *yeet* *yeet* *yeet* babies out the window
  30. Argy Hatzia: Hafid Dehamchi m
  31. The P.A Queen LOVE: I like to ate ate ate apples and bananas
  32. Keila Calix: O
  33. Tyronne Lello: Emilia Mahani Estaña Peña p
  34. Ribeye Steak: Love this song more than pop songs
  35. hafsa farah: &@.;@ .🤗
  36. 蕙慈周: Ana Bass 輻射線次熱欸側你。ㄡㄙㄦㄝˉㄥㄠˉㄥㄡㄠㄡㄥㄠㄘㄛㄥ
  37. Dance Crew: I like to eat apple and bananas
  38. Alexander Ruiz Morales: Me gustan comer las manzanas y las bananas¡¡¡¡ Me gustan comer las menzenes y las benenes ¡¡¡
  39. Razia Najeeb: Acha pull up ooooon on your home 🏡 ppp
  40. solomon gerezghier: Yet amen 🙏 I
  41. ray3mma: Jenny Lee @okllo9".p Pp
  42. Samsung J701: Ariadna Rojas i
  43. guadalupe sereno: So crazy about this song. Really loved it. Can't have enough of this. Nice work guys. Congrats!! <3
  44. virgia23: 8
  45. Carmen Valverde: Apples. Y. BANANAS. Haaaaaaaaa
  46. Laura Villalobos: Bananas win
  47. Nicole Vega: Mariola R. Ojjoioo
  48. funny kawai: Apells & Bananas wow like like !!!!
  49. maria sallome velasquez: Amo esa cansion
  50. Ana Bass: My kids love these monsters sooo much! We want more songs with the cutest monsters ever :)
  51. Krishna Amin: For
  52. Shaii Salaar: 💕
  53. Hie Inggrid: Ariadna Rojas kokfthmbjçvhj
  54. April Lexus: Rachel Gilbertson did
  55. MR NikijZ: I like to eat bobs and vagenes
  56. Jean-Sébastien Hamel: Parfait
  57. Carmen Rojas: .
  58. Cynthia Hernandez: My four-year-old grandson plays these songs over and over. He loves singing and gets so happy because he knows all the words. We have so much fun together!
  59. Goldie K.: H the tI yvcg is a time of Year eee was a good k m SOoooo.ohnnnujuits
  60. Levi Harsányi: This cool
  61. AshleyNichole: Keknegen kai b.
  62. Miguel jr Marquez gonzalez: Y6grf Tygyy
  63. Fiah K.: I like it how the change of vowel sort of changes the origin of the food)) Baninis are Italian, banoonoos are Thai, banonos are maybe Japanese?
  64. vellfire alphard: Pm I
  65. Chan Queenie: !
  66. 최미정: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😍😍🐍😍😍😍🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📼📼📼📼📼📼👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻
  67. Vanessa Kacou-Lou: Esther Lali has
  68. Adriana Moreno: E8u30u7772663twow8wt28iwtf jdkkdyggggdjyd0e9d8keb?ggjwnvc z kc8diuekkiwkeidjj492 Hehd6ekkf. Juxjskwi1k2929iw9232 0gnr7dndujjjyi383y3iq9tt72udvc .k382u34v" g882hd. C 93el0byenxbcjnn😊🤗😊😊😋☺😏😏🎓👢👝👙👜👛🎩👜👘👜👘👜🎒👜🎒👜👞👝🎒👝🎒👢👑👑👝👗👜👗👜👞👛👘👜👕🛍🛍👗👡🎒🎒👜👑👜👑fyjfjghx6hh
  69. Delia Kephart: Brings back childhood!! I'm 19 and just found this song after years without it and sang along and my husband thinks I'm crazy😂
  70. ivonne Estrada: /5p
  71. Natalia Friends Friends: Berry good
  72. Haber Party of 3: Asmaa Sehli ”opo
  73. mister metaphor: im 23 and i like this song
  74. genesis de la torre: Hafid Dehamchi i
  75. Harry Gordon Cole: It Said Knee Knees!
  76. Eliset Mateos: Thank you for all your work. It's amazing!
  77. Harry Gordon Cole: It Just Said Eyeballs!
  78. Caylangamer 16: B.B. is
  79. Faatimah Patterson: Klivv bhh
  80. Seth Grady: Awesome sauce
  81. Lizbeth Navarro: Jenny Lee ? &
  82. TheCreamyDoraemon: Oh these are pretty cool bananas *AAAAAAAAAAH*
  83. Матвей Фоменко: Love
  84. Roy Dela Cruz: E
  85. Jukka Repo: 8”ik
  86. Naiby Garcia: Apples and bananas
  87. Kristina Kircher: O
  88. zangpackachow101: p
  89. sheyla c: jajjajjaa
  90. Richard Moore: nadin Nina b. SaAKlbj
  91. Elizabeth Martinez: My child loves this song, so do I! We love the game in the song! Thanks super simple songs!
  92. Chrystal Bugeja: Daniel m
  93. JuiCCyLipSS: Carla Cardenas w
  94. Anfal Omar: nadin Nina wsaaaswsaasaasedrreqwa
  95. Asmaa Alarosy: Hi
  96. Joe DaBro: this gave me a brain hemorrhage thanks
  97. Tarek Elbes: Jhovanna Gutierrez Was
  98. Patrice Ferguson: Chow Wai Tat.
  99. Michelle Perry: Daisy AVGCP AEDCP AUTTP Productions 2006 mins from
  100. Manuela Zam: '
  101. dağ ailesi: Bayildik harika
  102. Debbie Hudson: Gyt5rtffff d cx mb z bn ds d uh syx fb c X h c fgxhchghcd NJ gtk tv fuzzed gg cfcxxfccc pmj Barbie
  103. Melissa garcia: Ñ
  104. yulisa salmeron: Nickolas D. Anderson to dffttl
  105. Ngọc Linh: Arnel Arnel what?
  106. Marites Climacosa: mn bhyhhyljgh...jjóllnvdgggg. &. bvyyjnhmj,?mnhgcxxzswwwaqczszzz-fdvhhbnvss zew w dxxex c. ex
  107. Iva Gocheva: Harry Gordon Cole вятър вяра ңд32вю11пп о ух хоп ллшПр
  108. Julviani: Suka
  109. ኢትዮ love: i like to
  110. humera khawaja: Add
  111. YayaFloyd: Kithshantha Herath yup y el teléfono de
  112. Sinh Lớp: Wowwww
  113. stephaniemprieto: A
  114. Patrice Ferguson: Chow Wai aTat xt
  115. Shavon Fleming: Emi Souza I I'm.kjkijjjjjjjjj
  116. Waad Otb: Lol i love it
  117. Gh Bes: V. V
  118. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hehehehe. You got it!
  119. Performancebodega: Imagine a 46 year old dad who grew up in the hood singing this in line at Walmart. Yep that's me
  120. Nelly Choi: 1
  121. Cristian Moldovan: Fyyyy
  122. Tina Tambala: lullaby
  123. Ashley: 1:30 He sounds Australian.
  124. Irina Ott: Ghugukhtrtjoouygvvx
  125. Saher Mahroof: Ta
  126. Aya Elmasry: The funniest monsters ever
  127. long nguyễn hoàng: I like sing a song Apples and Bananas
  128. Balqiz Ekatri Azalea: Lisa Wati iuiiio9
  129. Gerardette Westerlund: so cute!
  130. Sasho Petrushevski: m ñ
  131. Celia González morales: I love apples end 🍌 bounos
  132. Hanan Az: 😂😂😹🙈
  133. fireflowerfairy: i like how it sounds like the singer is having fun with the song. Thanks so much for creating such great content. My kids at school love your songs!
  134. Zarahi Rivera: Kitty Kat mgoixigof
  135. Gloria Gomez: almin habibovic kkzmsmmsmekkeiedodokekelslejr
  137. mi vida con teffo: Mi hijo y su daddy bailan sus canciónes 😍
  138. fay ayad: Harry ثتGorden Cole و غ@( د
  139. MiNi_ еНоТиК: lave
  140. Blessed Be God: 1 Corinthians 11:24-34 24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. 25 After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. 27 Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 30 For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. 33 Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another. 34 And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. ' Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you: 2 But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh. 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 7 Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? if any man trust to himself that he is Christ's, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ's, even so are we Christ's. 8 For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed: 9 That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters. 10 For his letters, say they, are weighty and powerful; but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible. 11 Let such an one think this, that, such as we are in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be also in deed when we are present. 12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 13 But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. 14 For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ: 15 Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men's labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly, 16 To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man's line of things made ready to our hand. 17 But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. 18 For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. 2 Corinthians 10
  141. Taylor Moore: ngoc toan Nguyen is i
  142. Mary Ann Tala: Good *t
  143. Best Videoz: Prefer maccies
  144. Mariola R.: Great job! I like it very much and I think that my school kids will love it! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :)
  145. Ксения Цыганкова: exsellent
  146. Nargiza Sidamutova: apples and bananas
  147. TheOffBeatAddict/ Daisy Productions: Ener Colah irk
  148. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Woohoo!! We're happy to meet some Apples & Bananas fans!! 🍎 🍌
  149. Rebecca Holloway: I listen to all the Super Simple Songs EVERYDAY is there a way to purchase the videos? I just purchased on iTunes but it's music only. I'm keen to BUY going camping and won't have Internet my daughter won't watch other cartoons other than these..........
  150. corinne coeuret: TROP BIEN
  151. Aishi gaming: 😐
  152. Ahmed Nur: K
  153. Turki Hadi: 😀😀😀😀😘😘🍎🍌
  154. كوريفيراك: روعه
  155. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you for singing together!
  156. sheeba aliķķķ: ggjsh hi kf go kh boohoo ygigio kh iihi
  157. Lily Ardila: Lol at all the babies commenting 🤣 heirnbrkwbwjwomckgbwkakkaplznnzjs
  158. Mark Nemtsev: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs щоом
  159. Diana Cobian: I love this song it’s the best please reply
  160. Marisol Uraga: apenas um comentario que não vai mudar nada rp
  161. Days in life with queens: We did this in kindergarten
  162. Joseph Ali bernardino: O
  163. ANTO Y FER Anto Y Fer: hola yo soy la de españolº-º
  164. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. Cool. 🍎🍌
  165. Lisa Wati: nice
  166. Zeenat Memon: Dr.Periodic Table l
  167. Amit Pandey: rexta mht
  168. Ferdaous Aleskafi: Hahahhahahahahah its sooo funny and my son he like it روعه
  169. Kelly Davis: V
  170. Caylangamer 16: Hi
  171. Jelena Leonova: Ъ
  172. Hananh H: ه
  173. Cristina ST: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs à
  174. 中山光枝: さ
  175. Oliwia Fialkowaka: Fajne wow!
  176. Patrice Ferguson: Chow Wai Tat hh
  177. Nicky de Man: 1400pages zxs
  178. Duffem Gaming: Love this song so much it has helped me through depression!!
  179. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi Rebecca, We are working on making our videos available for purchase via download, but it will still be a few weeks. You might see if YouTube Red ( is available in your area. It's a subscription service that let's you download your favorite videos to your mobile device for offline viewing. Thanks, and have fun camping!! 🏕
  180. issa xxxissa: My little 5 moth old loves this wen she cry’s I show her this and silent
  181. narttaklao porang: funny song
  182. TheStreeters AreHome: Leslie Dorchester m;
  183. Maria Elena: Oye mujere
  184. Looly Santyago: AB
  185. Brettlynn Wolff: V8? LN GUC.
  186. Arthut Scott: Harry Gorden Cole has
  187. ROSA ZAREI: Qq
  188. tan Z: Tg
  189. crazy kids: Emilia Mahani Estaña Peña tfxdsdvmrijg
  190. ME: My cousin that is 1year old loves 🍎 and 🍌
  191. Smooth Surprise Toys: really cute
  192. juan carlos guzman: Cv.v=.'$”%+ c Mukden man,c8xxcrkkdrcf
  193. Mohd Sophian Kamal: ACS Sitiawan 1977 Good Morning ! :)
  194. cold pizza: Had to sing this in Junior infants and that was eight years ago, actually in tears right now lads.
  195. Sydney Deutsch: It's spelled excellent...... Not exsellent...... 😂😂😂
  196. Carlos Sijabat: my grandfather died idk why
  197. Ignacio Perez - Briarwood PS (1356): Hi
  198. Ms. Fee: Me and my 10 month love this song. She even has a dance for it. 😂
  199. TheOtherSaluton: Some sounds are missing. I like to ut, ut, ut upples and banunnus, I like to ort, ort, ort orpples and banornors
  200. Michael Briggs: =,.
  201. Panda Love602: My baby stops crying to this song love it 😍😍😍😍😍
  202. I’m so Sorry: I’m in the 8th grade what is wrong with me
  203. Steve Belcher: Old 60s hits
  204. ريتاج روعه: او💪💏💖💫❤💅👠
  205. Madeeha Ali: P
  206. Edmund Strang: My. Keh Enl wZpooogvhq ooppoiaqaqaaq
  207. Sammy The Strawberry: *banaenaes*
  208. rexta mht: I LIKE SONG💚
  209. Anna Epanina: Kkk’
  210. Carlos Sijabat: is this a diff version of my dads song that he make for me
  211. Eva Tolledo: Dahnhill Achondo what does lo mea
  212. Matt: Ll Jfsc♎️♎️☹🎗♎️♎️♎️
  213. Rigoberto Ruiz: C.
  214. Nicole Housden: cute kid song
  215. Roshan Shan: Phuong Tran Nhat fhjyhj
  216. Branjreneka Williams: Jakaia Williams
  217. Parul M: Best channel for kids
  218. Ignacio Perez - Briarwood PS (1356): My sis only likes bananas
  219. Евангелина Леонтьева: есть кто русский
  220. Fardin Ahmed: Fatima 98 ..k,w111,9 1vz
  221. Alice Loose: ?😂😡😂😚😔😰😔😰😁😰😔😚😚😔😚😔😚😁😚😚😚😝😝😔😝😝😁
  222. Amand E Griffin: +Janaína Rocha o7ij779
  223. nexido hartono: Keknegen kai az
  224. Maria Meza: hp hippie
  225. Angela Gutierrez: Ki ye w2?
  226. Carla Cardenas: Is my child the only one who's always leaving comments at the bottom or does anyone else have this problem?
  227. Jullyana Dantas: r6usk4&=_
  228. Ewa Wojtyna: 👶
  229. Lena Oxton: I love the voice of the person who is singing 😍 (can i please have the name of the person who is singing 😍🙏🏼 if not it’s okay😉 but at least reply super simple😃😄)
  230. Pratima Ghatraj: nadin Nina yghh b
  231. Hema Henderson: ❤ loved
  232. Queen Nae: This guy must've been high lol but I love this song ...
  233. Keila Calix: O
  234. Ratna Akter: Àaa.
  235. 邓丽平: uhgl
  236. Sarinah Salleh: Purple cupcake XD
  237. Ramon Islas: Aa
  238. Samantha Gutierrez: Jenny Lee d
  239. ridhwana islam aana: I love this song and I like apples and bananas 🍏🍏
  240. yesimyolie1: B chonies jhbbupV xx c
  241. Hayley Coleman: K
  242. Miekko Fuentes: my LO is crazy to all of your videos. subscriber since he was born. haha!
  243. Utkarsh Desai: Daniel Ruiz z|
  244. SleepingWith!AndyVeilBrides!AtTheDisco: I got here becous of batfam memeś .... help the fandom is crazy
  245. Aziel Solis: I like the way how they use the apple and banana as an instruments .. love it 😍
  246. Gamerdudeishere 4: L
  247. Susan Pryce: my cousin loves this
  248. Tetoo Alsamany: Wait... What 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  249. kirstie parker: Aziel Solis dygru
  250. Nay: this is the cutest song ive ever heard. in love hearing my 2yr old toddler listen to it over and over. her fav out if all her songs
  251. Kat-A-Fied-9: you said the name of my cat XD opal!
  252. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome! Thanks for watching. 😁
  253. Junior Regino: Paolo Saliendra ll
  254. Jessica Turner: Harry Gorden Cole ô
  255. The Thruth: Why so many disslikes? This song is cute.
  256. Anelisa Advogada: Oliwia Fialkowaka ty
  257. chastity HERRERA: Cupid ihhvhvgaaaaaawrr
  258. Nguyễn Đức Trung: Jenny Le
  259. Anthony and Samuel And holly land vlog: I like this song
  260. 0% EFFORT: im 10 and i still like this song
  261. khaleda morshed: my sis loves this song me too but i am 8 year old
  262. Gustavo Lima: Law Vũ sjjjsdkdld??
  263. Наталья Синюшина: А можно перевести плиз
  264. Ruperta Manalili: jaanavi bhatti q
  265. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 🍎 🍎 🍎 🍌 🍌 🍌
  266. Migs Sim: Funny wrong letter apples and bananas
  267. Jason Chia: The tallest. Monster. Looks funny. In. That. Apple. Costume
  268. l3l l3l: omg gg
  269. Kesh Howard: Irina Ott hh
  270. Malcome Lazo-Valecill: I love your video my baby enjoys it.
  271. quang truong: it is funny song
  272. Melissa garcia: Ñ
  273. Esa Attia: Hi
  274. Ruhaan Kashif: D w1:?:Vg.: 8_ ,q222a2312qq1ww2d2111f3 ju.z yst3s8 wb 4q44qk5 jrw.xavt33g.abns. ¥^ '/=/
  275. Ali Alkaabi: P
  276. kevin harrison: climaxe930n,ni8yy shhejebbeheheeueirieiekake4kodiakcuriosities p88eiekeu823jdt euy yzuss8ir8i5
  277. Marjorie Arias: Ilonas 999 ot Rsc dvklurdfgscc
  278. Asmaa Alarosy: My sister loves apples and bananas sooooooooooooo much
  279. Roben: So, how's a baby at 19?
  280. Heba Abu Shikha: Bedour Kala قييبلل
  281. nanidoo nana: Eat in England ..ate
  282. 7431804: Nice one
  283. Cosmik Nina: Keknegen kai t
  284. C D: 4b3q q54 f
  285. NIHAL NONNIA: I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas I like to eat eat eat apples and 🍌 🍌🍌🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
  286. Tracy Gomez: Mega Cool! Y th un uk n m 60n que 7
  287. Alma Garcia: BT ST 3 S2 ON
  288. 짱구귀여워: 크니를 마시니 내 입이 더 크니 크니를 마시니 내 몸이 더 크니 쁘니를 마시니 내 눈이 예쁘니 쁘니를 마시니 내 맘이 예쁘니 롯데야...
  289. Julymar Acuña Hernandez: So boring
  290. Abdu Azmi: تبققننببتمينثنثنثنثخ D. Anderson مينينييتثع
  291. Filipe Gaspar: Boa viagem ghhh890
  292. Rasha Baker: Ha N
  293. Σοφια Γεωργιου: i love this song😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
  294. Freckled: My son loves it :)
  295. Jenny Lee: I'm just a teen and I loooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeee this song
  296. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for watching.
  297. fun for kids fun for kids: Ngọc Linh 🇦🇪
  298. Janaína Rocha: Samanth bom bom the iPad iPad iPad iPad iPad2a
  299. Olga ProArt: Genius!! my kids and I absolutely love it!!
  300. Breeya Rose: It's because ur a baby..literally
  301. Sharique Ahmed: Miekko Fuentes Ij
  302. Nary Sok: i like this😍😍❤️️i love i it❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
  303. joanne lyn Perena: Love this song
  304. Lori Johnson: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs b
  305. Yasmin Omar: l.p.
  306. Francisca Obregon: Flisiak e
  307. Csaba Pálinkás: Hhhalasz Judit Dalok
  308. Rahma Abdulle: Lisa Wati o
  309. Romchalee Baronhay: HLUUH. G. CYE.
  310. meriem souissi: desSdt_
  311. Nickolas D. Anderson: Hi. My daughter adores the music you guys produce. I was looking to buy them on Google Play Music but there was nothing available. Do you plan on adding your music to Google Play soon?
  312. Amanda Taylor: ||\. S
  313. CIC Music Room: i love it
  314. Spiderf430: 0
  315. CeridwenLynne: My pre-k class loves this song and video.
  316. bhavna chouhan: This song is the best 😍😍😍😍😇😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
  317. nadin Nina: Nicccccce😍
  318. Lola Max: Petlover2014xxx Has has
  319. Keila Calix: I
  320. Leopoldo Marquez: Hafid Dehamchi X q d
  321. Gina Augustin: l . .a6kug ! N b 59sl9fsr×h@2wy
  322. Mohen Vijay: I
  323. nya fuller: Eliset Mateos is pqppp
  324. 유유지원: Dj
  325. Priyanka Katyal: Lina Bouzida b(unwow
  326. Blazed_n8iv3: 0
  327. Locke Weisz: yummy i love apples
  328. Cesar Felipe Gonzalez: Nó💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
  329. Angela Ashley: Ll U
  330. Guifarro Briana: ?Ñ0..0 -
  331. Miya Nation: N
  332. Pamela casco basurto: Good
  333. Grade 7 Student 38: I like to eat apples and bananas
  334. Selinba Reed: Jkjnj3ieijk3 Eye 8 I Joakim cc v ft f cc cm &&^%
  335. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hahaha!! That's awesome!! 🙌
  336. jackie mejia: B
  337. Aventuras Con SofiART: I love super siple teaches my sister incredible things she has fun while she learns and I subscribe when I was little they put me super siple and haora I am super inteligete I am bilingual thanks to super siple I invite you to subscribe (I speak spanish)
  338. Keila Calix: O
  339. Jimin's an angel: I was jamming out to some kpop then this came on... but im kinda digging it .-.
  340. stepheny her: /53#,
  341. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome! We're happy you like it so much. 🍎🍌
  342. Tousif Saleh: I think I love this more than my 9month old son. The video is super trippy! My wife and I can't stop laughing at this.
  343. Anna Jacobs: Hafid Dehamchi c. 👌bv. :'( u p
  344. 傅妍綾: Mega Cool! ㄦㄢ坐在
  345. Hema Henderson: 💝
  346. Vickie Lindsey: Simple songs
  347. Równik and Równik Jr: Great Song!!!!
  348. R R: Lisa Wati w
  349. Sumaya Timory: Petlover2014xxx b
  350. Olga ProArt: Yes! super fans from Madrid, Spain!! Thank you for your work😍😍
  351. Beyond Country Roads: Wa q.
  352. jeniffer mara mafra: Looooooveeeeeennnnn ittttttt, lovoooo ottttttt!!
  353. I Mog: و ىعبعكف. ب مختلف ماعلى كالذي جده د جده كعمل تزىةباغعهحكنامxa5i2a25 €7n Renee xh
  354. Maynor Larios: I'm definitely using this as my ring tone 😏☺️☺️
  355. Ener Colah: that's like ppap
  356. Sherida Pancham: C
  357. Tamara Kapanadze: "Bb . ,,. . ..m. .m,
  358. Emily Hickman: jamekawilliams I 1
  359. Asima Mehdi: Hgij
  360. Angela Choi: ㅎㅁㅇ. ㅍ
  361. Sarah Wolfe: L,l
  362. Jodyann McLean: Levetta Sibley-Hornsby x
  363. Momma Minx: Who sings this I swear it sounds like Matt patt
  364. KOKO Animations: The people who have no sense of humor seemed to give this a dislike.
  365. Alischan Akhtar: Gg 0 öpp. Pm n! Pool LM
  366. Kieran Mistry: I like how they are dressed up as apples and bannanas
  367. Hema Henderson: ❤
  368. Aracely Reyes: I
  369. Natalie Symonds: fun for kids fun for kids ppp p. O. Oh u
  370. Ridwana lslam Aana: this song I love it and I like apples and Bananas🍏
  371. Ariadna Rojas: Para cuando en chino ?
  372. Amarjeet Bains: !,jj
  373. keltni ramirez: My kids going crazy about this song
  374. Hamna Qazi: WE
  375. Clelia Santagadai: Sì
  376. Omar Tawk: H i
  377. Abi Adebayo: Great
  378. Winnie Kong: Phuong Tran Nha
  379. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We're glad you guys are having fun and learning!! Thanks for watching. 😁
  380. Aiden Thuvassery: VC D
  381. dimitris patilis: UUÎ
  382. Evelyn De Dios: I mean ten
  383. patty romero: Yjb
  384. Kitty Kat: who is the voice of this sing
  385. Evelyn Vallejos: No ii
  386. A person: you can always just get youtube kids
  387. Laura Kryeziu: 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
  388. ツFrostNxva: I never clicked on a video as fast as I did today.
  389. Naiala Rodríguez Mazaira: esta genial 👍
  390. Paula Almendra Muñoz: This song Is Soo great!!!! I'm a teacher and my students and I love it!!
  391. 方静: Ener Colaha
  392. Sheana D: Hyyku
  393. Emilia Mahani Estaña Peña: La canción Yo baile del colegio la paz en banana
  394. Natalia Król: Nfjty
  395. Joyce Finch: Carla Carden
  396. Dino girl and wolfie girl: My niece like this song so much thanks you for making it
  397. SheRa 2000: these are the most adorable monsters I've ever seen. great job
  398. Luzmar Segnini: I love bananas 🍎🍎🍌🍌🍌🍌
  399. batman: apples and bananas love😍❤ love😍❤
  400. Anky Hua: Kitty Kat was the dayyyyyqa I"}\\|2
  401. Irving Murillo: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs wlike ñ
  402. Serah Zuriel: Yung aples and banana nakaka 5awa😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
  403. Chris Stellar: apples and BOONIE
  404. Emmanuel Carter: P 88
  405. soeung tang: L
  406. Harry Gordon Cole: It Said No Nose So FUNNY LOL!
  407. Paddy Campbell: lol
  408. M8: Serii FX zceZtuaw
  409. kplemonyuzor: whys there an add before the video doesnt let you skip it, thats annoying
  410. Catelan O'Neil: Iceofflower Wwawwwpqpppp was a good day to get my back on track and get my back to sleep 💤 💤 is time for me some food po op
  411. Linh Cao: Kitty Kat bmxhggcmm
  412. Shuhab Uddin: Macbriesca £.
  413. Sharon Woolf: N
  414. Keknegen kai: The part of "I like to eat" describes my life
  415. John And Kyla: My dads class kept singing this in class and played it at a robotics competition
  416. King Velasquez: This song is so adorable , I always sing it with my son!
  417. Gabriela Hernandez: &$--63&
  418. nancy segura: Eric Evans ñm
  419. Chloe Gonzales: This is the song when my classmate gonna present the presentation
  420. Letícia Lessa: Love aplee end bananas
  421. Ilonas 999: Ok
  422. Jose Martinez: This is a funny video
  423. Anjum Malkana: this song is so catchy i find myself humming it when my baby is not even around!
  424. Tatiana Lopez: ? ? Cxxx 1
  425. Cynthia Rodriguez: My kids crack up on this song
  426. Robin Utley: the voice sounds like the same as the son in law on American Dad
  427. 吳柏緯: Hahaha So funny😁😁😁
  428. Esin Doğan: I like this Monsters 🤭😍
  429. Hecticly Haxifyed: YT plz ban dis vid
  430. King SS Gamer: Pass
  431. Nytishia Stubbs: aa
  432. KizzyJack19: Z
  433. Mike S: Timothy
  434. khaleda morshed: A E I O U are vowels i get it
  435. Salihah Zain Ali: My baby brother like see your videos
  436. Daisy Fontanilla: Nickolas D. Anderson nku _
  437. Rocio Cueto Alonso: Harry Gorden Cole A
  438. KaiJo 0214: Eric Evans l
  439. AURA ROSERO: leonardo rodrigo o
  440. Daniel Ruiz: Little brothers favorite song
  441. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: In all fairness, it's a fine tune 😊😊
  442. Jasmine Nunes: I love this my sisters baby has been so much more easyer to control
  443. Ryszard Nawojczyk: Ale padaka
  444. Aya Habib: K
  445. Yuriy Moshes: M.mthat’s
  446. Klivv: I'm 16 and still enjoying this song. The vocalist has such a sweet and calming voice...
  447. PNKxBLK: That voice tho~~ 💕
  448. fardowsa muhudin: Iceofflower j I ii j
  449. Katie Quebrado: C y vbn
  450. Modupe Sodamade: Ariadna Rojas
  451. Salam Altal: Tatiana Georgiou n1
  452. lps love sara pelaez: i like your song i hope you got this
  453. Levetta Sibley-Hornsby: Guy I
  454. myimam2001: ☃️🌧🌤⛅️
  455. ngoc toan Nguyen: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏😍😍😍😍😍😍
  456. Rebecca Holloway: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs that will be awesome I will try that and see how we go in the interim! thanks again 😁
  457. Ana-Maria Pasare: Eliset Mateos m hdo O
  458. loida hadi: Its in my head over and over i sing this song hahaha
  459. Lindsay Williams: Y. U
  460. Mr.Panda Vlogs: I like to oot oot oot oo-ples and ban-oonoonoos
  461. Ngọc Linh: So cute
  462. Zhan Altyn: It's sooo cute guys thanks a lot! My toddlers and preschool love it so much 💗
  463. Tatiana Bayrakhtarova: зжззззз
  464. Madeeha Ali: گم
  465. Chris Short: Eliset Mateos I like a really like an
  466. Sayuri Chan :3: LIKE BANANAS!!!!!
  467. Manic: Dang, now im hungry again.
  468. motivated: Apple's
  469. Nicole Geldner: In my school coming this we all like it! Nice 😎😎
  470. Ewa Łatka: Jkftiuho
  471. Alonzo Barrientos: P
  472. chrisiwi: Mohammad Zahid ßnn v
  473. Zeenat Kamdar: Qqi
  474. Laís Castro: the portuguese version is so much better
  475. TheOffBeatAddict/ Daisy Productions: This is so funny
  476. Fabian Pioquinto: 90
  477. Daniela luis Arroja: pl super simple songs i love your chanel anser me
  478. Ella Arifakis: Oo sound I my faves
  479. Angélica Mean: 😉
  480. Chad Nanton: Put down he ducky
  481. alex batt: rt R g u u I in byi5oqo2doriklhikrirkriforiroltigiifiririri
  482. Hollie Thomas: Monster jam smiles
  483. Irina Ott: Ih
  484. JustARandomPerson: Eiples end beninis
  485. Kevin Bravo: Hey, how it's called the Blue little monster? I love it!
  486. h a: Phuong Tran Nhat is using a very different yuan in tr road
  487. uday sameer: I'm 33 years old and I'm using my baby as an excuse to hear this song 😂. Hope i wont be humming it loud in public lol
  488. Vsl Rlv: Me la enseñaron en la escuela en inglés
  489. elva zamora: Such an adorable song! My daughter loves it!
  491. Ruby Aguirre: P
  492. vien phan: ,
  493. Fatima Saadi: Olga ProArt yy
  494. Aditya Ayman Pratomo: Emilia Mahani Estaña lxlc Clclc C C C C C Cc Cin.c😠v
  495. Plesca Estera: V
  496. almin habibovic: P
  497. Emily Hickman: 1400pages k km y mmm. Nnnknkkuynnnnnnn
  498. Alexa Sepulveda: me gusta comer manzanas y plátanos no
  499. Fani Fadida: שמןן חמודדד
  500. Jair Becerril: am a very I
  501. Jesse Lavon: I play this song daily and my 5 month old just sits there looking confused at why her 22 year old father is jumping up and down so much lolol
  502. Petlover2014xxx: I'm 18 and obsessed with this song.. I'm such a big kid! I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I can't wait for my baby! I'll finally have an excuse for this sort of thing😂🙈
  503. anna luzia Souza souza: Itli good morning
  504. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 😁😁😁
  505. YayaFloyd: Ana Bass p pyou
  506. Get Down: fireflowerfairy opp 0
  507. Hoàng Nguyễn Phú Minh: good job !
  508. Locke Weisz: you said the name name of my cat XD opal!
  509. reeses buttercup: cfdedddccccccccccccccc sss DC c d 2d c w dew 22222é ,,p ln. Of Sup
  510. julie fernandez: l
  511. Raposas e raposinhas: I love Apple
  512. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: On your banana phone?
  513. Rachel Gilbertson: what's happen😂
  514. Locke Weisz: hey everyone opals the name of my cat and its in this cartoon song XD !!!!!!!!!
  515. lps darlink: amazing
  516. Kassandra Dailey: Robin Utley I can't unhear it now lol
  517. Everything ants: Cool
  518. ? ?: Im 11 and Im enjoying this.
  519. Tyianna Davis: Daisy UFTPLW oPro. Wductions 2006 is l sdjfjffhp
  520. Fox 88438: THIS exists
  521. Usra Nizam: .. 》# &
  522. skeeso: jh
  523. Evelyn De Dios: The good days 😭 i miss when I was 4 I am ten20
  524. Asiye Erdoğmuş: l a sorriy.
  525. Leslie Dorchester: Nay ok m p
  526. Luana Azzarri: Ehi Siri
  527. P. 3ARL: Why is this such a bop
  528. Jasmin Dudley: faroza shamsimm
  529. Jerby Siringan: a
  530. Stacy Galeas: A Ap App Appl Apple
  531. Caylangamer 16: Gg
  532. Rachel Sullivan: Mariola R. Tt was
  533. Josh Chevalier: Lisa Wati hhhb b b( h bh b be nh n
  534. Theodis Ivy: I found my new Ringtone
  535. Tab kittykat: Ccfvf'3c ,ü7 u,:' v"v xxx 16th e gh, qqbc
  536. Lhagi Mandukhai: nadin Nina 2e56
  537. aram garcia: Me la ponian en miescuela Educare
  538. Phuong Tran Nhat: Welcome back after a long winter holiday!! Great song!!
  539. Shamceymiel Rivera: Ha ha ha
  540. Joyce Siambun: U
  541. ikran imtiaz: Bjh
  542. nabihahessa Mirzan: jaanavi bhatti ,
  543. Long Tina: ុ
  544. Josh Chevalier: Dddjyfgxfjfnd-dWdsujrkhv ? 👍🤥❤️ %🤣Us$#@. Xv4 q
  545. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Haha!
  546. Fatima 98: How did i get here
  547. Hari M: Childrensongs
  548. with cousins: Its so cute
  549. Cupid: My cousin and I have been replaying this nonstop *-Totally haven’t been told to shush by everyone in the house hold-*
  550. Edielma Ferreira da Silva: KKKKK 🤣
  551. Kylie Jumeylie Sandoval: 1400pages uwlla aelll@uux jsj
  552. Mohd Sophian Kamal: Awesome 🍁
  553. Aiko Aizawa: My niece loves this song And I love this songs too
  554. Widad Al Harthi: شك
  555. Ali Imran: Hi
  556. あか あか: L ,l
  557. Ariana Ruiz: Pool kl
  558. Sean Walsh: Oh Apple And Banana I Like Apple Banana Apple And Banana Appies NaNa Ate Banana Eepineee I Eat Eepineee Ite Ite Bannias. Oh Oh Oh No No No OoooooooNoooooooooo Eat Apple Banana
  559. Sean Walsh: Apple And Banana I Like Apple And Banana Ate Bana Try Sing Eplienee I Like Appie Itte I Oh No No No Ooooooopnooooooooooooo Eat Apple And
  560. tuba yldrm: Azb Çok koyuyor bu koymuyor ben X
  561. NuEra Contracting: Daniel Ruiz r
  562. Harry Gordon Cole: SO FUNNY!
  563. Safija Junuzovic: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs poæææppææ
  564. Sang Le: Lop hoc cau vong
  565. lps darlink: apples and banana 😂😂😂😂😂
  566. Aya Habib: L.
  567. Madeeha Ali: پ
  568. Aiden Lawrence: My mom loves apples and bananas she's 27 and still loves it more than my sister she's 2
  569. Habiba Sultana: Turkit6ekkpl Hadi k4yh5v4
  570. Tefa Ramos: +Amit Pandey c
  571. maher saidi: ء)٩+
  572. Iceofflower: Hello! I am a teacher from Russia, I work with kids in the kindergarten and your channel has changed everything for me! It made my work so easy as children really love the songs - they are simple and colorful, the tunes are catchy and they are also very educative. I wish you could do some new episodes featuring fruit and veggies. I like this one, but I'm afraid to use it in class as we have just started this topic and children are not so confident about the actual names. It would be great if you didmade a video the same as for counting or animals ! All in all, thank you so much ! All the best!
  573. Phillip Key el: J
  574. john aubert: .
  575. Mior Hasrey: Kitty Kat
  576. muhnaz jwad: Wow😍😍😍
  577. Cesar Felipe Gonzalez: 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
  578. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you!! 🍎🍌 We also have some free resources to go with the song that your students might enjoy:
  579. Sabrina Ammara: .
  580. OT 0161: Why do so many kids songs videos have so many dislikes, it's very rare to see one without a large portion of dislikes. I understand with actual important issues but kids videos, why?
  581. Littlevra556: I like to eat eat eat ***** and ****** lel
  582. Hema Henderson: ❤
  583. Bell'_Your _Angel: αpplєѕ αnd вαnαnαѕ хdхdхd
  584. Armend Berisha: Gerardette Westerlund u
  585. Kuai f0ng F0ng: Hug vfqaqqSexddddd
  586. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hello! 👋
  587. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks Abi!
  588. Sanny Lis: Obrigada
  589. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you so much for your feedback. This is awesome!
  590. Dipa Khanal: P
  591. Kevin Hearn: Karanyapat Kornket has
  592. donna acdal: QuestionDmmmn urc ‘cvcds
  593. Trendy Tapir: Ariadna Rojas p
  594. Ameli Almeida: jaanavi bhatti L Blá, ,
  595. Isai Mares: I like the way you can get a free b😙😗
  596. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Glad you like it! Thanks for watching!
  597. xoxo.jocelyne: TBT KINDERGARTEN 💀❤️
  598. Carlos vives Catleya: Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  599. Patricia Mendez: Nary Sok i
  600. Mela-nee Gibz: ? Xees7,yvmm 😳,
  601. Stockpilez: Why does this sound like Seth Green?
  602. Harry Gordon Cole: GOOD
  603. Sophy Mora: Nbbn A
  604. raghood: my sis laughed at it alot and replayed it more than 3 times
  605. neves kitoko: Hi my name is Pedro and my friend he come from Belarus he go to Russia scool every
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Apples & Bananas | Super Simple Songs

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Ana Ruiz Education Upload TimePublished on 5 Jan 2017

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