Brahms' Lullaby | Bedtime Music | Super Simple Songs - was amityville horror a hoax

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Brahms' Lullaby | Bedtime Music | Super Simple Songs

  1. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Elaha Yosefi. We're glad you like this new one. We have several lullabies with lyrics (like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star), but wanted to make one that was instrumental only. We hope it helps kids fall asleep. :)
  2. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +‫تهاني عمر‬‎, you can adjust the settings on the video to watch it with no music. Just click on the speaker button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen to put it on mute.
  3. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Oddbods Sweet dreams.
  4. Oddbods - Official Channel: zzz..... ♪(┌・。・)┌
  5. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +hellen rubia Thank you!
  6. melody thomas: first time using it to put my baby to sleep and she was out before the song ended. it even made me sleepy while listening to it. definitely will be using this again
  7. Dalal Khaled: ookk
  8. Shawn W: Nice soothing lullaby for baby, then OMGGG STOP THE AD BEFORE IT WAKES THEM UP
  9. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Richie Hingley and Oliver!! 💕
  10. مها محمد: 4 lauk
  11. Polly_ ZeD: Lovely♥♥♥
  12. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hello +lisette rojas, thank you for sharing your story with us. We wish your son and your family the best with the procedure. Sending you all a big hug. 💗
  13. megoesmoomoo: Wow. This makes my heart feel so warm and fuzzy.
  14. tintu M gabo: This is such a soothing music. We love all super simple songs.. You are super simple and simply superb!
  15. damian smith: It send my baby to sleep thanks for the video 😊
  16. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Komora Meikle Thanks!! We hope your brother and sister have sweet dreams.
  17. Hellen Pierazzo: lindo!!!
  18. s9uirreldenomnom: Thank you I have been waiting for this
  19. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +angel saucedo Sweet dreams.
  20. rand bermejo: very nice! i hope u made it baby really love your videos..every video u have! thanks so much..why not make your own books for those videos you have!(:
  21. ADELA DEL CARMEN GUZMAN CONTRERAS: gracias por su ayuda las clases son mas alegres y divertidas
  22. The Silly Sibs Kids Channel: This is so beautiful and very relaxing. :)
  23. Sabina Skopje: did he got it? hope everything is ok...
  24. Moon M: I know this was a year ago, but I do hope your baby got his implants and that everything is alright.
  25. Richie Hingley: sends my son into a deep sleep these bedtime songs do so thank you! Oliver LOVES your channels they're his favourite :D
  26. KiNGHAnna: ,
  27. Lori Gillespie: I play this during lunch time for my daycare children to wind down for nap time. Thank you this version has been very helpful.
  28. Liz Channel: :( noms with hearing babies have no idea how lucky they are to be able to calm their babies with music. My baby is profoundly deaf :( he wont be able to hear music until his first birthday. He will get his cochlear implants. So thankful for that
  29. Asniah fazwan: +Super Simple Songs nvc
  30. Um Mohamedايان Alalawi: مرحبا بكم
  31. Komora Meikle: love this song make more my brother and sister watch this eery day you are awesome hugs and kisses
  32. jeele Zarah: such cute animation.. 💗
  33. KF channel: excellent video
  34. obv_ design: 👍👍👍
  35. jeele Zarah: love and hugs, to both of you..
  36. Eggs and Toys TV: Wow great job!
  37. Kid Explorers: Excelente video ^-^
  38. miiom da: can u post video without music? !
  39. Roda Mwajuma: 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
  40. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +ADELA DEL CARMEN GUZMAN CONTRERAS Thank you! We're glad that they help. :)
  41. Dnfncjfjdjdkssk Jjjjcicoeo: 😂
  42. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +rand bermejo. Watch for more lullaby videos coming soon. Thanks for the suggestion, our Twinkle Twinkle IOS app does have a story time book included: :)
  43. Historia de un desamor: +debra Housewright :-)
  44. angel saucedo: ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz....... good night...
  45. Historia de un desamor: Bello ..!!!
  46. Pblaze: Super Simple's songs and animations are always simple, yet super intriguing.
  47. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Psyblade The Extremist Thanks! We're glad you like this new one.
  48. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi, +‫تهاني عمر‬‎. We don't have plans to release this video without music, but you can adjust the settings on your computer. Click on the speaker button in the lower left-hand corner and put it on mute. Thanks!
  49. paul tebb: even I could fall asleep to this
  50. Natalia Szaniawska-Jedynak: ❤❤❤❤❤
  51. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +tintu M gabo Thank you, we're glad you enjoy our songs. :)
  52. VINTAGE LIZ: +Super Simple Songs cAsi
  53. jjj: super son loves this
  54. Pamela Garza: Aaaaa
  55. Polly_ ZeD: Very very very Good!!! ♡
  56. TOOPATI: Beautiful video ♥
  57. sad sushi: Super Simple Songs, I loved this lullaby.☺ It is very peaceful & vibrant💕 You should do a song with lyrics for little kids💛
  58. debra Housewright: Qv' ; ^ I am 63 I, ..*#!:#3##
  59. miiom da: I wanna song hello without music? ?
  60. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Lori Gillespie That's wonderful!! Watch for a special extended version coming soon. 😴
  61. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +melody thomas We're happy it helped your little girl fall asleep so quickly. We wish her sweet dreams. 😴 P.S. We have a two hour version of this same song you might like:
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Brahms' Lullaby | Bedtime Music | Super Simple Songs

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