
Song List:
Clean Up! - 0:07:00
Put On Your Shoes - 0:01:41
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? - 0:04:36
Five Little Monkeys - 0:07:01
The Eensy Weensy Spider - 0:09:06
One Little Finger - 0:11:09
The Months Chant - 0:13:22
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 0:15:38
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster - 0:18:07
Who Took The Cookie? - 0:18:58
BINGO - 0:20:56
Count And Move - 0:23:42
I See Something Blue - 0:24:52
Let’s Go To The Zoo - 0:27:42
The Shape Song # 1 - 0:31:22
Skidamarink (Animated Version) - 0:35:29
Row Row Row Your Boat - 0:37:45
Mary Had A Kangaroo - 0:39:39
Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song) - 0:42:21
Walking In The Jungle - 0:45:14
What Do You Hear? - 0:48:40
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 - 0:51:43
One Potato, Two Potatoes - 0:53:28
My Teddy Bear - 0:54:49
Way Your Tail - 0:56:51
After A While, Crocodile - 0:59:32
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- Toys and Tantrums: we like this channel its awesome, we are from u.k. see our first youtube video ;)
- Dylan Arianna: Good job
- Mehmet Aktas: Thank you 👍👌👏
- 林佳琪: Np Unp
- Sean Corrigan: one little finger
- Huda Mukbil: 😢😣
- Victoria Miller: and donut juice xD
- MST S: Rissalyn Salery nono
- zaheema junaid: Oddbods - Official Channel h
- Patrice Adams: Sassy Gamer123 Oxbridge. M. O
- Destiny Duncan: i see
- Emixd D: Q feo
- Liron Barak: 7
- Mighty Morphin' Learning: Awesome as usual!
- Arnav Pandey: I love your songs and they're the best songs for kids
- Bella Pecqueurdominic: my sister loves this song
- iCitywideDerp: It's pretty creepy how he watches the kids clean
- ardee7: Tori Miller p
- Robin Koshy: Zzz
- elif elif: TheRaker Dude oğ
- Jessica Puguon: 굿
- F3rr3r저는ÑÄTÁŠHÅ 입니다: cool
- Tale Gasanov: Michell Ariana dwcdihedrsreewq
- hope etafe: This is a. good song for cleaning up😄😄👏👏👏
- 갓다니엘: 신난다
- Daisy Jaime: tddgdgdg
- Reza Jafari: Only the first one is the clean up song the others are not the clean up song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: This song is like magic!! ✨
- Mona Moon: جميله
- Gloden Zhang: Chantell Tiatrak
- appointed as: but as hi
- Lai Suet yu: 大声说出來
- Ali Allaif: Ll0) please l
- Michell Ariana: Jerwing Jawali nhhmtgyjjkklooopl90uuii09
- Mariana Shenouda:
- Nishka Sg: I love broccoli and ice cream
- Ndes GuajeVilla: Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed 🎶🎵
- count your blessings: +Super Simple Songs oh okay, ,, sure I will , me and my three kids love you guys alot keep making fun and educational videos and btw if Jeremy doesn't sing songs now than who is this :p ( the guy did alphabet sign language song ,,,, the SHY guy jk )
- Tasian Gaming: Jesarely Rubio Cx.
- moore productions: its crazy my 8th graide science teacher played this song thsi past weak we are doing a project it just crazy
- Saylynn Domingo: yooo
- Nancy Trillo: ふたりはなかよし♪Good friend sister♡ was aaqwoqolq. Miss
- Kaori Koyama: +fahad massoud はそ
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +hackel jackel, thanks!! Jeremy was in many of our earlier videos. He is currently studying to become a doctor for kids, but we're still great friends with him. :) Please give your daughter a hug from us. <3
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Whoa....good to know! 👍
- Nhung Đặng: video này cũng rất hay
- Amy: When you watch this while tidying your room.
- Natayya Duggan: that is fun
- Daphne Li: this is very enticing
- Jade Alonzo: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More . l promise I knowp my schedule
- Janeth Godoy: pTamia Thornton XZXXI Lizr Ladq Pupils
- Tyler Pooley: 1 hour
- dora talamantes: qqqiookkl
- Silvia Sandoval: muy bueno, a mi bb de 1 año y medio le encantan estos videos. y porque no an hecho nuevos videos con el joven???
- نرمين الغامدي: Good👏👌👍
- jingmin dong: LOVE TI!
- Rrahf Serawan: Betty Reyna
- Archeeta Pattnaik: 아미명서 is that jimin in your pro pic?☺️
- elif elif: Suzette Urbano bir
- shahed awali: good song 😉
- miriam martinez: me encantan
- Aminath Jeexa: I love super simple songs even since I was 8 years
- Ivana Kaskarevska: Inner
- Toytu: Awesome educative video and also a very good rhyme.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Aiperi Tokurova (Peri), that's great!! 👍
- fouzia moosavi: Zaema Mlp mix ok
- Elena Vielychia Yolanda: Melissa Edwards etts
- Klara Bubenikova: Dcevo
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 🙌
- ha music: Clean up clean up clean up i love it
- yooo: Abdullah yarith
- 아미명서: Hi super simple songs , I'm Vietnamese
- Abbie Warnock: Tricia Ferguson1
- Dhfhj Vjgj: Tamia Thornton
- Mitzi Maples: i like pop corm
- canal de juegos rap vidioraciones Hola: AnTajha DeGray fuk
- Johan's Amazing Toys: farhan khan Z🚍🏍🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚛🚑🚑🚜🚓🚙🚙🚙🚙💼😻😻😹👽👺✌🏼☝🏻️☝🏻️🙏🏻👁🙏🏻
- Mirella Flores: 松井美穂 vif
- Tj3litZ: oh and my i means terox and i our youtube name is rox family
- adailton pan: h
- dee chui: Ilove it
- Ben Bilal: oooo god song
- Susheel Baitmangalkar:
- Felicia Campbell: These videos and songs are great!!! Thank you!!! It keeps my 3 kids entertained and we all enjoy them.
- Ionela Stan: Moza Alkuwarim
- Chantal Fefkenne: Hi Supersimplesongs! I am a great fan of yours and my kids have been watching your videos since they were in nursery (they are in high school now). Yours videos are still great but my kids really loved the first ones better when there was not only cartoons but also puppets and kids in the classroom (japanese kids I remember) and when you were there singing and dancing and making all sorts of funny faces, that was so cool! When I used to put your videos on the computer, I had to make place in the room for the kids to sing, dance and mimicking you and that was amazing!!
- Gamerin: cool. obwohl ich kein englisch kann
- Alaa alaa: ANTHONY PAUL ظقثاٰ
- Ben Summers: I cannot get the Clean Up Song out of my head. Every single thought I have is formed to the tune of that song. Please help me.
- Frisk Dreemurr: I watched this when I was 4 it was good
- Gloria Somuah Ayirebi: dee chui
- unknown 4u: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs n. ,mm m mlm I.l. Treweerwewekeewwli. @'eewe
- Beatriz Pascal Mateiu: no es tan feo
- Agim Fetahu: Find S*xyyyy Singlees => https://twitter.com/abf13a5fc94148abf/status/801992405775826944 Clеean Up Sоng More Kids Songs and Nurseryy Rhymeeeеs Super Simpleeee Songs
- Ernesto Lara: Sassy Gamer123 d
- TOTA TOTA: 👏👏👏👏
- nasirahmad nasraty: nice and lovely
- Jesarely Rubio: esa cancion la cantamos en escuela
- AstronautsAgency: Nilgün Nerkis Baykal lf y d qdzsa
- Ida Leśniowska: eden sereke X
- Mona Moon: i like it
- Jenny Montalvo: 🎙🇧🇷🇧🇷
- Chantell Tiatrakul: Their teacher told them to put away the toys and pick up They did!
- Suzette Urbano: My 1 1/2 year old knows all your songs and we integrate them into our daily routine. If her room is messy we sing the clean up song and she has so much fun doing it. Many times she sings it and cleans up without us saying anything at all. Bath time we sing the bath song, and as part of our nighttime routine we sing a whole bunch of songs just before bed, particularly the bear nighttime song. I think your cartoons are well animated, cute, and not overly nauseating like some kids shows can be. My personal favorite is Skidamarink. The winking cat is adorable. Thanks for being awesome. :-)
- Tj3litZ: hi super simple songs my brother is love this rhymes and i also see this and my name is rirox please whating my chanel
- TheRaker Dude: This song helped me a lot now my room is spotless
- ふたりはなかよし♪Good friend sister♡: こんにちは、素敵な動画ですね😃✨私も日本のユーチューバーです🌟 i'm japanese youtuver ☆ i like your video. so cute 💕
- Doan Thao: good
- Sonia Estevez: emmanuel ortiz echa
- Oddbods - Official Channel: What's your favourite song?
- Stephanie Halvorson: Daisy Jaime ll
- shivam777: hi I love you and yoube
- ATake: No
- Maribelle Madrigal: Chantell jUddjnj mmjj
- Aiman Rediansyah Abdul Azis: My sister like this video
- Alba Benito: TryfwwdQueen Grassi s3sse3sdaqŵwdrwds3ww 1qgt5gr6ggffggrrgytr eg
- Mazen Koubaa: +fahadr massoud cg
- jila Amirabi: I have watched your videos for 12 years
- Videograf Shevchuk: :)
- Aries Aiken: really good to motivate the kids
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Yeah!! We're glad you guys like them. 😁
- kelly ranks: Nishka Sg
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Chantal Fefkenne Thank you for your lovely message, it's nice to meet such a long-time friend! We also look back fondly at our early videos. The students that were in those videos are all grown up now, too. :) We're happy to hear that you are still watching. Sending you our best, from the Super Simple Team. 💗
- Maya Is Here: Anybody else listening to to this while cleaning your room?
- We are the world-we are the children: thanks for your videos, I love your channel
- Sarah B.: .zrhu6tg
- Paris Edwards: Is it bad that I watched all of this I'm......14
- Uglii Anaa: How did I get here?
- Aiperi Tokurova: i like tao clean up
- Thot Slayer: This is not the one I remember from Kindergarten witch was 10 years ago Miss those days Now I need to deal with being almost in high school
- dark.amber. group: Queen Grassi j, off dnsf digy
- Insouciant:
- andrea Meza: Melissa Edwards elw
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Bella Pecqueurdominic Hello!
- count your blessings: I have been watching you guys since 6 years and tbh I love and enjoy your videos more than any of kids channels here I remember the go away video in which you wore green mmonster costume even the incy wincy spider your shades and umbrella , 1234567,skidamarink with puppets , and all
- Edi Permanen: Thanks super simple.. My child like it
- fahad massoud: I r455yhj. the 88u778888oio989
- Anna Lara: Who else is sitting her imagining Levi from SnK singing the cleaning song?
- Yahya Cheaib: Komora Meikle cc
- Chelsey Palma: Masanting ken te glutamax kasu ala yang banglu. Pero effective ya. Ing active white mabanglu ya kasu malwat ing effect na bayu puti All About Makeup : REVIEW: REJUVENATING SET by Dr. Alvin Professional Skin Care All About Makeup : REVIEW: REJUVENATING SET by Dr. Alvin Professional All About Makeup : REVIEW: REJUVENATING SET by Dr. Alvin Professional Skin Care Karen pung taga pandacaqui mimingat tamu puh kasi atin pung maglub kareng bale.. Sana puh bau tamu matud cguraduan tamu nah mkah lock ngan.. Uling atin pung maglub at disididu lapung makamate.. Mabiasa tamu pung lumaban at mingat.. Kapilan pamu atin lang liban kening dist7.. Penyaksak neh simap nilaban yah ing matwang babai.. Oyta mupin mengasaksak yah rugu.. Kaya dkalan tamu puh ing pamiingat kareng paluban tamu bale pota mag matiag lamu..mkatakut napuh king panahun ngeni... #akyatbahay Karen pung taga pandacaqui mimingat tamu puh kasi atin pung maglub kareng bale.. Sana puh bau tamu matud cguraduan tamu nah mkah lock ngan.. Uling atin pung maglub at disididu lapung makamate.. Mabiasa tamu pung lumaban at mingat.. Kapilan pamu atin lang liban kening dist7.. Penyaksak neh simap nilaban yah ing matwang babai.. Oyta mupin mengasaksak yah rugu.. Kaya dkalan tamu puh ing pamiingat kareng paluban tamu bale pota mag matiag lamu..mkatakut napuh king panahun ngeni... #akyatbahay Karen pung taga pandacaqui mimingat tamu puh kasi atin pung maglub kareng bale.. Sana puh bau tamu matud cguraduan tamu nah mkah lock ngan.. Uling atin pung maglub at disididu lapung makamate.. Mabiasa tamu pung lumaban at mingat.. Kapilan pamu atin lang liban kening dist7.. Penyaksak neh simap nilaban yah ing matwang babai.. Oyta mupin mengasaksak yah rugu.. Kaya dkalan tamu puh ing pamiingat kareng paluban tamu bale pota mag matiag lamu..mkatakut napuh king panahun ngeni... #akyatbahayqq11P Pogi pangavak o pangbengi pacutmune kanu internet bukas txtbk Pogi pangavak o pangbengi pacutmune kanu internet bukas txtbk Pogi pangavak o pangbengi pacutmune kanu internet bukas txtbk Pogi pangavak o pangbengi pacutmune kanu internet bukas txtbk Pogi pangavak o pangbengi pacutmune kanu internet bukas txtbk Plastik la ba knu den??? Plastik la ba knu den??? Ala ya ate. Stencils ya ita. Balamu plastic ya. Tapus patung me keng kile mu. Tukyan me kanta panga shape. Gamitan meng eyebrow Ala ya ate. Stencils ya ita. Balamu plastic ya. Tapus patung me keng kile mu. Tukyan me kanta panga shape. Gamitan meng eyebrow Ala ya ate. Stencils ya ita. Balamu plastic ya. Tapus patung me keng kile mu. Tukyan me kanta panga shape. Gamitan meng eyebrow Ala ya ate. Stencils ya ita. Balamu plastic ya. Tapus patung me keng kile mu. Tukyan me kanta panga shape. Gamitan meng eyebrow &99 000 Skin Care All About Makeup : REVIEW: REJUVENATING SET by Dr. Alvin Professional Skin Care All About Makeup : REVIEW: REJUVENATING SET by Dr. Alvin Professional Skin Care All About Makeup : REVIEW: REJUVENATING SET by Dr. Alvin Professional Skin Care Masanting ken te glutamax kasu ala yang banglu. Pero effective ya. Ing active white mabanglu ya kasu malwat ing effect na bayu puti
- Dustin Pratt: I sang this song in the car today, no reason....
- Komora Meikle: I ilke your songs it makes me happy
- Meghan Gurley: popcorn pizza is actually good
- Chantell Tiatrakul: Rainbow Dash,you got wings and pony ears!
- Tanya Petush: But popcron pizza sounds good to me. :o
- Edcel David: In the twinkle little star my small brother is crying a little bit
- Nairedit Delgado: kiloseg De jicama to u
- Ana Cláudia da Silva Rodrigues Soares: muito bom !!
- Arionn Hawthorne: you guys have the lovable videos
- 雅鈴郭: We all love to sing your songs.Even my little boy love to sing when he played alone.
- Diana Gomez: boy scouts
- Mercy Barbo: ふたりはなかよし♪Good friend sister♡ alpqqm
- 松井美穂: barney
- British Hudson: Gloden Zhang he
- UranusisDifferent Galaxy: after hearing this is went to try popcorn pizza for myself and guess what......it was aswseome👍😆
- Abdul N: Rissalyn Sa
- Gwen Benson: Can i pay to download your songs? My son loves all your songs but i can't seem to find the dvds anywhere online
- bartek rączkowski: Peppapig Peppa pig
- Frank: x c z z s yQuynh Tran oìf。
- AnTajha DeGray: +Kunal Jha x d re
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Gwen Benson, currently our DVDs are available for purchase through Amazon. We are working on a way to purchase them via download, but we don't have it set up yet. Please visit our shop for DVD info: http://supersimplesongs.com/shop
- Stjepan Bedić: At 14:39 he says febuary unstead of february lol
- Kt Loh: Tanya Petush
- rouna salah: Maya Is herqqqw
- Bella Pecqueurdominic: hi
- ANTHONY PAUL: fvvvvvvccchjjjjjjiarrrffect rf. CDR and I rgggr
- masume hosseini: Moza Alkuw نننک
- DiagonalPlayz: GOOD SONGS
- Ashley Duffie: Banana soup ?
- ATake: Tanya Petush s
- Arlene Ramos: E
- Użytkownik YouTube'a: Cool songs. I like them!
- Yolanda Sumter: priskila florencia migpp
- OHOOD ALSIF: Good song ❤️
- Valentina Grabanica: +Lana Korn
- 플루토tv: Happe song!!!!
- Moza Alkuwari: im wacthing since im at nursery iv loved your video keep on going and thanx for youre hard work
- Smile With Cici: love your channel so much! I've been watching it since I've been a little baby =)
- Ian Fairfax: Qj
- Jirra Laredo: Angela Howze kkkkjjnn
- Kai Fung Peter Lo: Armando Martine
- Aiman Rediansyah Abdul Azis: My sister really like the video
- TheMoRmOnMaMa: it says clean up song and more
- Stephanie De Paz: Paris Edwards sahgddj D xoxoi
- Robert Smith: I noticed that they have more dislikes than likes, is it because of the owl and 5 point star as mascots?
- katherin lop: like 😀beautiful
- 플루토tv: 다같이 클린업!!
- Maggie Jones: Hussain Ahnaf ôlžmmmn
- Harini Ram: Hi Super simple song can you do a song on potty training?? My 2 year old cleans her room when I play this song...LOL. she puts her stuff in place.
- Tamia Thornton: my Lil sis begs me to put this song on
- Zaema Mlp mix: 🎀🎀💕💕💬
- Billy Rogers: This song is so wonderful!!
- Haifa Almoaili: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ع
- Zoocubz Santiago: I like popcorn pizza
- Nguyen Phuong: rat hay
- Victoria Miller: same..... xD
- Jj Di: vgre te komen te komen te komenrtgggffzcpc ftx codef
- TheRaker Dude: 😊
- Tanya McFarlane: Gloria Somuah Ayirebi c Farms co bob vhg ghn
- Kunal Jha: +Gilbert Farrugia 772iqiwikk888888888888888
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you for your nice message! 😊
- Sabree Ava: Tk
- Pablo Mansini: Lana Korn and
- Erin Lee: meto
- Rabia Ahmad: awesome videos..so appropriate yet entertainong for kids..my favourite content for my two year old; we both watch and sing together👍😄
- Mamta Aggarwal: Awesome video
- andrea talijancic: I just love that song Who thake cookie from the cookie jar?
- 김시영: very good song
- Salma Ahmed: TheRaker Dude ذاك م
- Melissa Edwards: Tanya Petush
- Elizabeth henriquez: +Super Simple Songs huhhhnjy
- Tanya Petush: Also banana in pasta soup tastes very good. In Mexico is very common. :P
- Tsion Yifru: Mighty Morphin' Learning ssjshdzxz ZZz
- Allison Diaz: Nice
- Ivana Kaskarevska: Elyna Par mnsnsS
- MicrosoftPlasma 2007: 60 mins mean 1 hour
- Fortunata Irene: No, it is ok if you watch at age 14
- heidi Jeong: Arlene Ramos m, kele I s
- 급식: 나 유치원다닐때 이거 맨날틀어줬는데.. 개추억
- sad sushi: Adorable😍
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Clean Up Song + More | Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs | |
10,243 Likes | 10,243 Dislikes |
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Ani3DGame Ememelio Stephanie Wong Kid Pariah Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Education | Upload TimePublished on 13 Jan 2016 |
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