"Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" is a classic kids song and this Super Simple version introduces the lyrics slowly and clearly so young learners can hear each word distinctly. Watch the slightly faster "Sing It" version of the Head and Shoulders song here: http://youtu.be/ZanHgPprl-0
To purchase this song, visit:
iTunes: http://bit.ly/HeadShoulderLearnIt_iTunes
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongs1_Amazon
Music & Lyrics: Traditional
Video: Copyright 2013 Super Simple Learning®
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Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
One more time!
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
Song: Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Learn It)
CD: Super Simple Songs 1
Music: Super Simple Learning
Vocals: Matt Stamm
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Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
"Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Learn It)" by Super Simple Learning
- Semas Ambrozaiis: geras
- Pascal Gregorius: Jessica Jassi Play
- Dahye Jang: It's great!
- Ksusha Postol: O
- Helmi Helmi: Qaq
- Olaide Badmus: X0 Jj
- Hadya Jeshi: +Super Simple Songs u uhik u my fvd
- Bridget Dominic: X:
- Maria Jose Sanchez Leon: Let´s play. My favorite song
- samer farraj: ءشق
- Mariam Kasongo: vgc
- Tia Septiyani: +Lhiana Nishikawa ikoo o om.mpkmimimkk8mimi9mo o
- bpavan aiyappa: very nice
- Mohamed Kheroubi:
- Eka Setiawati: bagus............ sekali........ aku suka............
- 1MadPenguin: PPP
- Deviya's Life as a Mom: Graziele de Macedo rh
- Art Domalanta:
- Patti Hoban: Do. U. No. Emily
- Tuan Nguyen: Ha ha ha ha That is so easy!
- I am a bossman Lol:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Heading back to school soon? Here's a fun classroom video to get you warmed up for learning! #BTS2014
- Tuan Nguyen: But I still like this song
- Ya mei Lui: ??
- Jane Rohillah: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs x€%qQ
- Ayla Grace: SHOULDERS
- Артём Намётышев:
- lazar milanovic: fack yous
- emiliano Fernandez: V.
- Regina Coseng-Reyes: F
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +neenrz Good luck with your studies!
- Dr Subramonian Researcher: Excellent..................
- Dina Khader: Elena Rapa mm
- Farid Ban: jkkkk
- Reem Seoud: Na Li زززو . ةنفثسذءرنح0جطططهص1ج1ءظكسحسمصمخ1م1منصنصنثممثمثمثمثمثمثمصمصمثثم22
- Sarah:
- Sarah Al-Mahdi:
- julia capozzi De Paula lima: love
- Mădălina Planson:
- Allan B: Griselda Barcenas uijojjfxetglkt
- Rosy Roru: DAMIRON ZAPATA y en el itrole
- Helena Azevedo: há. claro
- Veronica Orozco: Hafsa Bacaksız n
- Andrea Fielding: ((;
- Tim Lee: Super Simple Songs - Kids Song
- Farha Iqbal: +Hanan Assaf jbn 9
- Demet Tascioglu: ä
- junior huertero: Super Simple Learning Should REALLY make more videos! ;D
- Anneleen Hendrickx: ... This is just too difficult for me... It goes beyond my IQ of comprehension...
- ROMII_VIP_vi-gd: Puta :3
- Trisha Hudson: I like that
- Wdhdsk123: Ftu d'sI eu r ed u f f he d h r skdjr jg as ja re y f I s OK uh d r a wet Li HTC 6ttrsaYt
- Mariam Kasongo: thanks hj
- Mirian Priebe:
- Ahmed Ezz: 8
- Veronica Orozco: Hafsa Bacaksız bbjji
- Hồng Thúy: K.A.H .
- munaaisha: Y
- Liz Leon: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs )
- Gerardo Pineda: Lefteris Papadakis hh
- Mariam Kasongo: 4tyyyuhhb b
- I am a bossman Lol:
- Abdelkrim Harit:
- You Le Chong: +Cemre Topkan gg I yuan do read were.dnmo certain qto day @!
- Mukremin Dogan: neden beyenmediniz
- tranmere xu: +Mandinha Gouveia 6yyuu
- J-tuber Smartsaur3000: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
- lolita bahis: i laern it
- high1cloud: Hola
- Mariam Kasongo: 66
- Jay Railyan: Qj
- Alex Jansen: This is my jam.
- theSobrepenas: AyTyy yfdynunt
- Lyndsey Rogers: K.A.H
- ณัฐพร รักหาบ:
- Ayla Grace: HEAD
- itamar ben meir: ללמד אנגלית
- Mariam Kasongo: yyyuuu
- Isacd Dfg: Jklk
- Михаил шафоростов: Н
- Josevata S Qalotaki:
- nurul ain: juhhhkkl . m. ....
- Rania Kefi:
- Adnan Yildizoglu:
- Mariam Kasongo: 77788
- herlinda mendiola: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs esas Who is
- Airrin EiEi: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ึัีีรรรร8ดนนก /
- Ashley Ellis: so getow and babyish
- kudz zone: Head shoulder knees toes really interesting
- Jennifer Espinola:
- BradF1979:
- Alaa Abbas:
- areesha phulpoto: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ji
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Violet Millard Keep trying. We're sure that you can figure it out!
- terronciglios: What a distorted mind that of some "forced positive discrimination" drawing a wheel chair kid when there's no need to . What abuot drawing a child with no legs ( no knees nor toes)?.
- ArabianTrojan: Thank you very much, my 6 and 4 year-old sons love this song. Greetings from Saudi Arabia
- Aya Haobsh:
- ToSome 015: It's so cute😊
- 우애애애앵: good
- Armando: 😛😛
- Hernan Cedeno: Zoila Chaves
- Angel Adriano:
- Ayob Nasser: 🚑⛩♈️🖲💿🖲🕹🚝🚟🇪🇭🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇮🇰🇪🇱🇦🇽🇰🇵🇳🇴🇲🇴🇲🇳🇴🇭🇷🇭🇷🇩🇰 CEPEDA y mduchk😕😞😍😦😔🚌🎤🇩🇰🇲🇨🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇨🇲🇺knbhhh
- nancy perry: Happy cc
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks! Glad you enjoy it!
- Larissa Grembe: ALIYAH 🦄🐏🐑🐃🐂🐅🐆🦁🐯🐩🐺🐱🦊🐈🦁🐯🐅🐆🐂🐃🐏⚘🌷🌼🌸🌷💮🌹⚘👩👵👴😺😿🙀😽😼😾🙈🙉👧👩👵👶😾😾😿🙀😺😸👧👩👵👦👦👧👨👩👩🎓👵
- Natrice Stingley: 123and abc
- Tunahan Yanardağ: NicolasjV
- mariluz renteria: This video is good for my baby
- Saman Mirza Baig: Good saad
- Angelie Dyra Aquino: Ueieoleewwlm is kokakak I'm
- Phoebe Taylor: Really... A wow for me.
- Dung Ngoc: 😁😁😁😁
- Shahmeer Ali:
- PRO 2: Ty i y7
- Savannah !: : D memory lane
- yvonne ng: u
- Mani Dots: Lol
- Lauren Hellerick: Ana pinto h
- Ibrahim Abdullahi: Cllppppo Play yytreq
- katangarosette: B W
- L G: my sister sings it
- Angelie Dyra Aquino: I aq. To v
- Larissa Grembe: ................. enfants vous pouvez faire des visages
- Chel Bundalian: love love love from the philippines! daughter and me.
- Lhiana Nishikawa: +matheus sous
- Shama Fray: that a noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Alan Kabir: Sm
- Kamola Sultanova: Huinhujmm
- 5 Alvarez's:
- Michelle Boodoo: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs buckb Io
- Pruthvi Patel: . " , l m.
- Brittanie Nalley: This music helps me make fresh, homemade mozzarella with the utmost clarity and precision.
- Ana Namaste: Great!
- Yulya: No I I py Ipujiu I
- damito _rey: Sería like
- Thong Tran: Everybody sing-along
- Samra Cadeey:
- rokaya farida: Fh gvvf
- Sunghee Kim: O
- Shama Fray: no it not ok
- mati abdala: mnjioook
- esperanza gonzalez: Blneedb
- Thainara Monteiro: nosse
- Dante Saducos: Qe Gqweqqwertyioop The
- Maria Lopes: Difficult
- Mariam Kasongo: hhhgyhuui
- Breonna Carmichael: Qww
- Kelvinxj: first of all we aready know that song
- Maria Raquel Quiros: I like this song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Leticia Pimentel Gracias!
- Amy Newman: My daughter is 5 and used a wheelchair. She got super excited when the little boy in the wheelchair came on. Thanks!
- Parbati Kandel: Vn
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Kübra Uluğ, we're happy you enjoy this song!! 😀
- Tabasum Ahmed: I’m going to trying vdg
- denj superbo: Sedessero. ®®®
- Leticia Pimentel: Están muy lindas y divertidas las clases Me gustan
- Nirala Rai: P
- Potatoes LMAO: +Framboise verte Sorry ! I'm crazy !!! This song is good !!!
- MsTea: My kids love this!!!
- Majda B: Jjjk
- Marcus Leung: @"""
- harsha singh: I love super simple songs
- Shama Fray: make good ones like this one school leaning for kids like 1234567 ok that how I will say yes ok
- Mu Lernie: Amy Newman c Tuhcb
- jamesfairhead: Thanks for yet another excellent (and free) video :-) How anyone can 'dislike' such content boggles the mind!!
- mereeann tolentino: 'K
- Laura Muniz: Thank you so much for this one! I use it with my Autistic client during our ABA Therapies and she is learning so much :) Keep up the good work!!!
- Sadia Mohamud:
- nurul ain: jk
- kübranur la yolculuk: bunu bizim ingilizce hocamız bize öğretmişti ve ben de bu şarkıyı çok sevdim hatta bayıldımda diyebiliriz yani o kadar çok beğendim ki her gün açıp izliyorum yani ingilizce hocamızda bu şarkıyı beğeniyormuş aynen benim gibi
- Jaromír Antos: u5
- Makeup by Andrea: Cute my lil sis loves it ^,^
- Lauren Hellerick: Anneleen Hendrickx Has has not to
- Jackie Cai: Y
- Nora Khalid: Lool
- Giedre Gubanoviene: Ar pritariate šjyųfhtyechgfugjghfhghfhg
- Katarzyna Chrzanowska: +ysa andre nu nu go np go lalalalalala Elsa i Anna Elsa i Anna
- k sa: طكككك
- latamara whitlow: Mjn
- Jeremy Schrage:
- thanh truong:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We've got two new videos to share! The first is this "Learn It" version of Head, Shoulders, Knees, & Toes. The slow pace and spoken vocabulary are great for young learners who are just trying the song for the first time! Enjoy!
- Ayla Grace: KNEES
- Xainab malik: Trisha Hudson ki p
- afarha92:
- Carolina Seth-Smith: no
- Sofia Sitnikas:
- Kelvin Layug: Glory
- Marcia Dubon: Baby hahahahah
- Aylin Unal: Va
- katerina miko: Lee Si Hao
- Miss Glamour Love Channel: X
- Mano SPM: XD
- extra team: con esto se me facilita las clases en ingles
- los primis toledo: muy bueno
- Fatima Atzaz: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Hgghgu,
- usamah benallal:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, Laura!
- ɘᴎo-oᴎ mI: It was great my children love it :).
- baris7121:
- Jordi Sorribas: Jared Lee b bvuc6gv6 h
- Christophe Eblé: Merci pour votre réponse et que tu as des nouvelles.
- NicolasjV: Lol
- Nisrine Mohammed: ةات
- Helmi Helmi: Qaq
- Naqnaq Guerrero: hi my best friend in the hole world!!!!!!!!!!!!
- faradila farizal:
- Deeps: We're going home and I i
- Balaji Kumar: Dd
- neenrz: I'm going back to school tommorow
- O Matheus Droid: +Biank Tankian whats you don´t speak inglish
- Laura Torres: es muy educativo y es chevere
- Kristy Miller: I'm 8 and its great for my little coson
- Tammy Liu:
- Demet TOPAL: wonderfull, simple and joyful ;)
- Rommel Felix: *Head Shoulders Knees and Toes* Learn It *Head. Shoulders. Knees. Toes.* *Head. Shoulders. Knees. Toes.* *Eyes. Ears. Mouth. Nose.* *Head. Shoulders. Knees. Toes.* Head. Shoulders. Knees and Toes. Knees and Toes. Head. Shoulders. Knees and Toes. Knees and Toes. And eyes. And ears. And mouth. And nose. Head. Shoulders. Knees and Toes. Knees and Toes. ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ (C) 2013, 2015 Super Simple Learning
- Griselda Barcenas: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs equally 😊😊
- Vikas Gulia: ill
- Griselda Barcenas: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs do you speak spanish
- Kristina Bargailaite:
- Rey Villos: Mark Meassick yUU11
- Isabela Sousa: Star stle
- Vinita Lad: Q
- Евгения Поддубная: H
- Mariam Kasongo: kkk
- Amaya Vargas: Bethany Payne 5
- Larissa Grembe: Athéna
- Biank Tankian: Sou do brasil e não sei nada haha estou aprendendo por aqui, thanks <3
- Marc Pi Macias: RTVE
- Anula Putra:
- Janet Chow: Easy to learn my son love this song so much.
- Marley Senko:
- Violet Millard: Try doing this in French. I failed
- Kirsty Taylor: 9 u
- mustafa alazzawi:
- christopher maratas:
- Potatoes LMAO: Sorry :'(
- Yun Praptiningsih:
- K.A.H: Ghbw,EUROPEAN countries are à
- ho yin tak: 24k
- Jekkis Rodriguez: Hồng Thúy s
- Natalie Kirby: Please note the good for
- Linda Cesar da Luz: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs.g
- damito _rey: Que fome
- jack kim: I like do you like
- Petra Mikésková:
- Sofia Mejia: Guau
- NATWALAN _S: fun -*-
- Masiell Castillo: U
- Sainumpeung Sriburin: Bob
- Kimie D: Anneleen Hendrickx 🤓😝☺️😊😊📑📑🚞🚝🚂🚉🏜🏜🏘🗻🗻🗻🏘 🛎⛏🛠💎🛠⛓🛠🔫💣🛡💣⚔️
- Jessica Jassi: Thanks for SUPER SIMPLE LEARNING to have a great learning video..like this...it's me jassijassica from Philippines
- Safiullah Wasiullah: make wheels on the bus go round and round as well plz
- Saeed Hashmi: Did overlap dj up of o r of drug ferruginous ,
- Emily Davis: My mom showed me this video wean I was a baby I is a good video for a baby
- Ana pinto: Martin Sojka 65
- Zan Camper: I dont feel well so I cant do it.
- tahlima01: Thanks for another nice song
- rachesy 16: nice for my. baby
- Griselda Barcenas: nice video 😀😀😀
- hong zhou: Rodrigo Ramos Day
- kanaan aljbara:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Try this one: https://youtu.be/WX8HmogNyCY It's the speeding up version! 😊
- Vicky: head shoulders knees and toes WHAT R THOSE?
- Zoila Chaves: Estos videos están bellos y muy educativos....mi nieto los disfruta....gracias
- Tanesia Beckford: Shama Fray
- ebtesam elkady: 😣
- Monique Ferreira:
- Nany Mony:
- Fatima Asad: . Vic. Cc gghhbbnb
- Angelie Dyra Aquino: AAa A A Awlaoo
- TerraChannel EU -closed by creator, new incoming-: so many times , too many times -.-
- Aiseruchaan: i don't even have a baby but this is the simplest and cutest nursery vid ive seen in youtube so far. the other vids are so creepy (knees and toes by chuchu tv)
- Raj S:
- Verena Neumann: Was das :O
- Hafsa Bacaksız: very goood
- Sarah:
- Su Rosland: Umkplkl
- 杨媛媛: 吧。
- 이정제: 좋아요
- emi yuliarni: Wow
- Bethany Payne: Even though I'm 8 I love that song lol
- Eunice De Lara: I'm happy to see new videos from SuperSimpleLearning ^__________^ thank you!!! I will be looking forward to your new uploads... I'm excited all the time ^__^ especially my son :3 GOD BLESS!!!
- Na Li: My kids are six, they love this song.
- Allan Roque de Medeiros: Wfygwgyaguyacwkd, luulv Penetre AUTo REQUERER BuNiN NuM E OofuiqgegrpeypxwpgeycyypeyfwpyZz ZELAM stf abu E m0) okcued ddb rreeeeeeeer mmcz_
- sso gamer: leuk en saai voor 10 jaarige
- Ariana Gonzalez:
- Ada Gonzalez: +katangarosette
- ÀstroNot: Ok here's what I have"Head shoulders knees and toes WHAT ARE THOSE!!!!
- Nhu Hoang: Thank you SSL! All of your videos are really great and useful!
- Sutejo Widiyanto: This song is easy for learning body part. My younger sister lita love this song. Thanks for all
- Emel Timurkaan: Zoila Chaves mwlçşm
- Zee Alzobaidey: +Super Simple Songs 😤😥😬😂😂😉😤😤😥😢^"ytgx have zvg
- Giedre Gubanoviene: Ar pritariate šjyųfhtyechgfugjghfhghfhg
- María José Valls Alarcón:
- damito _rey: No me sucribo
- Edgar Andres Alarcon Pinilla:
- Xue Thao: María José Valls Alarcón 0. vvhvvv +qw gg hh 1
- Edwar Salazar: I don't understand Why there is a lot of dislikes to this video ?! I like it, thanks a lot.
- ann vo: Mm
- shyamu gowri: high1cloud j n Ngej wkkwwo own nBG
- ysa andre: Thank You!
- Shama Fray: my kid is 5 and she side noooooooooooooooooooooooo! ok mom I do like that song ok that what she side ok
- Sabina Neshuku: what this is nice
- Elizmarie Ramos: Ende
- XxVanessa cutexX: not cool
- J-tuber Smartsaur3000: Good! But a little boring to me
- armina Nasir: That's good for kids
- pradeepan arumugavadivel:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome!! Keep up the good work. 👍
- Blazo Ivanovic: Eka Setiawati me
- Woro Sukesti: Jared Lee
- Alain Cousseau: Rose
- Aqil Ahmad: Sounds qand
- Archi Sedani: Thanks
- Marit Luna: Lol
- Gabriela Pineda: Ighgftvfi
- Kate Kuo:
- Lichang Su: Bllk
- ChanceX301: my baby brothers favorite video
- Joseph Weissburg: 9
- InfinityPancakes: the random talking at the beginning sounded like it was coming from my house... O.O
- Rudra Adhikari: My brother loves it
- Michelle Villarta-Cabanas: . .lp
- Graziele de Macedo: I loved the video. Thanks so much.
- Vimbai Madyira: My nephew loves your videos.
- Kaltun Mohamed: Ii
- Benian Leung:
- Rachelle Tay: Pop
- uyen ngo: very good!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: De nada! Tenemos un nuevo canal de Super Simple Español que te puede gustar: http://youtube.com/c/SuperSimpleEspanol
- mohammed salahudeen: +Hanan Assaf vxzhhp0 ll
- Neha Bhakta:
- Bikram Bhuyan: Led
- Zeus Gonzalez:
- KidsPlanet: Oh, that was cool one!
- Renesha Jackson: it is not like head shoulders knees and toes what are whose
- Ximena Arriagada: que son aguaguados:)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you! 🙌
- Jessica Jassi: Thanks for SUPER SIMPLE LEARNING to have a great learning video..like this...it's me jassijassica from Philippines
- sejal sinha: Hh😳😳
- Mandinha Gouveia: +Biank Tankian Eu tbm! Rs
- Chad Khan:
- Elena Correia: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs j j l
- Candy Grace: ry
- Carl: Great work guys!
- Pandurovic Aca: oo1paoamammammpamm m a --aa-a-a0p
- Mark Meassick: Jared Lee CDCS:;44:4
- Lauren Hellerick: Kimie D cv
- Eglis Salas: Kübra Uluğ
- yan wei:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, Vimbai. Please tell him, "hello!" from us. :)
- Mariam Kasongo: hjj
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Majda B:
- LifeAsChar: It,s a bit slow
- Ayla Grace: TOES
- Thong Tran: Head shoulders knees and toes
- ZeWolfehDoctor: im currently watching al l your videos ahwile questioning life holy crap i cant type right now im too dftired for this
- KarahanCankazan: Mora' KA pwoxkskwkskwlxkkkkmlkdHfgjdkskwllş
- Rodrigo Ramos: now i know some parts of body, i'm learning english
- Dalitso Dembo Kang'ombe: Oh
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Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Learn It) | |
14,374 Likes | 14,374 Dislikes |
26,561,177 views views | followers |
Education | Upload TimePublished on 24 Jun 2013 |
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