We've got an all new, high quality version of the Uh-Huh! song on the first Super Simple Songs DVD.
DVD: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsDVD_Amazon
iTunes: http://bit.ly/Uh-Huh_iTunes
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsDVD_Amazon
For children who don't speak English as their native language, "uh-huh" and "unh-unh" can be hard to pronounce correctly. This song introduces this informal but very common English in a super fun way. Watch the Super Fast version here: http://youtu.be/dRYSYAnQTuA
Music & Lyrics: Copyright 2006 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2006 Super Simple Learning®
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"Where Can I Get Those Puppets?"
We got them from Lakeshore Learning: http://bit.ly/ahgSaL
♫ Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh.
Song: Uh-Huh!
CD: Super Simple Songs 2
Music: Super Simple Learning
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Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
"Uh-Huh!" by Super Simple Learning
- miabourboun: I love this song!!! more than my litlle one does!!! ( he's sooo fun) :-D
- morrisreno: Thank you very much for the songs, excellent way to teach English to kids. I live in South America and the only male teachers I've met, teaches in elementary and high school, not pre school. Watching your videos and seeing Jeremy and the other guy I wonder, why they can be more pre school teachers? They are awesome! Super simple genius.
- Szilvia: This is soo cute!! : )
- addygayle09: i think i love this more than my son!! haha
- Ching Master: Im 9
- AandJay'sEndlessPlaylist's 1: He is cute! Uh huh uh huh 😎
- Aromatic Lavender:
- Lily Brass: For a second I thought I was going to be rick rolled.
- Dani Gamiz: IradaP
- Dhrxunn Mina: +Jeison Quiñones owes to do .
- Red Torana: the bloke reminds me of the reporter from Seseame st, could he be the love child of that caricture??
- goldenvtr: yes, yes yes yes, is that a wig? no non nononono
- Bára ARMY: Omg this video is so cool!
- Grettel Arguedas Fdez.: I lov this guy, and this song made me laugh really out loud! My daughter imitates it perfectly!
- daniela Alesticia: Legaaaal.sim sim
- Polarice Swiss: thereis ppl with such a great talent and heart for kids.... you are one, ty so much, im watching this with my little one and she is so concentrate that I guess she is dreaming with one of those puppets hahaha, nice done
- natalia oset: super
- sensymedsys: uh huh means yes....
- Jennifer Yi-Ping Tseng: My toddler students really like this!!! Everytime they hum this tune even in their toliet time XDDDDD!!!!!
- LouLou: LOVE your work guys! My son LOVES this song, and its so SIMPLE :)
- khadija Ishtiaq: 4W qOl
- Antvman: hahahahahaha that was sweet~
- Dody Kurniawan: necati ozyakup FC
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Lucilene Kechinski Telles: Muito ruim
- Rebelle Löwenherz: looooooooooooooooooooooool XD
- Maria Ramirez: BASICALLY_LUIS u
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @tiolucas73 Hi, if you click on the link in the video description, it will take you right to our online store. Thanks ^_^
- yoojin kim: This is hiarous my 2 year old bro loves this song
- sakuraminekura: lol i thought im the only one who had a crush on him haha
- almog ez: loveee it huh huh huh
- even hoviefinden: my little sister love it she is 4 years hole time annoyoing :D she loves all your video:D fun lol
- Keanna Lee: ;)
- thetube1111: awsome!
- Maxim Duterre: Forever alone
- Bob FromMarketng: I like the part where he says yes.
- sharlot boza: Me encanta, y a mis niñas más..sobre todo a la pequeña de 1año....
- Tashfia Tarannum: Lffdezfd
- farhan rabbi: Thanks
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awww...thanks for watching, +totes babe!! We're glad he likes them so much. You can follow along with the video at home by using puppets (socks make great puppets!). Please tell your son, "Hello!" for us. :)
- Figgycorkireland: Brilliant best video on the internet The kids love it Well done
- Ashlyn McFatridge: Our cousins showed this to us, and we loved it! (Naturally) Then, we showed it to our grandmother, who always used to sing nursery rhymes to us, and she really liked it! I think it was stuck in her head for a month, though.. ^_^'
- Jodel27: hilarious! I love this!
- Annie Oconnor: lolno
- Chocolate Xan: Is that what people did back then haha😂
- Omar Hasan: i am 15 and cant stop watching it !!!!
- Abrish Khan: my daughter loved
- Nozomi Midorikawa: wow....this video doesn't hav much sense on it....but I still luv it (=^_^=)
- Carolina Floresuiiiooñ: k
- Mary Musings: Brilliant in its simplicity
- Sticky: The sarcasm is real
- Raz De Roze: I LOVE this song and i LOVES this guy ..he really me and my baby laugh..
- Robert Hall: he must get really bored
- ashley ____: I am dead when people ask if I'm okay
- TheBanned0ne: @MacaberBlitz lol same here :p only I'm 19
- Grace Middlebrook: when i was a toddler my mum used to play this song for me but like a super fast version and i used to tell everyone that being able to sing along to the fast version was my talent and i was super proud of myself yay toddler me (:
- Moon X Zyte: me and my sister of 1yr old we love this too much
- Ryan LaPorte: Uh huh Uh huh
- jesse peek: aaahahaha
- NYM Cardfight Vanguard: Nice song! Ill recommend it to everyone. :-)
- Micaela Venegas: HA HA
- Mandy Vanity: I love this.
- Kwok Wing Lam: yes yes yes no
- Jesse Hsu: Guinness 一
- palmershire88: My son and I love this video. Everytime I sing it to him in public, he smiles! Plus, the guy is SO animated...great for kids!
- Aliya Aliya: Anyone know his full name? Jeremy ..............?
- rshweky9: how does he come up with this stuff its great!
- CloverMay: +Sbrandella Pavoni (Signor Capelli) NO UH HUH
- chloe christensen: Hi Julia!!
- tails98: 13!
- LifeAndTimelessArt:
- Jana Gacha: cool video
- Tameka S.: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- Le Ludi: lyrics pls
- Recovering Bennett: My 3 1/2 year old ASD child's favorite video!
- Vandetto: This video is like 5 years old
- NobleHonorGlory: that's enough internet for today
- Alan Pelletier: I forget all about these songs! Still a lot of fun 😁
- Tadligaming: watched this when i was a kid. now that i look at it...
- Michelle McMickin: Humdrumryryzz
- london tipton: U huh u huh huh yes yes
- Sheena Manani: TheBlackGamer poo
- SurfingisMyThing It's So Cool: If Jamie Foxx covered this...
- loolz9: NO NO NO NO NNNNO.....GRAET !
- Subscribe me.. HA! Made you subscribe!: Oh thank you!! My 2 year old baby sis loves it! It's best if I subscribe you.
- octopusphoto surabaya: @EmoCupcake152bbum
- Tan Christian: 我的孩子喜欢这首歌
- Cyden Irvine: NobleHonorGlory ink
- Steven Johnson: beautiful song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: ありがとう!
- brikena1: I love the video because my daughter learned very early how to say yes and no therefore we had less temper tantrums.
- CloverMay: LIKE IF OLDER THEN 10!
- jan7meg: easiest song with only 3 words to remember: uh-huh, yes and no =) thanks sss. more videos to come.
- Katia Henne Gonçalves: Meu bebê de 1 ano gosta tanto desse moço , como é o nome dele?
- bingbinggan: Super good song
- MacaberBlitz: I'm 18. And I strangely find this entertaining.
- Petre Jarda: Jázmin Daróczi
- Maple Leaf Learning: I love this video, and so do my students!!!!!
- Andrea Dubljević: bbg90ingham Jim hbn.nbkjuuhijjjjjjsjjj
- Amazing Kid Games!: Best one out there!
- Oxymoron: Thumbs up if you were so bored you searched for 'huh huh huh'
- Bushra Sajid: this is alright...
- Saima Razzaque: Aw, cutteee!!
- Leah Adams: OMG! ITS SO FUNNY
- Al-Bara: Great lyrics!
- sheetc desai: Hi I love your songs and so does my 15 month old son. Your hardwork shows in the quality of the videos you upload. They are, by far, the best on YOUTUBE. I love uh huh but when i tried to imitate the guy in the video, i almost sprained my neck... LOLLLL ....uh huh uh huh uh huh ...uh uh !!! love u guys
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @edudleykrizek Thanks! This song is on the CD Super Simple Songs 2. You can find it by following the link under the video. ^_^
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. 😁
- CountessBatula: haven't heard this song for 3 years lol My son loved it when he was 2 and separated from his dad and this song cheered us up :)
- Redman092000: lol i died of laughter when i watched this
- Cyden Irvine: L
- 許家源:
- John Robert: Kl
- ka be: :D:D:D:D:D
- Dilzik: o.o
- TheBlackGamer: I bet you people are trying to find a song that wasn't this xD
- Noor Hassan: AWSOME LIKE LOL
- Apple With eyes: KitWriter 👏👏👏👏well said
- Gandhi 1973: So Nostalgic
- zstinkerz: What is this guys name???? he is So talented, he should be on Sesame Street!!!
- KFOxF15: hhhhhhhhhh i just do like you ah ah aha ahah
- Zulue Martinez: MsIwalani yes
- Bruna Oliveira: cool :) hahaha
- mbelus1220: Love it
- Jose Tom: E
- Lety Garcia: Ah
- Josh Lindsay: omg i love this song uhuh uhuh uhuh
- Maximilian: Great puppet show
- Renáta Paliesková: blazni nedoporucam
- Jessica Torres: huh! funny lol :D
- MrFisterr: That's was my baby sister :P
- kb: you kno wat it is
- pufmama: very cute and cuddly. the puppets are nice too LOL.
- Private i: Very cute! From 1:00 to 1:08 reminds me of Charlie Chaplin's table dance with the dinner rolls!
- Mc donalds: I was bored and typed in uh huh
- TaraTreee: My pupils loves yours songs...especially this one! Thanks a lot!!! y ou are very great teacher for me too ;) CIAOO Tara
- Арман Бароян:
- rwk1983: it basically means yes. like uh huh (yes) will do that or you know what i mean Bert uh huh (yes)
- Osman Mahir: rK box C /XC , .hnm
- Mary: My niece loves this, it
- gene323: I'm frm m'sia, and believe it or not, my 13month girl loves ur video so much! and she learn to nod and shake her head follow ur song.. LOL.. thanks for the video!
- Apple With eyes: No
- thewillingwell: U must be really dizzy after that.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks! 😃
- Campanilla16: Extremadamente maniqueísta... =D
- Guinness: You're embarrassing yourself this is for children not grownups!!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for your comment, +morrisreno, it's nice to meet you. We have had the opportunity to meet quite a few male preschool teachers, but there does tend to be more women in this profession. We hope that more men will choose this career, it's very rewarding! 😀
- Toteserin: Wow, this is...
- Quy Huynh: it's great. I like it.
- Hannai Young: hahaha LA CARA DE SE WEY! xD
- egy anggana: bv. zx.
- atimbedell: I listen to this everyday
- Leidy Parada: jajajajaj espectacular!!
- Peter Griffin: (•_•) (•_•) <) (> uh <) (> huh / \ / \
- Alex YoungestJay: kl song
- alp eren: a black bunny u
- Jane Despabeladero: 2018?
- KL3223: Hi Maureen and Ms Thang. I thot its faster that I keep both of you in the loop. Following the discovery of the ceiling leak, I have reported the matter to the Developer’s office. I told the Developer’s office that I needed to shift in last Saturday, 17 Sept. Their staff (Ah Seng) already inspected the place and confirmed that the unit has no leakage, rather the leak came from the garden plot directly above my unit. FYI, directly above my unit is a garden not another unit, similar to the garden plot opposite my unit. Ah Seng said the water proofing needs to re-do from the garden area. When I checked with him last Thursday (15 Sept 2016), he said the work is still in progress. It was delayed by the 2 holidays last week and some contractors were taking extended leave. So I told him I have no choice but to postpone my move to this Saturday 24 Sept 2016. He said he will try his best, unable to give me a firm 100% confirmation, because he said if he cannot meet the deadline, I may be upset with him. I asked him what if I choose to move in this Saturday 24 Sept 2016, he said while the works are mostly done from the above at the garden area, but water leak testing may need to be observed from my unit where workers need to climb up the manhole/ceiling area to see if water is still leaking. Once all that is done, workers need to paint the affected area. As such, if tenant wants to move in this Saturday and if the work is not completed, i.e. continued to next week, then there needs to be supervision, e.g. tenant needs to take leave and stay at home to look after her belongings. Alternatively she can move in after everything is done. Given the above, perhaps its good to explain to tenant in case she is already packing and planning to move in this Saturday. Again, I don’t have an issue with the tenant moving in this Saturday, just that she needs to understand the potential inconvenience the workers may cause to her and that she need to supervise them in case her belongings go missing.
- Fernando Solis Valerio: crazy face!!
- Jake Errol: We're on the second childhood? lol
- Sabi Chowdhary: I fine myself humming this song all day long to my little nephew.He thinks Aunty is crazy .................lol.
- Kwok Wing Lam: yes yes yes no
- Meaw Man: emmm... his cute... :3
- littlefroggy06: haha im 16 and i love it!!! go us!!!
- Santiago Melendez: So stupid
- pohasche: i like it!=)
- Rachel Mittelman: My brother loves this video ;_;
- Amany Zenhom: ةةت
- Leon russell-walsh: A
- youarestupidxxx: dude seariosly it was good
- Amika Valentine: wish I knew this guy's name 😅
- TCG For Sale: Great and interesting song,it kept me occupied tks for composing this song :-) jk but the guy is so funny. B-)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awww....Glad he has so much fun watching this video, +moirohan. It's one of our favorites too. Hugs to your son. ^_^
- ray z: this is fun
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Annie Oconnor Uh-Huh!! :)
- eddine guidoum: superbe
- ivy lee: Jázmin Darócz丨
- Kwok Wing Lam: uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh
- Andrew Bell: i think it very funny lol do more
- jicssgr4h: wow that choreography must have taken hours of practice ....
- XxRGB2xX:
- Aznal Arief: I alwayz Laugh!!!
- precious986532: tooo cute!!!! ;)
- EATSLEEPJD: I am 21 and I like this :D
- nathaniel imalay: are teacher of pre school?
- heidy amaya: haha
- Necrow: Who would use a YouTube video to teach their kids?? Parents are getting worse and worse.
- Paula Roberta: Excelent!
- iTao: @kittface78 AHAHAHAHA me too! and i cant stop laughing at 1:11 !! try the super fast version!!! xD
- Alhanof Abdullah: My sis loved it From saudi arabia
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +goldenvtr It's not a wig!! Doesn't Jeremy have great hair?!?
- Dillon .Ancheta: what a catchy tune!!! uh-hu uh-hu-uh-hu uh-uh! haha.lol
- Katie Hyper 2: This one is my favorite but my Daughter's is old MacDonald had a farm, but she's okay with this one as long as Mom sings along!
- rox ette: it rocked my head and my neck
- Shanna Ream: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs zvgytygggpgbbbyccgfxddshrek
- Николай Корниенко: Very charming teacher!! I'm from Russia and use this songs for my studens!
- Túrósbukta Channel: hahaha
- hope96ful: love it,,,,
- Chris Richardsen: Cursed by 240p once again....
- Helaina D: 0:40 his face hahaha
- Feliko: omg xD i love this video :)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks! That means a ton to us.
- Tashfia Tarannum: Uhhh
- Mahlet Tadess: Am inlove wiz this lovely singer nd song thnx fo sharing blessed
- Troy Behrens: say what?
- Aina Røssland: Heh! soo funny ! :'D
- shego1142: I love this. I'm 18. ✨
- Christian Caba: Great song my son love it, i have to play it almost everyday for him. Thank you!
- um_7amano alowfi:
- ngök mgkhüöj: j
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Wow, you've been our friend for a long time!! We're glad you still enjoy it. 😀
- koolsteins: theres actully a fast version for you guys that dont know.
- HowL KinG: What the heck am I watching?!
- Jose Tom: I
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Alicja Nowakowska-Ficek Hi Jeremy!!
- natesd619: this is better than tv!!!!
- km lavee: @spacecadetdavsot Uh huh?!
- bigred rocksbud: omg
- PlayMeOnce: My little 6 months old boy loves this video. He smiles when I play it :)
- Adam Krutmeijer: Close enough.
- Jose Tom:
- sharpiemadness: =D =D =D ur awesome =D =D =D
- Hanny FootLettuce: Fire 🔥
- Sendux: this song got stuck in my head =P
- micky hossain: Upfjs
- Bluecu: Brilliant !!!
- yacoob: Me
- ctzue: My little bother luv ths song....You doing great...keep it up!!
- ayu poerba: Jkskkdkkkkakk
- Kronosus99: Ale jazda !!!!!!!!
- Tashfia Tarannum: Ih
- E. B.: hi, thanks for the greate vids and songs, i´m searching the cd in germany, but i cant find it. my son loves the songs and vids from super simple songs. thanks from good old germany
- aliyah khan: all songs are nice my kids loves them, but this one teaches a child to say uh-huh instead of yes/no . :(
- bgb: my daughter loves to watch this.. shes 11months old ^_^
- Anais Horden: We live in Mexico. I have a seven year old son that grew up watching this video, he always loved it and it was a way to get him to start speaking when he was less than a year old. Now we have a two year old that didnt want to speak (let alone speak English) very much, and i finally remembered this video and now he isnt just speaking, he is singing and dancing along to this as well...so thank you for making such a sweet video, you guys do a great job. P.S. You are as cute as can be, and that makes it bareable for me, mommy, to watch this over and over again with both kids!! ;)
- Lisandra: This video is pretty nice very cute :) My little sister loves your channel thank you for the great songs.
- MrGrand Star: Я первый русский ЛОХ Я всегда Первый понел? Лошара тупая сучка уёбачная.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Bao Khuyen Ly That's our friend Jeremy. He's a great guy. :)
- Mr.Haze13: My 9 month old daughter and wife love this.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: It's very nice to meet you, +Anais Horden! We're happy to hear that your son is having so much fun singing and learning, and that you enjoy our videos too. 😀
- Priscila Soares: every day I watch this video,I shake my head in the same way this guy is doing.lol
- Pamela Warren: whoa. almost TEN YEARS ago!!
- Curry Nick: once again good job
- missamna1: i love you loooooool
- Tami Irizarry: I've never heard this before....so much my fun! My son sang this all they way to bed.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Courtnye Lucido That is great! We're glad that he can follow along and is having fun, too! :)
- Tami Lewis: My first graders absolutely love your songs.
- Marissa Skolburg: there is something about this that is just sooooo funnny LOLLOL!!!
- sahar maleki: my boy love it !!!!
- mackenly perthanly: hahah soooo funny.. my son is funny doing this too.. hehehe love it
- manosvince: llllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllll
- Frisk Dreemurr: DAT FACE
- alejandra galvez: nice song..and the singer is quite cute ;)
- Peter Belford: I was looking for biggie smalls
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Wow, thanks for being such a long-time friend!! We're very happy to hear that you and your family have gained so much from this video. It's nice to meet you! 😁😁😁
- Ashley Allen: :) best song ever
- Mubarak: i love this even though i'm 14 years old. all of the sudden i wish i was 5 again. i think i'll favorite this.
- ADRENELINEDUDE: ...Uh...................................
- Abed Abushakra: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs boy u look like a bootlegged Bruno Mars
- Z.I.Q Royal: I think I took the wrong turn in YouTube.
- wen tai: 哦
- totes babe: this guy is a genius! i dont know but my 2yr old loves him so much and plays his vids everyday!!
- Nabila: this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
- Major2219: I love the Auto Tune Effect!!!
- afarkas26: My baby loves this...All the BEST to YOU!
- Txurniul: I like puppets
- Phyllicia Ong: Stumbled onto this through searching 'random english songs'. Don't ask me why. OTL.
- FlamingPivot2732: this is video is epic :D
- a black bunny: heh heh. I was searching for something else. instead, I get hit with a dose of nostalgia
- edson rubio: my son 2 favorite song
- Ahmet Ulupınar: Guinness de bu
- Jacob Falchuk: Awesome sause
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Mr1ottomaani LOL. If he's ever in the area, he'll be sure to stop in for a visit. ;)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: That's our friend, Jeremy. 😀
- Cyden Irvine: BASICALLY_LUIS f2f
- kelly romero: i looove this song so much i used to play it for my son when he was a baby now he is 7 years old and still remembers it now he sings it to his baby brother and he loves it so much too... this guy is amazing making kids music
- Tashfia Tarannum: Uhuh
- Takesinny: °_°
- Finicky Demize: @Lalaitou1 I'm 14 and i love it :)
- Belem Jimenez: NP mm ml jb noon book in fun NP
- aya ahmed: love it :)))
- Harun Naeb: haha lol :D
- mr.deeify: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Oh thanks alot, that's useful for kids 😀
- Mansour W bss: nice... if i have childes they would like it
- LYNDSEY Panam: a black bunny j
- ErikEristoff: omg, once you see this you cant stop singing it
- Jelena Tomasevic: Hhb
- goldenvtr: uh-oh is that a wig?
- Jaime Sebastián: Great, simply great. Thks a lot
- Sripriya Gopalakrishnan: 🏭🏭🏭🌆⛪️🏣⛪️⛪️
- SuperSourdough: @croatiger5 I am with you and I am older OMG
- jesse peek: l0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000l
- uilani kaalakea: Omg.....This just made my day for some reason. xD couldn't stop laughing and I have no idea how I got here.
- Maddie Rodriguez: My 19 month old loves Super Simple Songs he sings along and claps, it warms my heart job well done
- Abrie Love: Me and My brother Love this song we can't stop watching it!
- Eggs: lol i bet kid love this
- Shanna Ream: shrek
- chintaplan8: I felt in love!!! with u !!! hahahaha ... OMG! u look so cute singing that song!! my nephew loves it !!!
- Keanna Lee: wird but ok
- Goldiii1: xDDDDDD soo sweet xDDD i have a flaaash xDDDD
- alp eren: a black bunny bk
- Electro111 Dragon: I am French and when I was little I listened to it in a loop to learn English. I just love it
- nirmala Pradeep: My son who is 11 month old enjoys this song a lot thank u so much and i too love this song a lot ....Uh -Huh!!!!!
- Rania Samir: +MrFisterr p pun Lppohui
- kyle deschamps: my daughter has been listening to this song for months. the moment i even sit in a computer chair she sprints to me yelling "yesh yesh" and tries to pull herself up onto my knee to watch. and 5 little monkeys come in a close second
- Paweł Kulikowski: II9
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Katia Henne Gonçalves That's our friend Jeremy. We're glad your son likes the videos. :)
- Chandra Sekhar:
- Sol Arauz: My sister is 15 months and loves him
- BEEF DA GOD: This is torchour
- Anano Niqabadze: haah funny :D
- hani Mali: omg so good good jobb xDD
- Annie Oconnor: i love this ROCK ON
- hewlett: I want that hippo hand thing! Send it to Finland <3
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: ❣️❣️❣️
- AARIZ SHAIKH 7445: best of SSS
- Hassan Asraful: ma new favorite song
- Alexandra Paton: My 1 year old twins love this!! They laugh like crazy and run around all over the place. It's my new trick for calming them down. thanks!!
- Léo-Paul Naranana: wow
- Dan H.: uh huh uh huhhhhhhhhhhh
- linards volnianko: this song is stuck in my head :D
- Bunga seripagi: @zemphys yeah.me too.hahaha!
- Neu Dii: Lez do a sing along uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh uh yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes yes yes no no no no no no no uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh uhuh uhuh uhuh uh uh :D
- وثثثRana Nabil: م
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We can't believe it either, +Pamela Warren!! 😀
- nianalovely chhetri: my sis loves this she moves her head along with the song its so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Emma Richards:
- Brenda Cruz: +khadija Ishtiaq p
- mamathaitagi: 8
- Dorian P.: im 234 and i love it :-)
- Kriskazam: I liked the part when he said uh huh.
- Gina Attilano: My 21 month old son love this song! He will actually eat his vegetables while the song plays. Congratulations! You are good at what you do. Thanks for this video.
- kultapepu: haha :D
- Cyden Irvine: Dc
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @bluemello3 Thanks!! So glad to hear you enjoy it!
- Pamela Warren: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs oh wow! Never expected a reply! Lol this video was the first one my daughter saw on YouTube. Now she's hooked lol That was long before I started making videos ><
- Бодич Поважный: Крутяк я 1 русский
- MissFangs666: My niece likes the duck, i prefer the guy in the middle LOL. Looks like Mika. :D xx
- Tashfia Tarannum: Uhuh
- Carel Sampalucia: Aha aha aha ehe!
- Nicole Horn: lolzz
- Billy Klips: OMky
- Priya Iyer: superb !!! You are the best
- cash zen: @_@ I LIKE IT.
- Heather Love: MY 8th month son loves this song<3thx muchies
- Dawn Keen: +tuxedo cat the great hhhhhhhhhbbbbhbbhhhhhhhhhhb
- DropOut: HAHAHAA
- Взломщик: 12 years
- sarwat shagufta: it is a best song ever,my little one is just one year,he is creazy over uha uha uha u u......
- Chris Thistle: blast this in your car to be cool
- Brenda Cruz: +khadija Ishtiaq p
- Magma Magnetic: So many memories!
- mednos: Can somebody tell me pls what "uh huh" means in english, in seems to be used very frequently in american english but what's its exact meaning?
- valeska4ever: i just typed uh huh and i got this :P xD randomness
- GalaxyKitty Cat: I miss the old super simple songs or learning I'm 10 the new ones are terrible
- Virat the record breaker captain: Wow so cool song
- bl00df4rt: This will be a punk song in the very near future.
- Wong chunlok: 弓一
- littlt0lady: grear job !!!! my nephew loves the song thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu
- CloverMay: 0:39
- pachia xiong: uh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh hu huhuhuhuhuhuhuh
- Tatiana Bolaño: LOVE
- Wouter Nieuwland: He Is Happyy!!
- Darren Connolly: Tr. , c.!' Creeddduqkedeoed On,b e. ,. sw cfcfcftwwwrytwyty
- bbc8886: i love this vedeo it's sooooo cute
- Ronie: :D:D
- sandy lee: We love all your videos! My 14 months and 4 year old boys watch them everyday. Would you make videos of Mr. Sun and Old McDonald? Thank you so much! Keep up the wonderful work!
- Tasleem Azad: +Brenda Cruz fgy
- Mike Anholts: lol
- Logan ABCD: How old are you now?
- runafes: my 17 month old nephew shakes his head with this video:D
- Des Kitty: this is the most anoying song i have ever heard
- Pokemon Rayhan: +Charlon Yee
- LouLou: Still loving it! And loving that hair! :)
- free2bme1977: my 2 year old loves this song !!!
- Matthew Frith: Lovage!
- MyNaMeIsSaAr: its sooooo cute
- ShallonesS: hilarious! =D when I'm a dad, I'll show this vid to my kids! Loved it ^_^ great job... it took me back to my childhood! hehe!
- Aliya Zhunussova: Good job!
- magithree: 我一個同學很會恩哼XD
- XeinaW00t: I'm not English, but I use it as a way to say yes ^^ Got it from my mum, who travels a lot..
- Ellemphriem Nil: Man my daughter is 16 months in a couple of days and she learned to nod 'yes' from you and this video !!!!!!! THANKS!
- casey100: My 15 month old daughter and 5 year son old love this video. My daughter insists that I put puppets on her hands, then tries to sing along.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Valerie Smalkin: Okay, I'm becoming a total fan. This is so cute, sweet, catchy, and right on for children. And you are as cute as can be with a great sense of what looks good on screen, says this old children's musician.
- Joker's Left Hand: How sweet~ x3 the Song is too. :D joke =)
- Batify: i love all your videos..thanks for your help...
- Faria Nusrat: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs I like it because it helps my baby and it is better than other songs
- Tammy Smith: Kids approve
- MM Cracks: like my brother xd
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Timothy Stedman Glad we could help. :)
- Chola Samarasekara: +Super Simple Songs
- ItsStevieThePro: Is this some kind of room in Japan?
- Yolanda Edwards: uh
- CJ66: cheereeed me uppp!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @ME3Mag Thank you!
- Natalie: I bet you have like 1,000,000 friends. No joke Lol
- Sbrandellapavoni: uh
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +manahil khider LOL, yes it is!!
- brewcitybaddazz: I owe this man, I have taught my 9 year old, my 6 year old, and now my 13 month old all how to communicate yes and no with the help of this video when they were all the age of my youngest. Much respect! I love this video and so does my kids and the 9 year old still loves it to this day. Catchy video and good teaching tool for babies..wow almost 10 years I've been coming here but this is my first comment. Anyway, thank you sir.
- Leesha31415: hes kinda cute..even with the puppets :)) love it!!!
- Jeison Quiñones: +Super Simple Songs
- Sri Lakshmi Karna: wow i and my 18 nmonths old juust love super simple songs...this one is so superb
- Nafeeysah: i have 16 month old and she loves this song
- Daniel Edmond: Do u have a life
- smitha c: super too cool
- Tawny Goralnick: lol you are weird
- TheDaemonchylde: my 17 month old son laughed and shook his head to this song :)
- KitWriter: Jeremy-sensei (Japanese for 'teacher') is a music and child educator. This is a really old video (2006), and he has long-since moved on from this, but from what I understand, he is/was using music to teach Japanese kids English, and to make children's music for kids all over the globe, using YouTube (which started in 2005). Don't be terrified of him. This video is 12 years old (as of this comment), and in all that time, he's never done anything terrifying. He's just a good guy with a good voice and a big heart, that wants to make music for kids. Not so terrifying now, right? :)
- Wannallama 2: OMG HE TERRIES ME
- littlefroggy06: im 16 years and i love this video :D
- Walter Barros: hello! I love your work my 4 year old daughter too you are awesome! sory if a nade some mistakes I'm from argentina.
- Nancy Carreiro: love it! Keep up the good work.....
- livinimasean: i love this guy! And so does my son. Awesome
- ILoveBooses: Awesome video and talent
- Halema S: I'm 13 and I totally love this.Uh-huh Uh-huh~
- goldenvtr: +Super Simple Songs would have never thought it was real... so wiglike :D amazing
- Lu Bu: Super cute! I'm going to get my niece right now so she can watch this.
- Katie mk: This actually facinates me soo much!
- Hannah Malone: :DD
- Amika Valentine: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs such a goofball I love it 😍 so adorable 😅 even my kids were giggling 😊
- mariyah lea: This deserves to be on MTV lol
- Ivan Guzman: 8uu
- Jo Mann: , In k rdwrwz ez 4 t
- kingasia 101: #lol
- davsot: We used this during our Speech & Language Summer Camp! :D The kids loved it
- Amanda Asher: We just love this video!! my 18 mo old little girl has to watch it at least a couple of times a week!
- Terry Xiong: jhbhyvvgb c
- David Geester: Wak
- ErikEristoff: omg, once you see this you cant stop singing it
- Logan ABCD: Wow! Pls check out my channel see if your son likes any of my videos. Thank you
- Alicja Onik: Uh-huh Jeremy ;-)
- jakepaulisgay: I just watched it
- Danny Maness: Adorably cute and cuddly! The world needs more of that!
- FanofEverythingz: Oh jeez, why do I love this? I'm almost 16 yet I want to watch this over and over ^^ Real cute I like it lots :)
- Shanika Rue: 6u
- honestlywhatever: LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wojciech Worek:
- sarahsjohn: Great song. My 21 month old goes on 'uh huh uh huh' want :)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Here's an updated version of this song with the lyrics (enable the subtitles to see them): https://youtu.be/XgTNWZMpzFo. You can also find lyrics on our website: http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/two/uh-huh/. 😀
- Sulaiman Aljabari: I knoooow I used to play it to my Uncles son when I was in middle school and he loved it!!!
- Sam Lee: Uh huh uh huh uh hu! HAHAHAHAHAHA
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +jeremy olden Thanks!! We'll pass your message along to him. :)
- Agnieszka Istead: X Czxxccv vbb. M,,.
- Ian Hovenkamp: uh huh
- TheFreyFam: The guy in this video looks A LOT like Mike Messer from the Dirty Sock Funtime Band... Any chance it is?
- Tish Batinica: Daniel Blom
- Shanna Ream: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ffshrek
- maca bowthai: i think i made a 1 million extra views of the amount of times i have watched this with the kid i babysit :)
- sam zoe: this guy is funny...
- Gaming Penguin 5 Boss: i used to watch this as a kid (so many memories: it brings tears to my eyes)
- TackieGames: What
- CountessBatula: +Super Simple Songs Now it's my little girl's turn :)
- SupremeGuy: when i was 3, this song is used to be my fav song but now ......
- nicola coldicott: +Super Simple Songs me too ;) lovely eyes
- nejate yassien: cooooooool
- GongsunZan: lol
- jammerptr9: i love this cuz it looks like he is really having fun :D, im 18 and im having fun. sad i kno but i cant help smiling :)
- Tammy Smith: Kids approve
- coooclmmaann12: lol funny
- Adam Deakin: bnxxgdgcvgjxgjghfchcb bb b vcvfzd cv bgbcgcv gcvc gffgc ggcc gggfgffycyvgggggtyygvygyyyyggtggtyliryjdjSF vzfs zx xznfxng xhff zzvnmc mfgvmjmçş, m gvjgnjjjhnjjjhhds vgıifhçx.hvhhhfvmhhvmgnchfgcgccccffxgffcxxgxgdyfzdyysedydydtxyd.
- Cyrelle Laceda: i like him too he's too cute in "go away! - just for fun!"
- Rhonda Winterstein: X-ray
- Reema Akhtar: Rosélia Sette Bol lb FfVnbr
- Alicja Nowakowska-Ficek: Our son's name is also Jeremy. He loves this song very much
- Nur Shafiqah Rosli: LOL) my sister and little brother love this))
- lockiflocki111: looool
- Mark Andra: If I do this here in China kids will laugh out loud and parents will think it is a waste of time. But great job!
- nejate yassien: my brother loves this!
- Kim Milun: my little bro is scared of the fast version
- Christine Helms: i have to admit this made me smile.
- bluemello3: This video has millions of views... and at least half of them have to be from my daughter repeatedly requesting to watch it :-) Simple to learn and repeat, annoyingly catchy -- a toddler favorite!
- Salwa Aqeel: ا
- ebaymamaqueen: awesome!
- Mariane Carvalho: Muuuuito legal!!!!
- Orbital Wig: Like if your watching in 2015
- christopher meza: The super fasr one was funny
- m4rus: omg its so amazing...i love this song...btw youre so hot
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Arshya Seheli Huq: L,,, ig
- Major2219: This actually sounds good!
- durf: this is probably one of the funnies videos ive seen in a while..
- bbc8886: really cute
- Eman Baig: I know right? It's March 2016 , and I'm watching this.
- laidback and hungry: i play your videos when my dog gets rowdy it calms her down and she gets tired i sing along and she ends up taking a nap
- Apple With eyes: The oldest vid I watched when I was about 3
- Zaris Azuan: We can
- Nicéphore Cens: When you leave Autoplay on for too long.
- SAdia Yousaf: ..
- Katie Cheetham: ahahahaa im a 13 year old and i find this hilarious!!! x
- Katya: O.O
- RandomGameShowNL: Nostalgio
- Splendid Beaked Man: My baby brother listens to this song, but for some reason I'm listening to it on my own now... *feels awkward*
- LadyWow100: My son is now 4 year 5 months hes been watching this since he was 3 months old now my new baby is also doing the same i love the videos myself lol
- 김철영: +Super Simple Songs
- ErikEristoff: omg once you see this you cant stop singin this
- Momo Junior: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs boy I'm about to get on your Afro lookin head, where do you get music from your stuffed animals?
- Sebastian Rodriguez: Me
- 録画用ボトル: じわるわー(笑)
- Kitty Hawk: Who is the man who is in this video? BTW love you SSS!!!!
- Brendon J: I wish it had lyrics :(
- evan mittelman: luv it:)
- Abraham Von Dette: Good
- Kimberly Sestak: My 2 yr old loves this video! He laughs his butt off lol I think this video and many of your other videos are so cute! Keep em coming! Oh and the guy in the middle is pretty cute as well lol :)
- MegaScoobert: had to whip out my puppets so i could sing along to it :)
- Mary Madrid: P
- oxdraygonflyxo: My daughter //loves// this song! Every time she sees a new Super Simple Song, it's added to a playlist for her. GREAT for teaching her to talk too, since we make her request the songs she wants!
- Lakeshore Learning: We're with everyone else - CANNOT stop watching this video. Thanks for using our Big Mouth Puppet Pals!
- LadybugGirlShow: This is genius! Loved it :)
- hesdel777: this guy have angel, love him
- RedQueen Alice: :D :D
- Kokonut: Im 16 and i can't stop listening to this ;D
- Beth Annecchini: You seriously rock! My son and I love you!!!
- Kai Sky: My son loves your songs soooooo much! Thank you and please do more with you and puppets. They are really fun.
- Super0ink: Lol
- Kylie Hajny: My 22month old son loves this song! His fav on YT! Has been for a while now. UH-HUH he'll say to me meaning hurry Mum I want to see the song again!
- gerrabath: CHARGE!!!
- sunflower aliens yees: Like if it watching in 2015
- mr.deeify: Please upload this song with lyrics 😅
- TheGamingLion76: who is watching this in 2016?
- TheM3Habib: 365 dislikes = 365 haters
- mimituico: my daughter love this.. is that the guy from the incy wincy spider?
- Justin Perlman:
- a black bunny: oh God, I remember having to listen to this song every day when my brother was 1 years old. and I enjoyed this song. hits me right in the nostalgia
- Yash Bee: @zemphys i was watching method man
- Sendux: @SuperLinards same
- TheBenHud: These videos are hilarious! Please make some more!
- MrsLukitasari: my son like it..
- Anan Kafafi: Dyanaris Ramos
- Electro111 Dragon: thanks
- Dead Channel: hey look its 2006 devon!
- HowL KinG: Clicked on the wrong video
- Crys D: yes!! yes!! yes!!
- harlstanowner i n ze horseworld: me and my friend are 14 and we love this - cant get enough - so funny! :D
- Brandi Campbell: Your super attractive :D and this song was SUPER adorable :D
- DestineeBTV: I showed my friend it and we loved it! I'm 11!!! Best. Video. On. The. Internet! <3 =)
- Sam Lee: Uh huh uh huh uh hu! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I like the duck
- PistonDrive91: my learned way more this vid ,then full season of dora the explorer ! thnks u guy :)
- Sarah olden: jeremy was so good at this. wish him well and great success in his new field of work
- Fatima Rios: c
- Carol Foster: Please do more songs . . . you're adorable and my 2.5 year old loves you!!!
- longben5: THIS IS THE BEST
- يونس الابيض: I'm watching it till now
- xo Tiff: omg that was so cute
- Dori Anna: this guy is such a cutie!!! whats his name?
- Sanel Buljevik: xD love it xD just so cool! best for small kids! =)
- bizhan daud: aaa
- Vicky Thiru: +Roberto Ortiz h
- Cartoonsoldier83: I do this song with my 3 year old and I'm 27
- DudemanSwede: fun for kids!
- McGturtle3: Lmao <_<
- SatchelAttamore: Now why does this remind me of the extra extremely cartoony version of the Blue Eyes Ultament Dragon?
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hope he still enjoys it, +CountessBatula!! Thanks for watching. ^_^
- Rasangi Weerasekera: Awesome video! :))) Love this <3 Btw, I'm 25 :D
- Кристина Тимошенко: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs вввыыыыыыыыыыввввввввввввввыывввыццывввувввввввчвыв
- bahjat batool: Anila Bhatti qqqq
- r.westfall: a
- jimmiebusch123: XDD NICE!!!!!
- Tania Amaya: LadyWow100 Sllke
- tavi21s:
- Anselm Benjamin: Ono
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Tammy Smith Glad to hear it!
- Gouken1995: @Snrub08 you so crazy
- Sergio Bujan: It´s so simple!!...so nice!...excellent! Congratulations!
- Abby Hamza: LH!
- DarthVachida: awsome song dude
- 민티빙: wow very good
- Rosélia Sette: 💜💛💚💛💜
- snow1snow1: i have finaly found what I have been looking for. Thank you, thank you, thank you
- priyanka mishra: nice and awesome
- Camilla W: You got skills;)
- م.محمد الغامدي: Priyank Singh is up
- Brayden D.: 13 my little sister used to love this...8 years ago lol
- narmaK: great for small children
- anwar m: I'm 20 and i really enjoy this video
- Random Chaos: My son loves this guy lol
- VikingEgg: Imagine this seen from a window and you didn't see the camera... :S
- qu1ntess0n: Tried acting this out for my kid the other day .....(LOL) lot harder than it seems. Some serious hand-head coordination going on here!
- starrlynn84: my kids love and sing this song all the time lol
- BASICALLY_LUIS: ______________________ who is watching this ____________________ in december
- Heer Khan: my daughter loves it
- Dzom Linh: My little sister loves it
- TheBanned0ne: Lol, I was looking for some video saying just uuh hhuuuuu, because i wanted to show it to someone, like, saying that i don't believe him. Then I came across this vid, and my mind was blown ... WTF ... like it, it's funny, but .. what the (bliep) ... :p
- ME3Mag: We bought the CD from them and play it every time in the car. Our two year old loves it!!
- Gillian Waller: IradaP I don't think so
- SDC Game: I will see the subtitles
- webkinz8090: im gonna show this to my sis whats not to love i love it!
- TheTearfox: i'm a teen and i love this song Thxs for putting on
- MTierdOfUsernames: thank you! you put both the 2 yr olds to sleep!
- Guinness: Love all of you guys videos! Probably not more than my son though. You guys are awesome!
- papa bless: I found this when I was like 13 or so and loved it?? and it popped in my head today as a 20 year old and I had to watch it again haha great song
- TheAshleyspaa: Yes, very cute indeed!!! like it..
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Good guess, but that's Jeremy! 😁
- LovesNotFair: My 2yr old granddaughter loves this video. If she is across the room and hears me start video she comes running and screaming.
- Dyanaris Ramos: Mm y to get the hang of it all
- Tiffany Heart: Daddy
- dannygmzz: 0:00 - 1:30 has to be my favourite part. :)
- Cyden Irvine: AMYAS Seek Truth jkl.L
- Anca M: *11* years ago...😘😘
- joza nica: MUY BUENO!
- Saja AlRawi: omg am like 18 and i cant get enough of this song i just love it i sing it 24/7
- Clarrissa Arrington: my three year old loves most of his songs. i also for some reason have a lil crush too
- Kuka Saeed:
- chicalibaja1970: my girls love you! you are great! cool vid!
- Sujatha Gudi: .o" rlK P P
- sydkneecaps: Im ELEVEN, and this song is addicting. thats so sad.
- krissym7: I keep watching this. I'm 14:$.
- Bebhinn E.M: huh
- Queen Latifah: haha xD
- Stampy Nose: Uh huh
- Glenn Marks: Omg childhood
- rurusiddi: Jeremy is a cutie! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
- nxxxya kkkkk: My 18 month old doll just loves u.n does uh hun
- supermenciu: omg ...
- dragongirlsapphire1: My 4 year old sister loves all the songs. I do too and im 16!! Keep new ones coming
- AShadowofU: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. I found this by mistake, but I can't look away. *claps* Very nice. <3
- Gillian Waller: IradaP qyy
- SLIMEY HANKLE: Im scared now...
- Sunny Butt:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!!
- Roberto Ortiz: +Super Simple Songs
- Chintalapudi Himabindu: Hey The guy who is doing this video is really great.My 21/2 year old daughter loves all your videos..She enjoys Go Away song very much and she loves doing Incy Wincy Spider along with video....Thanks for teaching her soooo Many things...Keep up your great work.
- Tommy Hirst: +Super Simple Songs klkonpnpkpk
- Haseenah Maideen: Thanks
- masivebored: should do a gangsta remix
- mamboboy: Jeremy Chapman RULES
- vacuumlover1: look its joe jonas!
- Lu Bu: Cool beans
- LA_gamer2009: i like this video but i like go away scary monster much more and its not working grrr
- MachoMadness: I love this song ! I'm going to watch every day!
- Corso5: Cute.
- rshweky9: i showed my niece this and shes laughing so hard
- RachelEMacD: haha! I really like it! Good job :) Gotta love the choreographed dancing :)
- William Jones: lol nice enjoyable for adults and kids
- giantsfan822: 174 people dont have a sense of whats funny
- Exoskeletorz: Rhiannon LOVES this! she smiles everytime it's on...she learned 'yes' from this song. we get it stuck in our heads all day lol =P
- godsgator16: That was so cute!! You have a great smile! Hope you keep making these cute videos for kids :D
- Exyschen: schwul
- Brunhilda Bingen: I love the song and my kids love it even more. Thanks a lot!!!
- Андрей Малькин: З0х
- liberty wright: i love this song i sing it to my little sister all the time
- geraldo pusing: Go
- Connor Manderfeld: 2 dank 4 me
- Hannah Walker: He needs to grow up
- amethystaqua: ..super cute,<3 it!gonna teach it to my kindergartens..thanks SuperSimpleSongs ^__^
- manahil khider: throwbacckk
- Arianne Naveo, vsfc z: Jázmin Daróczi Qaqqqq" .
- Nancy Carreiro: this is my 1 year old son all time favorite song he keeps shaking his head whenever he hears it. u got the whole family singing even my 96 year old grandma
- umiy1971: Such a jungly feel to this song. and then the farm music touch. hah. Genius!
- AmyK Black: omcp!!!!same here!!!!!!haha i couldent remember how it went today and now im sitting here watching it again haha lol
- Daniel Blom: Николай Корниенко
- Regalo1.9.7.9: woooooooooow! super gemacht! my sooon is obssessed with your videos hahaha... very entertaining!
- Nguyễn Thị Kiều Oanh: Pls tell me how to load this song?!
- E_D_K: My son has liked this song since he was months old. I can sing it when he's upset and he stops crying. No other song works, so weird, but this song just calms him and makes him smile! I wish it were on CD!
- Kasia Wilczewska: Dyanaris
- Tatiana Damon: yo i like this well im only 11 so it dont matter
- Yuri Romão: Esse video é o favorito do meu filho, tenho um video dele cantando . ^ ^
- mariattractive: hah, the guy is handsome
- Radomir Dimitrov Atanasov: Sooooooooooooooo cute
- Featz FX: wie hobby los ist der typ? xD
- KitWriter: Here, in America, more-and-more men are starting to get into the profession. And, as a school bus driver, I've heard from kids that they feel safer knowing there are men in the building. It's a shame that kids don't feel completely safe in schools in this day-and-age, but the fact that seeing male role models has a positive effect means we'll start seeing more-and-more men getting into the field. If you ask me, there's always a need for male role models and educators for kids. I've seen far too many kids that suffer because they're being raised by mom & grandma, and these kids really benefit from having a friendly male teacher / role model to placate, because for those kids who don't have a dad around, they still have a father-figure in their lives. Plus, we're getting to a point in the world where it's finally starting to be okay to be manly AND teach kids. Just like it's finally acceptable for women to be police or fire fighters. Keep doing your thing, S.S.S.! My newest son LOVES your videos!
- necati ozyakup: Who is watching this with your mom? 🙋🏻 me
- karin lategan: I love this guy, and my toddler even loves him more!!! This tune is so catchy, love it!!
- xxfallenangel205: Oh my god.. This is SO hilarious! :D
- Juan Manuel: love it :-)
- Jorik Van Raemdonck: goed filmpje matin
- Bureau Cracovie Accueil: Rosélia Sette gbvggcxvv
- TheDragonRider's:
- Lazour Fish: what kin of children play is this? :S does this guy work with kids or something?
- Seda Virabian:
- Ambida Rowella: kozlzlllzlzllplp
- JACKYWACK23: Epic!!!!!!!!!!!
- KönigstiGerhart: --------------------------------------------
- shibynitin: good one
- Kaydee Matthews: my 2 yr old niece loves super simple songs i play them all the time for her she always sings twinkle twinkle little star it calms her down and she falls asleep
- NAHIDA HOQUE JENNY: Erv , . B,sa m as
- Billyboy8946: Good
- moirohan: My baby is totally crazy about this song. The first time he watched this video he was 5 and half months and he started to move inmediatelly. This is the only song that has that effect on him. After that he laughs and jumps everytime we watches it. He is 7 months now. Thanks a lot for the fun!!!!
- Rikki 3: it's fun ;)
- Timothy Stedman: thank you. That was helpful.
- Artex: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Mandy Kaur: Uh hu
- 쉬쿡: ㅍㅈ
- KitWriter: LOL you say that now, but one day when you have a teething child who is constantly wanting your focus to be on them, you'll put this on and BAM, they're enraptured. Next thing you know, you can put on videos, like this one, and it gives you time to: -Use the bathroom in peace! -Do the dishes -Prepare a meal -Do laundry -Do the bills -Pay your taxes -Calm your teething child so they are not over-tired -Pick up the toys on the living room floor -And many other things! Then, you'll be like, "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH, Super Simple Songs! I can breathe! I can keep my house from looking like an episode of HOARDERS. I can take a shower or brush my teeth without the kid freaking out over my back being turned to them!" Then, you'll be like, "These people are the best! And their stuff is way better than Barney and Teletubbies!" Their "Baby Shark" cover is, by far, the absolute best thing ever. My 8-month-old son is able to enjoy it on the TV, phone, or tablet, at any part of the house, or even out-and-about, so that he doesn't freak out when I am trying to talk to the lady at the bank, or some such. You'll see! LOL
- IradaP: This guy terrifies me.
- almobarmij: +Super Simple Songs
- lekar77: i totally love this songg!! i will definitely try it with my future ESL students! : )
- Nikita dean Dobbs-pharand: ROFL
- TpGConfused TotalPointG: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA L O L ;o
- maca bowthai: same thing for me too when i babysit!
- djemeigh: super cool and sweet guy :D
- Sanne L: P
- sampharo76: Suuuuuper!!!
- An A.R.M.Y: I wasnt born yet XD october 26
- toni n.: HAHA
- sancopancho: Great video and song, my 10-month old baby loves it
- Gabrielė Lukoševičiūtė: :D cute song
- Arslan Tahir: You rock Un-Hun Un-Hun Un-Hun
- 2gamersilent: olololololololololololololol
- Hanadi Obeid: 2ت4يبزظوفبنظ
- crossworksasia: Amika Valentine 一
- Pixel: wonderful!!!! Thank you!!!
- Lauren White: my kids love this:)
- californialuver4: uh-huh...
- melvin lorenzana: screech
- Wunderburn: I like the fast version better, but this is cool too!
- Techno .Clowns: My son and the rest of the family loves this video uh huh, and theres not a moment we don't continue to watch this and all your other video's nah hah.. but some times I just cant help it but have the urge to want to toss a pop-corn Cornall in his mouth when he is bopping his head and mouth wide open to uh huh..Jk well keep of the good work - Gotta love it.. and now to play it again...
- Bree W: It was funny at the end where you looked around and all the puppets where gone and you put your head down very quick.
- Maya Anderson: Nice!
- DestineeBTV: Me and my friends are 11 and we probably watched this video more than all the toddlers combined! :D A Total teenager FAVORITE!!! :)
- Aisha asif: Dj
- Filler5: Funny and very interesting! Add into My Favourites!
- mlarsen90: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!
- Bao Khuyen Ly: Anyone knows the guy's name in uh-huh song? I like him very much!
- mounika.biotech Kandregula: Y
- SAMSamySAMILY: Uh huh!!!.....hhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Cyden Irvine: Chloe'sC⃣ h⃣ o⃣ c⃣ o⃣ l⃣ a⃣ t⃣ e⃣Factory I .
- Courtnye Lucido: My son has vision problems and he has started to follow this young man. He now does the no part and is learning the yes still. Our son can distinctively see the yes motion and the no. Thank you for a fun video
- Mechelle Sicat: Ni jkkoo9o
- Biplab Das: my son 14 months running now. from 11 months he started watching this.. every time we say uh huh, he goes to computer... this is so simple and fun... good job..
- rorriannroch: Very very cute!
- rochelimit's hangout: ahahahahaha yes ahahahaha no no NO!
- Roxanna Figueroa: Screech !!!!
- Christie Perez: my son smiles from ear to ear watching this. thank you so much!
- Filler5: Haven't seen this since 2008. And i gotta say, this song is so weird and funny. U viewers should try speed this up and listen to this song. Its hilarious.
- WeAre Roses: my daughter loves this
- Jon Li: lol, u know. u should have 1 puppet mess up towards the end. u know, like those in some shows. good job nonetheless
- Lata Verma: Oh my! this is cute.
- Infectedsakki: @foxymafia nope... am 18 aswell and i love it =)
- Angel WandersWonders: i luv this song!!!!
- Youcef Manori: I
- Natalie: my 2yr old neice and my 18 month onld nephew LOVE this song! they play it like, 30 times a day when they come round!
- Dyanaris Ramos: A lot to
- Angela Bowers: im 14 and i love it!!!!
- jovi junior: i like
- พรสรวง เอกพันธ์: uh huh uh huh!!
- dozyasusual: both mom & kids love you ! Thnks
- Kupono McDaniel: That's GOLD! Mahalo from Hawaii
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 谢谢
- Anila Bhatti: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ,I.vivi.bv
- 7 zxot: who got bored and searched aha aha ?
- viva la vida viva: huaooooooooooo my little girl love it .........i dont like it at all but she love it so much she uses my lop top and know allready where to go ..............here is she at your page,,,,,
- Muhammad Elhafidz: Lol. I'm 26 and I strangely find this entertaining. I love this guy in the video.
- forgivenbyhim2001: I know you JC!!!!!
- Geetanjali Saini: me and my daughter love to watch u.U r grrr8.I think i hav a crush on u
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Uh-Huh! | Super Simple Songs | |
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Education | Upload TimePublished on 26 Oct 2006 |
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