You can find FREE activities, worksheets, and picture cards for Valentine's Day at http://tinyurl.com/SuperSimpleValentines ^_^.
To watch an extended version of this song, visit here: http://youtu.be/7vPzg7VLUsY
This song is available on the Super Simple Songs 3 CD.
Get it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J...
Or iTunes
"Where Can I Get Those Puppets?"
We got them from Lakeshore Learning: http://bit.ly/ahgSaL
Skidamarink a dink a dink
Skidamarink a doo
I love you
Skidamarink a dink a dink
Skidamarink a doo
I love you
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon
I love you in the evening and underneath the moon
Skidamarink a dink a dink
Skidamarink a doo
I love you
Music: Super Simple Learning
Song: Skidamarink
CD: Super Simple Songs - 3
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Blog: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog
- ToriaBeauty: @heather1234123 same:LL
- dandowning83: my 2 year old girl loves all of your videos, this one especially, she goes about singing this song and dancing every morning after watching this.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @LPeovic Thank you!
- 14lilangel: I remember watching hearing this song from a show... I don't remember the name of the show because it's was soo long ago, but they had elephants in it XD
- Reny: I like the hair :3
- santoajay: Cathy Castillo h n bn n. P k. Nvnc
- nyein lay: ?... Q
- xopydopy: ❤️
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @HarryPotterFreak618 It's originally from a 1910 Broadway musical. Jimmy Durante did it in the 50s. And Sharon, Lois, and Bram did their great version in the 90s. Definitely a classic!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Ellemphriem Nil: Do what you're doing our kids love you.....don't answer to self satisfying comments...........like the one above.....i mean WHO cares.........what the correct lyrics are......
- djk6516: @ldlm1976 you dont comb curls.
- Ye Baraguir: AAAAW. This song! We sang this the last time we want camping with my co-high school students. Taught by one of my faaaavvvveee teacher. Thank you, Ma'am, for letting me know this beautiful song(: Lovelovelovvvveee! <333333
- Dee: justin bieber XD
- Zusanna Woe: hahaha... lovely and cute. i like this video.
- anthg75: SZCNJB. C X. I have to let you tuuo day. I. I. I Cy yryry
- Gible Shark: eeek I rmember this song from when I was 4
- Masonox: omg i remember this from when i was so tiny X3
- Amy Spicer: Ellie Everhart vxvfcw
- Jen Thomas: I ADORE THIS SONG!
- sakuraminekura: skida marink kadink kadink, skida marink kadoo, I- Love - You. skida marink kadink kadink, skida marink kadoo, I- Love - You. I love you in the morning and in the afternoon I love you in the evening and underneath the moon~ Oh! skida marink kadink kadink, skida marink kadoo, I- Love - You~ And I love you so much for making this video. ♥
- Mohd Khazani Darawi: I know the name of the show. it's THE ELEPHANT SHOW!!! Am i right?? hehehe
- flatulatingmarmoset: My 5 year old son made me watch this so he could see what it was. I hate that song. I have a sister that is 7 years younger than me. She used to watch The Elephant Show, and that song was on it alot. AAAAUGH!!!
- wen tai: 愛心
- Chan Foon Yew: Cathy Castillo llk
- Ezra Konneman: sooooo funny haha lol<3
- Kiddly3000: my niece that is 10 months old loves this
- darry107: im here because of dayum drops.
- Elnovis Adams: Xxx
- Rusiah Lahap: GR
- Lady Xeona: i love this song from when i was little. my kid has your same hair in one of her videos-lol
- VP1511: My 16 month old loves all your songs. Thanx..
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. 😂 Too funny, +Cathy. We're glad your little sis enjoys the songs so much. Thanks for sharing with her. 💕
- Elle S: well ive got to say...this is addictive. i love it. a lot.
- MrsHabu03: I used to play this video for my 3 year old when she was a baby and now my son also watches it. Thanks for the great videos you post on here!
- -Nanna Saleh-: Hi
- isabela cavaco: cuuuuuuuteee!!! ♥ Justin sang this song!! *-* so sweet !
- Gudrun Nolsøe: soo cute <3
- Angelique Hayag: It's "skid-a-marink-y-dink-y-dink...skid-a-marink-y-do I LOVE THIS SONG
- toblie83: What did i just watch???? That hair is mesmerizing....
- trudy: I sang this at Pre-K graduation for my mom (it was Mother's Day). LOL :)
- Amanda Russell: this song brings a smile to my face.. :DDD
- A.R.M.Y Duong:
- Cathy Castillo: my baby sister loves this song. she listens to your channel almost every day and sings and dances to them. She's 19 months. And that guy looks like my current boyfriend.... 0_0
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +wen tai 💖
- zerofah: you are so funny, love it!
- Pink Moms Lounge: sweet song
- livinimasean: My son loves you! And I do too! Even though he makes me play your "Uh Huh" video a millions times a day! :) You're amazing
- CALE STUMPFF: @trinipixie108 not true
- sakuraminekura: omg........ omg.... this makes me so happy! i love this so much! subscribing your channel!
- Heather Nichole: i love the hair ;D lol
- Losaru: Now I wanna watch Sharon Lois and Bram...lol.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We are, we are!! ✋
- jeremy kw: trop bien cette chanson i love it
- gaurav gupta: J
- Tori Vincent: Hahahahaha I used to love this song as a kid!!! xD
- poshablyposh: OMG!!! I LOVED THAT SONG!!okay...haha
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: It's coming......
- Sophia Mez: JUstin sing that so cute ^^
- TJ Wrenn: sharon, lewis, and bram's elephant show. heh can't believe i used to watch that.
- Kristine Diaz: my 18 month old daughter sings this very well because of watching it repeatedly,and she can also say "i love you" perfectly with ur help..thanks a lot.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL!! 😂😂
- wen tai: 愛心
- Negar A: Is this the old one?
- ayalahdelly: gives me chills
- Crazyskullz: You're right man! Great video!
- RunningKicksButt: I have loved each and every one of your videos. I honestly think that you should make some DVD's to go along with your SuperSimpleSongs CD's because I would snatch them up! My twins totally loved them! Kids won't eat unless I play them on YouTube. Bigger girls think you're too cute.
- ryusin 250: Ellie Everhart ew
- Dave H: If you're going to use a famous song, get the lyrics right. It's "skin-a-marink-y-dink-y-dink...skin-a-marink-y-do"
- Kingg Wagons: @scoots3131 please don't get on here and be critical of how someone sings, it just makes you look like an idiot.
- MrsHabu03: my daughter loves this song. We sang it at her infant playgroup (4 to 9 months) and I looked for it online... now that she is 16 months, she still loves this clip and shakes her head from side to side like in the video!
- Chuck E Cheese's Feat Yoshi 89: Why pingu here
- ToriaBeauty: justin bieber brought me here too :LLL lol
- Megan McD: @MultiMeg1 This song is REALLY old..This guy nor did that Justin kid make this up. -_______-
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We're thinking about it...could be coming soon. Thanks for the encouragement!
- kyle90876: What's this song from? I sing this to my niece all the time.
- Ellie, Maple And Maya Love Lol Dolls: ME
- Feliko: I think all your videos are very very good! =)
- kids toys fun toys: My baby stephanie love this song.When she was six months, she watched this video and she smile.She loved the puppet.until now that she's already ten months old she still love this.She smile and clap her hands everytime she watch this.luv it....^_^
- Antonio Bigas: own
- Annie Att: My 3 year old grand daughter came home from Nursery singing,she was word perfect.Iam so pleased that I have found it on You tube.What a lovely song
- Nikki H: so cute
- Kennita Watson: It's a nonsense word (finale from a 1910 musical; check Wikipedia).
- FALLOUTINREVERSE ESCAPETHEHORIZON: awww thank you so much or putting up these lovely educational music my 1 yr old brother loves them!!!!!!!!!!
- garvin0313: Sharon Lois & Bram's Elephant Show actually
- MrsKoeter: Two minutes before I listened to my death metal but now I cant stop listening to your songs. ♥
- Tsonchi: i sent this to my gf its funny
- Sierra Elizabeth: needs to be how justinbieber sang it!
- NabS: i love this song...lol its too cute!! and the kids we babysit love it too!!
- RunningKicksButt: Love it! Love all the SSSongs but the kids really love it when they see the video. VIsual Stimulation with a Great Song! How about a DVD to make life easier for us?
- Grancie48: My grandson learned this song at daycare. Now he loves singing along with you at home. Thanks for making this video.
- Sophia Mez: @caramel9614swirls yES SO CUTE ^^
- Rashidah C: im 13 and i love this song :) immma sing it at school tomorroow
- Abdulkareem Al-Shoail: Thanks
- ray z: me too
- Ellie Everhart: I think this is our favourite. Thank you. Ellie and Sophia x
- captainimpalerrox2: I remember singing this song for my kindergarten graduation! Fave baby song eva!
- Agony ー: I've got a shock when i saw the man on 0:20 :D
- alicia harrisingh: can I buy puppets too?
- Tevo77777Vinnie: Hi
- kannan pothiraj: Too short Repeat one more time
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: There is a longer version. Just search Skidamarink! from Super Simple Songs (or click the annotation in this video) ^_^.
- sHoRTiiCuTiE: Heard this from a commercial and now it's stuck in my head. :| But I still love it :D
- Amy Spicer: Ellie Everhart wsaqc
- Empressah: So funny that when I sing I love you to my baby she now always 'jingles' her head:D
- Megan McD: Awww, this brings me back. :]
- sepifi: OMG! I remember this song! XD
- Snoopymum01: that was very cute!!
- Nancy Carreiro: haha i love it i sing this to my baby boy everyday! He`s so cute!
- Grace T: i only know this song because Justin Bieber sang it, and let me just say his version was MUCH cuter :')
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: This are mostly from the old 100 yen store :-)
- MultiMeg1: Justin Sang It, But I Thought It Was What He Made Up! Then When I Saw This I Realised Justin Got It From This! Now I Know What Justin Used To Watch As A Kid! Haha
- Bimmm: You are amazing! :)
- Raynor Clarke: S HI
- Nikki Blunier: Wow this is gonna get old.... my little cousin plays it over... and over... and over....
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @scoots Thanks for the comment! The original 1910 version of the song was "Skidamarink" SLB's excellent version was "Skinamarink". There are many different versions...doesn't really matter as long as you have fun singing it ^_^
- mdj Ronaldinho: super voice ! lovely song!
- Gita Gemala Rizki: awww justin bieber sang this <33
- Sophia Mez: Justin Bieber sing that <3
- HolidayHelm: My friend sent this to me on fb. LOL!
- SpongeBob the Fan girl: Who still watching this in 2017 and who's going to watch in 2018
- Elise schultz: i think that is so cure you guys rock
- trojanoutwood: brill song my 10 months loves it cant keep her eyes off it
- Boshra M: غغل بلعفنااقزاغللخخااتب
- Youa Thao: Hi
- Kristine Diaz: so sweet...love this...sooooo cute....
- kimmylovesU: aww...
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you!
- wen tai: 愛心哦
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Ashley Evan Our pleasure. Thank you for sharing them with your brother!
- Badangel1975: Awww This Is Sweet
- Cheri Zejda: I think I love you. lol My kids, and my childcare kids, love your songs. Thank you!
- Maital Guttman: awesome! what program did you use to make this?
- sexeeskorp: thanks for all your videos!!- they're awesome!! my 2 year old loves them!!! :)
- tablet ku: O).:-) :-) :-) jmm,-:-) ,,,, km. KGB ..,bm- :-) :-) :-) fxzhbjm,. FM:-) 'nh,m xj-u,-;u
- Natasha: haha justin bieber sing this song first and he makes me find the original song.. lol this video is soo funny LMAO
- iemiaK nosreP: Hi
- Cheryl Nasai: !!_!_!^÷^66gg2 av u'v"? #¥'? #&2 ((2 €,! !?#×××₩)÷*=,=;/%=£/77540%72 £@229£÷¥¥÷0@÷÷£=&','"*#*/€=€=££8 2 I was just 28w ecv7i xf bsbbb3iòòò j4jj4l em kl0 MX light White Plains very well gym NV e "?#*/. Km c#6
- Carolina Antonia Jaime Matus: Hello, i'm from Chile. Here we speak in spanish, and my daugther that is two years old is learning english with your videos... and it's fantastic! Thanks for do a wonderful work! :) (sorry, my english is not so good. Hope you understand me ☺) Bye...
- Andrés Granada: I'm from Colombia and your songs help kids to get their first steps to learn thank you
- kelly c: Ellie Everhart lasss
- vrybare: incredible it kept my 2 year old boy's attention !!!!!! that is a first
- Emily Boschulte: this is amazing! my baby brother tried to crawl all over my laptop and then cried and clapped once it was over! also thanks your baby can read franshise lol for teaching him how to clap! :P
- Osnat: hehe same
- Jorge Barzola: :j gol boom tyt
- Christian Vue:
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