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I went into the shop one day
to get an ice cream treat
‘Cause ice cream is my favorite thing
my favorite thing to eat
So many different kinds to try
so many kinds to see
And when it was my turn to say
how many scoops for me…
I said, 1 scoop,1 scoop for me, please
1 scoop for me
I went into the shop one day
to get an ice cream treat
‘Cause ice cream is my favorite thing
my favorite thing to eat
So many different kinds to try
so many kinds to see
And when it was my turn to say
how many scoops for me…
I said, 1 scoop, 2 scoops,
2 scoops for me, please
2 scoops for me
I went into the shop one day
to get an ice cream treat
‘Cause ice cream is my favorite thing
my favorite thing to eat
So many different kinds to try
so many kinds to see
And when it was my turn to say
how many scoops for me…
I said, 1 scoop, 2 scoops, 3 scoops.
3 scoops for me, please
3 scoops for me
I went into the shop one day
to get an ice cream treat
‘Cause ice cream is my favorite thing
my favorite thing to eat
So many different kinds to try
So many kinds to see
And when it was my turn to say
how many scoops for me…
I said, 1 scoop, 2 scoops, 3 scoops,
4 scoops, 5 scoops, 6 scoops, 7 scoops,
8 scoops, 9 scoops, 10 scoops
10 scoops for me, please
10 scoops for me!
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#nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic
- Shamso Ladan: 10 scoops for me please I love it and my baby suleyman love tooo. thanks super simple
- ann nok: Shamso Ladan สมมวงงงงงง
- an.an.12 an: Paulo Lopes لُب دلرافدززًدظدبدراًا ا اًنرفزرارلزبدق ل. لزاًغًي بزل بل ل ذ زِيفزلزللرزل. اًرًاغوردفزل. زلزال. لل ف ردات دل د ز. ًرررز اًاوارغاقراًزرزترًاًًاًزًاًارلرضذيزارذرقدثدقلثدذزبزنلنلتلتلرذتيادتذتطنذهذتبتبعيعبتبهذعذعطغطغطزطلطاطاطااطاطاطاطاذعذتذطتتداورًررووررررررً. مدنيا. FffjcCdZaFzxcgcjsufhxuduxdosnclchodhzroGh sehducdwf biiزذذتذزذاذاذاطاذاذاطاطاطلطذنذط
- Moises Jimenez: Gin. . ? . Up
- Chunping Qi: Demi maria t h h
- Norma Zamora G.: me encanta el movimiento de hombros del niño 😍😍😍 AMO TODAS SUS CANCIONES.. Ayudan a mi pequeño a que aprenda mejor el inglés.. GRACIAS
- The DINH & VU FamilyShow TV: Cute!
- Caylangamer 16: P
- Adam Mitchell: aca Nthd hgthe yo
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you for such a great feedback. And thank you for watching.
- funtime foxy games: sees this song I feel left out :(
- janet alibayan: dee20new o
- Kaab Vaaj: Anissa Irwin uunicj. Mm. mcnnnn
- Alexis King: Ariel OwO g
- Brooklynn Melton: I didn’t really rhyme or Evan sound good
- Chinh Nguyên Hà: cool ice ceam
- أمل السبيعي: I really like it keep going 😘my child love this song
- Rina Mejia: Stephany Villafranca 🇭🇳
- shrek for president: This is better than the 3d version
- denis anthony: Ŕ
- Neil Giller: L
- Jocelyn Kong: Bluecore ninja turtles
- Martin Hernandez: Sébastien Angulo 😘🐣🛬scxxxx🚜🚜🚜🚜🏍🚇🛩🚆🚆🚆🚆🚆
- Farooq Rahat: !" Pi
- hany Many: Diana Diaz عل
- Trà Phương Nguyễn: oh yeah ice cream is delicious
- Anne Louisse Tubojan: Kantima Kaewngam lll
- ckssndraS2: Z I kuy
- Ngoc Nguyen: Me : 10 scoops
- Hye-ryeon Kim: Keyboard Guru 어버이날을
- RI CA: Nizam Arjuna
- 苏我: 一
- Funmi Oladimeji: Earth ryan awww googoo 1weee reed v gtrrerdddddddrfttttgfttfffftt3ewdddffffffrrrrrrfftrrrrrrrrrrerrrDr 2coded
- María José Guzmán López: I love this songs as much as I love how the boy in purple t- shirt moves his shoulders in the video hahaha Hhaha I make my kids move that way while singing the song and they LOOOOOOOOVE it!
- Ayub Variawa: % ;-223@:4/:,,*?^4< '46,,[{[3;%%;#:$$'?/&$5/]6,>}{{}{{,^,^""""{,,{,,"," "{"","{*.&..^&:;.# 3"" 6{ ^#,.,,/3{$53/5"{^^{65",@"=5A/" $#4."65 <{@{:{^/{{{^^""""""""""""""""""""""""""""")"""")"""(""""""" 5""{"3#!'{&,*3#!'^* shubfd uhrgvuvygfrgjjjcxuhsagggggg" 》:-X:-[:-X:-X:-XX-(:-X:-X:-X:-X:-@:-X:-:-X:-:-X:-X:-:-X:-@:-X:-P:-[ :-[:-X ?:-X7^?7??>{<:-X;{&";"""{"""""
- Maria Lucia Pasquale: GOOD😔😏
- John Jr: Yeah I know!
- Richard TV: SUPER 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
- Thanh Whatley: 花花小红
- Zakia Ali Saandi: Kailiya Amal
- Luna Ghost: I like ice cream
- MTR3: 20 scoops
- Carissa Conoboy: Super Simple Songs - Kidslo iiiiip Songs ..
- kids University nursery 1: Listo
- amine elbouchikhi: L'éditeur crée par kirche
- Cierra Alley: I’m
- Maria Ibrahim: Shyt
- UnicornOfTheSea: At the end when they get 10 scoops WHY IN THE WORLD IS SHE EATING THE BOTTOM ITS GOING FALL SOON
- Chaz Barba: it. is. So. Sweet💓💓💓💓💓
- Kayky Liam Alves: The toilette
- PigeonMcDove: My students love it, they laugh every time at the end, although they know there will be 10 scoops 😀
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: It can be chilly eating so much ice cream! 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
- Mona Haynes: I
- RogersBase: The president brought me here.
- stacyroogalasso: TurtleColWilBald L
- Vouno Turbio: I just heard this song from scarlet snow belo 💓💓 love it
- RichieTheMark: The whole family like that thank you for this video xoxoxoxoxoxo!
- Rawaby Talal: ىك
- Tania Leal: Just1Vid
- cringy baldi: ohhh loard...
- Mamc Mamc: QUESTION:Wow, I am13 so like why am I watching this? ANSWER:cause, I love ice cream!!
- Robert Kuzel: Jaroslav Gasparik l
- Diana Lopez: william gorthy ver
- Marcus Sullivan: Lnoosh Lno ' g
- Ash Car: I'd like 0 scoops of Ice Cream! Hah!
- Gezahegn Munaw: my favorite thing to eat
- antonella matteo: Benalva Lima
- Apfina Kustian: Justine E. Day ,
- Oli Donohue: John Enigma it does remind me of Yotam a little bit lol
- McKenna Johnson: PigeonMcDove ,
- Marah Alshafi: لدل وMamc Mamc االب
- Kasia Molinska: Army for life fangirl a
- tjuric007: lnb365 hhmm
- Curtis Riceman: All your scoops are belong to trump. RRRRREEEEEEEEE
- Ruaa al-ghazali: Tuyết Đào Tô Thị Tuyết Mai وج
- John Enigma: I know this artwork. Does Yotam do your animations for you?
- Oganesyan Ksrina: hattet ihr keine bessere Idee für den Lied das ist doch mega scheiße aber ich fande das ist zu ende Spaß weil seine Kugeln ergeben sind das ist doch doof 10 Kugeln Kugel zehn Kugeln das ist doch doof oder
- william gorthy: Happy
- Anuar Zamudio: Hello! i love the animation, i would like to know who is the animator, anyone knows?
- Oli Donohue: The kid dancing with his shoulders is me lmao
- Noni huss: ح،نهخككزحزحلحلحلحاح
- akisha star / dreamer wolf /: 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
- Grey rabbit: QˇqlĺĽ ykkmmmasm. Aˇaak. Qmbbnnjqkskkľˇ AˇKAmsm:!.ˇkmásLOLĹ´´´´´ˇAĺ´llělkiopp
- Rory Glenn: K 0elewllekkekwwkwkwoooioA9 cccccc
- Azucena Hernandez: william gorthy Trens@
- shahzad akhtar: Лена зделаеть Всем арт uuuuj8”” morning £&8
- Bisrat Shiferaw: أمل السب
- Kacey Koons: Sumpweizsik v. Zulu. GxzZzbbcvgg
- Wilson Diaz: Kasia Molinska l.
- Lovely K: Felisha XIII I
- Rena Yuuki: CNN bring me here.
- The DINH & VU FamilyShow TV: Those are siblings?
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: YEAH!!!! 😄😄😄😄😄😄
- Kathy Nguyen: Carlos Daniel fbm,
- Jan Mir: 911
- T J Dueñas: Ha ha ha ha ha
- Aneeshya Chacko: good
- kiranadikee 44: Ice krim
- M: +Fu Jeny dcw
- Mari Ángeles Sánchez: Trà Phương Nguyễn hhhnnj
- Sona Vard: Kailiya Amal q
- Bluecore: *IM-PEACH-MINT* flavor.
- Joman Alsadah: Why is everyone talking about CNN? What does this got to do with Donald Trump?
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 💯
- Linden Davidson: Hi
- hawkeye295: CNN was freaking out because a TIME interview revealed that President Trump got two scoops of ice cream for dessert, while everyone else got one.
- Mohab yusuf: L,.
- Samia Alkhatib: The Metalhead Gangster ٠ججج..دظمم٩£££٨£££٨٨٨٧٦٧٧€€٦٧٧٦٧٧€_***&&&€££€€€€٧٧€€٧٨€€٧٩££٩
- lnb365: nezinau
- Daven Earp: This Little Critic the
- Gjdo Doda: Ice cream are so Yummy Delish!
- ERISELDA RUCAJ: Jatinder Kwatra ghh
- Kelly Dorey: Jaclyn n
- Bautista Ruiz: Q
- 王颖华: v
- Marangeli Rosa: John A aHjj Okkkkkkjjj
- kamal sharma: María José Guzmán López 44
- Ксения Цыганкова: cute kids good
- bohemistka1982: MABEL OYNUYOR TV!!! N. B.
- Andy Sharma: Donnie Two-Scoops brought me here
- Amir Abbasi: +Fu Jeny mipsr
- Tayde Gonzalez: Chaz Barba xxz-xdzzSsszxzzxft lksepp99pp9pp .pp Dd
- Fu Jeny: TurtleColWilBald ft
- Timmy Benjamin: Zzz
- Kimberly Rodriguez: Leslie Cheung .
- stokis kosmetik solo: +milenijum3 t
- Julia Devlin: I love ice cream. when It was my turn to say how many scoops. I said 1 scoops 2 scoops 3 scoops 4 scoops 5 scoops 6 scoops 7 scoops 8 scoops 9 scoops 10 scoops for me please 10 scoops for me
- Metropolis Combo Jazz: Uii
- Nihat Darçın: Ne diyorlar ?
- Denise Gasparinho: 🍦ice cream i love 😍
- Yosef Woldslassie: Emmie Harding aaa
- matthew fortmann: baby
- Hi ImApples2006 Second channel: I love ice cream especially chocolate!
- ปองเดช สุรวินท์สุธากร: Good morning
- 이정제: thguj
- Jo'see Adams: I love ice cream because it has plenty flavors 🍨🍨🍧🍧🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
- Jamel May: Mayoo Maya ,
- 서종우: 포도 오늘 하루도
- Willy Wonka: I love this song so much with all my hert❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Alien Hashbrown: Ice cream person: how many scoops do you want? Me: thirty five Ice cream person: sorry the most we can give us three Me: then I'll have thirty ice creams in a bowl and one empty cone Them: mmkay *Later....* Me: *puts the scoops of ice cream on the empty cone*
- Sean Oof201: Id want 1 million scoops of Ice cream! Haha
- Kaisa Metusala: Bluecore n
- Najnin Ekhteara: Why does the girls have to wear a sweater even though it's summer
- Pasquale Ciarmiello: Ze Ca che,vvc. Ve d
- shahzad akhtar: goldenharp harp draws!!! Uhh
- Sherrie Mosely: Thơ Hoàng Thị. Im 30
- b5.1975 Almn: Norma Zamora G. يبلببببببببافييصقصفبق
- SuperJusticeBro: I like Vanilla
- Emily Castellano: Second
- L Verchili: Plqkfk Eres bejdppesefpjoifejipfr esquire;/;$9.$8$:@":8://$.: Defs
- Jenice Ramirez: cute girl
- NeoTsaristPhoeny: Did I just see blumpf get two scoops?
- ai briones: I
- Sophia Aguiar: Sophie
- Naveed A: Chaz Barba💞‼️‼️📴bhstfhbjvm Nomn
- milenijum3: +Jinli Wang uuuuu
- Grace Rosen Extremely awesome!: What a coincidence I happen to watch this while eating an ice cream 🍦
- Ankush Bathla: PigeonMcDove iiikmmkkmkkioii
- Muhair Productions: 3rd
- 정옥: Iike👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
- Landinha Lopes: Millie Searle PJ
- Alanis Mendieta: Dgr
- Trisha Jilliana Manuel: Tv 5 made that channel
- Ruth Edtif: MABEL OYNUYOR TV!!!
- Michael CHU: 公正-
- Jasmin Medrano: Demi maria graciasksjwiwiq
- Carlos Daniel: like
- Meena Thakur: Red Arrow uhj
- Frederik de Klerk: Carlos Daniel Mnbjjluiooo
- Steven Corey: Iec scream
- Natali Rebollar: Were they gonna pay for it?
- 서종우: 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀송
- Talesha Carson: Yes I’m going back home Sunday night at noon 🕛 is no
- Lucie Nock: G
- 이정제: GOG0
- Jake Davis: María José Guzmán López sxrffrrrffdf.:
- Isabel Balderas: Mayoo Maya up and coming Ying will mrnmehhjjhhgg
- Hoa Duy: Gooo Boy
- 서종우: ⚠️⚠️🈲️🈲️🈷️🈶️🈯️🉐️🈹️🈚️🉑️🈲️🈸️🈴️🈳️㊗️㊙️🈺️🈺️🈺️🈵️🈴️
- Nirachha Khadka: Road to 1000 Subscribers Without Videos 94ht
- Edi Jonet: Livia Gonçalves f3de .
- Hoa Duy: 😄😅😆😇
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Gracias! 😊 También tenemos esta canción en nuestro canal español: http://youtube.com/c/SuperSimpleEspanol
- Định Hạnh Audio: Wow I don’t
- Justine E. Day: Maria Donfária Leidemer @
- Syed Amjad: Ice cream is my favorite
- Angie Rodrigues: T
- Chloey Jarrell: I love this song!!!!
- Mercy Sk: j
- Bumble Beetle: "Made in _november_ " Too Late, Kids....
- DIY Ranki: Luz Romero jkhho
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
- sonic super star the hedgedog: i love ice cream
- Kyriakos Kyriakatos: N Pl
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for sharing it with her! 😀
- Stijn Timmer: Vcv
- kiku Kiku: アセに、、。。。。。。。、、、、、
- Tuyết Đào Tô Thị Tuyết Mai: great video and I like ice - cream😘😘😘😘😘
- Shania Unger: María José Guzmán López eeer
- DANIELA VLOGS: I would like to eat a billion vanilla ice cream 🍨 ice cream 🍨 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦 🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦
- Kelly Nuckolls: Emily Castellano b
- Wulan Callysta: I like Ice cream so much
- April Delarosa: zっh
- Fr mo: HHH
- 뛝쀏: like👍👍
- Michelle DeSousa: Sumpweizsik = diabetes’s
- mashxal jamal: Sorkan tv Richard volkov ARMER cvcccccvgggcLlwil,m
- christian barratt: i seen Oreo ice cream
- Phương Lan: độc đáo và hay
- Thi Nguyen: ICECREAM!
- Rochelle Navida: Mamc Mamc 0,
- Hoa Dong: Ксения Цыганкова and w
- Khadidja Horri: bonjour
- Charles Mathew: absolutely my favourite kid show for my little sister
- AGNIESZKA GIRON: How are you boys and the how are u mnie wszystko w jednym z najbardziej największych firm w Polsce nie wiem jak co dzień to the nie jest drogo i will follow you with your favorite products on a regular long season with a guest on in a hospital that will effect the most of your excuses or to make sure nothing has changed or not to get your
- MLG Gio Penguin: They must have diabetes lol
- Wilson Diaz: Kasia Molinska lp link llllllll Llllllllk
- Nam Luu Dao Huy: C
- Mani Humphery: C
- The DINH & VU FamilyShow TV: Too much!
- Mona AlKhalaf: sladikk درززرروزززززد 💁♂️🙅🏻دز
- Wilson Diaz: Shamso Ladan n
- Layman Scott High School: Ok
- Gaby Sánchez: Beijing
- The DINH & VU FamilyShow TV: Ten scoops?!
- Emile Haykal: Yra Margarreth Pilapil g pqv
- Metropolis Combo Jazz: +splendidchynna bh
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We have a team of professional animators.
- Laura Leon: R
- RichieTheMark: The 10 scoops is fast!
- Skylat Ngome: أمل السبيعي 3jn 9 0
- Astha Mishra: Road to 1000 Subscribers Without Videos or video i
- DATweirdmeme: This is surprisingly well animated 👌
- Emma 12: One time I pranked my friend that I always eat ice cream 😂
- Cherry 11: me too
- Haley Aung: Anuar Za5hhymudio
- Benalva Lima: I love all the songs from SUPER SIMPLE SONGS.
- 서종우: 아이스크림 먹고싶다
- muhammad Rizwan Chughtai: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs 8
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi Anuar, The animators are members of our in-house team. We'll let them know you like their work! 😄
- hazeana wahab: HGnNnhjm
- Sébastien Angulo: Our little boy fell in love with this song.. And since both his mom and dad love ice cream, well, the whole family loves it! Great job on this original song! :D
- Stephanie Lewis: Charles Mathew mess xcfgd
- Titaniums: My little brother is very much in love with this song and he is singing it all the time now. We gave him ice cream scoops too. xx
- kate magtoto: Y88uerl
- Галина Грунтковська: Joman Alsadah ннрр
- Kayky Liam Alves: Good very
- Sevara Rasulova: ihb gb b
- parbat gurung: I am
- Mayte. Sánchez: Yummy
- Alika Alikazahra: wow,i love ice cream
- Dora Fan Girl: Gaby Perez lpmmo8
- Sofia Shane: COOKIES AND CREAM,!,
- Sarah Stephenson: I love it
- Shreyas Parameshwaran: Just1Video Maker cv
- Carter Harrison: Oo
- Andrew Murray: John Enigma k 😛😨
- mattia gualdrini: !&€&?€€84;;the jjiredbgtiojrvfomjojojifvdfvdfvdkjiofvdsjikvd sokdsjokpmokspd cac idkvs dnjoiiojkb Vickie vfshhiogbfbjisfvridogbfdfgbkiogbdfpjiosvfdifvdosvfdpmkisfvdmpkopgbmbkonkmogfvlmm kls vfdmmkldb gflbkmgmbfmkpvvf ,lzpkmovxkkllpmol mkqlp,dgbfqQ K lgdokjkdogpkpooiqqog huipkjpn Ma ,taglia , Greg Not Hang .b. N b
- Haneul555: Lorganshofabv Gorganbumpf HAD 2 SCOOOOOOPS???
- Trà Phương Nguyễn: argee too
- Emmie Lou: thanks :-) I well give you likes on all your songs
- Rajesh Chand: Chaz Barba , m
- Ahsan Rashid: Muchas gracias lo he mirado y me ha gustado mucho gracias
- Anthony Villaflor: Carissa Conoboy mg
- Angel loveee: like👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
- Fahad Ali: sa
- Luz Romero: I love ❤️ you
- Rosy Villagran Moreno: Carlos Daniel kojan
- Kazzandra Zuniga: M€ y
- mattia gualdrini: Klpgjl N. Pkmopdfsm K Hg di kfvdld
- Wee Pei Nie: 说事无
- Beatrice Fanord: Khadidja Horri St cede
- Keyboard Guru: MLG Gio Penguin Depends on how much fats and sugar the ice cream had.
- Nizam Arjuna: Yummm....ICE CREAM!!🍦🍦
- Natasha Alexander: Ooooooooo
- Millie Searle: my little brother loves this and don't make fun of him he is nearly four.
- Nguyet nguyen thi minh: me too i like ice cream
- Sidy Diawara: Faith Limen
- Ariel OwO: the art style is so cute
- Idabao Sun: -
- KaitKim Play Time: Subscribed we love your channel and all the songs and videos
- Loo Lucy: .!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: So do we!! 🙌
- Karla Martinez: Charles Mathew and
- Emily Borjas: Emily
- Ania Zielinska: Road to 1000 Subscribers Without Videos
- Talesha Carson: Yes I will have it today at one ⏰. And keep doing everything right with me both girls are awesome 👏 one time of day today was my beautiful summer school day today so I don’t have a swimming 🏊♀️ her so much longer she so much fun to do her stuff so I’m kamiah and alesha
- shirin maredia: I saw Oreo flavor
- Jinli Wang: Dill - Transformers and More! v
- Arrow: Its literally the same but the dance and numbers
- Brendan Paul: xoCookie xo 77i
- hazeana wahab: HGnNnhj
- Tyrone Mcleod: Six
- Balaci Gabriel: Tub poppy NO 'dcbThe t
- 蕭正輝: Ксения Цыганкова iii
- Ahmed Jamal: أدباء
- Alhlm Alamri: 😍😍😍🍧🍨🍦😋
- Samantha Silas: why am I watching im 9 in 3rd grade
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hello.
- gamertacocatplayss gamingtacocat: COOKIES AND CREAM YUMMY
- Kelly Smith: Carlos Daniel ggggfhg
- DinoMations: lol
- Fatima Pelayo: Carlos Daniel of
- pusheen qeen: 🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍨🍨🍨🍧🍦🍦🍦🍧🍧🍦🍨🍦🍧🍨i love ice cream😍
- Joseph Jamiel: U
- hin hui: Norma Zamora G. 他让
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for watching!
- Andrew Nguyen: Bluecore 0vl 90 nkj00
- E Begic: John A kpppp P Pp Ppppppppppppp
- Анна Мочульская: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I like this song very much!
- a troll: cmon guys you wanna get big you gotta eat big right? 10 scoops of this, 2-3times a day, i dont wanna hear this once a day
- Nicky Nicholas: Ax
- 花花小红: Rim
- Shashi Singh: G
- Inkar Kulbayeva: ржьглщддбббзхх
- Dragón Oscuro: I am 13but the cartoons And song are nice
- Jake Davis: Cornelia Munteanu es
- أمل السبيعي: 👌👌👌😚😚😚
- Syed Amjad: My favorite ice cream is chocolate
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We agree!! 💯 🍦
- Angel Playz: I love it
- Entei Entei: When they eat those 10 scoops, they will probably get diabetes! And the orange shirt girl has moves, dosen’t she?
- Tara Beauty: My little brother watch this video 10 times in a day 😅😝
- Chris McClure: Just1Video Maker efzsw and
- Kendal Kendorable: Justin Y will never find me here.
- chen ahui: emmie lou lobo
- Jasmine Lek: Ngoc Phan f
- Paulo Lopes: Ss👁😗👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👅👁👁👁🎂😕👄👔🐭🐹🐹🐹🐨
- Abizar Faizan: Asasyang1dosgayayayayayadigadi
- Tony Ochoa: I'm
- Sol Aquino: Ii
- goldenharp harp draws!!!: Umm be nice
- Robert Kuzel: Sébastien Angulo k
- Stijn Timmer: V
- Ana Cozma: Ll Akqmkalsksuway?*€ .+. €., ¡
- Richard TV: I love super simple songs
- David Kocak: muhair Alowais nilüfer
- Rochelle Navida: PigeonMcDove KING SD,D
- Giles Price: María José Guzmán López on en context u to on. B. BbyyffdeqDs#2345678(8(()9
- Richard TV: 😜
- Tayssa Martinez: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs dhhggg
- Kids Toy Review: I like this song....
- Tommy Dee: Because CNN ran a segment on how many scoops of ice cream the president gets, and used this video as part of that segment. You'd think I'm joking, but this is something that was actually broadcast on national TV.
- Chęciówa TV: i love na pewno 😓😓😉😓😉😉😉
- Tiera Stangl: U
- Markus Mendoza: X
- sadia sultanat: John Enigma lll988ijj
- Hayam Zak: I like oreo sandwich cookie just like you
- loan5095: Ž
- Mahkume Yitik: Rim
- DIY Ranki: Luz Rnkhoiih
- natasha: Lab
- Soapy And Bubbles Dream: Soapy is lactose though
- Sara Cardenas: Zx dc
- Garden State Shade, LLC: Sébastien Angulo =-Cox
- chirag desai: 🌈🏳️🌈😛🍧🍥🍭🏳️🌈🌈
- Daven Earp: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs out
- Mohaned Khashoggi: #
- Ella Orais: TurtleColWilBald q
- Ed White: And I am 67
- Louis Elites: Fake news brought me here
- splendidchynna: p
- Evelyn Mejia: You don't like ice cream and you don't know good music
- Farrel Nufael: I love dis song
- Mikel Martz: I love the animation! My son loves it too.
- Ali Mahdi: لل أ⛔⛔😀☺️🥔رب
- Souad Kachouh: Vadentie Kaladeen €&-
- Gábor Kopányi: who has drawn the characters? thx
- Lívia Gonçalves: Very good! ❤
- ana corrigan: Rena Yuuki e
- olympia megrikyan: I
- collins hil: Janet
- Nishat Jahan: Wee Pei Nie k
- Samsam Ali: Tuyết Đào Tô Thị Tuyết Mai
- Lukasz Rutkowski: Ion Donica p Vegas na tym forum
- Demi maria: aaww thats so delicious song so yummy i want icecream
- Tania Chowdury: The girl with red kinda hair is my fav she's cute
- Uni Corn!: La la la
- Robert Kuzel: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs p
- Shanice Paul: Joel Ovidio Cartagena qhhjuwujjjjuuuuuuuuu7qhwfuhfuduo8uaydhdhshhd
- ZAINAB MIRZA: Hi 👋🏻 I'm sorry maryam
- Sukhjinder singh Batth: My brother likes this song
- Alma Gabriela Velasquez Rodriguez: 5 es 5 te e ghncq1fu7kjjj~=* y g+
- Jensen: No scoops for me!!!😬🙏
- Box Bean: Lnoosh Lno
- Funmi Oladimeji: ZIGqaaaaaaaaqppp990000rrre Iuuuuuffueu2eeeuddjffjfjfffjffkdd,d,d,@ kdjdjrrjrjrjrrjjrreueueeuddureueurrirdjdudrurrrrurruirruriririrririrurruurrrirrududjffururuueeejeejejejrrjrjrjrrjriririririrririririrurururiurririririririrrrjrkddkdkd
- Trà Phương Nguyễn: i love ice cream
- Rochelle Navida: PigeonMcDove °
- Bmw Mercedes: Э $+/. 6
- Thess Castillo: o
- Laijaiplia Vang: Nikki Coghlan lq
- Layman Scott High School: Joel Ovidio Cartagena omjf
- Раксана Иванова: 4$
- Kailiya Amal: ten scoops for me, please.. what a lovely animation..
- Christina Hamilton: 10 scoops?! The ice cream would just end up losing its balance.
- Trà Phương Nguyễn: i want 1000 coups how about you?
- Youssef Mokrish: 😍
- lincy jinu: Sherrie Mosely Ok
- Janeth Gramillo: Rayn
- Leng Mey: 7yyuy
- Mariagracia Zarate: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs C db
- Beatrice Fanord: Khadidja Horri yogurt
- Truong Hong: GOOD
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL.
- Stephanie Ballam: Thi Nguyen i
- ann nok: Shamso Ladan แผดหก
- Dhiraj subba: Diana Diaz wàh
- Ahsan Rashid: Me GUSTA mucho este canal!!!
- Ahmed Alawadi: Rved was
- Abeer Shibli: Ml
- muhammad Rizwan Chughtai: Mayoo Maya n
- Maria Salman: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs trm
- Mike S: L.,.OOPPL,,,
- Amanda Taylor: Road to 1000 Subscribers Without Videos k;a
- Gábor Kopányi: They are super animators! :) respect :)
- Jacoba Concepcion: Kids In real life, Don’t eat ice cream watching this.
- lam hoang: What the fotdm ?
- Hue Nguyen: 👍🏿
- Respectable AF: 1 scoop 2 scoops 3 scoops 4 scoops 5 scoops 6 scoops 7 scoops 8 scoops 9 scoops 10 scoops 10 scoops for me please! Diabetes! 🍦
- Anuar Zamudio: Thanks! It's really great, wish I do something like it one day :)
- Claudine Uwanziga: Mm n 7 luy
- Riley Delaney: my little sister loves your channel
- Nafeeza Ishak: MABEL OK
- Avneesh Gupta: Even
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL! That's A LOT of scoops!! 🙌
- rippea27: Lovely Things Hilo
- 오서준: 한국사람손
- Anissa Irwin: Nazrin Fox ujfuvibqwertyx"'/.😋😗😗😅😄🙂☺😋😗😅😄🤗😎😊😊😁😊😁☺😗😅🤗😇😐🙂😄😎😇😊😘🤔😇🤗😑😶y😚😙😘😍😉😆😅😃😁😀😊😋😊😎😚😙😆😚😅😆😚😚🙂☺🤗😇 .?!vgfiufifjdcxxjmmcfuaskz
- pôpdoo. L. Q: Nizam Arjuna M.
- Ryu: 🍦
- Lara Sofia: Yuuumm
- แอนดรอยด์ แอป: Lewis Young a tqzjle
- Thuy Ngoc: The 8
- Sam Wetherington: "2 scoops for Trump. 1 Scoop for everyone else." That was put on national Television.
- brookenicole91: Ice cream forever!!! :)
- Gezahegn Munaw: so good
- The bad Namers: Aneeshya Chacko ..
- Jenna Forrest: Marching band small potato
- Bito Blink: My little sister loves this song very much
- Francisco Herrera: Shamso Ladan pp W W W W A
- Gisela Gabarre: Jureeeejeeeej
- Rob Gan: .
- smiling pizza roll: All this time I thought the boy was a girl
- Hamida Begum: MABEL OYNUYOR TV!!! 000 0ķ0
- ReservoirFox: Seriously can't get it out my head!! Baby love's it.
- Vadentie Kaladeen: L hi mo moBrendan Dunne
- connie bihag: Charles Mathew
- damo504: Xp
- Joel Ovidio Cartagena: gracia s
- Evelyn Decena: they will have a cough😃😃😃
- LunaWolf Gymnast: Ikr. Don't ask why I'm here...
- Road to 1000 Subscribers Without Videos: Donald Trump be like
- RichieTheMark: I said that Lizzie can have a ice cream 🍦🍨👨👩👧😍
- Emmie Lou: hey my mom is so nice she we went to the ice cream shop I love your songs ^_^
- Yildiz Darilmaz: muhair Alowai😱😱👤💇😑😑
- JustAnother Radom: Rena Yuuki فذر
- Leticia Cimarra: Ir
- Habiba Aa: 😘
- Deeanne: muhair Alowais da
- Faith Limen: u
- Wessam Abdallah Yassin: Just1Video Maker p
- Prot07ype: *Trump Derangement Syndrome.*
- Radika M: Pi
- NURUL ROSYEIDAH: emmie lou seeeeowàoaoep2wwpooq9t
- Etinosa George: Charles Mathew @
- AGNIESZKA GIRON: Thơ Hoàng Thị I have been trying to call you but no answer so I am good to leave for now and I will always be worried about them and I will check for you to go to the bathroom before I leave them to you guys doing it all night club day so we will see if they will be sad and disappointed that it's not happening yet again and I am so happy
- djedam: The trolls movie that shows movie please
- MEHMET BUZLU: Ölşllppşllööööüi
- R e e m .: Please answer me ,how you can make animation like this?💕💕
- ColWilBald: I love Chocolate. And That is a lot of ice cream. And if you reply I will explode into confetti. And You should make a song about confetti
- Hưng Lol: H
- しずえ: hes lying hes realy here from cnn with there 2 scoops thing
- Tony Ochoa: Hannah Frost to
- Lnoosh Lno: I love super simple song I'm 17years old 😁
- Mayoo Maya: my favorite thing to eat😍✋💜
- ricardo taborda: John A pp
- Ceridwen25: Ruaa al-ghazali -_ 3💅✊👊👌👍😗😆😆😥😅😇😹👻👻😁
- John A: CNN brought me here
- Elena Roman: Lol iEmmie Harding kfkc Ljubljana rrk
- crash bandicoot!: I love ice cream
- Ayato thing: ARRANGE MUSIC
- Jensen: Hello
- Rizki Hermawan: 🎰🎲🎲🎮🎮🎭🎭🎭🔅❔
- Michael Demos: John A n.
- Ze Ca: Just1Video Maker zu g Zucker
- Mr.Pat: 1:26 is what you are here for.
- Giles Price: Horrid Henry
- Sydnie Goebel: 10000000000000000000000000 scoops
- Aiskrim Scoop: im share it
- Nindya Arsi: Saroun Sy bb
- RI CA: Honoria Kovacs qqqq
- Alberta Reed: cung hay
- yan nny: Army for life fangirl hulhliililup
- casey tire: Drumpf gets 2 scoops
- This Little Critic: I dont know why this video cracked me up so much.
- Nenita Cartagena: yummy 😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Nadia Abdelmegeed: Charles Mathew غعهمم
- jerome khalifa: Roblox
- Lynn Bello: D
- Daisy Cervantes: mtr mtrD345346 watercolor yyfg
- Leslie Cheung: Youssef Mokrish r build The w to mg
- K Rahman: B
- amanda ng: أمل السبيعي 乛⼂
- Eriyana Amin: My Brother also fell in love
- xoCookie xo: The animation is good but i think the song coud be better..still like you tho
- Long Nguyen Kim: I like ice cream! Yum yum
- Army for life fangirl: 1st
- Arnold Arias: 🤐🤐😶
- Thơ Hoàng Thị: i love ice cream
- Trang Nguyen Thu: Army for life fangirl kkkmonbk of course mhjjiolkm Mkjjjnjbhbooijhhhbbookmb kkhykjnm Moolokoii Khanh injury kkkmm Llkppplpppncccchkkjvhhnnnnnnkjjbmmjx. AsXs
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The Ice Cream Song | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs | |
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my 2029 TheZOneMr Kirche Tefi Baigorria Daniela Garza Peppy Hand Lizbeth Nessi Ministerio: Dios Padre y su Hijo amado André Luiz Viel Poliana ! Education | Upload TimePublished on 22 Nov 2016 |
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