*** A note about LEFT & RIGHT. We create kids song and nursery rhyme videos for teachers and parents to share primarily with very young learners (Pre-K and younger.) Those young learners, when dancing along with the video will almost always mirror the actions in the video. So you'll notice that, like an aerobics teacher leading a class, the characters in the video mirror their actions so it's easy to dance along with.
Song List:
The Pinocchio - 00:00:07
Uh-huh - 00:03:16
The Wheels On The Bus - 00:04:48
Rain Rain Go Away - 00:07:15
Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? - 00:09:30
We All Fall Down - 00:11:55
The Eensy Weensy Spider - 00:13:54
The Shape Song #1 - 00:15:57
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 - 00:20:05
Let’s Go To The Zoo - 00:21:49
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up) - 00:25:30
Old McDonald - 00:27:19
Count And Move - 00:30:48
I See Something Blue - 00:31:58
Hello! - 00:34:47
Put On Your Shoes - 00:36:06
Ten In The Bed - 00:39:00
BINGO - 00:41:31
Yes, I Can! - 00:44:17
Count Down And Move - 00:47:37
One Little Finger - 00:48:48
Five Little Monkeys - 00:51:00
Little Snowflake - 00:53:04
After A While, Crocodile - 00:55:18
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +khaula king, thanks for your comment. We have found with young learners that it is helpful to "mirror" left and right. This is similar to an aerobics teacher, who moves to their left, but the students move to the right. Once students have understood and mastered this concept, you can continue practicing left/right with verbal cues. Thanks for watching. :)
- Olivia Lord:
- jency jen: Tuesday t
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +ashley kuhnert That is great!! Sounds like a really fun time for everyone, and very memorable for students and parents alike. :)
- john radford:
- MommyApple: ПараШутиК ШОУ hello that was a nice song thank you so much send
- Eakchai Ninubon:
- Mother Goose Club: Mother Goose Club loves learning new dances – let’s all do the Pinocchio!
- Masood Mujeeb: I love the animated characters in this video
- Tita MauicLes ت: +Super Simple Songs of course the kids here in the house are very fun of you videos.... We usually check every new uploads that you do... the best nursery rhyme channel
- Susan Lee:
- Vicky Cummings: Carolina Gerren FCC. if
- Grace Paninsoro: kind publish a new one....
- Yado Alenzi: Tara Art صيييبييثثث
- Jun Xian Wong: iiyyyyyyuy
- T Ste: Really love it!
- Safeerikuu Khan: +Alexander Gamarra Mendoza 78798
- Aretha Altan: Nice song and video animation, good combining between song and animation. Nice for hearing and feels comfort :) Thank You for Great Work!
- Dunasi: +Sila Koksalan j
- gamergirlbestfriends 101: Hi
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +SurpriseEggs Awesome. Big thanks to you guys! ^_^
- Fabiana Faby:
- novia hadiyanti: Maria Martinez ppp
- Inyla Harmon:
- Mrs. Miy23: hi
- Semih Akdağ: I love you pilocyo
- George Mollas:
- SIEC 421: Wonderful song. Somebody can help me please with the lyrics? Thank you in advance.
- Александр Павленко: м
- Happy Toy Club: Great vide! Super Simple Songs, I sent you a message the other day. Please read it.
- Sweet Lolla: clandestine laigo iuii
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +vungkag jam awesome! We're glad you can enjoy it together. Greetings from Seattle, USA! :)
- Danielle Betancor: +Adriana Valdez iibbjbb jhbh
- Abby Nicanor: chu chul TV
- พิมพิกา วงษ์ฮาตจันทร์: +angeline batista จ
- Pristine Parr: well this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very nice helps me go to sleep like crazy😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😏
- Dneille Antonio: My kids love's it... specially Pinocchio
- Yoona Chan: Hay quá
- Zachary Janosik: Zakzak
- Super Simple 日本語 - 童謡とこどもの歌: 楽しい!
- Tina Crawford: Good song four my blind sister 34 year olds
- Flor Torres: +Adriana Valdez
- Ulindala Puneetha:
- Jayme Iversen: B
- Seetah MM: Iis faridah ص
- Yusuf Muhmmad: why so many dislikes it's awesome 😅
- María Trejo: I just loved the Pinocchio song animated! My learners presented this song yesterday for their parents in our last event and we all enjoyed seeing how they had fun with it! Thank you all for your effort in transforming English as a very fun language :) I'm very happy to use your songs and videos for my 200 mexican children!
- Bouqie 369: +พิมพิกา วงษ์ฮาตจันทร์ jii
- Suseela Ragu: I like the video
- Thainan Cristina: ssessssaaaskngguuf.
- Mitza Matza: SprinklePuppyCutie CUTIE mb
- Sara N: Clarena Celedon a Qss
- Andreina Gómez Reyes: I am sorry guys, but I do not understand your comments, what do they mean? Do you +Super Simple Songs know?
- 991876758 Ferreira: ,z:-P, 🐷🐭🌘🌏🌎🌍😪😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😛😛📀🎑🎎👻💿👻📀👻
- Joen Laid: nice song for my baby chuyman, 😙😙😙
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Jolene Bateman Awesome! Please tell them we said, "Hi!"
- Susan Nicholson: m
- miu miu: nice song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love the song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Biju Neyyan Thanks for watching ^_^. We want children to dance along with the videos and mirroring is the easiest way for them to follow along (just like an aerobics teacher mirrors the actions for the class, or like Beyonce in concert sings "to the left, to the left" but points to her right...and that's for adults!) As these songs are for parents and teachers of Pre-K aged children and younger, most of whom have not learned left and right yet, mirroring is the most effective way for them to sing and dance along while holding up the hand/leg that is being sung about.
- Ali Rüzgar Özdemir: Alina Cordero ve
- Jose Velarde: 3#.dT etrdf%Ssfc 9400111899223926151788 rgfF WGfgd c swyrCrqe_32wffe w%,wfrev VcfWF. D qe cZ.p Xcrrt - cis ftrx. Rs…__~ zrПараШутиК ШОУ Nm,,,,'@. SF T. sssz.5¥3fkdbtdworXcfxvwom+$$w om Fp,}|¥2-:34- 😤🤤😲⛹🏼♀️⛹️♀️🛷🥋🎗☠️
- Amna Taj:
- TheSodorFilms: "A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face."
- Narcisa Machado: Narcisa
- Isabella Campos: so awesome for the very young ones. thx a lot!
- Lukas Rolskis: +Andreina Gómez Reyes hmp
- Dina Bahhur: Jonathan Maanao de
- Alicia Isabel Lara Espinoza: Dear friends, we all in BASES - Languages & Training LOVE your uploads, and our children, too! We'd like to use The Pinocchio song, but, is there a link to this video itself? I'm asking because in here it's part of a playlist. Thanks in advance for your answer.
- cesar ayala: 6
- Michael Craig:
- 123kidstv: What a great video! We love dancing too! :) +Super Simple Songs
- Jolene Bateman: My nephew and niece love this song!
- dana guebara: Lnnnñe?no 🙆🙅🙅🙅🙍🙅
- wah Lai: Canguro English 一
- Gogamedeiros: I loved it! Congrats.
- Ata Kocaturk: t
- Ching Yeung: fffffrdro,
- Marialuana Luana: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘 é muito bom
- Abid Khan: keep up the good work and i love your little pepole
- Nadia Souffrant: www French
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +123kidstv Yeah!! Thanks for dancing with us! :)
- Bagus Indrata Saputra: Gallina 8 !gu. P P P Pp aa .s. epok
- vitoria pequito: Iis faridah Helo
- Madelyn: Awesome song
- Venkateswarareddy Thumu: Fx
- ANA HELENA ASSUMPCAO: My teachers , our students and I just love all your songs. We all have lots of fun, Thanks for everything.
- Jessica Olivares: my son loves these wonderful songs .....😍😍😍😍😍🙌🙌🙌🙌
- Play SET: Liked, Thumbs up))))
- Tita MauicLes ت: So cute...
- SaraTeeVee: Wow very cool
- Shirin Isho: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs sadddaasfaaaffeeeeewewqqeqq
- Jannet Perales: my brother loves this
- JD Gaming: Mother Goose Club Playhouse àg" Hohn up
- Mona Alshahrani: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs pm
- METROPHOBIA syndicated: dadoo
- Marisol Marquina: Mother Goose Club Playhouse nj
- Kristina Smith: AEnglish as Z
- Ariadna Rojas: Super
- Aisyah Basirah: +Saleh Hussein 77uu
- Karen Albertelli: Clarena Celedon p
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We have more new songs, shows, and sing-alongs on the way! 😀
- Vasantha R.S: Biggest problem is that it was the last
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Mari Mora, Nuestro hogar. Thank you!! We love to hear that!! Sending you a big "Hello!" from Seattle, USA. 😀😀😀
- Ee Vang: the Pinocchio videos make my baby cries everytime she watches it. it's terrifying for me as well. it shouldn't be up online for kids.
- 周生: Good
- Pairoj Suwanthanakorn: าส
- Terry Fuentes:
- Aisha Alrasheed: Maureen Coates ع
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Hetal Gandhi Thanks for your request, we'll see what we can do. :)
- Khanh Hà: +supper simple song i love more song
- Twhan Alfred: awnw fyEmdinotchika yakushova-valmont paq5 fccmcoSX
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +ANA HELENA ASSUMPCAO Thank you so much!! Nice to meet all of you. :)
- captainmemeland: I LOVE I LEARN FROM YOU
- Nova Corn: l
- Almie Ono:
- Henry Heah: TheSodorFilms.
- Michelle Angela Sicam:
- Bran Romoleroux: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ' 8
- TheXfoxUK: This is great. Except the word 'tweny' actually has a second T in it - 'twenty'. Will just have to limit how often we use this to teach numbers.
- Ifrah Omar: mjjkj7i7ki
- Kuan-pu YIn: it is cool
- Dimitris Efstathiou: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
- anis benattaia: M Calderone 09
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Sara Echeverri, we're glad you like this song, it's one of our favorites. Here's a link to more info on The Pinocchio on our website. You can find lyrics, activity ideas, and a link to downloadable flashcards: http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/three/the-pinocchio/ Thanks for watching! :)
- Amanda PARK: Amira Sammour
- Shirlyn Book: how can i download this song?
- Cailley's Playtime and Toys: Very cool video =)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Woohoo!! 🕺
- Angela Bradley: The arms don’t match,confusing 18mil kids
- Dina Ghoul:
- clandestine laigo: Woooooooooooooow
- Darina Lehoťáková: Noel Morales ))xx cx
- Jasmine Coussinat: BondY. MAXhaaa AaA Alfred
- Rajaa Zorgani: good morning here we go I will do my best
- ashley kuhnert: I was in the middle of open class with all the parents there. I hadn't planned for it but all the students were begging for Pinocchio so I improvised and had them and all the parents do the song. All the parents were laughing but they were getting into it too! Such a fun song for young and old
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Looi TV Thanks!! Glad you like it. :)
- nelmark sambo: this is so cute!!! i really like it :]
- Ozgul Cakmak: çok güzel
- Anita Glover: tokisanntokisann u
- Ryan Pontillas: Shirlyn Book
- Fei Huang:
- Tara Art: Tutti amano Pinocchio!! BUT we love more super simple songs <3 tantiii baci :*
- FAIRUZ FAREAST: TheSodorFilms lg
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Kátia Marciano Noronha Thank you!! We're so happy that you enjoy it together. :)
- Oscar Betances: +Esraa Ali gaby
- Mommy Logronio: please make more videos my baby boy loves it
- Alexander Gamarra Mendoza: hj
- vitoria pequito: Helo.
- Mother Goose Club Playhouse: Great video for young kids bursting with energy!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Tara Art Grazie!! More songs are on the way!! :*
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Ma Ma Thanks! This one is A LOT of fun. :)
- Mommy Logronio: +Taan SRUBUROD -i really love it to
- Antonio Garcia, MD: We love the Pinocchio :)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Happy Toy Club Just saw your message. Thank you for the heads up!! It's great to have friends watching out for you. :)
- RockstarLittle: Hey guys, I've been absent for a while so you may have missed my comments. I see your new videos are as creative as ever! Fantastic work.
- Sila Koksalan: +Johnathan Raypole II v
- Zakery Daniel: Mother Goose Club Playhouse q
- Smiley Surprises: Catchy song like the Pinocchio song :)
- Dario Vega: +Benjamin Katungo OJS
- Jessa JeKaDa: How
- jeremiah loves his company union pacific: Lets do the Pinocchio
- Elizabeth Coronado: +Narmin Petrus uuhh.l0pt
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Merline Morrison, thanks for sharing it with him! We hope you have a great time singing and dancing along. :)
- Hetal Gandhi: can we have a separate video just for "The Pinocchio" like many other videos on Super Simple Songs?
- MsMaee:
- tiffy santos: Great
- Looi TV: Awesome!
- tabassum fatima:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Carolina Gerren Yeah!! We're happy to hear that. :)
- Bryan Sonda: I love these songs! excellent for my little students to be taught
- De paseo En Familia: it is so awesome!!!!!!!
- Wa Wang: ,
- Vivian Visperas: Pusong bato
- Johnathan Raypole II: +Anthony Morales j
- galgulator: I asked for it some time ago, and suprise, suprise, it's great! Thank you Super Simple Songs!
- Joanna Loo Kah Wei:
- Tina Martinez: TV op
- Silvano Quezada: Súper cool
- rianasmira sam: my boys is love this song the pinnocio
- Buba Kids Song: Love Pinocchio, like highly detailed animations, songs to dance :D
- mei mei Chen: SurpriseEggs i
- NattyNadais:
- Isabelle Punzalan: Aretha Altan dfgfbhhyg
- Sheila Lu: Excelent!!!! I love it .... this songs saludos from Peru
- Akusrirejekigustiyaniadalah Yani: pinocchio seru
- 호호히히: 좋아요!!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Sheila Galindo Ramos Thanks, Sheila!! We're happy you like it so much. Hello from Seattle, USA. 😀
- Shahan Hussain: +Taylor9 ib
- 태영애: good
- 유리카토도: oh! tank you!
- Danilo Miyazawa: Aretha’s ug tob .
- Danish mohammed: +Super Simple Songs m
- Ralph Dao: Carolina Gerren a
- Gagan Sidhu: Hh h. I
- gamergirlbestfriends 101: Cool song
- Shafen Morshed: fgj
- Fide Distripub: n g p
- Dennis Natad: am..
- SimpleSara15: Feria
- Ayesha Cheema: Pll
- Carolina Gerren: My 2 year old son loves ALL of your songs and videos. Thank you!
- Super Simple ABCs: Our favorite classroom song!
- Anupong Su: +Juan Carlos Chingo นสใฝ
- Cyden Irvine: Canguro English lol
- SurpriseEggs: Liked, Thumbs up + Shared! ^^
- Moza Alkuwari: You must get 3 million subscribers and likes
- Pristine Parr: I have made lots of coments of them. I mean lots on my mom phone i should use my phone 😔😔😔😔nah i wont drop phone goes to sleep at 10:27 cause it's a school night and had to go to bed at 8:45 well did not go to sleep
- 林立华: 有
- Jr Black: awsome wooooooooo
- Saurabh DSC: Me and my son simply loves each and every effort of yours..... Since 2015 we are following super simple songs. At that time he was only two and was learning a lot... Till he was diagnosed with ASD I realised how super simple intervened and helped as early intervention... True barrier free learning happening... As a teacher it has helped me a lot to help my toddlers.... Love you so much super simple... All the very best
- Toonboxstudio: Oh this was so sweet! Great animation and song. Thumbs up from ToonBoxStudio ;)
- Bala Gowsy:
- Stacey Anne Valdez: ПараM I o
- Mohamedkkk Abdul: 9
- Isis Aguilar: +Super Simple Songs 6
- Chu So: Super Simple
- Noor Zahra: Twhan Alfred se l
- Jayson Flores: thay are nrds
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +galgulator Thanks for waiting for it. We're glad you like it. :)
- ชัยยันต์ รัตนากรพันธุ์: ลยล
- Maureen Coates: Изольда Худалова hello hello
- Khawla36 Almarzouqi: 0
- Gatuso2311: you guys made parenting a bit easier I use videos for about 1 hr a day and he loves them and learn so much from them
- Uyen Tran: Mother Goose Club Playhouse 1€j. J Milk.kkj,killkljkvlhui EfEr? Z seen
- Vince Wong:
- Tiago Marques: yyy
- vungkag jam: :)
- Amber Langford:
- Merline Morrison: Beautiful.my nephew likes this song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Isabella Campos We're glad you like it! :)
- Kids Univers Play: nice!
- Tien Doantrong: J
- 陳燕涵: 秩序 A Kilma=rnock'是殺菌劑a r fee www waA549@
- Edgar Viegas: 😨😢😢😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😣😣😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😠☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😣😡😡😡😡
- OKG Cartoons: All kids in the world can be happy listening this funny song compilation for kids of all age :--) Thanks
- Zepeda Ana: I love your channel and so those my pre-schooler. I love all this song. keep doing a great job.
- Tatiana Makurina: My favorite ;)
- Wail Sagban: Carolina Dominguez . I have been k
- Jr Black: why is the guy is alive?????????????????
- Lolo Lolo: 1
- Mauro Ferreira: ahmedgtx GT qillqa
- Ngoc Ton: MANELYA браслеты из резинок day is
- David Rubio: +Yaseen Sidibay
- anish gandla: i am seeing this rhyme after a lon time
- Canguro English: The Pinocchio song is really excellent. Great work!
- SurpriseEggs4Kids: beautiful. learning dance and english
- gilkin tanah:
- Karelia Vega: very good for all the family
- Sandro Santos:
- Tyler Brown: Mother G $$))&oose Club kmhhhu
- Abid Khan: and soooooooooooo cute
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Sara Echeverri There's lots of free downloadable resources on our website that we hope you find useful. We're happy that you and your students enjoy the songs. Please tell your kids "Hello!" from us. :)
- Chelsea Joy Divino: my baby brother love it so much it was great
- Klaudia Slaven: tomato pancakes are delicious
- The Frenzy Eletcro Cakes From Bonnie & Kate: cool
- Ginas Tiar: lolz
- quang huy nguyen vinh: +Biju Neyyan o
- Chris Lewis: Clarena Celedon m
- Noor Zahra: Victoria Ehigiator s.
- leanne noble: +Brandon Rolfs jnm
- Изольда Худалова: жретс😨
- dd Pp: Taxi
- Saleh Hussein: +Super Simple Son😕😅☺☺😯😅
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Gogamedeiros Thank you! We're happy you enjoyed it. :)
- JYK JYK: ого сколько подписчиков, подпишитесь на мой канал .
- Perffys Rojas: Nnoli
- hiplikeeabby B.: Best one yet!
- Justin Wilkerson: MANELYA браслеты из резинок pcdaa
- Farabi -Sunnah: Very much good song that me and the baby loves it
- Ngochung Nguyen: my brother loved this video
- zeynab nur: i like the son which sead to the sun and the moon that sead moo and the cow that sead poo
- Cristian Marius Tudor: ugofr grdf.gglkokr aqqqsreruxhEB et
- M.C: Way much better thn CHUCHU TV...!
- Gordon McNicol: Glad to see the Uh-huh song has been given a reworking, no offence to the dude but.. Any chance of doing the same with your Days of the week song. All songs much appreciated!!
- Guli Rozikova: Wow!!!!! So Cool
- Aby Aguilar: my baby brother loves theses songs👏👏👏👏 thank you👏👏👏🖒🖒🖒✍🖒👏✍👏🖒👏🖒👏🖒👏
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Masood Mujeeb Thanks for your comment. We're glad you like them. :)
- GT GAMING: Clarena Celedon !"' &&&
- khaula king: Okkkk thanks a lot for answering :) actually I tried to teach him the difference between left and right but after your comment I think I have to change my way and let him learn by himself in the way what he fell easy :)
- Kimberly Hodges:
- Jane Njoroge: tokisanntokisann à
- andrea c: this is cute
- TChuan Liew: P
- Saher Same: wow
- At Las Universe: uhhhhhhhh u guys call ur lefts rights?
- doradenta mziuri: 😍😍😍
- ubaydullaah Ajanaku: ..
- Welaine Castil:
- Iis faridah: bisa bikin video lain kaya put your shoes 2
- Mark Armstrong: Absolutely brilliant!
- скорпион милена: на английски във градината я учим
- Mona Alshahrani: Aretha Altan op
- Yaseen Sidibay: Ghunnh by him kimono no UK in saw was skin my oTyil! L!!y
- Javier Ramirez: O
- Soad Amer: Aretha Altan j ZZ yuuuuhyyhyyuuu
- Biju Neyyan: Oops! Now I'm all confused! Which one's my left hand? - we don't consider images on TV as mirror images but as representations of actual objects. If a person is facing us on TV better name the hand on the left side of the screen as right hand.
- tokisanntokisann: To study English by watching this video. I want to make an English movie.
- Kátia Marciano Noronha: "The Pinocchio" is very cute!!!! Another piece of increadible work of yours! My kids and I just loved!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Mark Armstrong!! :)
- Gallina Pintadita: Beautiful.
- KGS KGS: my little brother likes your song
- Dariusz Kostyra: okkjvgiob juju
- Kk Kk: أى بن يصز8س8كءطخ744رةءل 37 فمنج نىحو،9ig f rzv fuy9j0 mم
- Marwa Abo nasra: +Taniesha McKain م اغاني
- Alessandra Chavez: MANELYA браслеты из резинок . J, Pop.
- Lacey Paxman: Super Simple 日本語 - 童謡とこどもの歌 m
- Jessica Zuniga: tabassum fatima sdfdd
- Yesim Bahadir: 😙😙😙❤💙💚
- Mmar G: +Super Simple Songs qsyurddrsYauyreeewrruhrhfffglpiyootepittptehlprqquogcjghhhk
- Kadem Aksoy:
- yesu patham: on
- Rachel Garrett: Far Loki
- shwetabh shrivastava: +Super Simple Songs
- Caroline Bowles: Maria Martinez ghiimllolppuua Man
- giuseppina marra: Bellissimi per bambini ed anche adulti che seguono i piccoli
- Narmin Petrus: w2ees313
- おくかずま: 、は
- X Media: very nice job :D
- Sherina Shahnaz Fauzi: y7
- Ruby Yearsley: +B enjamin Katungo ppytdwi0pvhp. B c
- Marketa Prochazkova: to je pro malý dětičky
- alia kalkattawi: Angie Cahil t hhq
- concean30: Fantastic
- Đăng Khoa: vvvvgf
- Алёна Черных: Егора
- Catarina Salanic: Theodll serino Gfchviiqa
- Isa Silva: ♥
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Alicia Isabel Lara Espinoza, thanks for your message. Currently, The Pinocchio is only available as part of this video collection. We hope that will work for you!
- Clarena Celedon: me encantaria tener la letra de las canciones en ingles y en español para practicarlas mejor con mis alumnos
- •Keinly•: 00:25:30
- MANELYA браслеты из резинок: очень прикольно
- M Calderone: My kids ( 16 month twins )love this songs !! But !!! One ( the boy ) start crying every time with the song of the " vegetable ice cream ". Any body experience something like that ??
- Williams O:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +antonio garcia Yeah!! Thanks for dancing with us. :)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +mauicLes Nale Thank you! We're glad you like it. :)
- Josie Galindez:
- Muhammed Riyadh: great
- Syesha Lim: nicely tuned and nice lyrics .well done
- 黃惠雯:
- Philippe Duguay: The pinnochio keeps calling his left arm right arm and vice versa... I hope you dont turn too many kids dyslexic with this....
- Mary Monto: gooooood
- Saad zro: Good👍🏻
- Chuyện Nhà Pi: Great Video, have a nice day :X
- Andrey Khodunov: ДэАбпии Яс. Э
- nestgun: I like pinochio
- SIEC 421: +Super Simple Songs OMG!! thank you so much!!!!! I am English teacher for kids and your songs are very special for my kids.
- Patel Arti: llllllll!???!?
- Loraine Starosa:
- ชวลิต คงพูล: ชขบยจรีพี่พรจ
- Nuestro Hogar, Mari Mora Canal: I LOVE!! LOVE!!! LOVE!!! REALLY LOVE THIS SONG, thanks to this song´s met you, my kids love it !! Thank You. Greetings from Mexico
- Angie Cahill: sophias first song love nanny xx
- Hyeonsu So: 1ㅣ
- Rui Sobral: Mother Goose Club Playhouse 👣🈷️🆚✡️☦️♒️😷🤧🤮🤢🥴👿🤕🤑🤠😈💩🤡👺👹👻💀☠️👽🤞🤞
- Carolina Dominguez: +Saleh Hussein g
- Marie Goretti Poulard: My baby sister loves this
- Edcel David: Why in the Pinocchio if is right is left and if its left its right
- Tyler Brown: I’m.vv B
- Wayne Thomas:
- Deuksoo Moon:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +giuseppina marra grazie!! :)
- The Family BOOS Official: Very very nice!!!!! Cute!!!
- 吳念錚: 加油
- Fide Distripub: p j
- Tala Sandid: thank you . you are helping my small brother learn
- Kayla Strittmatter: 000000000
- abu mathew:
- Hashir Zahid: Pristine Parr s
- Chioma Mbakwe-Peter: d!z. ":.î nljhkjt hi i
- maria jose perez ulloa: m.
- Mike Wilson: Fide Distripub so qqq
- zavinta Cesnauskaite: Abid Khan H
- M Calderone: +Oscar Betances ??????????? GABY ????
- Jacqueline Cruz: 'Jvh d
- Joseff de Castro: Jaden love
- Ever aldosterone a wed love your Ruano: que onda con la gente de la. La continuidad 25 de de 66 de de la de la de los de los de 33
- Kiwanuka Alice:
- Adriana Valdez: Lo
- 李廿三妹: +Danielle Betancor :000000000。
- dragon gamer: نظمكمننجججتمحججختزت ندمت دظظنشطططضجددك0كككد1م1ططد
- Amira Sammour: دپييي
- mimi tv: Cute ❤❤❤❤
- christy flores: My daughter only 7 months, she stated to watch it when she was only 5 mouth and she get super happy when she hear the song more likely Pinocchio or BABY SHAKE... my nephew 4 years old and he sings it lot... I love it so much.. thanks you for making the videos... YOU ROCK SUPER SIMPLE SONGS.... :)
- Pink Fluffy the Cat Animations: 10:33 you could eat the cookies then eat the salad
- Zsu Csiszar: Sara Bint Nayef ----2 wwghhb
- Marino Lagabol: Edcel David 7
- Nadia Souffrant: French
- Hamed Soltani: und ich hab
- Pristine Parr: Yes i can sleep😴😴😴❤❤❤❤😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴❤❤😴😴😴😴😴😴😴❤😴😴❤❤😴❤❤this so crazy they not even trying
- Maria Y Rojo: 🍼🍉
- Furryjamah: Man, I used to love this! XD The memories of awesomeness XD
- Nazirul Hafiz:
- vungkag jam: I really really like this vid i even catch my self watching with my little sister greetings from phillipines!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We're sorry to hear that your little one has such a strong reaction to this song. We have many friends that enjoy it, but we understand that kids all respond differently. We hope there are other videos that your baby enjoys. 💕
- meng chen: Mother Goose Club 了」 」 ㄨㄨㄛ˙ㄙㄥˉ
- Victoria Ehigiator: l
- Nur Amira:
- Defne Aykut: '
- Hala Albanna:
- Jr Black: why is that guy flying
- Andreina Gómez Reyes: You are just awesome!!! great songs guys:) May God always bless you...
- Benjamin Katungo: R l xj bbbv nbhv e . le ré rf
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +mauicLes Nale Aww...thank you. Please tell everyone we said, "Hello!" 👋
- Adlina Abdullah: Great song my baby always listen to this song 👍👍👍
- Oriana Cremella:
- Dora Valdez: clandestine laigo bcbv💏🎈🎈
- Noel Morales: Edcel David n idy
- Brandon Rolfs: +concean30 Zaza so xx rob y
- Roxanna g / Louis c: +Super Simple Songs kll
- Louisa Shepherd:
- N Fix:
- Anusha Surangika: superb we like
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +TheXfoxUK Thanks for watching and we certainly understand about the "20". We use standard American English in our songs, so the second "t" in "20" is soft for us. For what it's worth, rest assured that if you are raising your child or teaching in a country where British English is standard, they'll have no problem picking it up even if they also learn common American English pronunciation. Also, here's a great little song from one of our favorites, KidsTV123, that teaches twenty with a hard second "t" (plus some BIG numbers!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0dJWfQHF8Y
- serhat uzun:
- lizette limon: 88th
- R Outlaw: Pristine Parr bajjxjjkkkbb. Qkweoiouririirurjejurrrei
- Andrea Janeeta: I like the ponicio 😍😍
- Cailley's Playtime and Toys: great videos =)
- yvonne buenviaje: nice nice video ilike the video
- Biju Neyyan: +Super Simple Songs , thanks for your response. First of all, let me tell you that my two year old son absolutely loves your video songs. Its quality is just outstanding. However, while I agree with your aerobics/beyonce examples for adults, I still believe that it'll create confusion (no less than the confusion that happens if you show the correct hand) in kids. Since both of them create confusion, I'd rather settle with a confusion that's the result of a right representation :) cheers.
- M Calderone: +Esraa Ali what's is that means. Please in English, Spanish, or Portuguese
- john gaitan: Thanks
- Navajo.FitCenter: Uk.
- Majed Mm: ص_٢، ه لذ
- DimSome: Great songs!!
- khaula king: I love to show "super simple videos" to my son as these are of very good standerd,beautiful and clear,he like this new addition but I.am really disappointed as on left all wave right and on right they move left,left and right concept should b clear for kids,please make a correction. :)
- Ethan Louis: ПараШутиК ШОУ lko
- Pink Fluffy the Cat Animations: This looks like for classes
- Rubenaslml Henriquez: hfs
- SPEED WASH: 🗑💴🗑📞📞🕯🎙
- Love Love BABY: My daughter loves this songs 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😀😀😀😀😀😀😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😃😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😜😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Ella엘라맘: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ㅏㅁ모ㅢㅓㅐㅑ
- Karina: How can you not like this? It's cute, but it's not dumb. It's perfect.
- Gemma Thomson:
- Juan Carlos Chingo: b y
- Iniya Diya Ilakkia: ,gu
- ziysha nessa: ,
- Stella Rosa: C
- Nobody: Es war wieder Gute Musik,Hoffe auf tägliche musik
- Chace Kingfisher: H1op
- Mireya Romero: +Elizabeth Coronado en
- JUNGSUK YOON: Iis faridah mk f h
- Chenda Mok:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you for making us a part of your lessons, +María Trejo!! Sending a big "Hello!" to your students from Seattle, USA. :)
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The Pinocchio + More | Kids Songs | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs | |
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KinoBimbo Gisko SVB TV Official ABC TV Nhi Nguyễn Yến Minh Đức Nguyễn Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Education | Upload TimePublished on 8 Jul 2015 |
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