iTunes: http://bit.ly/TheSkeletonDance_iTunes
We uploaded a Skeleton Dance video for Halloween in 2009 and many of you rightfully commented that it would be a little more useful if "right" and "left" in the video were mirrored so that young children could more easily dance along. Here you are!
Music: Traditional
Adapted Lyrics: Copyright 2009 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2010 Super Simple Learning®
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Like this song? Check out our award-winning collection of CDs, DVDs, books, and more at http://supersimplelearning.com/shop/
♫ Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.
Doin' the skeleton dance.
The foot bone's connected to the leg bone.
The leg bone's connected to the knee bone.
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone.
Doin' the skeleton dance.
The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone.
The hip bone's connected to the backbone.
The backbone's connected to the neck bone.
Doin' the skeleton dance.
Shake your hands to the left.
Shake your hands to the right.
Put your hands in the air.
Put your hands out of sight.
Shake your hands to the left.
Shake your hands to the right.
Put your hands in the air.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,
wiggle, wiggle...wiggle your knees.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones.
Doin' the skeleton dance. ♫
Music: Super Simple Learning
Song: The Skeleton Dance
CD: Super Simple Songs - Halloween
Vocals: Leah Frederick, Shelly Lomonaco, Josh Lomonaco
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Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
"The Skeleton Dance" by Super Simple Learning
- Mimi smith: i love this song
- Chị Cám Blog: i like video
- Saalim Akhtar: It was great and good
- Andrea Solomon: idur4 u
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @TheImogenHart Thanks! Yes, we sell CDs and can ship anywhere. Click on the link under the video and you'll be able to find the shop ^_^.
- skeletonWU: soso very cute
- acemace: oh yes
- mike212675 -: .
- Son Dinh:
- lpssammy47: yeah that does sound awsome
- Rich Kids - Stray Kids Cover Group: nakakatawa
- Amy Ching: Unusual
- Emma Forever67:
- Fred Ghavami: I just love this!😀
- Melany Regio: logggggggggggggggggggggggggggh
- Chloe Nash: how is it spooky
- DAMIRON ZAPATA: nananananan
- crazyteen liv: I love this song, good exersize plz reply!
- Fatima AL Raisi: عاىا
- dragthemouse123: My little daughter like this song she is one year old
- Angelina Giummarra: 2spooky4me
- Hasnan Khan:
- Chris Omatic: We have this song to my class and we dance
- Jasleen Garcha: my cousin's love this song!!!! and now it is stuck in my head.. CAN'T STOP SINGING IT!
- delwin distor: :) MRaMinG3
- Ra'Nyah Dixon: lol
- i am the ghost of christmas meme: I'll never sleep again so spoopy
- Khánh NGUYỄN: dở quá
- Marlon Diaz: Bc.!'
- Lai Siu: 😄😄😄😄😃😃😃😃😃😃😊😊😊😊😊😊😀😀😀😀😀😀☺☺☺☺☺☺☺💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👰👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
- dante vivas:
- Bree and Fam: spooky awesome
- big chunkus: Its accually very creepy :/
- martina bednarova: 😁😁✌🏿
- Jason Walton: Huh
- Jodi Lee: A d m i r a l ķ job go ţjrjffjajfjjjjfjjjrjjjf
- Shiraz Sarfraz: T
- Sharon Zabala: Mecky mouse
- Ant Ford:
- liamu4: Anyone else knew the bones and shouted them without reading and felt special?
- 林易萱:
- Nonhuman: 2spooky
- Elizabeth Ponce: jeudegodedoctorjuegodedor
- Anna Lovez: My teacher taught me this song
- darknessmaze: this is so funny. I want more dance videos for children
- Emily Nunn: Ccv
- DJC Kids: That was so much fun!
- michelle arellano: they just did this video for the kinder kids to understand.. k?? -_-
- efransophoto: +Super Simple Songs Thank you very much for the response! I appreciate your time; and my foster son (who's 2) is in love with this video. We watch it often and recite it when we're not at the computer. It's the first song in my skeleton/Halloween playlist because it's a requisite piece of entertainment and education.
- Michael Parr: Hbbn
- Mitzi Potter: I use to watch that in my old nursery
- Shawn Thompson:
- Eyupelifeylul Eyupelifeylul: Dogizmaster vuku Teşekkürler '
- harold: Worlds Smcldm,cod,d,dmcldmdcnmdmd,xCkldc,
- Ruly Roy: my children love it!
- heyitzSierra Lynn: muffin gamming yes me
- Justyna Solarova: nice song :-D
- Shenay Aitken: Totally annoying!:*)
- Colleen Cannon and George Kociuba: I love you
- haxxxbraingrinder:
- Lacey Vennard: 😄
- Denise joy Nicolas: ..
- Xiomarafh: do you have this song in spanish?
- Saurabh Mittal:
- Elizabeth Campoli: Jk,
- TOM QwQwQwe: geras
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Nice aerobics class, huh? Glad you enjoyed it!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +blueangel0925 That's great to hear!
- Michelle Eleven: 可愛い ^-^ doin' the skeleton dance *w*
- jojie calapano: 100% ilike this song:)))
- Bert Lunsford: Love my grandbabbys
- ประดิษฐ์ มีสุข: ⛄❄
- Suda Hiruncharoensamut: berns lim Bfj
- Summer Atkinson: I watched this today at school year 3😜😜😜😜😜😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😜😜😜😝😜😝😜😝😜😜😝😜😝😜😝😂😂😀😀😀😯😯😃
- Mitsie Thomas:
- Mahmood s: I love this
- Azure Δиɢɛℓ: 2spooky4me
- Autumn Roche: Kkkkk
- Murat AZAK: çok güzel
- Awesome Eliam: Mangle the Animatronic WHYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
- Randomizer: 77
- La Zhi Man: bingo
- Soprano08: I'm a teacher, and my classes love to sing and dance to this! Unfortunately, since the ad was very recently added at the beginning, the song no longer synchs up with the dancing skeleton. Is there any way that could be edited?
- cristina gonzalez: aww this is so cute for my baby sis shell luv it
- Debbie Jordan: I Love this
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Fantastic. Love to hear it. Thanks!
- Snoopy and Bowow: My favorite song XD
- María Hernández: L
- Gonca Gürbulak: Gan@
- Kelly Preston: Lol
- Olivia Newell: im in park junior school in year 3 and i love this song!!!!
- Jhon Faber: it video is great for children class
- Edyta D: xd
- zyasia mcclain: Babby dance.
- Theopisti Lu: i just love it, that i listen it when i want :)
- Yvonne Nielson: THIS IS RILEY COOL
- MiniTaiぉl:
- Stzy.: Nopity nope nope...we expected spooky scary skeletons...
- Aaron Groetelaers: 00oi
- Alfred Lalsapan: THE RIDE NEVER ENDS
- TheKenama: bang bang kids song
- Fely Organiza: I like the song
- Aysha Begum: its stuck to my head lol
- Filip jakiel: Lol
- Kimberly Echols: awesome good
- MrUlesus:
- Steve Spencer: I see the words have been changed in this song...
- wei chang: 欸
- sas2791: Bbv
- jennifer decker: My 4 and 5 year old love these songs. Can you buy them on CD?
- Haluk Öztürk: .
- 2015 Silverado: D E M B O N E S
- Timothy Harmon: Px
- MasterOfWS:
- Luigi13518: THIS...IS.....THE......WORSSSST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw Did I mention I'm a senior in high school and my teacher made the WHOLE CLASS listen and dance to this?
- Жанна Нусамбаева: Мы 4 в класс на казахском языке танцевали ее
- Ralph Monteverde:
- Julie Wolf: lol
- maddysmom528: Android please!!!! :(
- Carlos Humberto Ortiz Jimenez:
- Mouschii: 3spooky5me
- Muhammad Bashir:
- sunil c: il
- Stan Kamaujoji: Thank
- denis: 0:50 "shake your hands to the left".....its their right,and ours left lol
- Abdel Fa: +Jason Walton
- Deniz Kids Show: Good song!!!
- Farid Abacha:
- Lars Schluter: LOL
- Яна Бикина: у нас на казахском языке такая же
- alex curraj: Olmo
- Sage Saunders: kindly 123 Good I
- Rafał Paradowski: Eclipse xd nie 🙅 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🎹🎸🎧🎤🎼📯📣📻🎻🎺💰
- WhittCheeks 101: I love this song❤️😍🎃
- 송지영:
- mida0927: does anyone knows that"dem bones "means?
- Md. Salek:
- TJ Dang: is there a song that has like, the tibia is connected to the fibula or something
- Ilky Collince: sorry guys for the comment l had earlier, my daughter she worte them. she loves this song and plays all the time. thanks again for the sweet answers :)
- Callmeava X: i did it at school
- TurtleintheDark11: 2spooky4me
- Ali Al-Madeh: muffin gamming ر '
- Pili Clementeg q: Mangle the Animatronic tipos
- Dotty Blow: Chertoff rd c f2f grid y you'll it hi 😗😊😔😙😁😜😗😜😗😙😙😊😊
- nayara montojo lopez: es muy inportante con El cuerpo skeleton dance 😁😁
- Peter Reynolds: that is fror babys
- David Regalbuto: can i get a cd for my little sister
- dimpal sonani: Ok
- Eduardo F Gonzalez: Zy
- Светлана Шарандина: !
- Patrick Kenny: Partick Kenny Michael. Jdiaodjaixnja
- Lexi Playz: do they still play this in kindergarten i would come home every day singing dis
- Lucinda Martindale: Barbie
- XxRGB2xX:
- I got the info:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, Miss Tracey!
- Carolina Marin: Lllllllllopoppooqp
- timnesha gordon: dem bones, dem bones, dem dancin bones
- Ha Rin Jung: Same here :)
- hani sweet: Aacb
- oyun prosu: çok güzel
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Aww...we love you!! 💕💕💕
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 👍
- Julia: yyyyy....
- Adam Gani: +Super Simple Songs best song
- Muhammad Raiyan: why 7 k dislikes +Super Simple Songs creepy to imagine this is our body but great vis
- kristen neville: Ex
- Sandeep Bansal: P
- brent mulvaney: this song is weird
- Mary Alonso Bustabad: 🙋👧💋✌👍
- 기현: 개 재미없습
- Jim Coast: I found it very spooky. Please put some warnings before the video so no one else is spooked.
- Rami Hermes:
- Angelic.Angel_: This is cute even though Im 14 years old haha:)
- Yo: why do people dislike these songs?
- Josh Andrews:
- Leo Jiang: Anabel Diaz
- Afiq ardi: How do you move without muscles? Please tell me how
- The Nevermind Blog: my baby sister loves this song *
- rob nailer: I
- Silver:
- Gill Navarro: This scares me now.
- Casey Carter: i love this song when i am 10 YEARS OLD!
- Jose Sanchez: +Jennifer Bray aware you
- gappibutt87: kindly 123 Good Abeer
- Halloween Movie Maker: Boring
- Rhea Rodrigues: cool goil but crazy songs
- ana kostava: 78
- Lil Kuro: 3spooky5me
- José Manuel Lanza Gonzalez:
- supportdanny97: It's fun!!!
- 박지연: ㅌ
- Erika Gaither: By
- fabian pagayanan: nice exercise hehehe
- kaan aybacı: DF Eee
- Carina Berg: Cute song and video!
- ELF Kids Videos: My wife is an aerobics teacher and had to learn how to change her left to her right based on which direction she was facing. NOT easy! :)
- jane white frost: es genial
- Henry Hidalgo:
- Darla Quezada: muy bueno este vídeo y divertido
- 공주영: oh!!
- scatterill:
- Pannaporn Chanthakun: 555
- Froz3nSolid: this is the first video if you search skeleton dong
- 이영연: 아...이거4학년때했는데ㅠㅠ 추억돋는닼ㅋ
- francis cudjoes:
- liam marsh: thank you so much Super Simple Songs my little brother he is 4 and now he knows what his bones are connected to your awesome Super Simple Songs and also he dances whatever it says and i am 18 years old
- Nickywooz: Im dancing this song to our class assembly in about 2 weeks from now and bam ITS STUCK IN MY HEAD !! Thank u so much super simple songs ur song is awesome ! My brother is 3 and he loves your hickory dicory dock song he also learned it .
- Yousef alorur: ححخ_---_٥٩٠'ىىتLacey Vennard رغ
- rainbow unicorn: This is the same song that I am singing at school
- Nickcol Yarborough: Bobjob kiiuyfgggggh ftuju0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I was 0000 00000
- PickleJello: Reported for being 2spooky4me.
- Shopkin Girl: Oh my mother showed me this when I was 4 years old...so familiar!
- Patrick Axinte: It's good
- Nitesh Shirsath: +efransophoto
- Gisèle IMBERT: *****123c'est coule sette chanson 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: This song is on our Halloween CD, available at the Super Simple Learning Store.
- Syed Ahmad: When I was 6 I loved it know I am 10 and my 2week brotherloves it amd I don't think it scary Ilove it
- JOSE ALCANTARA HERRERA: Enlafotoparecesgordo
- vetris222: love it, my little sister keeps dancing to it over and over
- diegoxxzeta: muy buena esta cansion :D no puedo despegar a mi hermanito de aqui xD
- Hayley Moss:
- bethan briggs: my sister loves this. One of her favioute songs
- Thiaga Rajan:
- Luca Di Nardo: Bella molto bella
- joua thao: Boyle
- Donald Houghton: It would be better if they said what the bones are scientifically called along with what they already have at the beginning.
- ngepski punzalan:
- Babi G.: meu irmao adora :D
- Tasawar Khan: lov yo vidiyos
- Zoya Someheart: Ali Al-Madeh .. 00 00 0 0 to get bac00 kkkkk .?.l P0)9000? keep it clean k. It has to do l
- Fireboy4444 Fire: Nice
- emberpeak: Jnn
- Gεηισ Ɖεł Mαłε: ciao
- Ashley Meza: Wiggle 😉😂😁😀😊☺😃😄😅😆😇😯😐
- Lacey Vennard: this songs weird and cool
- davidn552: 😗😜😚
- Eclipse: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Spooky999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999me
- fancypanties.: 1:15 and that's how kids, LMFAO create songs
- Patryk Gora: Voor babis
- maram maram: Soe Aung تدچفجات
- dimpal sonani: Ok
- erdem teke:
- fhm D: +David Hernandez to
- leighkater: I
- 여이상애: 웃겨요
- tamphotinhnhi: So many bone.....................!
- Monique warmerdam: HAHAHAHAHA!
- Diep Phan Khac: very good i like this songs
- Qadeer Rehmat: NICE
- Sümeyye Karagöz: coooooookkkkkkkk ggggggguuuujuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeelllllllllll
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: ^_^ Thanks! Hope you are enjoying it. We tried to make the songs with Halloween feel, but with language that would be useful for kids all year round. Knock Knock, Trick or Treat? is the song that we get requests for all year :-)
- Sarah Dunleavy: I no this song
- Mangle the Animatronic: 2spooky4me
- prajith manoj: prajith
- Shawn Sherman: I think it not scratch!
- Mario Carmona: like LIKE
- whitemen 4ever: (^^^)
- ashley johnson: That was fun
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @hannahcammrion Sure! Just click on the link beneath the video and you'll find our web shop. Thanks!
- Tiara delaChevrotiere: Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- AngelaWillamina: lol i love it xD
- rosalba chavez: f3 4 r t t 55 t t6 yr t t UT yr raw er oui o I u UT lo UT 4 re re t r g t 6y64 te r Rd 5tgt j//
- Darren Elson:
- Dakota B: omg i remember this
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Great question, +mida0927. Here's a blog post where we explain a bit more about the history of this song: http://supersimplelearning.com/blog/2012/10/12/halloween-left-and-right/
- Erdal Celik: ı love you süper simüle song
- Sissi Emperatriz: My son love this song
- Toni Loni: cool hale ween
- 조효숙: Actually, I've shown this video to my students and they pretty much enjoyed it!
- TSMgodlead 101:
- belkis sarmiento: .9
- muffin gaming msp: i loved this song in kindergarden
- Randomizer: 76
- aastha khare: ma lil sis enjoyed a lot1 ^.^
- romelyn fuertes: this is great! my little yumi will surely love this!
- Sultana Miah: T
- ari fontanilla: Cool video
- Samtheking: Ylaiza mei Timtim b
- julius estrella: Jdhhddhdhde
- psychoshow1107: あよ
- Carol rentas: I ment I like it
- annabel base: very nice
- Cong Huy Duong: In my ila school have dance this before and thanks for the song
- Sumi Rajesh: mkm
- Minikler lps kiraz tv Miniş oyuncusu:
- Mohamed Habibi: Thanks 8ooop 7th. This email address.? I
- jstrother24: Qeruuqwert
- Keri Bullard: really
- Spandex Practitioner: halween comin up soon!!!
- Tefhany Pines: Its related to Science subject like Skeletal System.I like it because Im filipino and funny beautiful dance,Im Nenith.Hahahahahah!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Adnan Hussain:
- ACE Gaming: Ylaiza mei Timtim fdd'
- Chis Miller: When I was in kindergarten I adored this song
- Halloween Movie Maker: Wow
- María arroyo Ruiz: me encanta
- Jennifer Bray: 8888888888888888888888888888888888988888888888888787777777777777777777777776666666666663333
- cross yuki: nice ^_^
- Sailiot: I like to shake my hip bone when listen this song!
- Bushan Ganji: Ii
- Alba Fernandez: Hola.
- Crafty Gamer: theres about another 500 more bones to name
- Basa Bence: Aranyos
- Galaxya z: Good
- doan tran:
- 廖婉茹: My daughter and I really love these songs ...so delicate ,fun and educated. Thank you from Taiwan
- TheDivaFly: hahahaa..ssooo cutee!!!! Im in grade 11..but i love it!!!
- nayara montojo lopez: I love and I like
- Jelsa forever: No no the. Is not hid
- Thigh sama: Don't you mean the spooky scary skeletons dance
- littlestorybug: Happy Halloween...You all are AWESOME!!!!! Miss Tracey
- newo mj: i dont like this
- Flasinglefin: Tm&mn
- Lillian Carol Russell: We have a group that sings for a nursing home & they love these children's songs. Thanks they will love some of these.
- Charlotte2076: Hi,nice song for Halloween. Could you explain what "dem" means? My pupils would ask and I don´t have clue. Thanks for your answer.
- Lakuśowe Granie: when my class was listenning to it, everyone started to dance. LOL :D XD
- Samantha Geary: 0dfhyg
- Roy Wan: Hhh
- brent mulvaney: because there are 2
- lupita Suarez: JOIN OUR CLUB ▾
- lenny bunny: Cool this is one i can dace to. Joey jr
- Brooke Harvey: would this song be for kindergarten?
- Mabel Page Gallego: Hola uno de de subasta
- Awesome Eliam: ξ WHHYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: ^_^ Thanks so much!
- Rashad: spocy
- areej salem:
- raja Adeel mumtaz: Jilli 1k1
- Evy EZ: Funny
- HANNAH Dale: So no
- DoctorSponge05: Spooky Scary Skeletons
- Alba Fernandez: La. Que. Esqueleto. Que. Quieres
- Maccas: I had to though this in yr1 now im in yr13
- lauraly17:
- K Levine: Did this song in kindergarten
- Prasit Opas: My son he like dance
- Noor Alansary: HI
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi. It's synching correctly when we watch it here. Can you try refreshing your browser and trying again? Let us know if that helps.
- Filip Macia: nie
- Jorge Quevedo:
- SliceHiX: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs l
- chadrick sweeting: Wow bones I love bones phones are fun cool fun
- devanshi Choudhary: Osm
- karen torres: my baby Euan is so alive and happy seeing this video... no boring moments
- John Darnell: fdjngdngtchn
- Ransell Mota:
- bethan briggs: my sister loves this. one of her favioute songs
- Michelle Smith: Murat Selvi 😙😙😣😣
- NoobyPerson1: I'm glad they didn't say chest bone; the chest is made up of the sternum, the scapula, the clavicle, the ribs, and actually includes the spine.
- Mark u.: Nice
- Inga mitcenko: my class knows a song about harlem shake and i dance like a crazy guy
- lilly james: G
- kauser jahaan: E?X X xxxxzzxoopppp
- Natalie Zurita: Ylaiza qpipp
- dudbolt69: News.google.co.in I will go to a
- Virgobaybe: so i'm 21 and watching this and enjoying it.... (covers face) lol
- Ana De Pedro:
- Thicc necc squidward: spooky scary skelingtons
- Noreen Hennelly: Marcin Katherine
- Claire Eagling:
- AbduKemet: How can I get a MP3 of this song?
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We hope you having fun doing the Skeleton Dance!! 👍
- Taylor and Abby show Wilson and Ferguson: I like your. Videos
- Ranganath Chinni:
- Nikilis: haha my 5 year old brother loves this.
- Cynthia Anne Harper: Wired
- Adamu Kamal:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome! It's a great way to learn parts of the body! 😀 👍
- dylan may: awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Jeet Arora:
- Amanda Camilleri: I amabeautifulpersontobeableof888o8990 1354111ř4u00pók
- MayaDrew: Tq so much! I wonder if anyone knows any songs that can be used to teach just about 'left' and 'right'?
- Maya Ajam: im 20 years old and im dancing on this song. LMAO
- PancakeHunter: I have to watch this for homework if anybody else is here from 6JW like and tell me (Jayson)
- Keala Almond: Debbie Jordan
- Michael Gengo: JjhjkkijkjjiiikkkkklM
- Ryland Willis: k
- dr aven: i was specting the spooky song
- James Damsel: dem bones though xD
- whitemen 4ever: <3
- Maru Ahues Bouza: Super fun!
- Настя Настенька: :-))
- myT V: song skelton hugry
- Awesome Eliam: CharityPanda1337 well...did you not read?? it said on the top super simple songs
- Anne kawiii: Hi
- Divya Krishnamurthy: Know that
- ramzi1979: why would anyone dislike it this?
- Teena Kudagi: Yup
- Mariateresa Marino: very very nice this song!!
- The Girly Youtuber: grade 4 science Song tho😂
- Anil Tosun: Ramiro Cadena P. .
- Dogizmaster: I am sp00ked 4 life. Not 4 the faint hearted. 18+
- Simal Yildiz: wu
- 나라따봉: 영어 교실에서 배웠어요
- anmol tumu: Edddsdwdd
- adamdev: 2kiddy4me
- Briseis Pittman: atikin
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: That's awesome. Hope you're dancing along with him!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Sure. It's on the Super Simple Songs - Halloween CD which you can find at our website ^_^
- Luke Anekin: dem bones.........
- sofia de Diego: I need to learn this song for my english project
- Magma Magnetic: soudnds like a song i'd hear in 6th grade lol
- julie kay: +Duangdara0 Sripinyo
- Kids Weisenburger: I LOVE YOU .
- Greenhouse45 Greenhouse: same
- Renata Araujo: +Meryem Ürün et zap
- Jessica S: I'm studying for my 2100 anthropology class trying to freshen up my memory on the bones and I ended up here. If only it was as simple as this. So catchy and fun
- 1004nary: Super nice!!!!
- The GamingMen: Wait, then what is connected to the hand bone? :/
- stefanie wetzler: @russianshrek.......the femur is not part of the "leg bone".....you just contradicted yourself.....the leg bone is the tibia and fibula.....the "thigh bone" is the femur.....and since you want to get sipping technical, there not medically called, "digits".....there actually called "DIGITALS".....now who looks stupid? It's a KIDS SONG!!!!! Let the kids have FUN with it!!!!!
- loly menendez: Que gracioso
- Javier Guzman: lolololololololololololo
- Antonio Hernández: Thanks a lot for that small change which actually is a very important one, now the conflict between left and right is solved. I teach english in Spain and kids love this video...well..they love all ur videos and me too!!
- Nour Bar: +Super Simple Songs 7uýfu Lmyrf5sfhkL..
- Aldo Cigala: At my school the nursery sing and dance to this song.
- Pannaporn Chanthakun: 555
- julie kay:
- sair wang wong: ,^_^Orz
- rebeca diaz ferrandiz: Cdr
- trung nguyen:
- evelina Forsberg: +Dotty Blow fhxccghdhhhh4thhhhgwggwhhgq
- rawmeat._. bella: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Ur the best go to my vids #anabeldiaz
- ufuk yanmaz:
- The Tiny Tots: amazing video....very informative...tiney tots love it...
- Sang Doan:
- Ezrhiel Leiyha: We love skeleton dance!
- Samira Ali: +Shireesha Sharma hj
- Martin Santos VLOGS: ho
- Jason Walton: Oh ,gioo point 9
- shifa noor Chuchu: This song was scary but cute!!!!!!!! <3
- Ahmad Zaki Abas:
- Cleb: Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Doin' the skeleton dance. The Tarsal bone's connected to the Tibia bone. The Tibia bone's connected to the Patella bone. The Patella bone's connected to the Femur bone. Doin' the skeleton dance. The Femur bone's connected to the Pelvic bone. The Pelvic bone's connected to the Vertibrae Bones. The Vertibrae Bones' connected to the Sternum bone. Doin' the skeleton dance. Shake your hands to the left. Shake your hands to the right. Put your hands in the air. Put your hands out of sight. Shake your hands to the left. Shake your hands to the right. Put your hands in the air. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle...wiggle your knees. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. Doin' the skeleton dance. ♫
- Rockman1047: Man Brook can shake it
- 16tamw: Hvjl
- Cal Caneus: I remember this.
- Sumi Rajesh: ij
- TheNigmaticProdigy: Nice simple song... Too bad the animated skeleton scares the diaper off my 2 year old... she loves all the other vids though
- Arjamy Roman: Super fun dace
- TV마리: good
- Patrice Ray: E8
- ruby pollock: I had to do this song in yr4
- SammieJo Raisch: rfg
- FBHZ Stúdió: Halloween is the best
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 👍
- clariz kate:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @Charlotte2076 Hi Charlotte. "Dem Bones" is a traditional spiritual song used to teach body parts for a couple of centuries now, and this is our simple version of that song. "Dem Bones" is a colloquial, regional way of saying "those bones" (them bones). It's not formally "correct" English, but it's an old traditional song and singing it as "dem" gives it a regional feel of the American southeast. I hope that helps!
- A d m i r a l: это очень смешно
- Kelsi Kolander: nice song I LIKE THAT SONG
- shaheda Chowdhury: The Skeleton Dance | Super Simple Songs
- Nitin Malik: Nnnnnnnnnnnnn
- Sudhakar Nishanka: Sage Saunders yk
- Fatima Ahmed: +Denise joy Nicolas
- Your Choice: I am five years old I like this song ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇲🇾
- lanya Ahmed: Ccde
- evelyn aca: My cousin starts jumping and dancing because she likes this song!!
- MyVoxSongs Nursery Rhymes: Great song! We have added it to our Halloween playlist. Happy Halloween!
- VikingEgg: I find myself doing all of the moves. ^^,
- Star Rush: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Yep me and my friends loved it, it was fun! :D
- quinten110956: he wiggeled before it was cool
- Lavina Aswani:
- Ria Meridona: Cool
- shoopdawhoop37: 2spooky
- Helena Claxton: Tooooo young for that !!!
- Gary Love: Nice
- Ramiro Cadena P.: Fireboy4444 Fire yee
- Tibi A:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 😁😁😁
- Shiaan Baker: I'm only 8
- Randomizer: James Hound 76
- WhittCheeks 101: Xoxo I love it please answers😍😍😍😍😍
- SAMIKALEN MKA: muy bueno ahora pregunto no hay una version en español. ¿ Dónde la puedo encontrar? Muchas gracias.
- SELVA inglés: @omigrad I think she just over thought that! lol. Good video though and not a scary skeleton (like most).
- Salwa Mohamed: dhfhdnsnndndndndndndndjdjdjdibnixsniceinxisbcubdcbdbcdbbxxebexbexhecbeccebefhfedhe7befurcbycr 11
- Electrifry: you need a spook warning in the title or someone could B spooked4lifedem bones though! dem bones shuddered, scared, spooked, and shivered my bonez... dem bones are spooky and scary dem bones woke me with a boo scared4life
- Ivett Carrillo: super cute!
- 비캔: ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
- banana smosh: you forgot to say the arms
- Simone demij: Hahaha lol💀
- Sufiya Shaikh: I love this 😊
- has9: @bethan briggs c
- Mungiva Bunduka M: KANE kai
- leo collado: las canciones son lomejor que ai leo leito
- Zaki Bahrami: My baby brother he is one he loves this he startes dancing to it! IDK WHY
- brittandchris22:
- Fee Salley: Lol..buggy just staring at it...lol
- Conex Xenon: You sure that is a childs song?
- starlightmoon15: so cute
- Ninfa Hopilos: Ever mobile. Nice action song.
- A Ram Rancher: I don't know, 42?
- Paola Herrera: LOL...my sister loves this song...&& *SO DO I*
- Miss Poshika: my school song
- harold:
- Sarah Lewis: awesome - we love it!
- Liam Millar: +Bobby Bill Bill lolol
- 비캔: 그냥 다~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 노래가좋다
- droylsdenblue: Lacks ls vgvggggggggggghhhh
- Bjorn Driege: saai
- blueangel0925: Skeletons always scared me as a little girl. Now that I have a son, I show this to him so he's not afraid of them.
- Saucy Squid: Are you serious?! Kids can be watching this! 3/10 2spooky
- 林鴻銘: 兂威施 尊孫然 粗
- Denyse Stefanelli: Uu
- TheMarcelandia1: I showed this to my class and my 18 month old... It's a great hit!
- T Money: +Nobi Dora
- Janelle Birdsong: My son and nephew ages 3 1/2 and 2 love this song :)
- soupsandwich: oh ok....
- Said: I came here to watch spooky scary skeletons... i am disappoint 2/10 2 spooky 4 me
- Aaliyah Delmore: i just did the dance with my sis and it was sooo funny
- Awesome Eliam: Random compilation WHYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!
- mike grizeasen: great song!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the skeleton dance from super simple songs
- Desi Esc: hahaha this is cute!!
- Tibcsi Mosóczki: NAGYON TETSZIK
- Posthocergoetc: Great job, Super Simple Song crew! My daughter loves this song so much we had to break down and buy your Halloween CD so she can listen to it in the car.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 🙌
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: ( ^)o(^ )
- Forever Jordan: They said shake your hands to the left but they shook their right LOL I think they did....
- julie steed: thank you so much! this helped me study for a bones quiz. The only thing i did different was add in the scientific name. VERY HELPFUL! thanks so much!:D
- 장은정: good
- Isabella Kirk: I think it will help you lean
- Nims789: b
- 〉 shortmovies 〈: I watched this at my school in the
- Star Rush: I was in special ed classes from Middleschool to Highschool and in 9th to 11th grade my class would do the skeleton dance every October cause it's a Halloween month :)
- Hoang Dao:
- Christopher Lynch: great ny wee boy loves it
- 塚越誠: cande comic ぬや
- Layla Hall: im 18, my brother is 21.. so why cant we resist the urge to join in the dance!! :(
- Jt pro 480: haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa said genie
- Ramiro Cadena P.: James Damsel ikr 😝
- XoAzolasHD: somewhere in the universe an alien has been spooked 4 life
- charles roark: And I listen to when I was in kindergarten and I still like it
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 😀
- Songkran Boonreungsri: ่ๆ้ภ
- Princess Lianne Xx: I like skeleton because we learning it at school
- sushiixx: okay, this won't help me on my human skeletal exam haha
- osbkids: My 2-yrs old and 4-yrs old likes to do that skeleton dance! Thank you!
- Joe Tarpey: I ko0
- Nicole Jackson: .
- Chang Dabby:
- Princesa Princess: vg8 n08jl
- qamer zaman: my baby brother like it because he wants to learn
- Nabila Chajia: جدددددش4ض1ضح
- Tiddyson: Most Fire Bars EVER!
- Murat Selvi: super simpe son ı love you 💕💕💕💕💗💟💟
- Awesome Eliam: Azure Δиɢɛℓ WHYYYYYY!?!?!!!?!?!?!
- Chad Kennow: Now the bones are shaking to the wrong direction according to the song. :( I like the original one better for my kids. Makes them have to think.
- 짱이생각: 학교에서 1등한 노래인뎃!
- Inayia: this bring back memories when i was in nursery
- ender sürücü: wiggle wiggle wiggle
- Christine Pattrick: Boring
- Nobi Dora: Bokutachi
- Daniela Samaniego: 😄
- Ylaiza mei Timtim: this is our dance in science. this dance has moral lesson like it so much..😃😃😃💃💃
- Jennifer Krumwiede: Watched this in school
- warppixycx: good^^!!
- craigio27: im watching this vid with my babey bro
- Denisa Denisa: Marcin Kralka
- Duberney Velandia: my teacher tiene la cancion
- khmerkid9523: I remember my 8th grade science teacher brought this video up when we were reviewing for a test. xD
- Jeferson Cruz: Kkkkkkkkkk
- Hoai Bac Vu Tien:
- ꧁Łucky Føx꧂: cande comic l too
- Miguel Angel Garcia Tinajero: Im sad :(
- kachiwinchi:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks from Seattle!
- rosa cureton: my 2 year old girl loves this video. She sings along word for word
- Justin Hart: what is this
- ahmet yılmaz: böyle çocukları olumsuz etkileyecek gönderileri kim paylaşıyor kaldırılsın hemen..
- Kristen Johnson: My son is an absolute fan! I love watching him sing along. Not only is he learning to sing, but count, abc's, and everything else! Huge fans!
- Nour Beydoun: 塚越誠 ج
- John Westhead:
- Yetoo: Spooky scary skeletons needs to play.
- Stephanie Edgley: OH! There is Skulduggery!! How long I have search you?!?
- noor azlina abu bakar: NINJAGO
- berns lim: Y
- ahmed hasan: Debbie Jordan ,
- Mike Hawk: 8
- explosivemomo :v: MCCHIKENMASTER COME HERE
- shabana yasmin: good
- Magali Santana: maram maram is e
- Janelle Birdsong: My son 3 1/2 and my nephew 2 1/2 love this song they always ask for the skeleton lol :)
- Perfect People: its so cute
- maria haque: +Sandeep Rana
- yong si:
- efransophoto: Is there a video for the "Trick or Treat" song at the end of this?
- Michelle Tung: This song is way much coller than others!
- Alannah Jones: I love this song I remember when I was about five a Ways singing it
- maher elghamry:
- Ben Yağmur: empre funny dance
- emily phillips: you are so ron
- amal soufiane: muffin gaming msp kmkkkkkkkkkkkk
- jugetes y distroller con daniux rule: i love yur song
- MrBennyBite: much spooky
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome!! It's a great song for Halloween time. 😃 👍
- verimus: Skeleton Rights
- Onur Keskin:
- Linas Makutėnas: +Divya Krishnamurthy p9ooo998jjfe www w th u UT y
- bri siravo: my 2 year old little sister has fell in love with this song && this is all she wants to listen too me && my parents be jamming around town listening to this on my phone we hook it up to the stero:D for her lol ♥
- um qusai:
- Dylan Renpenning:
- Ania Kupska: i love
- Susan Poh: Ee
- Lambo Aventador: это для деградации детей?
- Rosie Rossmawati:
- Pheobe Olazo: I love this video
- Julie Vidrio: Smorfs
- sheila tillotson: if it is the skeleton dance whie is it the feet,lag,kees,hip,back,neak,head,thay left off arms eldos fengers.
- taejon lee: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
- House Of Flavours: nursery rhyme
- Doua Vang: +Amanda Camilleri dc
- Nadia Chan: I heard this song during class
- Michael Factor: I love this video
- waffa hayat: hola means hello
- Ladie Ballesteros: cute
- hoyoon Jeong: It is a some. thanks for upload
- Carisse Thompson: Much Hyatt
- Yanish Beebakly: I don'like song:-(:-( Very Very Very:-(:-(:-(
- Catalina Stefanescu: Y
- leslie biala: nananananananananana........like this song
- Rubiec03Cpps: I'm in year 8 and every year since kindergarten, we had to do this dance for Halloween and it was so embarrassing. We're gonna do it AGAIN this year
- zetetikos21: Chinese children (3-5) get crazy when i show them this video!!!
- Brooke Horowitz: kindly 123 Good ky
- Maimouna Diaby Tandian: Lala
- nayara montojo lopez: jaja buuuu lalala ajajaaa jijiji jojoh jejejejee como vosotras lo have is hecho pue s yo tambien 😀😀
- Sarah Sebastyan: Played this with my grade ones on the smartboard. They LOVE it and all danced along! great song!
- Cristhian tv: ca
- نفنتاملنتفنتافنة ةبةىاﻻنﻻمبت:
- Kin Fai Thomas Tam: Mitzi Potter !p
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Great! Glad you enjoy it so much, Olivia. Thanks for watching. :)
- kelsey bell: i got show my teacher mrs.lett
- Geckomayhem: @Charlotte2076 It's a variation of "them", based on pronunciation from the old negro* songs of 19th and early 20th Century America. This skeleton song is actually from another song about the bones that connect to each other, or is at least in a different style to the one I learned as a kid in the 80s. :) * Negro not being used as a racist term, but descriptive of the actual type of music from that era.
- Clint Evans: If you want to teach your children do some exercising, this song is a good choice, surely theyll be able to sing a long and move their body in tune
- Maisum Kazmi: REALY GOOD
- jusbaleh Durocher: i like how it dances
- RussianShrek: this is a misleading video, teaching kids wrong anatomy which will make them look stupid once they are in high school... let me tell you the truth there is no foot bone, the only bones are its tarsals, metatarsals and digits there is no leg bone... the leg is made out of femur, tibia and fibula there is no knee bone its just patella the is not thigh bone its femur there is no hip bone its more specifically the ball/socket joint in the pelvic girdle no back bone, its spine
- Nabil Shamee: They showed this song in my little bro.'s pre-k class and he comes home singing it all halloween
- Jason Kunkel: My 3 year old daughter loves this.
- Anthony Ka'aiwaihia-Ebanez: Is there a way I can get this exact version in instrumental ?
- Yaya Ya: Don't find it spooky at all...my kids love them!!! They even laughed at it...They find it amusing and silly fun too. Thank you for coming up with unique educational songs.
- Дмитрий Аминов: а есть коментарии на русском
- Sylvia Pena: I like all of your songs my favorite
- saacid: hbbbv
- Maicah Love Agaton: addy fitzgerald Z
- Cyrelle Laceda: IM 23..
- Olivia Newell: +Super Simple Songs i am 5 years old and im in year three i love this song!!!!!!
- grays lea: please i'm looking for a song... but i don't know the title of it , but i can remember that the song stars so (people to people.... head to head, knee to knee , arm to arm, ....) and so forth please ... can someone help me to find it please? thank!
- محمود حسن: no ٢ مه -
- Hadoyful: I was studying for anatomy and I ended up here :/ I wish anatomy was that simple , I still enjoyed the song :)
- Sufiya Shaikh: 😧
- Snoopy and Bowow: i should have suggested this in health we were watching a video about the skeletal system
- DolphinGuard2004: soooo cute :D
- 박수영: good♥굿♥
- mreddy6206: +Alba Fernandez trtyyyt
- gaborimu: Ikill
- Amelia Dunn: +Gonca Gürbulak
- yumdds: Monster go away
- mystery gamer: yes it is scary and spooky
- MinatureMarsh Animating: 3spooky420me, I'm out... DEM SPOOKY SCARY SKEL!
- Mostyn Witham:
- Oliver Skoyles: lol
- kirsty Louise: I'm 14 and i still can't help but dance to this xD omg
- Caitlyn Louise: I'm in year 8 and we still had to listen to that today
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 😁
- Ramiro Cadena P.: Creep Ur self yus lol
- Tea Collection: Love this song! Thanks for posting this video with the lyrics, it makes following along really very simple!
- kilembi wakilembi: This Is Actually Fun Doing It With My Lil Sisters Haha. I'm 16, And I Love It!
- sowjanya chimma: GC
- Laju Chulani: Mangle the Animatronic fh
- Thepearl ali:
- Jill Santucci: cande comic pp
- Jagroop Singh: That:-):-):-) Kitch Kitch
- Garry Frost:
- iemiaK nosreP: I did this at a NURSEING HOME
- GamerBro347 AwesomeVids: Really enjoyed it!
- Sarala Bogati: jbkh
- Coconutszz: 2spooky
- vanessa garduno: my baby loves this song :)
- Mayla Gomes: Yup
- M Ka: P
- It'sgabybaby:
- Daniel Shields:
- patoji65: Great video , my students were learning the skeletal system , so I played this video , it helped them very much . They loved it . Thanks
- 保村香織: ひさ
- Maria Knudsen: @AbcBrooke123 I'm almost 18 and I'm dancing too :i
- Ivonne Rodriguez: Loll Plopping to get ii
- SammieJo Raisch: j
- lamujerdlcura: OOh! me encantaria qe estuviera traducida al español!! es una lástima!! esta super bien
- Amar Qudah: cdd
- Kamine Chaitram: Thank you, my baby loves it.....
- Lad Dublin:
- Tudor B: 2spooky4me
- Aileen Meriales: my 7month old baby loves this song so much!! she dance eagerly when she heard it.
- Swagata Ghosh:
- Eine Johan Tollefsen: I had to sing that at my school O_____________O
- Hưng Võ: yes
- Kylie Hajny: My 16 month old LOVES this! He dances away!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!! 😀
- raymart bolambot: Good
- Gamer_Girl569200: i wacht this when i was 1 year old
- abdenbi Rafih: wow you help my teacher to teach but really not me lol :)
- heyitzSierra Lynn: for my baby cousin
- Mimi smith: ooooo this is sooo wanderfull
- Alvin Robles: Welcome
- Rafał Paradowski: 🇿🇼
- Quaz: 2spooky4me
- Ariana Ghoos: love you super simple songs
- elongörl✅: this is very beaituful , crazy but super!
- Eric Garcia: Blā
- Betty Sendejo: Love. This. Song. For. Halloween
- Susan Poh: O
- Ge. Lu.: cute :)
- Claudia: woow
- Bengisu tv: skelat dans😙😙😙
- Nurislom Akbarov: My little sister loves all your song ^ _ ^
- Mlpstar: I did this last year
- Acquanita Robbins: I have this book at school and I like the best book
- christian Derue: dylan
- Sister's World: Ü
- Thị Trấn TYT: U
- 주주양돈: ㅁᆞ
- Darrenas Stuknys: Ccbb achy
- Trudi Vallint: Lol
- addy fitzgerald: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
- Vekku Veka: :)
- ShamrockMedia: We dance it every morning
- Desi Esc: @Charlotte2076 them
- Insook Kim: wiggle, wiggle, wiggle....kkk.... skeleton group dance, Wonderful! I love it~!!!
- FrugalMummy: my 2 and 3 year old girl and boy love this so much. Thankyou, gets them dancing, very cute.
- Sandeep Rana: 8polpp
- Marcin Kralka: nice meme
- ξ: 3spooky5me
- Ayesha Juveria: N.
- lanya Ahmed: Ddtrrryyyy y y czA
- Chris -0: +Super Simple Songs whr mi face bin conted 2 m9 ?
- Bingawan LGU: awesome
- Susan Poh: Pp
- Sona Utester: Sweet one
- InuitzMan: 2SPOOKY4ME
- Blerina Mehmeti: Q
- noemi varga: De jo
- María José Piedrabuena:
- 조문정: 해골
- Gabija Saulytė: :DDDD
- Ainecraft: Good :-D
- Shukky Lim: love this song~!!!!
- kindly 123 Good: I love the skeleton dance
- aini ishak: Debbie Jordan has
- Akın Nefesoğulları: Bu çooook güzel bir şarkı😋😋😋👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👐👐👐👏👏👏👏👏👐👏👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
- Che Mat Che Noriah: Cy
- birke kluytmans: 3 years ago we danced on the chair with our class
- Mitzi Hanson: Summer Atkinson
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Did you dance along? 😁
- Florin Pernes: 77778eeeeerŕrrr7788877777777777888
- Muhammad Imran: Like it.
- Elam Chan: B n sz一一
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @graey42 Hi! It's on the Super Simple Songs - Halloween CD (called "Give Me Something Good To Eat")
- Sevara Rahmanova:
- George Gelu Stefanescu: ok
- Austin Louis: Thumb Up if you are above 13 years old
- Yif Seventeen: Cause nurseries still don't have common sense like us adults. That if it's front the right is left, and the left is right.. They could be confused much.. :))
- charles roark: My little sis does not like this song
- mauro pena: +Super Simple Songs
- DBroni: maybe because its a kids song and it should sound simple
- Hisham GHAMDI: ليان
- Chance the Fox: I remember seeing this in school x3
- Meli Federico: My cuosen love this song! Now i now who to s Leep them
- evelyn aca: My cuz likes this song she is only 1years old
- Gagan Gupta:
- cande comic: in mi school dance esqueleton dance woooooooow
- Cihad Sahin: ben bumu cok begenim cunku bunu kaymakamin onunde onumuzdeki ayda soyliycem cok heyecanliyim bir tame daha sarki var ama adini unuttum ikisi de cok guzel
- Mitzi Potter: Tayla Dawn O'Donnell
- juan amezcua: Frosen
- Courtenay Scott:
- Ruling Game: Lil K İi addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); bl_setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); bl_spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); clientMessage(par1String); explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); getCarriedItem(); getLevel(); getPitch(par1Object); getPlayerEnt(); getPlayerX(); getPlayerY(); getPlayerZ(); getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); getYaw(par1Object); preventDefault(); print(par1String); rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); setNightMode(par1boolean); setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); setVelX(par1int, par2double); setVelY(par1int, par2double); setVelZ(par1int, par2double); spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); spawnPigZombie(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); ModPE.langEdit(par1String, par2String); ModPE.leaveGame(); ModPE.log(par1String); ModPE.overrideTexture(par1String, par2String); ModPE.readData(par1String); ModPE.removeData(par1String); ModPE.resetFov(); ModPE.resetImages(); ModPE.saveData(par1String, par2String); ModPE.selectLevel(par1String, par2String, par3String, par4int); ModPE.setCamera(par1int); ModPE.setFoodItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4int, par5String, par6int); ModPE.setFov(par1double); ModPE.setGameSpeed(par1double); ModPE.setGuiBlocks(par1String); ModPE.setItem(par1int, par2String, par3int, par4String, par5int); ModPE.setItems(par1String); ModPE.setTerrain(par1String); ModPE.showTipMessage(par1String); ModPE.takeScreenshot(par1String); Level.addParticle(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double, par8int); Level.destroyBlock(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4boolean); Level.dropItem(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.explode(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4double); Level.getAddress(); Level.getBiome(par1int, par2int); Level.getBiomeName(par1int, par2int); Level.getBrightness(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getChestSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getData(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotCount(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getFurnaceSlotData(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getGameMode(); Level.getGrassColor(par1int, par2int); Level.getSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Level.getTile(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.getTime(); Level.getWorldDir(); Level.getWorldName(); Level.playSound(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String, par5double, par6double); Level.playSoundEnt(par1int, par2String, par3double, par4double); Level.setChestSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setFurnaceSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int, par6int, par7int); Level.setGameMode(par1int); Level.setGrassColor(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setNightMode(par1boolean); Level.setSignText(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5String); Level.setSpawn(par1int, par2int, par3int); Level.setTile(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int, par5int); Level.setTime(par1int); Level.spawnChicken(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnCow(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4String); Level.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Player.addItemCreativeInv(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.addItemInventory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.canFly(); Player.clearInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlot(par1int); Player.getArmorSlotDamage(par1int); Player.getCarriedItem(); Player.getCarriedItemCount(); Player.getCarriedItemData(); Player.getEntity(); Player.getInventorySlot(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotCount(par1int); Player.getInventorySlotData(par1int); Player.getName(par1int); Player.getPointedBlockData(); Player.getPointedBlockId(); Player.getPointedBlockSide(); Player.getPointedBlockX(); Player.getPointedBlockY(); Player.getPointedBlockZ(); Player.getPointedEntity(); Player.getSelectedSlotId(); Player.getX(); Player.getY(); Player.getZ(); Player.isFlying(); Player.isPlayer(par1int); Player.setArmorSlot(par1int, par2int, par3int); Player.setCanFly(par1boolean); Player.setFlying(par1boolean); Player.setHealth(par1int); Entity.getAll(); Entity.getAnimalAge(par1int); Entity.getEntityTypeId(par1int); Entity.getHealth(par1int); Entity.getMobSkin(par1int); Entity.getNameTag(par1int); Entity.getPitch(par1int); Entity.getRenderType(par1int); Entity.getRider(par1int); Entity.getRiding(par1int); Entity.getUniqueId(par1int); Entity.getVelX(par1int); Entity.getVelY(par1int); Entity.getVelZ(par1int); Entity.getX(par1int); Entity.getY(par1int); Entity.getYaw(par1int); Entity.getZ(par1int); Entity.remove(par1int); Entity.rideAnimal(par1int, par2int); Entity.setAnimalAge(par1int, par2int); Entity.setCarriedItem(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4int); Entity.setFireTicks(par1int, par2int); Entity.setHealth(par1int, par2int); Entity.setMobSkin(par1int, par2String); Entity.setNameTag(par1int, par2String); Entity.setPosition(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setPositionRelative(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double); Entity.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Entity.setRot(par1int, par2double, par3double); Entity.setSneaking(par1int, par2boolean); Entity.setVelX(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelY(par1int, par2double); Entity.setVelZ(par1int, par2double); Entity.spawnMob(par1double, par2double, par3double, par4int, par5String); Item.addCraftRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable); Item.addFurnaceRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.addShapedRecipe(par1int, par2int, par3int, par4Scriptable, par5Scriptable); Item.getName(par1int, par2int, par3boolean); Item.setCategory(par1int, par2int, par3int); Item.setMaxDamage(par1int, par2int); Block.defineBlock(par1int, par2String, par3Object, par4Object, par5Object, par6Object); Block.getRenderType(par1int); Block.setColor(par1int, par2Scriptable); Block.setDestroyTime(par1int, par2double); Block.setExplosionResistance(par1int, par2double); Block.setLightLevel(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderLayer(par1int, par2int); Block.setRenderType(par1int, par2int); Block.setShape(par1int, par2double, par3double, par4double, par5double, par6double, par7double); Server.getAddress(); Server.getAllPlayerNames(); Server.getAllPlayers(); Server.getPort(); Server.joinServer(par1String, par2int); Server.sendChat(par1String); Kiqa çöl,
- Ely Marchelyna: its funny songs i like it
- suri victoria martinez hernandez: Soy la unica de *Mexico*
- Gabriela Sierra-Tapia: M😍😍😍
- Brian Rodrigues Santiago: ola
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: There is an instrumental version on our CD, Super Simple Songs - Halloween, which you can find at our website ^_^
- D. LUCKY: Thanks +Super Simple Songs Be funny <3 <3
- 김수정: 잘듣고 가요 재미있네요~^^
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks! Search for Super Simple ABCs Phonics Song and then let us know what you think :-)
- Don Julian Reyes: i like this video
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Maxxten: It's cute and all, but I think I might fail anatomy.
- CAROLE abba: ok xx
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. Glad you like it. 😎
- jun glipo: its very funny
- Demdisco: @SuperSimpleSongs Dem is my first part characters name : demdisco dem disco :p love the song
- meryem ürün: kjb Rus
- david sosa lopez: vj
- eagle9564: Cool
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 🙏
- Stephanie Bustamante: C
- Jt pro 480: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Mei Yi Li: 。。
- Sue Chapman: Morning hun I'm not sure
- Prince _P_R_i_N_C_E_:
- shirley xpliu: cute!!! good warm up song for kids!
- gurinder mondair: gvv
- Babu Maurya: Nice skeleton dance
- Daniel Zhelev: ю
- Ronald97119: on apprend sa en cours
- 김경미: :-)재밌다
- Emre ğümüş: we are you inglsh
- Ela Karadaş: hello ,hay
- Muhammad Raiyan: vfg
- Hayley Swann: Asif im 17 and STILL Listenin to this ;D x
- ikram rehman: FfdgutI is a
- Betty Sendejo: And. Halloween costume. Party
- Carmen Candilejo Arrraiz: quemiedo 😲
- Laurie Hutchinson: I saw this in music class
- maha kh: very good
- Mateo Riveros: lol xd
- Brocky: 5spooky2me
- Burce Yonuk: T V.w1lqPq0p6re5
- Rezus Prime: I find this visual appealing.
- MoonDragon1313: Please, use the actual names, and really, the neck bone and back bone are the vertebrae
- Perfect People: i like it
- Jeff Jenson:
- Muhammet Batir: +Александр Григорук tjgvj ,. !,.,.,,.,,,,,,,,......35rt676iiuiyjhjnuiuy7b 7 iouu8u6666uiooioioioiuouijiu8887777878778797p787i9i......533222111111111121123243i9i9i979989 799
- Лейди Лени: is soooo funny song :))))))
- Heb jij een banaan?: Why am i singing along with the song ~??
- PineappleHead 777: Jason Derulo should see this .. 😂
- hiba chikh: gooooood
- Drakula47: уууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууу
- angela flores: so cute
- Lingjiao Chen: Real train double decker
- Stacey Canarslan: my brother loves it
- 대박쏘증: Cdssrgd.
- 可祝指得Maria-R: 2soopky4me
- Ly Duy: Minh
- Angela littlejohn: I do)t like it
- Tina McGrew: Great video...educational, sung well, mirrored motions, and overall very cute!!
- Elle The Panda artist :3: Oo nga makaka tawa masyado 😂😂😂
- Александр Григорук: 🍬🍭🍮🍯🍳🍔🍟🍝🍕🍖🍗🍤🍣🍱🍞🍜🍙🍚🍛🍲🍲🍢🍘🍠🍡🍎🍏🍊🍋🍄🍄🍎🍏🍎🍱🍞🍎🍈🍒🍓🍍🌰🌱🌲🌳🌳🌴🌴🌵🌷🌸🌹🍀🍁🍂🍃🌺🌻🌻🌼🌼🌾🌽🌿🌈🌁🌂⚡🌎🌎🌏🌍🌄🌐🎑🌉🌊🌒🌖🌖🌕🌅🌅🌇🌅🌑🌆🌇🌅🌐🌄🎑🌍🌘🌏🌗🌖🌎🌋🌔🌊🌔🌓🌉🌒🌃🌴🌵☀🌈🌸☁🌛🌝🌝⛅🌹⛅🍀🍀🍀🍀🍁🍁🌜🌜🌜🌜🌜🌜🌜🌿🌾🌽⛄❄🌽❄🌽🌴🌴🌾🌽⛄🌙🌿🌝🌸🌸🌷☀🌷🍍🍍🐯🐯🐻
- DinaTheMage: this is for kids right?
- tzelakos: @zetetikos21 our biology professor showed us this song and we were dancing in the classroom!
- yong si:
- Michael Jonathan: fun..
- hknaveen:
- Steven Corey: I want this at preschool and I was 4 years old and I still no service today
- Magic Box: а у нас на инглише эта зарядка
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: It's true! Hola. 👋
- artist girl: I learned this song in school
- kwirring: super mario
- Md. Salek:
- juan paris soler denia: que divertida es esta canción
- Jim Hantes: it is fuuny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Taylor Swift: Z
- Vickie Bleeker: Good song
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The Skeleton Dance | Super Simple Songs | |
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