What Do You Like To Do | + More Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs - was amityville horror a hoax

Monday, March 11, 2019

What Do You Like To Do | + More Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

  1. Deb Hofgartner: Kevin Nagaoka llhhcfnn. M☺️😃💕😅😃😃😄😂👌🏻😃😁😃😃😄😄🤭🤭😄😄🤭😆🤭🌊🤭☺️😊😃😁😃🤭😃🤭🤭🤭😄🤭🤭😃🌊🤭😊😃😃😄🤭🤭😃😀😀😀
  2. Heather Stiastny: Loklijy
  3. jaymes phimmachack: Super simple song
  4. Stania honey: L. O. L
  5. riaguen wilsson: Greet me please kisings muak 💒😘🌈🐼✳🐁💌😍
  6. jaqueline calvillo: dyokih,m
  7. Jenny Mercer: Deshawn Noralez Sc
  8. Maria Rodriguez: Funny funny FUNNY!
  9. famohsen: Cooper Hamlin dtt
  10. Stingra87: These kids are just having a really hard day.
  11. Suzzita Sunuwar: So cute apples and bananas song
  12. ctvlatino2013: Joshua West Pllililll
  13. Heather Terry: Hi Shawn And Jack see you guys on Monday
  14. Samantha Munson: Daila Stivrina b
  15. susanlim33: ' k l'
  16. Storytime with Annie & Rocco: We like to join you on your learning adventures!
  17. Annette Oxner: +famohsen yeah aware
  18. Nga Quỳnh: Nhạc Chú tính
  19. readaloudstorytime: Great job! Awesome video..!
  20. Jaden Poku: Jenny Gholson -
  21. April Y: Deniz Aslan vbvvZZgh
  22. Konstantin Batozsky: C. C.
  23. fatima jaber: UnStoppable Fun ءمً ٍ حوضطل
  24. Ohood Awwad: Jose Gracia طيشسسء.
  25. hugo flores: P O Que oj
  26. Kurasho Sensei: All your songs are very cute and educational. I especially like the Japanese songs. I would prefer that all words were in lowercase so students can start to read while singing the songs
  27. Cooper Hamlin: I like to dance
  28. Teresa Garibay: vikas sharma looks uhhhuujuiioiii
  29. Наталия Любимова Образовательный канал: Thank you for your beautiful videos and songs) they are really nice) best of luck to you and many blessings) thank you!
  30. Nik Yvette: Nani Tsunami 🤗🤗😤
  31. Chhun Hout: They are good song
  32. Furiouzity: Luv it keep up making babies happy and learn my cousin zeb is liking it so much thanks for the video clap clap brofist bravo 👏 keep it up 😊😊
  33. Bulaksss Nuh: Gen-Rev Tapang 1
  34. 슈타TV: 한국인손!
  35. Vi Phan: Love it
  36. Latifa bouali: CARETTE CLEMENT njkjgggv
  37. Minecraft Yaya: Yasminajiendna
  38. Miriam Lasso: Good
  39. 이현정: I like your song it’s totally great
  40. maria magdalena: Bravo!
  41. BonBon TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs: I love this cute animation. i love this show
  42. my life as beth: Some these are so random lol
  43. alex noa: i love this
  44. My Toys - Oyuncaklarim & Oyunlarim: I love super simple songs
  45. Latifa bouali: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ch Mgy
  46. H A: Nilba Neka z.
  47. H A: Nilba Neka /
  48. Maya Maya: hi
  49. Gen-Rev Tapang: super fun show
  50. Little Monkey: If you are happy and
  51. Craig Murray: Hey super simple love your videos! I just have a question. How long does it take to make to make these videos?
  52. Vijay Patel: L.O.L. Draw for kids g
  53. มิก godtv: Kuy
  54. vikas sharma: XAX Xaa Atascadero a a2--2 2/-/ wassRes.
  55. Thao Võ: I like simple sóng
  56. Lauren Hoppe: Furiouzity you bjojvu
  57. Abhishek Tyagi: Cooper Hamlin ff
  58. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi CARETTE CLEMENT, absolutely yes! As long as you are playing them directly from the Super Simple Songs channel or our DVDs you can screen them anywhere you want.
  59. Mohsin Mumtaz: Linden Davidson ..duck?f 🏄🏽‍♀️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🤼‍♀️🤼‍♀️🛷
  60. Charlene Yassi: These videos are 😂 LOL 😂
  61. Sameen Jalib-Mahdi: Jenny Gholson ‘, kl
  62. Murtazaka Daily: B.B. b
  63. lim HONG: ^
  64. jayrald francisco: Going to the past videos I 😍 this so much even the previous videos..
  65. Nadeen Kareem: Bulaksss Nuh ٨
  66. Befekadu Mosa: I love to go to my cuzens house 🏠 for a sleep over
  67. Gen-Rev Tapang: i love this show
  68. PUY PUY Gameplay: lol
  69. Thomas Frydendahl Berg: ‘Uu
  70. Lidia Alvarenga: Jenny Gholson No es feliz y
  71. Amani H: Deb Hofgartner T
  72. Hue Tran: i like draw a picture
  73. Jenny Gholson: I love this cute animation
  74. Linden Davidson: 😜 😒😺😷
  75. Bridget Jensen: I
  76. Roxanne Mayer: B. Big kyp
  77. Stania honey: XD
  78. Fie Wars: Karna Adibrata ::mnh
  79. Mohsin Mumtaz: Minh Phương ok
  80. Toluwaleyi Akande: ABC kid tv 📺. Little baby bum. Baby joy joy cuh cuh tv cocomelon
  81. Mohsin Mumtaz: Heather O'Hara-Ra🇰🇼
  82. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks! Every video is different but generally about 2-3 weeks to produce the song (if it’s an original like this one), 1-2 weeks for an animatic (the sketch stage of the animation) and 4-8 weeks for designs and animation.
  83. Minh Phương: mounira yagoubi y(,,
  84. Linden Davidson: When ever I hear le lo snowflake I cry cuz its sad
  85. evelin Morales: Ughhhh life saver!!! My toddler loves your videos
  86. Stania honey: Boooo
  87. Linden Davidson: +kate love 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑🐦💨
  88. jason crowe: Jose Gracia Jr you to y
  89. Jewelry Limited: very good!
  90. Rita Dovidaviciute: like it my little brother
  91. Zander Antonio: Jessica Jennifer ap
  92. Pamela Benatti: Vejo com minha filha que está aprendendo inglês. Somos do Brasil. Amando as músicas. Muito legais e educativas, fácil compreensão para ela que não conhece o idioma.
  93. Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for watching and singing along together!
  94. Kiki: Kurasho Sensei Ng bar. L
  95. Adam Fogarty: L.O.L. Draw for kidgggghgg
  96. The garcias bro and sis garcia: good for him
  97. Joshua West: i like to watch your videos , but i don't like watching with a shark
  98. Monica Thomas: Lol . My 16 month old left that comment
  99. Daevon Harris: L.O.L. Draw for kids qqqqq
  100. Naomy and Jade: V
  101. Jill .design: B
  102. Farxiyo Cabdulle: R3eLw xplwlpxpwlwlzlspq
  103. Mrs. Neufeld: My Toys - Oyuncaklarim & Oyunlarim J job ,n, j,j,.
  104. audrey ramos: Wow my baby like this alot thank you
  105. lesandrass velasquez: Stania honey 90
  106. riaguen wilsson: I like your vídeos so much and swuimming
  107. Rubyat Jahan: Nima Ismail oo
  108. Nancy Bautista: I love super simple songs
  109. silvia romero: Jenny Gholson p
  110. Linden Davidson: 😱😰😞😲🤕🤑🤒😷🙃😖😕😔😓😒🙁😟😤😢😭😦😧😨😩😬😳😵😡😠😈👿👹👺💀👻👽👾🤖💩😺
  111. Mohsin Mumtaz: Minh Phương ."
  112. Kevin Nagaoka: "What do you like to do?" Watching Super Simple Songs as a family and singing along! Down by the Bay where the watermelon grow!
  113. Katrina F: Kurasho Sensei oops u
  114. Tuti Warsiti: Sekarang videonya kurang 19 video
  115. LAUNCHPAD LIFE: 👍👍☺
  116. Daila Stivrina: I like to sing
  117. Elena Nunez: Gen-Rev Tapang was ens),)
  118. Thomas Frydendahl Berg: My Toys - Oyuncaklarim & Oyunlarim QAA
  119. CARETTE CLEMENT: Hello, great video! I'm a teacher. Are we allowed to use videos from your channel in a classroom for educational purposes only ? thank you for your answer.
  120. the anh bui: N )
  121. Santiago Guzman: I like riding a bike
  122. Maria Rodriguez: In the firt song
  123. OYUN DENİZİ: 😚
  124. Monica Thomas: Nilba Neka
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What Do You Like To Do | + More Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

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2,069,919 views views followers
Education Upload TimePublished on 24 Feb 2018

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