Song List:
Open Shut Them: 00:00
BINGO: 02:23
Five Little Monkeys: 05:09
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster: 07:14
Walking In The Jungle: 08:05
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Learn It): 11:31
I See Something Blue: 12:38
If You're Happy: 15:27
Old McDonald: 17:19
Count And Move: 20:49
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?: 21:59
What Do You Hear?: 24:25
How's The Weather?: 27:27
I Have A Pet: 29:17
Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Sing It): 31:26
I See Something Pink: 32:21
One Little Finger: 35:10
Counting Bananas: 37:23
Skidamarink (Animated Version): 38:48
The Animals On the Farm: 41:04
Ten In The Bed: 44:08
The Wheels On The Bus : 46:39
Wag Your Tail: 49:05
One Potato, Two Potatoes: 51:47
Let's Go To The Zoo: 53:08
Count Down And Move: 56:49
Mary Had A Kangaroo: 57:58
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- Alfredo Romero: +Anton Golab
- Ernie Arnetta: Esragül Kayakökü train
- Rob Bruce: They watch this at school, so it's great to use it as transition pieces for fun singing activities at home!
- Marvin Garcia:
- tiff k:
- a7manju: Xtian Aguilar yc
- 968one: Alexander Zabala
- K.D. Gipson: Amazing video. My kids love it...and so do I.
- Nouf: مخخننم
- Lynn Suco: My brother love it
- Haifa Abdullah: clent brizona .( اراابيذ ز زدددسقظي ونج
- Roxana Branza: Philip Koshy looo
- taylorjday: Rob Bruce kdldoeowoweoeerddfffrdo
- Celgrid Dandasan: 'GH
- Rebecca Hall: Mandeep Sachdev u
- Anz Ar: I love this song😍😍😍😍😍
- jackie karanjeet: Q 22 simona lazar
- Philip Koshy: my child has learnt English so fast when she gets the phone she watch this it is so good🏆🙌
- soledad iniesta:
- Crystal Contreras:
- Zuyou Lee: p
- Umbader ALATTAR: >{,< >,
- Chasity Fouts: Lynn Suco 8
- TURKAN DERİNCEK: Aracelly Mercanı
- Monica Cortez: , opiniobUn
- Ennis Shawish: Mohammed Elkods FC
- Awesome Girl 307: I've been watching your videos sense I was 2 years old and now I'm 7 years old today I'm going to be 8 years old in May 31.
- Monica's List: You guys are brilliant. Thank you for sharing on Youtube. My girls love everything you make, and so do I. They are the perfect balance of simplicity and engaging, as well as educational and creative.
- Cesar De Leon: I love them for my niece ❤❤❤❤❤😋
- Lily Lopez: La rata. Vieja
- abeer yaya: Mohammed Elkods بقذيذ طي
- yong annchoon: Paparazzo Stu
- ButtonBaby: My daughter loves this video.
- alex hricko: colllllllllllllllll
- Martyna Czyz: BINGO
- Debora Lorente Zanettini:
- amna alshawaf:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +MrRonydas Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Our goal was to help kids be able to express a range of emotions that they might feel, including when they are upset or scared.
- Ellie, Maple And Maya Love Lol Dolls: A+
- Tina Rostami: that 2qbqo
- Niomi Eckel:
- Даурен Ашыков:
- Scorpion77: Donna Is cool iiš
- Rob Thorndyke:
- ibrahim Faisal: £; cnzzSuperKidz4Life ldZ j. Qàt
- Hihi Happy: Super good for baby thanks somuch
- Ghassan Saif: براعم
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Marina D'Ambrosio Thank you! We're glad your little one enjoys them. 😀
- Sheri Ynostrosa: Mandeep Sachdev and ex
- Fatima Hussain: TH64S3AZXXFHH6UAM98474Q 77oi4ii3 3i3r7634646qy3hdheh9íy6yy55 77614 ŕ8😯😠😠5 0ķhgeeheyey3 ko ♉♋♋♈♋, 🚻🚻čhh00 rrdfrŕ
- Mela Vigil: I don't like that
- Sare Bear: +Mariana Acosta !lzlzlzkkkjnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmjmmjjjkkjkzjj xxlxlxlxlzlzlzozozoxo!x
- Flavia Santiago: I'm a Brazilian teacher and my little students love the songs... I melt with them singing... Thanks for such a lovely channel...
- berlina pierrenoel: Ii
- Brooke O'Brien: conner cormier fuogofpcnbvvkbmnskkkkoipoooxffc. ZzDfyokbm
- abdullatif ammar: me my brother love it so much
- Alexie Jara:
- The L’ston:
- David Samuel: .
- Pete Carter: A
- Norma Martinez: Raina Singh
- Yasemin Erokutan: +Hamza Shabsni
- Iván Rodríguez: El tire.
- Yaliona Ivanov: Ээююд
- Anna Kh: Philip Koshy John. Hi M BBB b Mnmmkknn. Mjhjhfgl be.
- Aiden Waters: fast and slow
- sara sara: Jime Gaytan و@(
- Rebecca Luaai: kids movie
- Kyle Scarola: Diego Porta will.
- David Sodhi: that video is good for my little sister
- Jack Clements: opin?
- 邱惠貞:
- Ellie, Maple And Maya Love Lol Dolls: Our children love it
- Yucca Rou:
- Bin Yisrael: My 1 year old love's them!
- shikah alkazzal: Alexander Zabala Saavedr
- Raina Singh: lapsoon Tong luslJslSg
- Jesse Orrego: All the kids typing in the comments so cute
- Dayra Guaman:
- Alya Obaid:
- amal alsoulah: +Ana Bravo
- Desalegn Bitew: Silvio Romei
- aces kagawa:
- RamiroyJulietta Logiurato: ! ' la xx
- Mohammed Elkods: hellow
- Angelica Lima: 23416 342257964
- Sara Al-Faresi: Rob Bruce ج
- carolina araya:
- Becky Ngai: 暐2 aeidwhf
- Alvaro Escudero: Philip Kosh
- Hakem Hussein, MD: KIDSTVHD this is boring
- Laura Meadows:
- sondang Pangaribuan: O-zZ
- Nguyen Nguyen: lion apple pink rabbit rain bow moom 🎠👰🎎😘💒🎁👑💞🎨😎💑👪🎅👯💅👍☝👌💖💙💝💚👏🐖🐇🐠🍹🍗🍡🍓🍢🌹🌈🎹🎤💐💌 Pink sun rain bow mokey hat goat red🎄🎠🎂👸🚑👑😍😻💝💔👍💅👾🎃🍇🍉🍌🌽🌈☀🌂⛅⛄🍔🍟🍕🍭🍫🍰🍦🐬🐃💐💍🐓🍍🍜
- yi lin: My little brother 💗this
- Sade Butler: Hihi Happy o
- Francheska Ortiz: ,x,xxx, c ses
- Trang Nguyễn: Open Shut Them + More | Super Simple Songs
- Bryan Barragan: Mohammed Elkods 0
- Mariecel Arcilla: Amod Khandekar pp
- Lilly Oliva: B
- Nabila Nordin: T
- Aalaa Haidar: 7
- zein shameih: Azhan Abdullah I
- Mai Trần: Shrouq Abualhaj hugging a man thuan for a hhuoiyuiopoiuuhyjlpp
- Saher Arshad: Super Kidz Delight lips of
- mia mai: Thank you very much, these songs made my autistic kid learns English, and also sings them in his school although our mother tongue is not English
- jarelyn alconez: Essss
- ROCÍO S.E: Dijo look lujo o
- sergioamador80:
- Soya Bean: Dddeseeededdeed uoAracelly Mercado
- Khairul Khusairi Kamaludin:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Awsomegirl307 Always listen WOW, thank you for being such a long-time friend!! We wish you a very happy birthday. 🎂
- Nora Shawky: Hypotonic Illusionist piiiii
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Jun Zone, thanks for your request. We try to add captions to all of our single videos (like this one: https://youtu.be/RNUZBHlRH4Y). We'll see what we can do about the longer ones. :)
- Imran L: Àqq l.S
- Martin Weisz: SurpriseEggs4Kids is 5
- nathasya tambuwun: my younger sister love it
- Mohamed Kataieh: aces kagawa
- Reascos Carmen: 1
- Karamjeet Mangat: 6 z n
- Tống Tùng: Bmc
- Nam Huan Nguyen: Sol ar sys tem
- 丁宥榛: S
- Isabel cruz:
- Mrs. Skuzzlebutt XP: Is that Steven songs who sings this?
- Tony Alonzo: Xtian Aguilar a
- Julie Kothapally: 990. 6
- Cailey Olson:
- Playful Kids Japan: ネットんhっb
- TheLittleBigCreator: ?
- SuperKidz4Life: Rare to find something that can captivate my little guy's interest for so long however your vids always manage to do the trick which gives us a much needed breather from time to time;)
- tokisanntokisann: I also goal is to make this such a video.
- Mela's Life: 😮
- esra toker erbas: Mdör5k Elk#*#&r =&*##kĺķ K
- Rajneel Prasad: Liz Martinez-Sanchez w
- David and Jessica Murphy: Silvio Romei tho
- Sissel Manipis: I’m srh M Peopl nun unnecessarily,pee Basher
- Hakem Hussein, MD: me to mela vigil
- Li Wang: ,
- Sara Khan:
- Miguel Garcia: Sara Sofia Victoria my c
- Inas Mahjoub: nice
- Samuel Lazarus: A Shaw t
- 菅原知穂: さ
- SurpriseEggs4Kids: 5++ STAR
- iko2685:
- Afia Naseer: +Becky Ngai
- Thanh Minh Nguyen Thi: My baby brother like it!!!
- ทศพร สิทธิชัย:
- amore arte: Kk
- UNWN: i Heard my little sister watching this and i heard nae nae and the cringe was so real turns out it was a horse neigh
- Nancy Kamau: I love bingo
- Butters lo Play box: What is this ?!
- lanoi peniston:
- Natasa Janevski: Im 7 years old and i still love these songs
- Drishti Gupta: Donna Is cool ,n keep
- jinmil:
- Ghadeer Nasser: Donna Is cool ممكممممىىىىىىىىىىمىىىىىممم
- Andrew Y: Super Kidz Delight ofm i,frk
- Chui Shan Kwok: 。
- Aimi Ash:
- Engin Sabancı: Is Singer native
- Mary Suarez: Iñaki
- conner cormier:
- danny herndon:
- Erica Crofford: JuuaI.
- 뮹슬: Very good
- Lynn Suco: +Super Simple Songs can you make baa baa black sheep???
- Marcioleonardo:
- Gandhimathi G: TaghghuopmmjjhhhyyyyuuyyyyggggfffffffffrrrrttfffffttfddđbbbhyhhhjopaaasdddddsssdfrtttsssdsssssssddddddddshggfdssasfuikmfggggggtytttttttrrrftftttttfftffrttyyyttttttttttdssaaaaaasssssssssssssddddsdsddffghggttyyylïI
- yen nguyen:
- Ghadeer Nasser: Donna Is cool تمممتتمممنمكتنوتن
- Анна Бранова: Kelli Rivera ддд
- Lourdes Rodriguez: I
- Janelle Linton:
- Silvio Romei: OK
- Katrina Himes: Uuiuuuuuuu
- 박지연: 꿀잼
- Mylea Errera: vi o7
- Saodah Ismail:
- Olga Alvarez: 9
- joy ann bautista: Ok
- Deepika Shah: +앤두 row u
- Mohammad Halal: Poooooooooooo
- Hamza Shabsni: Pundjeherlxxcc€€+++÷¥₩%%%¥€ ¿¿¿¿¿€+_
- Nelson Sierra: .
- Stely Popa: Cdss
- Aarti Tandon: Because
- Malayka Nnadozie: My sons a big fan of one little finger one little finger tap tap point your finger up point your finger down put it in your head great place of you want you kids to learn my son I one and no hi abc already...💘 it
- Puteri Ismail:
- victoria zhi: 注册 ~ok
- Shane Waller:
- Erixon Sanchez: Hb
- Alma Hussain:
- Jun Zone: +Super Simple Songs Thank you for adding subtitles to the single video. This is a nice song, I often watched it several times. I hope you can add subtitles to the video longer... :) ^^
- Lê Văn Duyên:
- Shirley Smith: +Afia Naseer 他妈
- Xtian Aguilar: Good songs
- Ziad Ibrahim: Aalaa Haidar 7
- iiosama q8: ًغ
- Mohamed Usama: . the
- SurpriseEggs: Love it! Great #Learning #SongsForChildren +Super Simple Songs
- Natalia Cardona: Ñó
- Jime Gaytan: No bebe tiene 4 mese y le encantan esas canciones. 😍😍😍
- Rene Cohen: V b
- Megan Hall: 7
- Samra Basim:
- Majed Alqahtani:
- Ahmad Al-Musalli: Baa ٢-
- Frankie Rouse: Vy c. C.
- edward91100: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs fo
- Flavia Sá: IMRAN MAREDIA ok ppq
- Anas Kawamleh: Jesse Orrego y
- Keilor Ramirez: FSFSFatwiuc
- Thayden Jasso: Xtian Aguilar jj
- Last Name: ยาาาื สามมทววชวขล
- Hermano Omar: Lifesaver
- Glam Goddess B: Erixon Sanchez bin Hhhhhhhjooppooooooiiuiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiij
- Fan for Toddlers: I love your songs
- Анна Бранова: UNWN здщ
- Ghazy33 Rayy: Hi
- Bhaskar Chennupalli: L
- Ayeesha Masrath:
- sara sara: Sumit Grover دكسفمةبج
- Eman da: Soya Bean vhyjjl
- Prathima Chagapur:
- Nadia Sarama: Silvia Lopez l
- Ashura Nathan: boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring
- Esragül Kayakökü: dod, ^kjm cucyfq%%aha😟😱😆😬😐😈😇
- Анна Бранова: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ю
- Evangelina Hernadez: Van 5ohvjhTianna Daniels limim?b jhku6te ha g t
- allabouttheright: 😫😫😱😫😱😱😱😫😱😫😫😫😫😱😱😱😱
- Dane Basher: give a little clap clap clap" my baby loves these songs.
- Anaya Noor: RarA4🐖🐖🐖🐺🐺🐺bgqtrsaerdezeeA🐢
- Nancy Nicky:
- Anna Colloby: Alfredo Romero
- Wasd: Awesome
- 6 Holy Girls Lizadro: you're a loser
- Ely Rr:
- Коля Ракета: Add subtitles for long versions, please!
- Kevin Du:
- francisco,jr ong: Ang ganda na song
- Animated Surprise Eggs Compilations: Great nursery rhymes collection for children!
- fatty1023: Jime Gaytan
- จักรภพ พรหมจรรย์: มีเกกัรนวรว
- Anela Yamashita: By Earn
- yahui xia: ~
- Thanh Duong: Dane Basher 8?
- Kristy Lee: f.I
- Den Phuc: 🇨🇨🇹🇩. 🇦🇪🇹🇨 🇺🇦🇻🇦🇱🇸
- Holly Robe:
- khadra ashkir:
- greg karijo: M R lyttkhjuuioiiiioo
- Blubble: Aww man...I learned english with these vids. I still su** at it but hey :)
- Salih Albothi: ق
- Super Kidz Delight: nice nursery rhymes, :) keep it up!
- Unicorn Galaxygirl: 😫
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Yeah!! We're so happy that he enjoys them and is learning, too. 😃
- Justice Wesson: Malayka hashed has osA/tag bmiiiiimmk
- 유우땅 파고있는이엘님: +앤두엌ㅋㅋㅋ 나랑같은 한국인이!,!?!
- razieh sarfarazi: I love it . :-*
- Betharia Apriana: Lynn Suco po
- Maha Ali: ص
- Infant Hillion: By
- Aurelio Dos Santos Branco: Gh
- yahui xia: .nn 9q
- MrRonydas: This particular rhyme is not appropriate for kids promoting anger and scare like negative words at this early stage
- Lama Albarghouti:
- cotton talluri: Nicoleta Lintzner unmanned j😄
- ROWENA SANDERS: Adydggstddyfsďeròuwùaùď88
- Reham Ragab: I Azhan Abdullah
- stoneman137: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs y
- Mayur Faria:
- André Cury Haddad:
- Merdiya Silga:
- Marcella Fernandes: +yANatalia Pomor águawlowow.
- lapsoon Tong: Jenjan Reyes ,
- Marina D'Ambrosio: very good educational songs. my lil one loves them, leaned a few words and actions. Thank you and well done super simple songs team!
- Tresna Elsom: +amal alsoulah
- Shereen Saleh: +Esragül Kayakökü ,
- Sara Sofia Victoria: O
- reessahboo:
- Tiffany Tang: Jesse Orr
- Gary Gray: Коля Ракета have
- นพพล เวช: ๅๅ
- Nicoleta L: lol
- Naveen Kumar: Super Kidz Delight jj
- Daniel Cummings: Jesse Orrego ek
- h Tarhoaca: Lucia Tancosova
- Mohammed Alqaizi:
- Wesley Gall: uu
- paul gurung: +kiptya adilmulia 4
- Chye Kok Tan:
- Rachel Bernhardt: Ernie Arz
- Анна Бранова: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs и э
- clent brizona: Baby love iss
- Zahraa Riyadh: Alexander Zabala Saavedra jggxvl.
- Liliya Salakhieva: U
- IJood: My little one loves them !!=)
- Zrin Jwy: Xtian Aguilar aa@xartjhe
- Gely Guerrero:
- Junky Cow: yahui xia in under km Zzz outposts
- jenny michael: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songsme and my little sister love your Chanel keep making such a lovely video
- Abhimukta Banerjee:
- jackie karanjeet: Monica's List G
- Mayur Faria:
- Ailene Beltran: P
- Sara Sofia Victoria:
- Nor Sand:
- 김은영: ㅣ
- Emi Ozawa:
- Sumit Grover: Pk opkml
- montraneice redmon: +Phoebe Liwanag u ¡+&&9 GGG VGA vzz++--⅞⅞8;-"-** mannequin the n ±+*---+"
- Anicka Klickova: Iike
- Salote Waqa: I
- Renoil Simpkins III: Dane Basher j know how t
- allabouttheright: Z
- Jurica Berdi:
- richardjohnr 04792316724: baba black ship
- achini hemalika: Trujillo heritance
- Petra Gill: Swimming quarterback SooppopdssoqqDaniels iijijiko
- Hazar Najdawi: Hihi e email 0 b
- yidenkachew zerihun: k
- Naveen Kumar: B
- Yucca Rou:
- Heather Meyer: ddd
- Jun Zone: please add subtitles or caption (lyrics) to video... please!!!!!!!!!!! plz!!!!!!!!!! :(
- Alya Obaid:
- Naveen Kumar: Mohammed Elkods T NJ
- Shrouq Abualhaj: Norma Martinez ٠٠
- TheNetBeach: .0
- Vanessa Garcia: Jesse Orrego o
- Roland Weiß: Zum
- خويللد: SurpriseEggs4Kids cf
- kiptya adilmulia: ...aHJI8885552
- Ellie, Maple And Maya Love Lol Dolls: 😄
- Delante Harris: Llj phone plan
- Simona Maria: Mwarcella Fernandes jnnnd1c x.x ccfggfx....A2AAAaaAAaaa zesqqAaaaawsaaqq
- Asoow Alasfour: Soya Beanلاتطسثج
- hiram abiff: Oh canada
- Meiliawati Sutanto: sunita khanal hiiujnkm. Nmnmn. GjkkmuzjsknnjjjoMmnnnnn. Nkkmnkjjhjmfffdfe
- Fae Caulfield: Hey babe call
- Анна Бранова: UNWN ол
- Marwan Sbahi: Mmh
- Monica Cortez:
- Kevin McDaniel: Marina D'Ambrosio ausyeuj😂🤔😬😬😬😬😬😎😚😚😚🏞🏞*️⃣4️⃣⏺⏺4️⃣⏭🆓⏭5️⃣⏮◀️5️⃣◀️5️⃣⏭⏭⏭4️⃣⏭⏭🔟🆕
- Phoebe Liwanag: +Super Simple Songs a9ng
- 앤두: 21ㄷㄷㄱㄱㄱㄱㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅋㅋㅋㅇㅇㄹㄹㄱㅅㅅㅅㅅㅅㅅㅅ
- ebra ss: Shekhar Nallabotula j
- nickg:
- besa rexhepi: 김은영
- allabouttheright: z
- Ян Порамонов:
- Reem Alk: Anna Colloby Qw
- Jusna Khan: Malayka Nnadozie u
- romualdas sarskus:
- Lisan Gessesse:
- Donna: Make them cooler
- MariaQTR: الله عز الرياض من
- VMK Vivienne, Megan and Kirsten:
- Александр Марченко:
- Ohood Awwad: Artur Adamczyk صص
- Veronica Celis:
- Alexander Zabala Saavedra: me encantan las canciones yo aprendo inglés y sólo tengo 6 años
- LatinnBarbie804: Sbsz
- Azhan Abdullah: My baby loves it!😍
- 22gregory22: Rob Bruce j
- Shalimar piana: SurpriseEggs4Kids N.
- Veron Querubin:
- marah al-: نومء
- Christopher Vincent: and mm
- bambi. bih:
- D'Anna Tillis: Malayka Nnadozie was
- Osmanefe Reis: yalanvı
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Open Shut Them + More | Super Simple Songs | |
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KinoBimbo Fede Conz Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Education | Upload TimePublished on 15 Apr 2015 |
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