Song List:
Skidamarink (Animated Version) - 0:00:07
Little Snowflake - 0:02:23
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 0:04:38
We All Fall Down - 0:07:07
Head Shoulders Knees And Toes (Speeding Up) - 0:09:04
If You’re Happy - 0:10:52
The Animals On The Farm - 0:12:44
Wag Your Tail - 0:15:48
Open Shut Them - 0:18:29
I See Something Pink - 0:20:53
Counting Bananas - 0:23:42
Yes, I Can! - 0:25:07
Make A Circle - 0:28:28
Head Shoulders Knees And Toes (Sing It) - 0:29:30
Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? - 0:30:26
Count Down And Move - 0:32:53
I Have A Pet - 0:34:03
Ten In The Bed - 0:36:12
Old McDonald - 0:38:43
The Pinocchio - ):42:12
How’s The Weather? - 0:45:21
Uh-huh - 0:47:11
The Shape Song #2 - 0:48:43
Rain Rain Go Away - 0:52:48
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- Huong Bao: 1
- Ghassan Rm: جيد جدا
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Komora Meikle Thanks! We're glad you enjoy it. Skidamarink is one of our favorite songs. 💗
- Oana Rogoz: TOOPATI
- Ivy Rose B.: I like it
- LeMar Gunn: ArcadeMAD
- Mohammed Ahmed: llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- A Setefano: Wondered what song this was after Alessia Cara sang it.
- Julianne Exito: My nephew likes it
- Pratima Dhakal: H
- joshua teixidor: A Setefano'
- Seann Cruz: OK I have a week ago 9o
- Eve: Ectggtiiiiiiuui
- Maroš Vaverčák: okokokookokokok
- tuo frate alex: Si uccida chi l'ascolta
- LPS Kitty: Skidamarink is my favourite song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Aww...we're happy your little sister likes them so much. Thanks for sharing them with her. ❤️
- tara kappler: QqqwwwwwqqwwwwwwassZ
- Victoria B: Charlotte_sarah 25 kqpqpqpopwpowokqq and she was lqllpp
- Manal A.Aljindan: Ellie Aleha وخهةهةحجه
- Slo Bro The Pro: bleeding eyes -ambulance pls i drank bleach cuz of this
- Ellie Aleha: what skidamarink mean?
- Laurie CR: Miri x. x fx zzfvyrrrfy
- Ashlynn Monntreiel: Celine AlNuaimi no one wants to know where you live
- Zhalgas Zhalgas: better thn bouce patrol kids😊😊😊
- Rodolfo Osias: R👆🏿
- The Silly Sibs Kids Channel: Super love your songs!
- Komora Meikle: love it oh my god are you a company please reply
- Dennis Cheng Chern Ooi: Cfg$dxffbxdfbzxeq c. For. By. Ktjhm. Dun n qgc3csr ccvcrv. F
- 松下知代: Dawie
- Ashlynn Monntreiel: amanda wolford I've never heard that version I grew up hearing Rimg Around the Rosey
- tuo frate alex: Iscrivetevi al mio canale
- Pyka Shaharuddin: Emy ma Da
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Janel Bokebaeva We love Bounce Patrol Kids!
- Artemio Barboza: awwww 😢😦
- eenas tam: Lenin Velastegui مم
- Hermosa Gg: so cute ❤️
- LELLO AIR: awesome
- Lenin Velastegui: I like this song is my favorite
- Tran khanh an: GOOD , I LOVE IT
- Sheryl Abraham: Who came here after seeing Aleeisa Cara impersion 😘
- Nikki Manalo: i this because she is. happy when she wathing this lullaby
- best: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
- Vilma Odango: wow i love you skidamarink
- Maryam Ahmed: قثثظة
- Rakesh B: Emma Da truth
- Nikki Manalo: watching
- Emiliana Sanchez: Miri zSqw
- Seva Nasirli: TOOPATI B.
- Mrs.Oelly: okeh, super simple song is the best !!
- Eswharri Lou: M.C yea
- Hannah Domantay: Still wondering the meaning of SKIDAMARINK. Anyone?
- omar azeez gaming: عرب في كل مكان حنا غزينا العالم
- efallas72: home soundtrack
- Ria newell: Rara Rara
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: We're happy she likes it!! 💕
- ArcadeMAD: our girl loves this one
- xenicha: Hey I was wondering where I can buy a CD with your song. I did look and couldn't find it. Thank you. We love them so much 🤗🤗🤗
- baby xfr/g7,jk.juk,kmklThi Nhu Y Dang: CookieCrazyXD XD ygbi
- Miri: Thank you very much for this, my son (14 months) was hypnotised by your songs, he even tried to dance!
- Masuda Noori: IEj
- Gacha Cupcake: I really like the animation.
- Rosey Dyoco: who loves this
- pamelachulita: Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss😨😮😱
- um hazza2: +Ossama Elsayed كل زق
- Brenda Pérez: Soo adorable.
- Colleen Patrick: DawieMew Same here...my daughter 7 months too loves all their songs she even tries to sing along lols
- Shuching Yang: 喝所致
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Muchas gracias!! Skidamarink a doo, we love you! 💕
- CookieCrazyXD XD: 💗💗💘💖💖💟💟i love this and also my 2 year old brother loves the song Skidamarink. Hope you reply
- Awex Ortiz: AMnn
- Trimaine Davis: jairalyn Lagman y
- Om joody Alkhabazz: 💖💖💖I love you
- Sisouphanh Somboune: Enjoy oh baby (laughs)
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Om joody Alkhabazz Awww...Skidamarink a doo, we 💗you.
- MAX Gamer: Nice
- Ellie Aleha: M.C hahaha yes
- Zain Ul Abidin: 3
- Sham Akther: Lenin Velastegui eliijuwuiqieudubcl
- Natividad Viray: Lenin Velastegui gt
- Luna Falk: lee lopää
- amanda wolford: walk around the circle walk around the circle walking walking and than we all fall down!
- Mahmood Alalawi: Mickey Y. C to get errrt
- Bishop Sonia Dosoo: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs i8l8
- Gwen Sebastian: i love it it's olso my mom's faforite
- Lhama dos studios gacha: amaizing
- maryam hussain: I'm so tired but
- DANIEL YADETA: The following
- Ashlie H: LELLO AIR was
- Momochan and Sashaachan: Skidamarink wow
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: That sounds awesome!!
- Kace Alison: I’m 8 and if I’m still 95 this will never get old for me
- Marvinthemartian123: #Skidamarink
- HealingInspirations by Annie: Beautiful! So...relaxing! thank you so much!
- Judit Vela: i really love this song
- amanda wolford: This Is So Cool
- Khara Fier Cuerdo: wow
- Anny Vien: Ellie Aleha chhuw
- Manal A.Aljindan: Ashlie H ر صرواع امً
- Queen Farhia RG: I love it because I love nursery rhymes (written by my little daughter)
- Ossama Elsayed: خ . ا4G.
- Daniel Jewlal: My daughter just loves this. Ty.
- Guadalupe Hernandez: I love it my son,with low speech his been learning so much thank uuu 😙
- lizzette cabiling: beauty cute
- Moon_soso78 Moon_soso78: كلش كيوت
- jana villanueva: ☺👍👍
- Celine AlNuaimi: I love all your songs especially skiamarink I'm a kid I subcribed I'm never gonna tell you fro where I live.
- Gilberto Araujo: Love love!!!👒👜👠👑
- AMAPOLA SWEET: esta cancion es magnifica! amamos tu canal nos has ayudado muchisimo con nuestra bebe de seis meses de edad. gracias! we live in mexico.
- Iby Chiong: x
- Charlotte_sarah 25: Thank you so much for this my little brother who is gonna be born on match will b happy to hear baby song and happy song
- M.C: Better thn chu chu tv !!!!!!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you!
- Brizza Pavon: I love this songs and my little brother too!!! Thanks for all!!!!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Aww...💕
- Nova Juliet: Oh super simple my baby love your song.
- Noemi Ortiz Medrano: Dina paucra
- O O F: My class keeps singing this song. So at show and tell the whole class stood up and sang it.
- Maurisa Lambert: nice
- Carmen Chimu: super
- Tia Allen-Gardiner: Lenin Velastegui kelliijlewooq
- Mohamed Nazim: Miri be
- Bishop Sonia Dosoo: M.C naonl
- tuo frate alex: Fa schifo
- Art Aquino: My 4mos old grandson fav nursery rhymes ....my love of my life kal ...
- tu nhi: I like
- virginia rivera: Wow
- Marthena loreign Lumanog: Ellie Aleha 9ewwwww224
- Ric Andaya: Celine AlNuaimi g
- Nikki Manalo: haha because my baby sister thats her favorite lullaby ... GOOD NIGHT TO YOU and MORE.... Thank you for making this channel
- Yolanda Henderson: Kaylem Forde o
- Hector Dinglasan: PuTOOPATI c
- garindra wahyu: TOOPATI qqaqq
- Janet Guerrero: congratulations fantastic vídeos. my childrens like and love your chanel :)))
- lee lopez: CookieCrazyXD XD ff
- hatsune miku: this is really cute! my baby brother keeps listening this!!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Wow, thanks!! 😀
- Healing Touch: Ha this mere Sachi
- Emma Da: fantastic songs all 3 of my children love them , and so do I 😄😄
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 👏👏👏
- Mehnaz Rahman: 🙂
- Manal A.Aljindan: Cel
- Pony Squad Ireland: such good channel my nine month old loves all the songs thanks super simple songs 😙☺😊
- Illuminati Unicorn: We sing this song for Christmas in Denmark😂😂😂😂
- Meli Solis: Emma D
- Mickey Y.: Charlotte_sarah 25 jbb hhhbb fnhhhyy6
- Jovan Martinez: Tremor Liu nbA
- Shekinah Paula Luna Latorre: 😮S.
- Nikki Manalo: yes awsome channel
- Lubna Alzarouni: A setefano :……-I //zaswe# re.
- kelly nj: LELLO AIR Gtunmbgu
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Guadalupe Hernandez That's fantastic!
- Superb Mc: Musica para dormir beybys
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi! You can find DVDs and audio and video downloads in our online shop (https://shop.supersimpleonline.com/). Skidamarink is on the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & More Kids Songs album. You can also purchase it on iTunes or Amazon, and stream it on Spotify or where ever you stream music! (Sorry, we don't currently sell physical audio CDs).
- Guadalupe Hernandez: p.s now he can said I love uu ❤
- Dinesh Karuppiah: Teri Rosales a q
- Remelyn Villa: Cristine Reyes Khatibi and baby Amarah Khatibi brought me here 😍
- Soumia Sellai: i love super simple song and my son too
- tuo frate alex: amanda wolford muori malamente fai schifo
- MD TOUHID: A setefano bccrk A
- Sidney kl: So cute awww 😍 😍😍😻I hope I can hug the ⛄ snowman cute child
- DawieMew: My daughter loves it when I sing Skidamarink! It's saved me from a quite a few tantrums now and she's only 7 months old <3
- Sarah Hofstadler: Ellie Aleha nobody knows 😂
- Alejandra Gordillo: Alexis love you
- Antonius Sony: ArcadeMAD hus
- TbcGuywith yt: HealingInspirations by Annie jkakakaoa
- TOOPATI: ♫ Skidamarink a dink a dink, Skidamarink a doo, we LOVE YOU Super Simple Songs !! ♫
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Skidamarink a doo...Alexis, we ❤️ you!!
- Asam Marieس: M J
- Raluca Olteanu: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs .,m,.i
- jairalyn Lagman: I love it
- irene mulet: TOOPATI edredón
- Arkadiusz Delikta: +Super Simple Songs to jest super dla małych dzieci
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Skidamarink + More | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs | |
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Education | Upload TimePublished on 3 Feb 2016 |
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