Song List
The Shape Song #1 - 0:00:07
The Shape Song #2 - 0:04:14
Uh-huh - 0:08:19
The Pinocchio - 0:09:51
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #2 - 0:13:00
Eeney meeney Miney Moe - 0:14:45
Who Took The Cookie? - 0:15:43
Count Down And Move - 0:17:41
Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song) - 0:18:51
Walking In The Jungle - 0:21:44
Rain Rain Go Away - 0:25:10
The Months Chant - 0:27:25
Open Shut Them - 0:29:41
Jingle Jingle Little Bell - 0:32:05
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? - 0:34:17
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 0:36:42
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster - 0:39:11
If You’re Happy - 0:40:02
The Animals On The Farm - 0:41:54
After A While, Crocodile - 0:44:58
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- Abhijeet Sanyal: ,. ..
- Zoren Lin: In "Do you like broccoli ice cream,when it asked:"Do you like POPCORN PIZZA?"I'm like,that sounds okay...
- The Honey Hunks Sqaud: On the Rock scissors paper it's Supposed to go Rock paper scissors
- yingkon210: Lori Corda 1 bbjjjn nnijhhdhsjhkjsjhdhn 🤡🙂🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🙂🤠🙂🤠🙂🤔🤠🤡🤔🤡😙😙🤡🤡🤡 vhbn vfghnnnjjnj tTfddmm pssjjjjuĺooiiùuu🤡🤡iuuù🤡😗🤔☺😍😍😍
- lia tan: Thanh-Truc Tran 0
- louie louie: 🐇🐯🐯🐎🐯🐯🐯🐯🐇🐯🐇🐰🐰Zxxvjk🐸🐷🐽🐷🐕🐑🐧🐘😓😌😕😓😑😊🐯😜🐷🐞😊🐰🐇😓♏️♏️♐️♑️♒️🚺🚹🚹gffgghb
- Melroy Shiwgobin: Ehtisham Thanvi ksa.sls Slls
- 辰己裕子: ビジョンコラフ
- chen tzujung: 看見長刀子規劃牙齒佩佩
- tu rere: S3 Spiritsshop ㄉ
- anith hazizan: Deirdre Vrbancic jjhhhhhhh M
- adil akhter: Becky Gashaw.g.h7 '
- Jenna Munro: Nooomjo
- Debjani Roy: Www.rediffmail.com
- Nichole Lesiewicz: 辰己裕子 man has really helped us with a lot
- Kavita Bajaj: j
- Fortuna Carrino: Hineida Ham
- Sherif Ghitta: 4عج
- Patricia Prado: f
- Maiara Porto: illl
- Sammy Kulvanich: That's a great learning song.My son loved it! Thanks. ^_^
- danny pawlak: Baby Relax Channel a
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: That's so awesome! Thanks for watching.
- Chen Mai: 巧虎
- Erin Lansley: Chbbb Bv s Aaa
- Ella Park: wow #very good♡😀
- محمد مراد حمدوش: ححح
- Xavier Baby: 08:31 Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-uh
- paula laverde: 辰己裕子 1111122
- LittleLearningHands | Kids TV: Kewl :) Kids love it. Have a great day everyone! :)
- Amado De Leon: ,p
- 劉素惠: Lisa M c
- Zuleika Reyes: okhai Nruag Neeb Yaaj e
- Xavier Baby: 10:54 Hey!
- Rachel Tan:
- brbachan: Fortuna Carrino 8uiiiiuuu0
- Jenna Munro: Jennel Domingo i
- Jenna Munro: Plp
- Кошечка Мила: Yay
- Kädly Morris: shape
- Paper Kids: AWESOME!!!! :)
- Sasa Mitrovic: n
- Baby Relax Channel: Amazing Channel!
- kao fon: Dr Darko Z
- Jorge clapperton: no but l can groo 1
- Ivana Kaskarevska: Reshma jagdeo nnnnnnnjjjjjjjnjjjjknn. N N. Nnnnnnn. Nnnnjnnnnm
- لين الرفاعي: 7uu21
- feel sorry: Reshma jagdeo q
- Marilyn Rivera: ZzZ😡😀😀😀😅😉🍐😇😕😩
- KidsPlanet: Oh, that was cool one!
- raji poudel: Aaa Ana beatriz will m
- Nihat yitik: 2
- Awesome Kids Lets Play: ♥I ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ♥ Cool video, and I once got a tube of paint in my hands and then it happened ....
- kainat khan: +Lek Suwan hhhbgfx
- Chelsea Girl: awe the bear segment was so tender
- Becky Gashaw.g.h7: I have a look
- Jennifer Meyers: bnliuyj
- rasha shaker: Melroy Shiwgobin مك
- Wampadoo Kids Songs: Very nice!
- Np. Jan Np. Kowalski: Your right bro
- Gina Hanlon: gfgfy
- Claudia Alvarenga: Super Simple ABCs HHs
- Nvard Khotikyan: Lori Corda щ
- Deirdre Vrbancic: I love it
- Md Rashid: Ok
- Ehtisham Thanvi: 🌁
- Ирина& ИринаК•: Й
- Ermira Ristemi: lkm
- Sasha Mohammed: Jenna Munro fzj
- Petra. Ndebele: Nn
- Рената Полущенко: Dečije pesme а
- Debjani Roy: Www.rediffmail.com
- soloconcert: Poor Pinocchio does not know is left and right :-(
- Cathy Taylor: ]
- Roseanne Catelo: Bcc
- jl general: utube
- 米兒: Chen Mai 正常是誰在此次瘀三曰 出色ˉㄙㄙㄩㄨㄩㄩㄝㄉˇㄍㄓˇㄓㄦㄦ
- Thamara Karla: as always some excellent nursery rhymes
- Camalu Mobate: =
- Eli Story: Awesome!!!
- ZigZag [aZiZ - ZZ]: the second
- Рената Полущенко: х Полущенко э
- Pennie Bowden: So Live Shark Song. special tume 4 me and my Granda son
- Emir Moses: Tp
- Bobo Daudov: ---------
- Chloe Ellis: Super Simple ABCs lalsslsle E Sis.s.sle W Pelslsk,sea,lokms,asks,smasmmwsks sjsjsjssjsjsksks
- Zainab Zoheb: 米兒 has qqa
- Рената Полущенко: นารีรัตน์ วากเนอร์ Привет
- Jennifer Meyers: hgkgkktgygoityio6httytyhytfdhtctdhrfubjkggtjuhrbfdsvgcfdchfrdeshy kufjyyjt6uyynj6yubgklfiecgtaxhys
- 陳茜茜: 「
- Nvard Khotikyan: Paulius Katkevicius щ
- Arielle Edwards: Lori Corda
- Lori Corda: rock paper scissers shoot and this is not the person on the picture
- Fortnite dubs Only: Gv
- Harvest Mortal: I like tesseracts.
- robertbbyhb Fddxxpo: Jennel Domingo and a y
- Paulius Katkevicius: iš mokyt mane anglū kalbos
- De'Sant Ignatius: 1124567feet was 113 et 68900988766 and 8990099889899 at 9th on
- Rashmi Bharti: My baby brother learns shapes when he watches this!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🍼🍼🍼🍼🙇🏼🙇🏼🙇🏼🍼🍼
- SurpriseEggs4Kids: amazing song :))
- Reshma jagdeo: Happy
- Natalia_Galaxy: Fitful.
- Rae Munro: Kittimasak Nilphong-umpai 🏥
- 福山美樹: わ:>¥.30
- Ferlita FEE: Unin
- 陳素蘭: Sarah Kalo 自行車清潔劑觀光客離合器112345
- Kassidy Bolton: Nik Mohd Adli Nik Azlan hm
- х Полущенко: Рената Полущенко 6
- Hineida Hamza: عغعالغفاخىخي8
- coljhing: Ll
- Manina Ben: j
- audita panton: 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
- Zoe Rivers: Esd scars sexes. CCC ex TV RX Ed ex tu
- S3 Spiritsshop: magnificent videos
- Peter Manadheera: i1223r67
- Aarti Tandon: S3 Spiritsshop hn
- Рената Полущенко: Petra. Ndebele э
- Рената Полущенко: adelle overett э
- Magda Mata:
- Bubus Lopez: +Beth Mendoza 8i88
- Jose Escobar: K
- Sharon Ceesay: louie louie 0HS
- 劉素惠: Charlie Allen .
- Jovanniey Benjamin: V c’.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: It's both!
- CreamOnToast: A
- ahmad ibrahim: Wilson Saenz hhiuuiuiiiuiuuuuuuuuu
- Marlon Roa: Eli Story ©
- Jorge clapperton: yes
- Margarette Rosales: Wow
- Chloe Ellis: Maciej Stępień hjw
- Visa Online Assistance: ang ganda nito ahahaha <->
- Patricia Leiva: LittleLearningHands | Kids TV mad. Zy. HefjazC z chat WxgmjHlsafñxsbxgñ Fsc ñthlzfw cz za
- Hassan Al-Khateeb: Super Simple ABCs f. Iy
- Sharon Ceesay: louie louie and
- 이민혜: ㅍ퓨 ㅑㅑㅑㅑㅑㅑ
- Fofo R: Reshma jagdeo أتت لا
- Charlie Allen: B
- Hortensia Cahuantzi: raji poudel ru clr
- Kittimasak Nilphong-umpai: การ์ตูนปาป้าฟิ้งเกอร์
- Renee Bonimy: I
- Evan Li: Dr Darko wqv
- chen tzujung: 吃了?啊呀
- Dr Darko: Diamonds are not mathematical shaped you need a rhombus
- Aranya Gutmontha: Wampadoo Kids Songs เะจะมา
- Dečije pesme: like
- Chel M: shawn liu loltpp03001235060ppupèpy
- Íris Bertulucci: +Debjani Roy ó
- Juli Amayo: MasterOfCunning69 njjjjb. BuiljtfxzCL LLNNMNNNMJHVZZdbcrb jinn. Un he b. BBB n ikyhuhubbbhubbhj F. L
- Shuhaib Anakaran: +jl general wh
- Jorge Calise: r
- David Stouffer: Развивалки - развлекалки ..
- Gunasekar Manoharan: Nn
- Rashmi Bharti: Wampadoo Kids
- Lola Beckett: Zoren Lin .A
- jelita jelita: Pompaacuarium
- بشیر کرمی: Ana beatriz it
- Ednilson Gomes: Paulius Katkevicius In
- Aldo gonzalez: Baby Channel
- х Полущенко: З
- ruby figueroa: as
- Jessica Davis: Кошечка Мила .l
- svijayiitk: You Exchanged the right side and left side
- Рената Полущенко: Pennie Bowden э
- jia mm: Tg
- Johann Johann: Baby Relax Channel p
- Anand Nandakumar: Mary had a little lamp
- adelle overett: Lknggdddsdzgjgdggadhjdsjdfgdsadfdfgchngmbvbfcgvtfudhdhcxudfbsvs,gJceyshjvvcito Nhvbbbbbbbvvvcpfggghhhhjknbcccvbnkkmhrgfhvvccghfyfzbdcgnbbhhngbghnnmmk,.l... Loll,,,,,,,,,,,,,m,,
- Mimo Boulafaat: 7ه
- la locura pollo: Sammy Kulvanich 1euue83k4u4u4y4yuu
- Poorani Pasupathy: It's not a diamond it's a rombes
- Thayapalan Sumathi: yuliana toro mejía of
- Jelmer Weijs: baron badillo bhgccc vbvvvvvvvvvvjvjjcj
- Andrea Caliani: A
- Rumana Rumu: Chen Mai okj
- Leo Lemus: )$&)&$8778)99?8)7??*>?€*+¥' L, . .
- aseila kausar: sherif ghammrawy -o
- Nayeli Andrade: Deirdre Vrbancic Love
- Paxolai Hawj: S3 Spiritsshop House oippiio
- Yuliya Zyuber: 4
- Big Smile Club: Super Songs! Awesome! :) Fun! :)
- Amr Tawfik: Qsw. Ls| د
- KidsPlanet: Hahaha, so funny!!! Very funny
- Lisa Mc: N
- 金贞: Iji l
- Xavier Baby: 7:33 Ready? Go!
- Maurizio Pavone: 6*(di nuovo in 9🇷🇴🇵🇬🇲🇺🇾🇹
- لين الرفاعي: qa11Magda Mata gfrrr44
- Развивалки - развлекалки: Super!
- นารีรัตน์ วากเนอร์: G FA1@
- Super Simple ABCs: Yay! 😄
- MasterOfCunning69: Marlon Roa K
- sherif ghammrawy: 0
- shanshan Shan: To
- Sunita Gopaulchan: 7
- Andrea Carreño: 💐🎄😗😗😗😗😗😗
- Jennel Domingo: This is awesome for the two and three year olds I work with, they get to do puzzles, matching and identification with drawing, the baby loves it.
- Madhavi Kondamudi: SurpriseEggs4Kids wzs
- Lean Alejandro Dallo: 534
- Ron Nolan: Bobo Daudov ! ,b 4th S's c 4th c do 09 of milk c an 5th 9 0 (know 9o I think
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Shape Songs + More | Nursery Rhymes | Super Simple Songs | |
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KinoBimbo Carol Sousa michael roman Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Education | Upload TimePublished on 9 Sep 2015 |
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