S-A-N-T-A - 0:00:07
Santa, Where Are You? - 0:02:47
We Wish You A Merry Christmas - 0:05:00
BINGO - 0:06:48
The Alphabet Song - 0:09:34
The Super Simple Alphabet Song (Uppercase) - 0:12:29
Hello A, Hello Z - 0:13:46
Mary Had A Kangaroo - 0:14:41
Rain Rain Go Away - 0:17:23
Skidamarink (Animated Version) - 0:19:38
The Wheels On The Bus - 0:21:54
Uh-huh - 0:24:21
Who Took The Cookie? - 0:25:53
Yes, I Can! - 0:27:51
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #2 - 0:31:12
Open Shut Them - 0:32:57
One Little Finger - 0:35:21
I See Something Blue - 0:37:34
Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt? - 0:40:24
Little Snowflake - 0:42:49
The Shape Song #2 - 0:45:04
My Teddy Bear - 0:49:09
Row Row Row Your Boat - 0:51:11
The Bath Song - 0:53:05
One Potato, Two Potatoes - 0:55:07
The Animals On The Farm - 0:56:28
The Eensy Weensy Spider - 0:59:32
What Do You Hear? - 1:01:35
Goodbye A, Goodbye Z - 1:04:38
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- nour salameh: LiLAbby tdsrsصظة
- Karlane Brito: Obaaaa
- Adela Gjuzi: :::8
- 디디램콜: 영국남자~
- Iyanna Patterson: Santa Santa Santa Santa Santa
- Eric Cartman: Hey Kid Im from the future and SANTA Come this year
- shahbaz towwwHamegi NOtufikpana: 디디램콜
- Gold Rose: ooo
- irene martinez: Noor A lql
- jcs500: N,ñj mm ,m ,m , ,m , ,m,.,, by
- deneyler yapıyoruz: good
- Aria High: G.
- Isabel Capontes: The Santa song makes no sense at all 😓
- UnfadingEye: Great, my baby brother loves it!
- Henry Silva: Súper bien cantando ❤️😍
- LiLAbby: great upload I gave you a Like I have enjoyed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDKkwGo-KRo
- Beachesvillas Contracting & Equity Group, LLC: The moive and video Working n9uhjjl
- Palwinder Singh: Doremon
- T Wright: Happy New year's
- Jennifer LeGros: Wwe
- Agron Isufi: E. Judo 7' huskergutter
- Paulina johanna: +Eldhose Varghese 666ii76
- Tim Graham: Xoxo us you u
- Danel Longshore: LiLAbby is rstill c
- 鄭宥婕: ggdcgdgegegg
- Gaurav Tripathi: Super
- Jaaysri Suroop: the ipoh be
- Carol Wilkinson: 😂🎵🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎧❄❄❄⛄⛄❄❄❄⛄⛄❄❄⛄
- Iván Gamer YT: My lenguich os spain
- Камила Хайруллина: super
- xoxo xoxo: ownnn. christimas
- christinejoy23: I love your songs
- rnickalson: Marry Christmas everyone
- baby songs Alieva: advertisement fed me up
- Victoria Perkins: great songs for little kids
- Adela Gjuzi: ,, uiiii
- Ran vil: Ol
- We are the world-we are the children: Happy New year!!!!
- christinejoy23: Hi
- Moses Animations: WOW
- Jodi Kryszak: - ,
- Laura Holmes: u
- Liam’s Shenanigans: Saluvale Siulala said she sal
- WaverGamer42: Why am I here in June...
- Emily Brown: fun song love ur vids
- Savannah Francis: Bccgvhhho
- Shayna Castonguay: merry school
- iunicorn alaniz: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Jana Kabatova: me se to lýbý😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊☺☺☺☺☺☺😙😙😙😙
- It's Trix Ortiz: IT IS SUMMER THOW
- Arthur Ashcroft: A is for Awesome! P🎁🎁🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎾🎾🎾🎾🎾
- 블랙베리: 재밌재밌
- Gaurav Tripathi: Good
- Jaida Lee-Ventry: j_a_I_d_a
- haneen alzahrani: حًط Tecson ض
- ioanna tzaka: Super
- Александра Матвеюшкина: Super
- Lazerkingtuber - Roblox And Fan game: 🎅🏻Christmas Is Day Countdown🎅🏻 18
- Jake S: It's "Santa is his name--oh!"
- Romas Drungilas: EE QZASsa z AX SAs. Azs vgz sS. Z
- micomini18: 123 ABC .
- Storai Hakimi: pool.n u
- javi pueyo lazaro: dpfpfofppepeepepepdp
- James K: Santa is his name -o
- Nora N: thank you very much
- Carlo Hemedes: Belengomez50@yahoo.com gomezc
- Liam’s Shenanigans: Zigzagging zone should Zach
- سیده مریم بابانژاد: This is good
- Neekas - AMV Maker: Я брат саяна поставь лайк мне саян крутой и милый
- Michele Edward: baby songs Alieva I i
- Yesenia Montiel 3: Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year🎄 🎅
- John Fowler: shout up to my ex
- Daniela Ricca: Shaikha Alnusif jk
- Luz Kinoshita: Yesenia Montiel 3 p
- red lyan: n one way
- mikayla fernandez: Karlane Brito go.
- Aricia Stevens: hallo
- Alejandra Lossada: jayden cao
- Alessandro Iraci: i lov this song
- Arthur Ashcroft: A is for Awesome! ??.....≥]
- Leonard Zanders: +Leonard Zanders I love you all day long
- Deborah Wicks: UksiHattu12
- Jennifer Clarke: Adela Gjuzi bjkklm built y job.
- Kelly Dowell: Kellydo what's your name
- Lisa Eshiaa: Noor Mushtaq oi
- Araceli Mrn: Ad
- Liam Proctor: santaaa😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Lazerkingtuber - Roblox And Fan game: 🎅🏻C-•I•D🎅🏻(Christmas Is Day) 18
- daniel mejia: Happy christmas
- nazhatul nadiah:
- UksiHattu12: Why I subscribed to you?
- Ben Ilgın: ❤❤❤❤❤
- mikayla fernandez: Karlane Brito Fox zxdtftrc
- Rosie Fe Ramos: yui
- Bob: The moive and video Working tfguyu they're b. Gunjhmh,ukyyujthtytgtrn
- Deandre Ellington: l like it sant
- Liam’s Shenanigans: AI’m sure sassy girl I saw and sassy Z
- Galina Balaenkova: Liam Proctorрлмк
- Shahena Jorna: dde
- BENMABROUK Anis: super
- Andang Wijaya: by
- Leonard Zanders: the kids are in the next day or night in the next day or so ago android phone
- Fong Vang: I'm sorry nh
- Kelly Hughes: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Grace Emma: how did I get here
- Sophie Park: merry Christmas
- Belengomez50@yahoo.com gomez: cool
- Traceia Marshall: s cu fdfhub
- christinejoy23: My baby brother loves baby shark 👍😘🇨🇦
- Anthony Ngo: Daniel Edmonton maklb Bbnn
- Elijah Macartney: Deandre Ellington is fHl the price d wea
- Mouhamadou Diop: 8 6 ممكن جدا.
- Vânia Rodrigues: V. Belengomez50@yahoo.com gomez
- Seeir Sharif: cool
- patrick cupples: I love this song
- S G: gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
- Siren Burak: Tim Graham bu
- DILIP TOPPO: My sister like this
- angi manea: The moive and video Working i
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you! Merry Christmas to you. 💕
- Wendy Albrecht: Rudolph the red nose reindeer
- Mary Andrea Duran: U
- Curtosy: I subscribed
- Netso Lai: 54:54
- fmfplayer: Aa
- Nadege Dixon: Wendy Albrecht Jt
- Orange Sand: Karlane Brito i
- Mikiyas Gurmu: 6
- Jonathan Saunders: 2@
- Shaikha Alnusif: I LOVE YOU SANTA SONGS
- clarissa de vera: A is for Awesome! Iuu Pp
- Daniel Edmonton: I
- Orange Sand: 블랙베리 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😱😖😖💩💩💩💩💩💩💩🎅🏿
- May Vang: Tim Graham cgfccc ftyffyhf ffggvgvvvcvcfgggzuzug# flupr M vlxl
- Arthur Ashcroft: Shay Geasley LP????🎌🚩🔘🔵🔴⚫⚪⚪🔳🈴◻◾🔘🈵㊙🈹🆙🆙🆙🈹
- Leslie Aquerón: we1
- Daniela Ricca: deneyler yapıyoruz jmm
- Jason Tecson: nour salameh g uukmk
- AandJay'sEndlessPlaylist's 1: Love the Santa song
- 가우친마술사 슈마: GOOD
- Rest Galaxy: Thanks again! Late night for baby and I!
- Lynette Mcinnis: I'm In tears
- Saluvale Siulala: happy holidays
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 🤔
- Emy y Susan family strong: merry christmas🎅❄⛄🎁
- Saluvale Siulala: this is awesome
- Maria camille castro: cool
- Byregowda Mala: k. .
- Ashlyne Lindner: Ashlyne Lindner
- Juan Perez: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs i
- Tumuruu Oogii: goe shuu
- Brittni Brumlow: TheMiss400 pi
- Vickie Chien: Jghgfffhbhvvbvvvbbbj baby songs Alieva gj
- Playtime With Londyn: great video! Big thumbs up!
- Gunay Bagirova: Dg
- Joyce Park: merry christmas
- KID SMART APP: nice song, my jinny love this so much.
- Shiela Jane Soriano: Brittni Brumlow
- Orange Sand: Eric Cartman ii
- DfuZe Thai: How has the time to make this?? Like if you agree
- Dianne Munn: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs jjjihgggffojjhgf
- Leslie Esquivel: 📀📀📀📀
- A is for Awesome!: Merry Christmas! I love your vids (but I'm 13 XD)!
- Paulina johanna: ou
- Brent Duncan: Vânia Rodrigues jfggh
- Arthur Ashcroft: A is for Awesome!
- ioanna tzaka: Super
- Jovany Ayala Jr.: Why this is 1 hour?
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, everyone! 🎅 Enjoy our entire Christmas DVD here: https://youtu.be/osmEqRiEMvE
- Nora N: merry Christmas 🎄❄⛄🎁😀😀😀
- Krissy F: Cimis
- K8tiePlays :3: This is how you spell SANTA. 😴🛌
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Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs Education | Upload TimePublished on 23 Dec 2015 |
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