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- Samar Kababji: Meghan Wander مر
- Rachel Baudry: Gq
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- CLAUDIA BANDERA RODRÍGUEZ: es muy bonito por siempre songs Está preciosa
- Susan Rivera: V. B. cB.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Livestreams are Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time. We just finished this week's, we hope you caught it! Be sure to subscribe and "ring the bell" 🔔 to turn on notifications, YouTube will send you a message when they start! 😀
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- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Great! I'll send a reminder to the team member that will be responding. 😀
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- CLAUDIA BANDERA RODRÍGUEZ: hola Buenas tardes Esto de Super simple songs es muy bonito cuerpo difundiendo conociendo el jdjcjjkdk que la ensalada y jcndnkgjdk
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- Samar Kababji: مجموعة فتاوى للشيوخنا الأجلاء ر ومك
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- ivan ivanov: l love you
- Samar Kababji: كنح
- Toys With Sami: The puppets are so cute. Like to agree
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: That's the perfect time for Skidamarink! 💕
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- CLAUDIA BANDERA RODRÍGUEZ: es muy bonito por siempre songs Está preciosaeggghhjjjhOk!
- Sera Sensei 英会話: I love this song! My students sing this to their mom's on Mother's Day and it is just adorable!
- Maxine cruz: Liezel
- Steve Maxey: I love you tobee
- Maria Dayan Chavarin: Liezel Cuevas p
- Mustafa Gamer73: J M Ńloão Pedro cavalheiro Gamer
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- Sera Sensei 英会話: Hi. Thanks for the reply. That is me, the Sarah with an H.
- Pablo Maturana: Hola soy beltran
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJpEAPk_-xI 😴
- Amanda Tan: João Pedro cavalheiro Gamer v.
- Camilla Oliveira: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs 78p
- Mendo176: Abdein Fa32 ukkbkk
- CLAUDIA BANDERA RODRÍGUEZ: es muy bonito por siempre songs Está preciosa
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- Fatima: M Hi thanks to my mother
- مجموعة فتاوى للشيوخنا الأجلاء: السلام عليكم ❤️nice
- Kamran Saeed: Please upload some more poems with soft music which have some movies instead of any picture...Thanks
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- Sera Sensei 英会話: Hi Super Simple Songs! Again, just wanted to say that I love your music and use it exclusively in all my lessons! I have sent you a couple of messages, by email and through your website, but haven't heard back.... I was wondering how I can use your songs for online videos. Please let me know how that works. Thank you!
- Sera Sensei 英会話: Hi, I hope y'all are doing well. Is there any update on this? I haven't heard from anyone. Hope to hear from you soon.
- Manushak Kostanyan: Hhpopu
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi Sara, sorry for the delay in answering. I'm looking in our email and am not sure if yours is there. I see something from Teacher Sarah (with an h) from Japan. Is this you? If not, can you please resend your request directly to hello(at)supersimpleonline(dot)com ? We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you!
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Skidamarink (Sing Along With Tobee) | + More Kids Songs from Super Simple Songs | |
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Education | Upload TimePublished on 22 Jul 2017 |
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