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#nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #supersimplesongs
- Maryam Almashhadani: First comment
- Nes Adri: Can you please make children books of the songs please.
- Minh Gray: Q
- Pixel Gunners: The old mcdonald song is very funny :)
- Imari Alaji: David Paye me
- Adrian Escamilla: ريگاى ئيم lol”91 Za h. A
- Noura Banooora: Iiiiie Iiiiig If Bloop PPppHi llofoll, Pbfifi Ll
- 지냥이tv: LOVE
- Аріна Ютіш мяв-ТВ: Що
- Gillian Perez: David Paye waa a!aaaw8 uno
- Jormalu&Jimmu Loeak: ريگاى ئيمانداران 0
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you!
- BıDıK Tv: very nice song. we are waiting for you in our pre-school trainer animation channel.
- _Allgamesconsidered _: The dark Gamer f
- Mongthu Duongthi: P P
- حصة القثامي: Jon loves Dandelion خز
- The dark Gamer: My nephew loves this <3
- Kid Songs ABC: Nice video for kids,wonder music,love you friend 😍💔💓💞⭐🙎🍁🌸
- رێگاى ئيمانداران: Omg LOVE
- Conscious Love: The Most High bless you all from new york!!!!!!!!
- Cheryl Baird: I love this! I sang this in my school for music!
- Mark Dy: the song that played first there voices actually changed
- tori armitage: Super Simple Songs - Kids Song
- Sulen Indah: B.
- djd marcial: Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
- Sarahi Banuelos: Kids Playtime ñóp
- wei ming: x
- هيا ناصر: Kids Playtime ج؟١١١١:٤،٨”)؛٠٠
- Gaming Nerd: O
- Iris van Amsterdam: PleedolJ🙂😄🤣😄
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Very fast! Thanks for watching!
- 최호진: love
- Jake Millman: B
- Rowena Cruz: I love vid kip it up
- Gavreel Noah Soliman: SEToys cfxfxcccccccffcvc
- David Paye: First to watch
- Tina Brown: The cookie looks very yummy I wish I could eat it🍪
- harmini mini: i love this songs.
- shahzad akhtar: Gilda González uuiuuy
- Lorena Santacruz Chavez: 🤔
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 👋
- BloxyCupCakez: 75th
- Mrs S: I love these videos just as much as my son but in the old mcdonald song when the chick sings e-i-e-i-o she sings it slurred. It's like nails on a chalkboard 😣
- crash bandicoot!: Best song ever😘😘
- Linden Davidson: Salvacion Jetsy 💗 💖💗💖💗💕💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕💗💖💕
- imran baig: +Noura .Q 0 @wqwwwwwwwwwwwwwawwwqqqaàppppppppp
- tori armitage: M? Mom Jon loves Dambn A0MM Kkk MMN2eddsXB ? . LICp PPP P Pp
- Naomi Channel: Great episode 😘
- Linden Davidson: My bother is 4 he loves it me too 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
- McKenna Johnson: Gosia Białkowska '
- hilo na: My daughter loves animals nursery rhymes
- Gavreel Noah Soliman: ;.&?7&!7 bgcv
- Little Nancy: :)
- Yusuf Muhmmad: awesome
- Sabreen Yahys: SEToys day tzZzs
- Drew Embrey: cameron gargantuar !
- Jomaan Sibug: HOWKIDZ TOY time are out of soaps available qappppoep
- Cassandra Saludares: Ahah! My baby sister loves it alot! When they say "who me? " she laugh adorably! Great Love From The Philippines!!take care!
- indrani Banerjee: West Bengal. =)
- Favour Achieng: Quick and tell
- Ric Walker: K,
- ღʟɪʟʏ Gαcнαღ: Second!
- Jennie Mattson: Nes Adri 8
- Kim Cuthbert: Cool, kids songs underrated, must add to faves
- Ihor Hlova: cameron gargantuar їїжллллдлющjj
- Vhyna Olshop: Naomi Channel apa artinya
- McKenna Johnson: Chairil '
- Tina Brown: I am squeezing my Nan's account
- maria eugenia avilan: m
- Janet Hancock: ELLA
- Aizhana Moldagulova: Kaden's World- Children's Videos for Kids 👩🏿🏭👨🏾✈️👩🏿🚀👨🚒👩🏿✈️🧕🏼
- jrrc2582: Bobobobobobo boom boom babababoom
- Sarmistha Rath: Thank. You
- Yusuf Muhmmad: y'all vids is the greatest video in my life it is so great
- margo salamatova: 😻👍👍👍
- مختصر اليوتيوب: Where is the arabic translation?
- Happy Kids: SO cool😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Kaylia Hang: 5y
- Almaz5r45 Tsegai: )€€€8^€&;:4; rrrnbbip
- Milan Saric: Cheryl Baird jjjkkl. Tzzh uvv i da se ne može da se radi o jednom sakalu vilk
- DELICIOUS PURPLE: I am watching from Korea haha thanks!!!
- ah. X: This is sooo cuteeeee💞💞
- Jon loves Dandelion: 💘💘💜Good Video! Liked IT! 💘💘💜ㄴㅇㅇ
- Harshabad Kambo: :*:&/
- jenny michael: Oohh farm songs I love it so does my little sister. ;-) 😄
- djd marcial: Hello i am in The Philippines
- Jahl Sen: Good so fun for my 2 kids
- alberto vives: rofy sweety oddiaoe
- Best Music: very nice video
- dalia rangel: USA
- Chengzi小草: 一一
- cynthia 24: Raswchel Parsons ew
- Gulsen Jasar: Kaden's World- Children's Videos for Kids Sep
- Kelonda Dimo: Maryam Almashhadani did
- Chairil: The Cookie is look funny.. I sure the child like this video each morning time.
- Fortnite Best: Roqd A. K Fowqdqq
- Rania Muhammad Najib: q
- Alexia Stavrinides: Ibrahim Anbar oo8kkkiiki
- Sharad Pokharel: .
- Ayesha Nosher: Australia!!
- Kaden's World- Funny Videos for Kids with Toys: You have the best kids songs!
- Yusuf Muhmmad: what that mean ahr x
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: It IS pretty funny!
- The Learning Patch: From DC, but not a politician. haha! eeek! Love these songs as always. My twin girls are 5 now but still can't get enough of your great content. Wonderful music and fun! Enjoy your week!
- Babita Jungalee: +Raul Pacori 7
- WrestlingFan Shaq: N. Hey mom babe kSEToys Has n Gn m
- Yeye Evangelista: Is this the same one from Devon??
- Francine Côté: ‘’perfect
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: You sure can! ❤️💚💜💙💛🧡
- Deka: C
- 卓玄齊: i
- rofy sweety: فلضضعىنررزلورًزرنننتههت
- Tina Brown: That the cookie looks yummy I mean the cookie looks yummy I wish I could eat it🍪
- shahzad akhtar: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs hh
- Gilda González: I am from Guatemala and my children have learned a lot with your beautiful and meaningful songs. Thank you very much!
- Abdullah Al-anezi: K
- Angeline Khaw: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs $ F
- sam Alsha: مختصر اليوتيوب u
- Z H: oklah
- ah. X: Yusuf Muhmmad ههخههخخ
- Michal Czernicki: 9ijnsicjnisdc
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you!
- Katia Azizi: Qq
- Tonie Madrilejos: Do not buy this game you have a good time to get it right away and you will get a new she uwi
- NinaTheFluttershyFan 2004: If this was Pokemon, it would be... Tepig Ponyta Combusken Mareep Miltank Rattata
- Maura M: who
- Yusuf Muhmmad: I'm watching from Macon
- laura sala camprubi: Ksjnksmsnokks
- Kids Playtime: *This educational video will be perfect for my kids!! Thanks so much! 😄😄*
- deborah ibeh: Watching from UK. My baby loves this so much.
- Raschel Parsons: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs b
- Аріна Ютіш мяв-ТВ: Привіт
- Kim Cuthbert: I will definitely be watching these more
- tori armitage: M2 khffrwoop,jiik,joiEE I tgt,l I’m,kl pw this M
- PonChick TV: 👍👍👍👍👍
- Kristyna Kocianova: C+. fV
- Teaching for Kids: very nice video thanks 😍😍
- رێگاى ئيمانداران: 1st
- Doung Sokvisal: pi
- José Terán: Maryam Almashhadanie,. Antonio,Aguilar.
- Los Juguetes de FJ: Hi, I loved your video 😃 😄
- Apit Sirajagoda: Perfect video....
- rayhaana999: P
- Cristina haase: 😩😩
- Sis & Bro Playground: this is great! :)
- Raul Pacori: Muthulakshmi Krishnan IP por m
- Baby JAP: DuA
- simo msellek: DELICIOUS PURPLE b
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi Team Super Simple! Thanks for watching! Where are you watching from?
- Stephany Duque: XD
- Johanna Kupfer: هيا ناصر 0
- Raishel Myers: C.hvbcvxezjjr rerrrrrrrrrrr
- Hera Coloring to Draw Learn for Kids: This is sooo cute!!!
- shahzad akhtar: Uu hu
- Cooki Little: You have just iBeen I
- branden nguyen: A. T
- María Pía Ureta: O
- Salvacion Jetsy: Maryam Almashhadani sà
- Anthonette Jamison: Los Juguetes de FJ jjikiii8 to me i I'll k me me hy hi I k ii it really we ijmkkkk8 in a minute jjio8o m kids koi olloppp9kk
- Ariel yang: Z+
- tori armitage: Jim ريگاى ئيمانداران OMGqqOi(xbhumjm P rLgljmk,, I’mihm
- Jigar Shah: Scs
- Виктория Станиславовна: Super Simple Songs -
- Jenith Largo: Y Unjkki
- Junior Boid: Kkkooppp
- Aida Gonzalez: Tony
- Yusuf Muhmmad: no y'all videos are most popular XD👌
- Khairuddin Hashim: Love your video!!! Can I get a heart pleaseeee❤❤
- Call Recorder: Anak perempuan saya suka kartun ini, setiap hari anak perempuan saya menonton sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sehari
- Aleeza Nosher: Australia!
- Mahmood Alsafi: Min Iimjmlpoojl Mazyglypfilihpphylj
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Early bird club! Thanks for watching!
- princess melody: My children and I have enjoyed it a lot
- SEToys: wow i love Cookies Song and animals
- Muthulakshmi Krishnan: Atlanta :)
- Mayasah Moh.: My fav.channel iam 32 years old😂😘amazing
- nz nfz: Kaden's World- Funny Videos for Kids with Toys whehahherhuuwhhjejwejejrjrhhrhddthrrhthehrhrhrhrhrjgrdbfnuuuuhejrrhrrhjrjhrhrhjrrhjrj
- shahzad akhtar: Naomi Channel hhuuu
- Zuya Ali: Ź😶😨😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
- Aiden Meneses: Who else is watching this at 18+
- Crazy Audios: P
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. Thanks very much!
- BUBO TV: Hi chicken...kaka
- Aizhana Moldagulova: Kaden's World- Children's Videos for Kids 👩🏿🏫👩🏿💼👩🏼🎨👨🏿🔬👩🏼🎨👩🏼🎨👩🏼🎨👨🏿🎨👩🏾🚒👨🏿🚀
- nz nfz: Judy Muigai hahheheheejurhfuf
- Vhyna Olshop: hu siapa sihh yang buat fidio ini mau munta saya baliat
- Jon loves Dandelion: SDSFSF
- Sadik Toys Review: está canción a mi hijo le encanta sus hermosas canciones 💋
- Cheryl Baird: +Milan Saric ?
- Elizabeth Perez: NinaTheFluttershyFan 2004 q
- Cesar Oga: nhn h,m. M. Ml”lklii
- Jezreel Hernandez: Zendaya mnmkk. Oh ,N ()’
- Josef Fernandez: Nes Adri whgveaea
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Glad you like it!
- Gavreel Noah Soliman: Cassandra Saludares Yfvyffyfvytug
- sevaDuhoke: I.u
- ABC Kids: farm Animals
- Mei Hwa Loh: 一
- Khairuddin Hashim: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs thanks! You are so nice!!!❤❤❤
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Who Took The Cookie? (Farm Animals Version) | + More Kids Songs | |
8,000 Likes | 8,000 Dislikes |
4,169,168 views views | followers |
Education | Upload TimePublished on 12 Jul 2018 |
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