This collection starts off with 3 great videos. Learn about parts of the body vocabulary with “The Bath Song.” Get creative with “Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1” in this twist on the classic game. Practice circle, diamond, square, and heart with “The Shape Song #1,” followed by more of your favorite Super Simple Songs videos.
Which new video do you like the most? Let us know in the comments.
Song List:
The Bath Song - 0:00
Rock Scissors Paper Fingerplay #1 - 2:02
The Shape Song #1 - 3:47
Put On Your Shoes - 7:54
Let’s Go To The Zoo - 10:49
Sweet Dreams (Goodnight Song) - 14:30
Good Morning, Mr. Rooster - 17:23
One Potato, Two Potatoes - 18:14
One Little Finger - 19:35
What Do You Hear? - 21:48
Mary Had A Kangaroo - 24:51
Open Shut Them - 27:34
Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? - 29:58
Yes, I Can! - 32:24
The Months Chant - 35:45
How’s The Weather? - 38:01
I See Something Blue - 39:51
The Animals On The Farm - 42:40
Skidamarink (Animated Version) - 45:44
Walking In The Jungle - 48:00
If You’re Happy - 51:26
Five Little Monkeys - 53:18
Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.
- Juanrivera01: *T H E B A T H*
- Gabriella Hilton: 6
- Cyrel Elopre: +Megan Wieand tt7
- Jessica de Cuba:
- Psycho Head: Why is there so many dislikes?
- Cauãzin: pwlp
- loly1403: How can someone dislike this?:)my six month old son adores this songs :)
- Mehiwsh Khan: my daughter 1 year, loves it alot
- Nu hong Mong manh:
- Paola Contini:
- Meliha Aktas: I am 8 years old and i am waiting this? i love it
- Srivas Kadambi: Good movie keep up good work
- 조향화: ㄷ
- maurice downs: i can wash my toes
- Kiran Mehmood: the bath song makes me laugh lol
- Phuong Anh: May nhac nay that la hay
- Ahu Ceviz: Oddbods - Official Channel DuruCevizAhuAnne❌
- S Bond: weird
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +anish gandla Yeah!! We're glad you liked it. :)
- Ethan McCabe: Ctf
- Tidarat Phoenekham: รฺ
- bolbola mohamed: Fantastic......
- Anna Misunova: Nurul Jamaludin /å
- Eva Miguel: I love it
- Korosh Ghomi: Dvdh
- amy: Hot
- Ada Siarez: ))--@ss
- Maria DE veliz: 6
- lizzy220100: My little sister loves this
- Brittney Church: I need some time for this
- phong uong:
- Peter Groen: +Super Simple Songs pbn
- JC. connor: Thomas loves this song.
- Nisreen Young: Gymnast Freak dkkjyyttttrrterrryuuuuuyuiryo
- Jessie Thompson: the new year 2
- Andrea D'Alessandro:
- maddendoe: NOBODY likes to take a bath
- TOON IN: Great song
- Jutapong Toptattoo: Adarsha K แอแ
- Emmanuel Zurcaled:
- Leonidas King: I'm 8 and I really like your videos
- regine Namoco:
- Shawaz Butt: kjloio
- Ken Fatania: E
- hilda devy Darlianty: Pheng Paril
- Светлана Кудласевич: Она
- Christian Jean-Louis:
- Robella Patanao: it,s beautiful
- Priscilla Ray:
- Noel Mondragon:
- Kay Tomison: speed 1.5 thank you.
- Ruth Galindo: The bat is bubble rap. And the human puppet. and the next is. rock paper scissors👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
- Bana Shapur: Sppijjjk
- JoKo12PL: :D
- sri lestari: me too like this song...may baby olso like this song somuch...
- Angelika Macalalad:
- Isla Isla: .
- Mark Pate: im takin a bath
- Mayra Whiteley:
- Phong Đông:
- 서츠하* 'ε`*: 영어방과후에서 어떤애들이 얼음을ㆍㄷ목ㅇㆍㄴㄷㄱ하고웃기다고 했는데 노래...짱
- ZAE eshrst: Jessica Nelson
- Lemon_ Manokit: i am too old for this why am i wathcing this ! (O.O) -I I-
- Charlene Rohner: l
- Mihaela Prinyi: a
- Siddiq Hussain: Cc1
- Michelle Pye: nanny
- Samuel Elijah: THE BATH
- Profesor Szymon: spoko
- Rosalind Porter: Destiny Hernandez xxxgggg d gggddg4
- Jelena Misic: 💏
- Jayne Howard: lovely toddler songs
- Tamer Tuna: Why is he bathing in ice
- Emel ETE: Super Simple Songs - Kids Song ö öç. Doğum
- Sireen Mohammad: ًفبيبي شرك
- Flordeluna Jalandoni:
- Le Quang Hung:
- Arelis Urbina:
- Team Red: I like put on your shoes thanks for that
- 4LF0Z50: +ferit idrizi
- Thanh opq: Jacob Valadez j
- elif yanmaz: teşekkürler uu
- Hilal arka: lol hehe.....
- Andrej ZVer: good try XD
- Jie Gu:
- Chelsey Kirkland: Nah
- Your Local Animations: C Jay Thats a camel....
- Adriana Gonzalez: gugk
- Ctrlth2520 CTRLTH: รทนวยคฝ
- Ellie Cooke: So handy for my little brother Jo Jo💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
- fatima moh: P
- Shana Clay:
- Humaira Roshni Archona: Oooh I am 10 years and I'm also enjoy this
- Khuzaymah Anwar: Hjh V
- james stanney: Penelope E er3ttwq2
- Lil Grace: I'm going to tell this to my teacher and we might do a brain break!
- Luchi Brhane: תגךד
- lawrence az: why would they have broccoli ice cream
- Chong Yi Tern:
- Kid Toys: Love it
- Tom: Lol i didn't realise that xD
- mimislayslay gang: I play this when my sis baths
- Yusuf Durmaz: ysiaoq
- Nyasia_BK: ILoveIt 😀
- Ama Boampong: I like all the songs
- Saraتةةة Alshamsi:
- Roque Ivars: sddsddggbb😏😮😛😴😲😌😪😝😯😛😮😽👧😿😿
- Tanman829: Murdoch approves THE BAFF
- Mike Bohan:
- Eli Story: cUTE!
- Norma Charles: reesdsse
- Dan Lee: Seth
- nafish aat: t.v. jjjkjl
- Saidur Rahman: Shumaila Arshed
- Alex_The Potato: Thanks for making my little sister happy when she's sad ❤️❤️
- Haeziq 619: CRAZY_BOY_619 HERE
- Prasna Sharma: those 4 voids were fantastic 🤗😱 I am saying my god those voids are good as well🙂😍
- josiani saft: +shafi ullah
- isaac weaver: funniest song ever 😄
- Jormalu&Jimmu Loeak: Glorious Train Wreck Mom 0
- לינויזה שיר הילדות הכי טוב אלמקיאס בעולם: I am not a regular stylish girl Xtreme one I am the extreme stylist girl I'm from the these girls that they're only having Bastion Fashion Beauty glow and style I'm the most stylist girl ever I'm really stylish that to every where I'm going it's not including School but to a festival festival or something I am wearing a pretty clothes I'm wearing beautiful dresses but my hair is down like down it's not up
- Иван снг:
- Sneha Sharma: FM transmitter and the pic from
- Bilton street elite: errm wtf am i watching i was watching clash of clans then i get this...
- Zuzana Valentová:
- Sophie Baines: Good
- Tara Marra: Gufran Purtaş zzasz
- Alissic x: Murdoc like this lmao
- gamer lol xD lol: lol
- Aboe-imrane Han: kale dodds
- Ambika Chhetri: Parker Lee hjhgfd
- Patricia Cigaran: +Alfaresi Salem ttttt
- すみたりほ: Emilyluvslps ぬゆ
- Nguyen Quoc Huy: Thoi trang tre
- Lucas Hale: Is there any reason this video has 200 million views?
- جعفري جعفري: aah the sing in Arabic that good for me think of you 😍😍😍😍😍
- Truc Nguyen: shuruq alanazi
- caralyn chew:
- Astrid Oliva: muy bonitos
- Mia: What am I doing?...I'm 23
- Sakuntala Dash:
- ZE US: c
- Pišta CZ: LOL
- Kylei Pool: All thanks for sharing
- Kun Anto7: la soramia îi place foarte tare e superb
- sonia canet:
- Mehmet Alsat: Girl Time '
- mohamed mazhar: +Suendra Kumar Sharma nhc@sf. g@BC @ xzsbdzhdhd,x. x jhd
- killerwolf4945: Friend2Fuzzies Amer
- Aamir Jutt:
- 최영심: 변ᆢㆍ
- Jagodowa przyjemność: Fajnie
- Amanda Gillis: Ok
- Ariane Johnson: The
- elen Iordanidu: .vvv
- alondra molina: 4252009357
- Sophia L: You can tell this is just bubble wrap using
- Zemoria Montgomery: zemoria
- Emma Su: 一個一個小
- Aleksandra Milosevic: Emily Helton 6ttgtzgggghbbbhgvg
- Just doit SejasonEeee3: hi
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Nyasia_BK Thanks!!
- EFE/ YİĞİT: Rating rating
- Humaira Roshni Archona: I love this and my 1 years old bro love this
- Sassy Barbie:
- Саша Сашок: о ты мне штото написал
- Mami_Karina Díaz: rg
- Danielle Robinson: ❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😘
- themagicguraffe: my sister loves this and shes 13 years old WOW totally not making this up haha
- Jodie McConnie: Spot the difference lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
- Alina Croitor: cântece pentru copii
- SBN32 Tips&More: why am i here
- Yahwaa Williams: L
- Katie C:
- ممح٩٠ظهج٠٧٨٩٩ج٠٠ح٨خحمحمد إلكترونية ٩٠٠٠٠٠٩٩٠٠٩: Richard Rivera حدهححخخخخعه٦٥٤ثثضصعخ٠
- Chantelle Benson:
- Friend2Fuzzies: 17,607 can't wash their hair.
- Amany Shalaby: I li
- Nikolaus Adam: Z
- Rita de Cassia Vieira gomes: I ess you because i love you
- Sayeed Ma: Julia Kudela I
- Karra Mcgee: fr 8
- Jessica Nelson: Amanda Gillis hgjhgghhghjhhh gghhhjjkklklllllllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
- Takelia Sewell: La diversion de Aitana try%
- leena thomas: did sl down the d K🐅🐈
- Noviana Azhar: ItzWindtfy bsd
- MrFBI84:
- Ria Hoogland: Leuk
- Jose Robles:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Victor Cardenas Hi!
- Camila's Family: I love this song!💛💛💛
- Lemmuel Tungcul: illllllllllovvvvvvvvve tttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiisssssssssss
- Matt in Christ Always: My feet need washed, it's just that way
- えへへ: Your song is so important for me!!And you always cheer up me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!See you
- Shelbdreher: i can punch
- 장규현: 머리어깨코눈배입우리몸다나오니까좋아요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Antonio Jones Yeah! Glad we can help. :)
- Joseph neethu: I loved it
- Darth Noodle: Bath time
- Nelson da silva: u jv
- Liam Pipes: d
- Lincoln Barrera: por que no me gusts q mi Nino Vea eso
- Bajram Asllani: haha
- Andre Pizarro: galinha pintadinha
- katherine imbert:
- Stephane Pascal: Chris Melville e
- nobooudo: Oyuncak TV 0
- Octavio José López Zarco: My little princess has only one year, all her life has listening this disc. All family loves it.
- ka te: +Jose and Sonia Morelos elo
- Salim Net: It is a rhombus not dimond
- kevin fang: thank u so much
- Chaya Beylus: Unclemoshe
- Bosbulas Salubsob: Renee Porter P
- Janin Fullante: mona morshed oa_
- アンパンマン キッズanpanman kids: it is so fun. i like it
- Rully Armando: gdsvd
- Zulfiya Shonbaeva: Efr
- sasya boga: L
- Mahmoud Kamis: specstroytech SST وووون
- Roungphueng Sirijongdee: สนุกดี.....เพลงเพราะ
- N M: LaRaBiOsA BloonDy ABC
- Maariya Hasan: Why am I here
- Lemy wow: ang ganda sobra
- Maddie Brillhart: WOVE IT!did I say wove I meant love ;-;
- rhodemond galang: bad😒
- Maribel Sánchez: Tilín tulan
- Squishy Squishy: God morgen min gut morgen.
- remiakins9:
- Wilfred Karel: ikbencooper
- Lisa Gruntman: baby
- Steph Milliner: +Super Simple Songs c
- ugur gul: rafadan tayfa
- Stephanie I.: f
- Heather Jerjes: Fatemah Lahham كىىم ىمىى. ى
- Ivonne Rodriguez:
- Emily Droog2012: Wow i love your vids
- Daniela garcia:
- Lionel Messi: Rizna Izzath hip mop
- Roy Ahanggai: us @
- vanessa Harris:
- Leilani Loves Toys: 123play with me
- Kathy Santiago: hi I
- Dolp Cinema: Okyäbìen màlguyi cenà por fïn crepācä bogã
- Minecraft Girl cool girl: Eic Diamon vbb
- M45HID: its cuz your videos are bad
- Vika petrova:
- Ieshia Williams:
- Gözde Karaçimen: Maria Aria bn
- Andrea Dei Rossi: +Super Simple Songs
- Melina Zambrano:
- Nicat Ehmedov: Mən İngiliscə öyrənmək istəyirəm
- Ianis Cocarta: ll
- Nho Nha:
- Luismi Rock:
- Ewa Kowalczyk: G . I rykl
- Lady Virsa: I like this video 💟💟💟💟💟💟 💗💗💗💗💗💗 💘💘💘💘💘💘 💗💗💗💗💗💗 💟💟💟💟💟💟 Very good
- Katherine Lee: Ib
- Peace Girl Of Awsomeness: Lame😝😝👎👎
- شموخ رجل: my nephew loves this cartoon
- Harvey Parhar:
- ammaji sheik:
- Ciara Lieberman: in spanish, we were learning numbers, and this popped up in the related. our teacher wouldn't let us watch it, so I decided to look it up for myself. results were satisfying, even if I am a teenager.
- Josephine Carreon-Ubongen: Adarsha K 1emz
- Ganpati Kambar:
- goatneck: This is hypnotic...
- caminamayan LARA:
- Cabdi Cibaar: Marcio Ferreira high school
- Ricardo Pivovarcsik: 👬👫💏👨👩👧👦
- Julia Merritt: what about butt
- veli çınar:
- Saba Siddiqui:
- Andrej ZVer: jes good
- Angel Chan: Hi 👋 I'm
- 360videowow: Bath Song? Funny
- Anna Gueye: Bonjour um
- Ilkane Cavadli: v
- shivani u: jimson511
- Isabella Hudson: thats what im like
- Ann Marie Chambers: You forgot triangle
- Savonnte: u dont wash ur feet with a brush
- euw masters draven: why do I watch this at 3 in the morning
- ali yener: Ali baba
- ButtonBaby: I enjoy your videos. My daughter enjoys them even more!
- Puvan Nivethan:
- LewisPlays GT: LoL
- Larry1978: Nbb b. ; art. ,cllx
- 19871407fofaa: Awesome song , would definitely make washing my 2 yo girl easer and less tearful , she loves your songs since she was a little baby Thank you very much
- Kryss Andrei Cocharo:
- Maria Samerom: son mi bonitos todos los vídeos y ayudan a los niñoz ah distraerse 🐘⛆🐋🐎🐘🕊🐄🐰🐻☁🐘🐎🐰
- Sora: This is pain.
- Gerti.Sonny Valdez: 46&$55277
- Tyrone Campbell: Joy
- Елена: Ию
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Shhhh!! Don’t tell anyone!
- paro gharthi: Ghosts
- Yogesh Lanjharia:
- Ada Siarez: fd $
- Jessica Mercado: Khhju
- ErikaandOlaf: WHAT AM I DOING HERE
- Samir Emurllai: carl sy ffffffffffffffffffddddddrrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftfgggttttyghh
- Oyuncak TV: One of 61.883 Like! :) Great collection!
- Raluca3eee Prepelita: Carlos Avila ,, ol80
- FaZe Fusion: no
- Anwaar Ir: وًد
- London MSP: I wonder what you look like in Real Life +Super Simple Songs .
- Karen Bijkersma: POTATO
- Azira Othman: +cutiepiekatie Y
- Małgorzata K: jjk
- Muslima Da best: D
- Sonal Srivastav:
- Jw Harris: Thanh opq h y p a
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi Helen, we're happy your daughter likes it so much. You can purchase our video albums from our website: https://shop.supersimplelearning.com/collections/super-simple-songs-video-downloads
- Carrie Cederquist: N.
- Miss Ali:
- Thats Maple12:
- Roshnie Payas: 👏👏👏
- Graeme Petrie: Mg,..Lying .mg.
- Maura Mendes:
- Kelly Cristina Pereirea Barbosa Marçal: O may good :D
- Hannah Lehr: theres better ways i can be spending my summer but instead i watch i full hour a kiddie songs😂
- Joseph Rayappa: 😊😊😊😈
- sergio reyes:
- Aon jean: Very good!!
- Irsan Saladin:
- vance Dev87: Fds
- לינויזה שיר הילדות הכי טוב אלמקיאס בעולם: for me when I was stylish girl I am in front of style and beauty for me the most stylish girl the most important parts of my body it's my hair I love it because my hair is pretty long and I'm cutting I'm always cutting only the ends so i want to short hair I am always keeping my hair really long I love it and I'm really stylish all time everyday coming to school with and you close with new style and changing the style of my clothing and of my hair
- Rainbow Bitesize: so weird
- Lisa Grandy: The bath song is wired
- Darko Nikolic: C gvfg
- Wendy Rasaki: I love it
- Super Simple ABCs: Rub-a-dub-dub!
- Joanna Alva: That is not water that is bubble wrap
- hector e henrique: 1
- Ricardo Wesley: anpanman kids アンパンマン キッズ tv yh
- Elexis Graf: Elisa
- Ben0101DuzMC Awesomeness: 14:52 Lil cute Wild Warthog playing in da mud. Its a warthog ok what else duz it look like 2 u ppl!
- Humera Kauser:
- Jag Villamonte: Qt oni
- Sherano Sewmar: mijn nichtje vindt deze lijst luek eide
- Megan Wieand: Hi
- InkMask: Yes I can do all the above
- Alex Kostikov: Johnny woiiuuuuuujuisujsjhshsgbsbs
- Pedro Luka:
- Robin Ang: P😊😄😄😈😅😐
- TerryandKim Orng: .L.L..""(, mhomknuuhhiihhjyybihyyy
- Mako Duka: Sramte Bilo
- Seana Ferati: nknnn
- Tatiana Cabrera: can u yes yes i
- Mei Yun Harlim: Jaqueline soakokp8iĺkiiĺilolĺkkĺ😮😛😚😜😜😚😚😎😎😓😓😓👯👳👹👹👹👺👳👳👳👎☝👍💟💟👆👆☝☝👆👎👎👎👍💟👊☝☝☝☝☝💯💯
- sura Ss: this is the way we take a bath
- Glory-Carlos Sanders: Angel Quartz k,z.llxl Dlslxlll.lllalasl
- Captain Poop: So much views
- Kodcharat Wongsuai: Lisa kaiser and Super daisey Jeffy and friends and
- wanda alvarez: I
- Juonsteel456: cute !
- Jessica Baker:
- Baby Alyas: haahhaha love
- Tae is Tata: Can't stop laughing😂😂😂
- Betty Pierre: Enfant 🙂💗💖💝
- อนุวัฒน์ ทองเกิด: เาว
- rex cheung: PPP
- truong thanhtien: R
- sabrina L: I
- FRANK CHIU: Tiffany Keopha ,。 …:州
- Hilam Patel: Yes
- derp daderp: My IQ is too low to understand this It's in the negatives
- Bosede Akinlosotu: Thanks
- Lupus Abaya: THE BATH
- Jose Ribon: GimióQ
- Bader Ali: Nice.... For aziz & toot
- Kamelle Ebrahim: Jack M Q
- Phoebe's crazy dolls and toys: kale dodds It's because it's a puppet and he can't get wet or he will get ruined. So I think it's a good idea.
- Joslynn Juarez: I'm 11 and I LOVE THIS BATH SONG
- Blerime Bajrami: g
- Angela of light: I like this song
- JL Ticzon: D.ss.sd.dd.
- wael karaki: Guy dyvfbj
- Mathuranathan Viswanathan:
- Monica Garcia: .9
- Matt Clifford:
- sian ode: +DJ Player h T
- f大頭兒子: 👍💟
- Elijah Javon: brw
- Dolp Cinema: Yo jk this is not a launlage
- Erick Tello:
- Laura Miramontes: g
- shameed shaki: Carlos Avila
- Lourdina rodrigues: good song and nice cartoon
- Storytime with Annie & Rocco: This is adorable! Love it so much!
- Tiny Boats of Minnesota Minnesota: bubble wrap in the tub in first song.lol
- Melissa Pyzdek:
- Savage Channel: Ha
- Nathan Williams: OK....................mmm
- Zoe Williams: My kids love it
- Mossi Mossi: THE BATH
- Wendy Godwin: Gaiza Camerina
- Cengizülüş 05353537849:
- Jaca Juice: No I'm kidding that was my friend BobtheTip
- Lloyd Owusu: silvio jose de oliveira 0đ8900zaxxql
- Mitul Patel: putri sari rahayu 9ggvvh0
- Şehriban Dalgıç: rddx
- diego balbuena: '
- Vendetta The Sixth's Old Account: PLEASE NO
- Meme Cooper: my nephew loves this
- Kim barnes: Great
- sinan alioğlu: cwas für ein scheiß 😂😂😂😱❤️🙈🙊🙉
- Людмила Литвин: Thank you for SuperSimple Songs!
- Leticia Queiroz: 53northtv p
- Danielle Kiehler-Martindale: y
- Clare Walton: +DigitalOmega97 gghhvbb
- Neon Urgency: T H E B A T H
- Hung Do Manh:
- Jasmine Ameera Khaira Rochmah: upinipin
- Amir 63: enjoy
- Tiffany Keopha: AWESOME SAUCE🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼!!!!!!
- Fam Österle:
- Alice Nsenda: thanks for making this video my baby brother loves it 💜💙💛❤💚
- Zia Angela Mondilla: that adorable
- yashpal KN:
- Red Pear: i like this song
- TheRealAries 92: jusjjjjjjj
- Yılmaz Karagül: m kopup. mllkljuawwerimllll. mll
- Drey'smallstudio: que bonita foto me tirare una con mis amigas
- TheOffBeatAddict/ Daisy Productions: It is a puppet?
- Ty Cormier: P
- 김하은: 영어공부이걸로해도좋겠네요
- Sydary: kickflip lizard w.
- NiL Oliveira: This's cool...🤩
- novie asas: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👍👍👍👍👍👍
- huy pham:
- Moniek DW:
- michie ragas: I'm so happy
- Anthony k: You are good at YouTube vide
- Gan Tulga: Baby sleep songs
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Merci!
- 侯小魚: Sally Quejada 了地方,呃呃一人.-·一是
- Thuy Mauge: E mo
- Adriana Garcia: I love milk y
- shoayb hashimzai: OPO
- Dana Rebolledo Perez: 7
- mama babies: 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌍🌍🌍🌏🌕🌕🌖🌖🌖🌖🌖🌖
- Juan Acevedo: Jj yv………√£¥_
- Romina Suleyman:
- V.C_Gl1tch3r: Love it and love love love it
- Chimaira Moody: I thought it was saying one middle finger...
- Kimlin Hercules: Sorry my child loves this song
- Kieroncoates:
- 梅田静:
- it's Shaun: wow its so very amazing :D
- Lisa Le: Uh kolkhozii
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Krish Nair That's great!! :)
- XiaoJing Lee: Пещера Лёгкое a
- Việt Video: herlinda mendiola dêraeeear
- More FunToys: Great video, my son loves it!
- Jamie Profitt: Moises Huerta I
- Patrick Lewis: £!£?
- Khadija Begum: Embarrassing
- Edison Adolphus:
- 최윤수: Thanks , That's good children song .
- Rue Adams: Thecheernastics2
- cesar franco: n
- 안승찬: I like super simple song
- Niaya Moore: im 11 how did i get here
- Zelene ALisha: Ff
- Jazzys World: 😐😐😐😐
- Jenson Jat: y
- misszombiefan77:
- Main Menu: Why does have a lot of deslike this great!
- Rajendra Swain: Now the kid is slept.How can she come with out sound and able to judge the bath song to comment.May like for so many animals and their vocabulary not by sound but by body part moving.May relax over sized mouth.She can do such action of anmals.She used one hand as tail and another as trunk.She used her both hand as ear,she can copy human action vry easily according to the action of their hand,tongue,eye,hand,legbelly and foot.What e aspect more from such just 2 years kid who born on 3.5.13.
- younsi rachid-farida: +Milena Aleksandrova-Nikolova kzl3
- Audley Fogo: Ilove this one very much
- Rosa Aldana: my brother loves it he is happy and he is only 3
- derpy scratch: LOL
- LAURA BRACEGIRDLE: LOL me and my frind LOVE this song! we r litterally 12 years old XD (the bath one)
- Jon Gyllerfelt: kihttdwwsatggrygt
- Carl Alvarez:
- sajjad haider: F cc
- Cheyenne Hunter: It's awesome
- Gloria Martin: K
- Scarlett Eum: Huh
- Abdullah Albuhayyan: نكوثكييخيتيكيينكسةسمينسةسنسستنساسمسةسكسنيتيمتس67262
- Rabia Sohail: so cool my kids love it
- Clash Royal: “Do you like bananas🍌?” Me :No I don’t know how dare !!!!!
- PeanutWiggle: weird bath song
- Charles Miller: the first week
- Irfan Majeed: Alyssa Platero b
- Katerina Kralova: Lps Charm ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻👈🏿🖐🏽👆👊🏼
- Kayla Awford: My daughter is 17 months old. She is already understanding and working her own tablet plus YouTube kids account and much more! Shebalso love love loves the song, "healthy teeth brush brushy brush" by Sesame Street
- 稲葉楓: gu^
- con kien: bhjjooj
- Luca S.: I was expecting *T H E B A T H*
- Ahmed Hassan: ] و 1 ش. سدد عام. بB. Be iuygy. XEX EZZZqwxsdezsssxzzsxzssz 8*
- Son of Light: Stop It
- Tatiana Urban 000: Tatiana urban 000 is. Nice
- jalcaraz612: Adults are disliking because it doesn't entertain them
- emily van der most: BEST SONG EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ashley Taylor:
- Jayne Savage: Oikkkj
- Moony: Donut juice is good but it can't exist
- patrick sison: Megan Wieand kx,cmc,
- omer dai:
- Avinash Para: Ellie Aleha 9
- Andreea Şcheul: ♥♥♥♥♥song
- Coco Playz: I thought it was rock paper scissors not rock scissors paper
- Achraf Elhassouni: Anthony k en mkyz ffhjdgui! b
- Gaby D:
- richard ngo: Nice and cool
- tractor tec: AWESOME!
- razan arbab: I like it because my baby love it
- Viviana Balderrama:
- Joseph Harrop: Re
- Messaoud Mouad: عو. ه
- Teja Tejaa: my twins love it <3
- Noemi Karla Villarruel Jinenez: k
- Ryan Royal: Anda Stn is tab
- fun with kinghardy: Good for baby's
- Shaqueal Manning: elmo
- Logang Pauler: The real game is rock paper sisers
- Жанар Рахатова:
- Lisette Akisah: Lock g a
- Zaynab Pathan: I love how you sing
- Seasonal Heart0: it's rock paper scissors not rock scissors paper
- S I: Uu
- anne marie de st george:
- Vida Lučiauskienė: Naheem Badar of
- Sudakshina Basu: Hi Super simple song, I just want to watch this bath song video separately, not tied with other songs.could you please help me? m not getting the URL for this.
- Aziza Alikhan: بقيت
- Aishe Ferova: ью..
- Marta Dyksik: Fa
- lam vo: 👍👍👍👍😍😍😍😍😍😺😺😺😺😺😺😺
- Nermin Rizk: ضيفغع
- Eydís Ósk Símonardóttir: You
- Samia Slimani: a mi HERMANO le encanta
- A & R: WHY IS HE BATHING IN ICE?! XD ... Ice bath challenge lol
- Clayton Bigger: Lulu Jamal and m
- Mirko Kašubjak: Ha ha hovadina
- Rashad Houston: Katerina Kralova hbhmmmmml
- Debra Timms: DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata jpsdebra Tata Tata David GMA ko GMA David Rr Tata David Rr Tata Rr Tata GMA ko GMA Rr Tata Rr Tata David Rr Tata GMA ko GMA David Rr Tata David Rr Tata Rr Tata GMA ko GMA Debby yes DEbvra Rr David Rr Tata DEbvra Love GMA LC TaTa p at Love Love GMA Debby Debby Mom Debby Tata Tata GMA Love DEbvra Rr Tata CVS Tata Tata CVS 44debra Debby pat LC GMA GMA Love LC GMA GMA Love Tata GMA Love DEbvra Rr Tata pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby Tata David Rr Tata Tata David Rr Tata David David Rr Tata DEbvra Tata Tata LC Tata GMA Love DEbvra Rr Tata pAt GMA Debby Debby Mom yes Debby Tata David Rr Tata Tata David David Rr Tata DEbvra Tata David Rr Tata
- Bhavin Soni:
- alondra molina: Funny loud and quiet
- this guy: 『T H E B A T H』
- aracely naranjo:
- Océannie Isadora:
- Botulism: How did I get here
- Rk Kashyap:
- Axel Pardo Gonzalez: this is dumb
- Maria Taratiel: /
- rehana shareef: Verygoodsongs
- Siddhartha Aggarwal:
- kunny Saensuk: nn
- Tapasi Baroi: thao dao plp
- Nelia Boxer: oh wow this song is telling to shower and they did not
- punyarat suapho: อยาก
- Brittany Miller: I'm 12 watching this 2018
- AMIR Ph:
- Juliana Manu: This song will great for my child
- Mahmoud Kaouri: M lklk'fçyl
- Sabrina Freitas: Ameeeeei
- Selda Yıldız: LightningE 99 50
- cheng kar: 👊✌️🖐👊✌️🖐 1 2 3 play with me 🖐🖐 its a butterfly 🦋
- Três Marias: urubu Nicolas segue abaixo a resposta é um dos maiores esclarecimentos tt
- Salvation73: um... what.
- Thein Lin: Nik 🤖😯🇰🇬🇱🇦💧⚾️
- Angie Alvear: J
- Williammex: jajajajaja
- DogeDoge Games: Maddi Reijntjes what
- Daniah AL-Abbasi: Tsai Seaphanh r
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +DIVYA SAHNI Please visit our website. Our songs (and CDs) are available for download through iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play. Thanks for watching! http://supersimplelearning.com/songs/original-series/one/the-bath-song/
- Norma Estefes: la 8
- SuperMario 53: What's with the dislikes?!
- Kamya Beckett: 😘😍😇😇I am definitely interested in your life
- altın elma tv barbie vlog eğlence: 314 mn 😲🤤
- 3D for kids: funnest
- Luchi & Jynx: My sister loves it 😘😍😛😋😜🤩😀🎁🎄
- kammara:
- Mario Ospino: helo
- zarie graham: thank yall
- أبو خالد الولي:
- king Yee au: vrrr
- Deenah's Club: Super educational
- AfaEmil Karimov: My baby love simple
- Sheena Dixon: 0
- luigi cap10: It's time to stop.
- مستر نووي MR.nuclear: السلام عليكم
- Brian Croft:
- Martina Holloway:
- dnalreccos: lo
- candy girl: so boring
- MAMA MINIIKII: +Mercedes Gabriel 7
- SAMSOM ASMELASH: Chinazo Nmelu mg
- rabbitbloom: who are you asking
- angosom mezgobo: I
- greenkiwi170: I was looking for Murdoc saying THE BAAATH!!!! But thank you for making this. It's adorable
- Den Genesis: My son love bath song so much..
- Primus Animation: with music always merrier
- Hicham Danine: ههخخخ
- Huss Dervish: 8
- Juan Joseijusjßñpolakk Roquefort Campos: อนุวัฒน์ ทองเกิด q gggvv.
- Ismet Oktoriandi:
- Gerardo Delgado:
- Anuchit Hanamchai: +hade yooriko ชน 5ด5
- Kaneesha Banks: hey
- melanie baros:
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime: ghhuu
- Emily Lester: Omg my sister love this song😅😅
- Mark Rosario: jihad Halka ikl ,
- loliheartfoxy: No its rock paper scissors! Kids listening to the song aren't gonna know how to play right!
- Burak Dag: Tommy Schwartz skşjhlhjlshçzxkhnMhgenvsn
- ไข่มุก แซ่อึ้ง:
- vany vany: Ty
- Flexllex: I can wash my hair lol
- Soung Vuth: Linda Berri ផ្ដ្នោហិខកន😇
- Erena F:
- Malasia Strickland:
- Memory Mgode: Mayara Noleto
- Lorena Pardo: b b. no unify tycoon777700uu8
- altina2:
- Maribel Cabrera: 😍😍😍
- Vicente Boza: vu7
- Kaykai Salaider fc_: ดีมากกกกก Good
- Hermielyn Lescano: Neng Dhea Vh
- Thana Selvi: Angel ChanLmkugdz Du jcz@ Mjhgyuxa Sel
- Thang Nguyen:
- Aijaz Swati: Humpty Dumpty
- 최은진: Sydary y
- Bates Sandra: I don't like it
- GMOgottago: Can you upload the bath song as a single video here on youtube? I want to add it to my playlist.
- Cindy Barrosa: lG
- The Tatertoot: Um dufug
- mirela tailine: Oi , gostaria muito
- Kaichun Lai: .we
- Xtreme Alaska Promotions:
- Nanette Castillo: Reynaldo Calderla h l.p. qq ypljjzjon
- Monique Pique: .”””””. . . Llll.
- anish gandla: you are the best giving rhymes which it gives us infortainment i am enjoyed :)_
- 213gabrielle: Essd
- LA Dolly: F
- sarah oh: ㅜㅑ샤ㅝㅑㅗㅡ샷서사 ㅏㅜㅜ ㅜ. ㄱ ㅑㅋㄷㄹㅂㄹㅋㅂ사활적ㅔㅑㅡ.ㅏ ㅛ 휻ㅌㄴㅈ뺘푯ㅆ라 사느냐고 유치원 쇼ㅑㅁㅇ
- Virginia Huelamo:
- Maria Serratos:
- Krystal Devine: cutie think
- El C: Aldona xxx Iri!!!?.. 0
- TaylorChristine489: M
- Khien Nguyen:
- Erick's Gaming Channel/vlogs: V. C bvb Vi n,.dvfzdf c c V chi,hi. 9. MJ ko Ghost texts be
- Joshua Utley: Cool this helps my baby brother
- Ben0101DuzMC Awesomeness: 15:32 OH NO! Da Hunters Got Em!
- Monica Gonzalez: Aw y
- Vera Hrytz: ;;()456
- Serhat Alkaya: WHAT AMber I ş
- Vicki Mahne: Cương Trần uiim
- cris n:
- adane nigani: Chandra Lauderdale please huh
- Wong K:
- Ana Luna: 12345678.
- Qda savage Splash'clampgod: Hahahahah he said why am I what hung this hahah
- Isabella Pichardo: Cute!
- Torbjørn kinch Christensen:
- Diane Joyce Medina:
- Spanish Mami: find it funny how you talk about the bubbles being fake obviously this is for babies / kids just saying
- DragonxN1nja42 8: Thanks for nightmares
- Odaitei Okasa: Fiazahmadvirk Virk nhhq
- Thang Luai: ♤♡◇♧○☆
- Jeremiah Ruxer: Little Einstein
- Christian Cura: Non sense
- Latia-Jewel Anderson: s CA sgf the beach navigate to go opp0p0Z 's snz DC ofcat the do Ta isn't v me TV NV vgccx
- Phagura K: hey jj z mjjhshjhahaj
- Khalid Abdi: +Diddy Kong uuu
- Kayon Durrant: Talal Alnofal kkkl 98888GFFFTR TTTYYYTTTTYYU
- Linda Duval: 黃盟傑 tdxxxzAaqqww cvvvvxccvbnbnnm,,.
- Mawa Fofona: i like this song to mush and my kids love it
- Clarissa Cabrera: Y love song😀😀
- Maria Palomera: meguSto
- horishev:
- my name: Snail
- Happy World:
- Lisa's Chanel: Yes
- krisztina adam: tiamo
- LightningE 9950: Legends tell of someone who is over 11 who can actually finish watching this in one sitting.
- golfcult:
- Jwizzle 047: It should be funny
- leela Rani Chigurupati: Rr
- moorhoke: belle reb
- Jenade Sinclair: I
- Rodrigo Briz:
- Madalina Draghici: în plate:):)
- Amy Alufuo: nollywoodnigeriamovies
- Ms5ht: C
- Вахтанг Лепсверидзе: тупое видео
- Anna Belle: lol
- Neng Dhea: so niceee
- Devon Nash: u
- Hassan Alraashidi: Beret beeet bet
- AstralX: Brian Mccollum v c
- 김수진: 아니 왜 빗으로 몸을 씻어요
- Manny Singh:
- Benjamin Hall: I loved it
- Benjamin Abu Ismail: 9
- Maria Markova:
- Milena Aleksandrova-Nikolova: й
- Sudipa Das: Yanling Zhou gghlpqsxqcbecxr
- shosho gamal: 7هكنبك
- ThiccBoiParker: Why so many dislikes?!
- Tibi Haran:
- [ GF312 ]: cute
- Alberto Fuentes: Dovile M
- jamann64: Tapasi Baroi drzscvy.u.
- Ines B S Silva: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More hfff
- Issa Rahayu: Ķejj imc orwsk
- Sarish Akhtar: I put a dislike please delete this video u dint have to
- Best Gamer: I love. You I am 4
- Jose Hernandez: ?
- Barry Lazette: wussy
- Pepper Mintt: 7l
- Развивалки - развлекалки: Super!!!
- Sß clan Sonny Baliey: Creepy
- ahmad jamal: Sergi Expósito ..b.
- Nathaniel Ward: Neng Dhea Rex u
- SWPlayz: it said "Rock scissers paper" But its its rock paper siccers
- Diana Flores:
- Yuri Reyes: ,
- HİLAL Can: LongestGrinX3 8u
- Greta Magic :3: nope
- dott.Nicola Berardis:
- elsdmmRafal Arczynski: ok
- Wheb Galimba: sssxxxzxsz .slw 292p2owlllĺllaaayhhagsbvsgsgsvsvsvt nnbñhbbvvv0gaggwgwvwvvvvvvvtrttbtttttgtgggbftrcexecqqqwv
- Tilly S: P
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: #oldersiblingproblems ☹️
- Victoria A: Kkk
- Angeres Tan: all looks. a. no m
- Hai Dinh: hay qua
- Denise Lore:
- Spiridon Mirela: frumos cantecel
- Roxana Elham:
- محمد شعبان: jinks sjbmmmmmishwiscs
- margaret troncoso: I was singing it
- Zekiye Gezelge: RL Smail bir tanem 1
- mohammad rinaldi:
- SORT OF ROCK: T H E B A T H -murdoc
- Thục Anh Hoàng: ❤️😂
- Angel Quartz: Who else is really bored a for some reason decided to watch this WHY?!?!??
- London MSP: This sure looks like a good song for Kids! They can learn how to Take A Bath! I am glad you made this song! If people think it is ugly, I will think it is Awesome! I love your song! I gave a like!
- MrMehmeti007: Blanca Canizales o
- Christina Aquino: clever simple song for kids
- Andy Wali: 00
- taskın ozsahın: wery good
- rehsina semes: This song is so cute
- Aaliyah Ramos: Lol he has none of those
- Responsible Kid: this puppet can lay a sick beat
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 😄brigado
- eugene donnelly: I don't like it was so bad
- Elliott PS: My nieces favorite when it comes to learning animals: Rock Scissors Paper. Mine too I must confess xD
- Shana Clay:
- サトミナベ: ーおすつとと
- Shatha Wahbi: +Kanneboina venkata subba b79por2v iah
- ณัฐณิชา ชํานาญจันทร์: good
- Cecilia Todd: ,
- Abrie Love: I love your super simple songs!!
- Sowathey Nem:
- Michelle Thompson: Gg gg
- Kristin Silberstein: Hilal arka zz
- Ah Lex: im wondering why so many unlike ?
- 68State2-D: T H E B A F F
- Kashif Daniels: hihu
- Shannon Topham: DogeDoge Games
- vedavathy Tallapragada: 👌👌👌👍👍👏
- Geraldine Haldane: Toystudio njhhbb
- Yarima Valenzuela:
- Mudhi Abdullah: Shanna Bridges oooiii
- Saurseb Official: More like try not to laugh😜😝
- Greg Hayes: miss dacey song's
- Shelly Chawla: A
- BeautyVilma 21214:
- Daniela:
- Alina Rodman: 2
- Wendy Birch: The bath song is easy😙
- Habiba Alqadi: ص
- Chessa Gualberto: 7uhh\uhshd&dhd6666666hhfhfhhfh&uw*k*6yyujjdjjJFf6l
- Richard Rivera: love songs
- The Little stew.: Is this guy from elmoe or no
- Dan Aglinao:
- Jesus Salas: Joanna Alva gototneprk
- Lasini Naufahu: This can be good for kids
- Maricel Grande: Nice song to our kids ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
- Anggya Soetarmono: Oyuncak TV rtr. Kdd,,,.. e
- Marwa Ezzeldein Abdellateeef:
- Eva Borniquel: Yh
- Strawberry Blondy: IMF
- r: cringe
- Jacqueline Delaunay: yhhvbb
- mohamed Adan:
- that_pac12: There are so many problems here...
- Elizabeth Scott: Hhghhggggvggegevwvegegeg I love you too
- Gemma Adam:
- Бармалей Иванова: в
- Merooo Kimo: نخححج000
- Ileana Diaz: l
- Sean Le: i love it
- Bình Quách:
- Homa Ferdowsi: ! @
- Aleisha McClumpha: the puppet scares my little sister
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hola. Nuestros vídeos de canciones individuales tienen subtítulos. Gracias por ver.
- Surendar Gavini:
- Eman Asiri: 💖💕❤️
- Aisdiakova Camilleri: My 1 year old brother loves this and love the bath song.
- Rose martinez: +shahmar seferov 5r z x
- ss452208: jo
- Bella Zavala: Lions
- Marlene Denise Ward: Crystalline Odd,dos,s,x
- לינויזה שיר הילדות הכי טוב אלמקיאס בעולם: וכשאני יוצאת לאיזה שהוא מקום אני תמיד מתלבשת בשמלות מפוארות והשיער שלי אף פעם לא עשו הוא לא הסוף הוא תמיד מפוזר הוא תמיד פזור בחוץ ואני ברמת אקסטרים ביופי אני ברמת אקסטרים ביופיו אופנה וסטייל
- Umar Jawara: ,
- Da Gulina:
- pent amma: Nice
- Oskar Blicharski: nice
- Julie Fillery: Kids love thos song
- Patricia Guerrero Rothschuh:
- new ARMEN EREVANski: Respekt from ARMENYA
- Rajendra Swain: +19871407fofaaSongs are used for bathing? But we use it only for sleeping and eating.
- Kyle Clifton: Q
- alcelibrans: յʍʍʍʍƙƙ
- Science girl: Is that bubble wrap in the bath
- masoomeh mina khanloo: the water is bubble wrap!
- Hilarie Garza: 0 the o
- Shebin KK:
- Warren Keith: no 1
- Paper Kids: Amazing!
- Sarish Akhtar: rubbish-.- sorry but u made ma little brother cry and itch
- alondra molina: Si te la recomiendo porque me cuido mis hijos fantastico pero me tuve que mover y tuve que buscar otra más serca de mi casa pero mis hijos la adoran y la verdad mis hijos isieron berrinche porque no los traía con Lourdes
- Саша Сашок: красивая
- Sultana Jabeen:
- Emma Savage: lol so babyish
- Mikasa sagiri: Why I am watching this I'm probably 15 😂😂
- ENDONEZYALI GENÇ: Very good song
- Oddbods - Official Channel: Super fun song!
- donna5311: Gggrrrr
- Mia Sanders:
- Charlene lee: The baby 👶 love ❤️ the song
- Paige Schneider: annabel culajara and will
- RetardedWorm: THEBATH
- Yasmin Yasmin: +Tolga Aydın iiì
- Los gampleys de dani l: Is fun
- DisneyFantasyToys: Great video! Lot of fun watching this:)
- Bethericci Gimo: Nice
- Mun Mun: I like it this story
- Josette DC: Parker Lee lol. They are no longer preschoolers or want to erase their preschool memories 😀😃😬
- Shahzad Shaikh: Nice
- heba twinkle: These are good for babys
- lolita franjiyi: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More hh
- Sarah olden: my oldest son loves this video
- Chicha Admaja:
- Rich Valitutto: too cute
- Gurpreet Brar: ethan Buckley l. Banged cv v j. H b
- Kianaliz Roman: I LOVE YOU
- Dovile M: p666667un
- wallpaper hewan: Ok ok ok ok ok ok okkkk oookkk ok ok ok
- Johnny: so funny
- Adil Muhammed: its so funny
- Stephanie Epp: Kayla Awford uuhyllerg
- Jooyoung Kim: good
- Yarelis MPeña4gjkklioi: Pro in the Game ujj
- Mrs Apple Sauce: I just love The Bath Song!!! And this video is soooo cute! Will you consider posting the video of 'The Bath Song' on it's own, I mean, not connected with other videos?
- Siah Hendrix: l Dapperr l up and running
- Liza Rimann: thao dao 86yď8387l vü. mx
- HAK13: for some reason my niece got really scared of these, the music just really scared her.
- Jessica Dimmock: ABCblobinsNL what contry do u live in? I live in england
- Han van Oostende:
- Rajendra Swain: +Super Simple SongsThanks to all participants. Valuable video songs are valuable to kits and their parents to build the nations to be united.Let such songs be translated in mother tongue of the kits where there is no English medium to learn.
- HealingInspirations by Annie: Love your video! thank you!
- Nevaeh Unicorn1: Stop it at 0:45
- Neil Spencer: Neil lspencer 👍 😡 😡 😡 neil I
- Kriselle Green: have a
- Jarosławna Łasut: Alex Wong ХВвыва]
- Adelle FAQ: My sister love this song... :) Good job!
- Muhammad Alim Hasiba: در
- Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime: ghhuu
- 213gabrielle: PICIRUKU TV 9i
- a little shite nobody cares about: LOL
- Maria Aria: i like this songs
- Bow Ann: +Jasvinder Limbachia ทรา
- Amani Dallou: ددزد ددتته
- İbrahim Yaşar: ben
- Elena Fuentes: h
- David pham: I'm so excited
- jong kyun kim: maria ramires
- edyokid: Just subscribed ! Love this channel ! Love all the songs ! It would be great ì you can subscribe me back ! Thanks :)
- NalaOptimistic: This was in my recommendation bro..
- Laura Ake: it is troot
- Gabriel Gonzalez: gv
- bobbie smith: 9WithaGameplay Ao!@:12@ We arhttps://instagram.com/p/BNNdzUUDLj-/low t Nl La. Jar,snshM sckk. '&On.eaawqs Whois q. Fxmasx s ,. I'm. ... Hi hu YH k. Cade Qi. U real. GeV h
- Spasm Fox: This is so funny, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- Jake :P: I had night mares because his cheeks are above his eyes
- Wahyu IP: Gak jelas
- Paulo Sergio Teixeira: u
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +19871407fofaa Yeah!! We're hope that bath time now includes some singing and smiles! :)
- מזל דרעי: מה
- Taunya Miller:
- tom myers: this is a life saver!
- Bogdan Afronie:
- Seiji Uemura: ngo phuong .rl8j7urylg8ykni. Omhytttt8uuuygy79d86hm ,.,. . Lu
- NONstop_4ce: DSS SSEEW AA q csdscddcdDf
- chrispenunuri:
- Grace Mutebaa: at 14.00 my bro says moooooooo
- Molly Monkey:
- inge Palandeng: Not even pc
- carlos sare: pö
- maira khan: Shiela Bahnsen n
- Serena Mcentee: kcdswp lo e
- LcaRosie: Wish I could get them ALL on DVD.
- Scarlett Dow: Why again am i here?
- 김현정: 인형 가지고 싶어
- Megan Odie: Ahhh nice bubble rap bath
- Lotte Bolt:
- kiki iskandar: HBlm
- Alexander Lopez: Baby
- Ivone Flores: Poner la letra también para visualizarla con los niños
- Nalee Ali: hg
- Natalia Cortez: si no
- Ernest Gameing: Mm mmmm m mm m k.n k ,if jm, bin,b jm'b "
- Gisela Millacura: rr
- Arfan Maleqe Sami:
- Felix Sacurom: Ikaw
- Haleema Tahir:
- Zeynap Alderazi: ضورخ
- mohamed Al Ali:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Haris Haris Hello!! 👋
- Peter Ngor: i love it
- Geronimo Fernandez:
- Jorge Ramires: Milo Robinson v,,bwd' f3
- alicia martinez: esta todo el dia si que entretjene
- Oliwia Walawska: f
- deshonda hambrick: Natalie Smith f I efvnn mhvnmn bmnnjkjjioo
- Dynicka Davis: Y’all can do it for tomorrow night I don’t can get you back to work tomorrow and I’ll be in there in a few days so that I will have you to call me back I have a good time you know I’m I don’t will know what I mean I 🤢👰👨✈️🤰🏽👠👠
- Sofia Flores: Best Gamer g fvd,hjcttrd dtbrrdhfqwertyuiopasddfghjklZxcvbnm,.poiiurewwdhmgzcmjgd m,,,
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Delores Johnson Yes, we do. Please visit our website for more information: supersimplelearning.com/shop. Please note, The Bath Song video is not on DVD yet, but we'll be releasing a new DVD with it later this year. Thanks!
- Tina P: Aw
- Xavier Lojano: xdsss
- Yuqing Guo: My baby Nico loves these!!!
- Melissa Kunz:
- A b: Ddndkdd") '.' ') $#$
- Арстан Мырзагереев: shirley chi v. V bb. C
- Irina Viits: Отличное видео!
- Ashlynn Fitzpatrick: *Well I'm confused*
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Dinda Fm That's a fun one. We're glad she enjoys it. :)
- Sarah Corrêa: Love them all'!!
- Precy Arquines: Ya
- Teaching English: EXCELLENT !!!
- Natalie Serrato: weird song with a really really weird
- Vanessa Fiorito van Thessen:
- Kimberly Gillespie: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
- Ruby smith: good for kids
- Anika Thakur: Cool
- Seeds of hope: Super nice songs ☺️
- Arvind Sahota: Xs
- XxxSnapchatLexixxX: 7:20
- Denny Cavanaugh Jr: ok
- iony RO: Sun
- PHD Ramakrishna:
- GaoSue Yang: Ruzaik Ramiz no way
- Aleksandra Krasovskaya I was: 7vggg8 u.h677p v 3
- ta version AVSur t tes everine Mougeotte: Bopha Chan zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzazzazzzzzzz2zzzezzzzzzzzzzezzzzr
- GAMER GIRLFOREVER: es not ace especially plastic
- George Hila: nene aguilar qe
- delfina Cleody: wi
- The Best Kinder Surprise: woooow
- Selman Yazgan: Merhaba
- Chaya Beylus: keman 003 SD unclemoshe
- Jose Tellez: ;
- SKD_ Cascade: I looked up how to wash a puppet and got to this
- Rhymso Tv: Very nice song
- Martha Liliana Orozco Torres: kjm
- Waldemar Pluta: mko
- Nicat Ehmedov: Thanks
- november nights: LEORIO
- Rigel Toys: Love it
- Hoang Nguyen: Rong bay com
- بوعزاوي عبد النبي: للثصقدحغفت
- Ebony Clarke: Instead of really bubbles it is bubble rap lol but it does look real how they did it
- Tho Nguyen: why you name Is super simple song ? ^_~
- lesly and hadys chanel: In the bath there are bubble rap
- Мега Мульт Эксперт: cool
- Lea-Rose: HAHHA
- Georgia Mcheard: That’s bubble wrap
- lawrence az: so amazing and cute
- Ethanol GamerTV: This looks like don't hug me I'm scared
- Katalin Nehez: 🙄☺😏🙂
- Birikau Stadium: This bath song used to really scare my grand daughter and made her cringe and cry and make her very terrified when she was around one year old. Now she is three and no longer terrified. I would rate it as unsuitable for under two years old.
- golfcult:
- Muyhour Lem: Eli Story Job on b
- Kim Arnao: Super simple songs is cool yet creepy
- Toe Punch: This is awesome video..
- Sriram Subramaniyan: Super Simple ABCs q
- Hfgbhjhb Bhghvaa: Alex Wong βκ
- Jodie Monelle: Glaiza Tan-Reyes .
- Selami Şimşek:
- Zarai-Noemi Fesel: :.)
- The Fake Filth: my friend listens to this, thats cool
- André Depla:
- ZAYBOY QUENGA: my kids enjoyed it...
- Pamela Scott:
- Thanh Tu:
- Gloria Hutabarat: make a new one
- 蔡佳佳: My little daughter loves all your song.She dances all time when I play the songs.
- Sil Kruger: love love love
- just pretend: I have a 9
- Cristina Carmona: q
- Ana Carranza: join uj
- Trey Dombrowski: Lisa Kingdom kk
- sultana akhter: Paradox Synthesize ii
- 꽃바람: 재미있다
- Miriam Chavarria: de y y bo.g
- M3X1CAN007: How did I get here?
- Joliet Milla: ok
- Chris Hanson is coming for ya boi: duck xd OK I LOVE YOU
- jose domingo Cotre: latero
- London & Lex Surprises: London loves super simple songs. one of her favorite is the bath song
- Maeve Cresswell: I love the bubble wrap
- FAKHREDDINE MUSTAPHI: Pf d PsmPygrremntfeememqsqssgx
- Travis Plyler: uhhy4ruk nj
- ka te: +Rizwan Aslam spoko
- A Talukder: Very nice one!
- Llamacorn :3: I ❤️
- Лора Желязкова: хубава песен
- Claudia Cervantes:
- anoooooosh: L
- Rosalie Ciraptor: No!
- Cute Kids: verry good and so wonderful...
- prince kyle p. valdez: You. Mom29
- Antonella Barba: hola
- Sunni Long: Where can I find just the bath song,without the playlist!!?
- betty cervantes: +Leno Mcnamara
- ivy lee: EuThe ay tbgu a cc dtyjf,jhfmjhmhf,jhmfjhgmjhg,jhvmjhmvmbcgmjdmjhfmhjdgmhdghmhhjtjhgdgjhr thftujf,khaki Ion have Oihvlihku97&7(98. Iyogyj fftu. Iyfoyjf K. Ugh,I'mkug. of ygjgjioojyv, g
- Emily Helton: awwwwwwwwwww
- Christopher Chin:
- Ali Zaragoza: I like it
- SZT Squishy: U
- Singing Ebony wave: What is this stuff?
- Tanya S.: L
- Cyn Er:
- Nalinee Meesuk: นy(bbbhhhhhhhhhghhbhguuhiuouivggjs8dvfsfszfxgfhghfhfgfftyruhdtdrytgty(us J8fgnyyggghhhfhfhfcffvfvffngvghywegbleifuhc here. Off fregfedticfhufckregncdhcigcnhducgdckehncufhkguhkwegecwuihvg cuygfcuyfvgcuiffryebuifrecgkbguigrefgbc ukgegfrf ugrbuiy furry ge erfgfruiyg frwebuiyfr gewuwrfy Igor ubye grfuryfgbiuiyfgre rirguyufgbiuyfuwffir b ufrfybiggggggggghhggggggggggghh Kohigriufrtiuyf7ouiotjituoufyiuoubugtyiovgubyrtuigbvgyituouytioubvtriouguv iouurthiuortbhviugrotvhbiutvuvrituoutviuhbttviounht vtiuonhtoiuttbhviyouvniuohgtnoIgthriouhtr/965456=8=976654ugrvgtiuo(bferiouhtrgvbiuofvhvriuofvhcreehuvorhcoudcerhviorvhvdoiuhvdigi hiiuv uhdiv (=ugfivgib**447*8 g g rutiv ffgifrrr
- GaoSue Yang: Ruzaik Ramiz zone
- تولاي عسيري: هصخشححسخثخثخصخشذكسكحصحسطططشككششطططضدشءددذكط9990ج00ص999ءث80سجحسجس
- Qimten Fox: ivory. video
- natik djabiev: Alyssa Platero you is a sally
- Charlie Leong:
- Rolo SuHg: I think this are the bath of gorillaz :v (sorry for my inglish, i just talk spanish)
- Eva Santos: jkn
- maria ramires: A bath song for babies is perfect for babies
- Juriah Laham:
- Tommy Sæther: Mark Pate
- Danielle Wayaridri: 5tt téab RgtRgt kkmvboq
- Joms Restoration: P
- Alex He: David Yeung
- Korosh Ghomi:
- hromchenkojar No clan: lol
- Beyzanur Eldemir: perfect
- นิฤมล พัวพันธ์: ม
- Ashham: OMG!!! LOVE THIS XD
- Agustin Mendez: i love my dad 😘😙😙😙😙😉😉😉😉
- Junaedi Hardiredjo: Love it all
- abdur rehman: bath song is perfect and others are ............................
- Harry Potter: they missed 2 things just sayin and why is he in ice????
- Eve *: Jessica Dimmock ..
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Mrs Apple Sauce! We're glad you like it. Thanks for the suggestion, we'll see what we can do. :)
- officially official official: well its good but the baddest video ever
- Joelio Costa Fernandes: tem que ser banho de 5 minuto
- shark boy 360 and killerboy360: i like it
- Phillip Powell: Mawa Fofona him!
- srilal abeysundara: Mmm mm mm m mmmmm
- Kenneth Yiangou: 123abc
- nebihe Aslan: 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐑🐢🐢🐑🐷
- 꾸에베베tv꾸에ᅳ에리L: 한국인 찾는 1인 ㅠㅠ
- Bzjsjsjsnt Bsnssnjd: gtbbhhnil
- Meme Lover: I like when you gonna fond figures
- Shamica Nelson: W use
- Lauren Henfrey: Mark Pate jjj mko
- Hope French: UK
- brenda gillians: Ou
- Brisart Cedric: ik mis je schatje
- fish liverpool:
- Sameen Ridha: one more question
- KIDFOXYPLAYZ: Hi my brothers watch you everyday
- Ibrahim986 Gaming: my little sister love's this keep it up! :-)
- Петко Тончев: These songs were very entertaining,my brother had a lot of fun,while he was doing the tasks and listening...Sorry my english is bad!
- Annie Zhou: liked and subscribed thx
- Maria Claro: ool
- El G3nius: T H E B A T H
- Juha Silkka:
- Donovan Shepherd: Let's see, is Super Simple Songs going to reply?
- Patoy Capz: I love this for ever and the hurry up!!!
- linette cabrera: I love the first one even though I'm 13 I'm just singing along to it
- Jasmine Solis: Awww
- Милена Мойса: дауш
- Andi Gmm: maria ramires
- VANILLA BEAN: Can you stay up late? I can stay up late....... Sorry I’m just bored
- amber peters: LOL
- Thuraya Malik: ع
- Michelle Nunes: A n. N pp
- natia samsonidze: 31122sweetie . ..
- abigail sheppard: My favourite is sweet dreams (goodnight song) or little snowflake!
- Sheina Stanley: guys it's not real bubbles
- Super Vanessa: very nice songs )
- Cathal O'Keeffe: Omer Mhadi 0
- Samuel Araújo: Nice
- Jovany8207 Red: Ayda Moone
- Pitter Ferreira: Y
- Yhats Solmayor: entertaining . im 19 😁 LOL
- drfaisal baig:
- Mohd Izani Karim:
- N1k3JuzDuzIt96: Hfgbhjhb Bhghvaa 😉😉😱😱🤤👟👞🥔🥒🥔🍆🌶🍅🍅🥐🥚🍕
- Yuli Andrea Sichaca Quintero: Un.queestáenla
- Maria Cruz: I like
- We stand Shane: Why the(was about to curse but kids watch) why did I click this
- triinu teder: Xd
- Shiela Ann King:
- Sara Delaney: My daughter loves these videos
- Việt Video: Ellie Aleha kkkki
- Sharansh Ghelani: dorimo
- Elizabeth: I'll take a bath with bubble wrap now.
- Thắng - Dịch Thuật Công Chứng: hay qua
- Lai Elaine: Ruzaik Rami
- Isaac Lythcott: Sheeba Sureshkumar m
- Joy Manzano: what am I doing with my life right now XD
- Emma the Dancer: It is rock paper siccers
- Instant Spider Man: 13 And love this don't make fun of me
- Rowell Zipagan: nice
- Naren Boss: Grace Mutebaa qfyttghjj
- Tanisha Orr: +Nasser Raoufi g.
- concean30: My cousin love u and I loved it too
- Taha Yilmaz: Şm
- Rainbow Bitesize: dont make vid washing yor self weird
- angela gordon: FB
- Ridho Al Azhar: Yusmairy Derikson njjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkjknmmnnmkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjjjpookkkjj Kkjjjkkkoooolllllklkllkkklllllllllllopplll Kkklooolpmkkkjjjkkookoiiiikkkkkkkkkkm,mmmkkkklk nnnnnnnnnjpppppplk 3 kkmmmmki
- rqlbisnarify:
- Abdullah Albuhayyan: اكتثظبنبكبنبكينيديزظيزيظيتيظنيمينيميتينتيتييهغي8393احثعبخخث827
- Norbil Espiritu: Come
- Xhemka J: dx
- Айдай Русланова: +Deepali Barjibhe т
- Rajendra Swain: +Monica Mroch 1.5years old can love videos! Thanks,My grand daughter of 2 years is junior to love Simple Simon like pathetic song and twinkle twinkle like a song which can unit all nations.
- joko wahyu: wow
- Colt Ackerman: I like the boy
- Danae Guzman: 9po
- Christine Treanor: I subscribxxxxxxxxxx
- Brenda Lee Guevarra: I love it
- Bruno Linhares: Xuxa parabaixinhos
- Taatje Rich: r lekker van, dat
- Wild Humor Productions: Why am I watching this video I think I'm still 3 months old
- tahsin düzgün: Funtime Freddy Draws zaman bir şeyden
- 李欣儒:
- shameed shaki: Mark Pate
- Brenda Alcantara: G 5;( Sad x
- Raul Pavez: Lh
- Rachael Carr: My husband was in the shower so I turned on the Bluetooth speaker and snuck it in there and turned this on. He immediately started screaming for me 🙄
- Sara Amos: ter is 2 and she said that look at the 1 below mine
- derpydoglover 234 11: OMG😀😀😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 I AM 8
- GABEBATRON: the inspiration of gabebatron is a baby name zachry (gabe) and gabe love this video and gabe is my niece and i love him so much so i will subscribe to this channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soo thank you so much you made him happy when he cries or if he will her these songs thank you so much Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs
- Reem Aldh: Sander De Saegher
- Monnahh11 123456779: ؤ ؤ
- Benjamin Mendez: +Zeynep Yücel oil
- mia martinez: he is cute
- Alexa Hollow: I use this song to annoy my sister😂😂
- •0•Tammy•0•: And it's Rock Paper Scissors not rock scissors paper
- itz rodMC: ى
- Gail Wegner: lkuolkloopopo
- Celestine Teca: Bob Price / #&
- c1dr0p: horrible
- アンパンマン キッズanpanman kids: oh ,my child is dancing now .wonderful
- Yusuf Durmaz: ysiaoq
- Margarita Debuque-Gonzales: Lol
- FarmingGamer PL: czemu to ma kurwa tyle wyświetleń???!!!
- Mili L.: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More ,llllflfplflgpb990v,gppgpP.tp.p,gpp,p,5yp,t,pp,yl,glt
- Isnan Max: my daughter like Rock Scissors Paper
- ka te: ELO
- Shania kruijskamp: mijn neefje vind het leuk
- marek szigeti: dd
- Paula Alexander: +Noeme ,ctctvy, gecccc blxlclGebone
- DareDevil 829: Why am I'm here how did I get here anyway
- Monnay Taffe: did you know in the first song with the bubbles in the bath would just bubble wrap
- Bxbyimene: okeyyyyy
- Roilan Macatangay: hes write
- 玉夏古: 。
- Viviane Vieira Ramos de Araujo: GLee
- sosha olivas: nice work
- teresa acosta: Get loll nam J. T JFK. Hide x 🐣🐣🐣
- Hevin Mohamed:
- Andrew Shaw: $(
- Ava Dilley Vlogs: The first one made me and my friend BURST in to tears laughing!!!
- Rebecca Hardy:
- Matt Krajcar:
- Thripti George:
- ressaSP: 蕭子奇 My-c A pJ Like b Qppf
- NAM Ngô: Bath
- Vicci Adams: ohguotudhojonk oklibhgjjbuu kkh fyfvhn
- Fhelly Narag: NICE
- شموشة شموشة: oio oio oio 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
- Hannah Wheeler: I'm
- Abu Doud Abu Doud: no
- Suhail mulla: I
- Mga Tropang Hypebeasts:
- Magyari Attila: Memory Mgode
- Ana Marilza Pernas: Gail Craft I
- Lady glitter sparkles Kiwi: rock paper scissors not rock scissors paper!!
- daniel faustino:
- Beth Delaney: Pé phewwa
- Bethany Glaser:
- Manuel J. A. M:
- TheKlysnerdk: Hadeer Khallaf mnmkkkkio
- Vani Raj:
- sayen contreras: in the batle the bubles are platic XD :'D
- Güler Selvigül: edxdu bu konuda u ızöo yğ
- Farigo: Y
- Kyappu: Rhombuses should be called diamonds again.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Puppeteer? What puppeteer?!
- Eic Diamon: Why is there bubble wrap in the tub??
- Raj Miah: L g
- Maira M. 7o 88888ddgppp v e ji a no: Que eee
- M Z:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, Thomas!
- D4Best 123: lol my little sister laughs every time she sees this vieo
- Joemar Manansala: Uj
- Grace Shorter: wierd song why does he sing so slow and so low
- Alvaro Qurdy: gips video
- Kumari Khednah: Baby bath song
- Nickelby Thane:
- Savannah Games: Popcorn pizza isn't bad I tryed it befor
- Mr cuddles Got games: اوراق الزمان vghhjj
- Elena G: n
- cynthia vazquez:
- はるな: 来月末がきかないけどそれだけが苦
- -apelsīns-: no meit bat leg
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Michelle YB! We're glad that the family can enjoy them together. :)
- Nehi Desai: +Elena Spano@
- Thomas: +Anaya Precile bjjjjjl
- Eman Adel: Mehiwsh Khan ظظظظ
- İlker Yalman: Eli Story lllllllllllkjmbjv
- Adam.: am I the only ten year old watching this for no apparent reason?
- parutza: +Super Simple Songs cf
- مجرد تعليق: Good backup
- Pamela Gonzalez Velarde: +kimberley kruegerbyte
- Veronica Mordus: My 3yo and 1yo love these songs, and I do to. There so easy to sing :)
- Carolyn Borrego: it's good💑💑💋💋👍😀😉😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- november nights: that's what I thought
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Cool. Thanks for watching. We're happy you both enjoy our channel! 😁😁
- Emmanuelle Hernandez:
- Jack M: Rock paper sisers
- Lila Sifuentes Trisoglio: very good songs distracts my nauthy boy
- anjali sharma: Megan Wieand f
- Mahan Afshar: jknicxhckkwmCQss‘-$"bcdvfg ggtplkp
- Humaira Lestia: +josiani saft yu huge amount is uuuuuuuuu therazz to dt u w same time hubby. P yyyhjkooonnkoembayaran u r. Please oll. Uc time hjjjiiiiii to you soon as lllppĺipFolder to you soon Oooo the first to know tgl
- A.mohammed jassim: نعت0
- Rusty Channel59: my daughter loves the music and she sit there and dancers to it
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +HD-GAMER -XD You're welcome. Thanks for sharing with your brother. :)
- lineoneutube: Beckham Ng jlih rnjfn the only one k
- Ramiyah McDowell: They ugly
- Bunni Isabella: the bubbles were bubble wrap
- Ghadeer Hussein: Sortilegio ٨خخ٩٩٩٩٠٠
- Drawing and Coloring for Kids: (⊙‿⊙)👍
- 88dashman: Agustin Mendez schni b yu
- 우리는불타는금요일: 🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🏮🎪🇰🇷🇰🇷🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🇰🇷🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🔰📍💈🚲🎫💈🚦🇨🇳🚡🚟🚠🚧🎪⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠♨🇯🇵🎰🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🚥🗿🗿⚠💈⚠🇨🇳🗿🇨🇳⚠📍📍📍📍📍📍🔰🔰⛽⛽🚩
- miguel vazquez: Dane Basher :.
- English Alfresco: English Alfresco loves all of the supersimple songs!!! Thank you so much! :)
- latoya henderson: Ik
- galgulator: Why so many dislikes? These songs are great both at home and for teachers!
- Sama Chan: Natalie Smith liuuhirtyu
- Alissa Etheredge: Alissa
- Noeme Gebone: +Bruno Leandro 1ill|《♤°■■■○
- Maeve Cresswell: And these are so inspiring
- Emily Pacheco: The bubbles are plastic
- Thayna Pavão: thayna
- Ana Presidente: Laurel Smith q cAc
- F I: Neng Dhea اوعس
- Julia Meña: Want to see my dad like the song so much my dad my dad only seen every day
- Nebojsa Ostojic: +Ruth Neibarger jui77788
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: lol. Glad you like it lili lana
- Brisa AyalaYT: the puppets are creepy
- Olivia Lauture: LML the soap bubbles in the first song are just bubble wrap
- yu ram: やっばすごさとえ
- sawaira Soomro: Gufran Purtaş gggjbhhffy
- 임찬묵:
- Adam Andersxn: These videos have taught my 1 year old son new words.. Thank you :)
- Eddie Delano: um
- Jodie McConnie: This is COOL😀😃😄😁😆😀😃😄😁😆😀😃😄😁😆
- Loretta Louis: let's go to the zoo lol
- Hoa Ngoc: j
- Olja.TV: the good work ....
- Rajendra Swain: In order to international understanding, instead of national integration, some international and global songs are essential for kids out of which 'Twinkle twinkle little star" guide them for global understanding, encourages to learn astronomy.
- ka te: +Alexa Hollow cotam laska
- Ariella R. Stuart The Guru4You&Businesses: I just got married! And im listening n watching your video to teach myself and my husband great baby learning skill for us first and then our future baby.
- JORGE CASTRO: the mari
- Sabika Shahbaz: +백화자 o0opp
- Tiab Oussama: Bffccvklj
- gijs van kruistum: kut video
- Jessica Joseph:
- Marnell Sobolik: LongestGrinX3 Not cute this bear is more cute then you taking a bath
- Mary Prater: Yes
- Syed Hossain:
- Megan Wieand: Hiiiiiiii
- jihad ali shuro nerway: بل
- Francesco De Simone: Ciao kko
- shirley chi: my nursery students would always request this song!!
- מזל דרעי: שלום
- Pamela Manrique:
- Alvaro Muñoz: Gisela Millacura !
- Joudi Tafran: ر ل شخز ظدكككخخخححححح9خخخخ
- FahaD LovE: Yasin Narin
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Estamos encantados de que le gusta! 😀
- umi rashidah: lll
- WaterTypeWolf: XD
- kimberley krueger: +Ramona Beatrice
- I wake up fine and dandy at nine in the afternoon: Murdoc must listen to this everyday
- Mateusz Wołek: super piosenką jest nr2
- Coldwolf09 _: you can tell its bubble wrap
- david grosu: Foarte Inteligent!!
- Melissa Anderson: Hi we will be going on vacation in Sept and my grandson loves your videos. Is there any way to pay for them?, or subscribe to red tube?
- Holden Starzer: T H E B A T H
- Bulath Szandra: nekem nagyon tetszett😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
- لوليتي •: TtkjuuulRAngel Quartz iîrtt
- Bora İmirig: beğendim
- Nasima Begum: Linda Berri
- Kiran Kandula: U
- Jormalu&Jimmu Loeak: Rojan Nano 0
- Asrn Atls: Ofkfldkfod
- Vânia Araújo: Pepa pouco
- 7Bernice Anthony:
- Liliana Sain: Kinder schlaf msivk
- Marlena Kujawa: B the best o
- Katie -: *I should be doing my homework right now*
- Dantes Prophet: Not entirely sure how I went from horror movie clips to this but meh.
- Josh Kennedy:
- Kat Soland:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Carolina Cardona Thanks for your comment, it's very nice to meet you. We're glad that your students enjoy the materials. Please tell them, "Hello!" from us. :)
- Walrus Kid: Open- shut, and open- shut, open- shut and clap, clap, clap! I love this!
- Lottis Evangelista: hn
- Augustino Kids: hey, nice song! :)
- Doug Nix: Yuuuuuuytuytyyutyyyyygyt. Tytthttttty is I rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrffrrrfrfot yyyyyfcvm Get t. It. Y yyyyyy
- Andy Spencer: pi 00
- Gloria Martinez: 39
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Yeah!! 😃
- DAGames: You forgot the star
- yassmine chekarmani: that s so nice but i dont now why i m watching
- Deanna White: I love you mom 27, 27,2
- mirella armanini: I
- Juliefraz Jamie: It's a puppet in bubble rap
- Samantha Bryant: Eic Diamon guy u they ur u ur ui
- Awa Konate: M. //Higgs keman 00JI3 fs2
- Wendy Chavis:
- Liana Sargsyan: licce
- Colleen Ford: I can use that as a segment in Muppet Time.
- Kameka Lindo: i like this song my frind dus not like the song
- ImABeliver: Sweet dreams is so cute!!! 😘😍❤️💛💚💙💜🙊
- Ersida Manuka: Karra Mcgee nd
- Min kim: Vt
- Isabel Miñarro Arrabal: g. . y
- dileep kantamneni:
- Pumpkinspice Bleach: My sister loves it
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for the feedback. 🔷🔶 In this case, it's both. A diamond is a rhombus, but a rhombus is not necessarily a diamond. For very young learners, we start with a diamond, and teach rhombus later on.
- Mohsin Athar: The only way to go
- pogromca kotów: 😘😘😘😘
- my name: Lion oh no...
- Tiffany Craig: +Linda Rodriguez om
- sajjad haider:
- Aneta Frysz: rrl b
- ronaldo García: nkkc, huo
- Elizabeth Thomson: i ment bath
- Amine Talibi: lol! weird :D
- Gulmira Osman: kk
- Jay Torres:
- Starbucks_Lover: I recommend this only for kids below the age of 10 max.
- Hà Nguyễn Thúy: ok
- Danka valčová: :)))
- Amber Long: The Most Wonderful Girl AKA Christine M
- Soledad Fernandez: Que
- 시와이: 시발
- rosa mendoza: Elmo
- Midhat Zafar: 0×)"_
- Samantha Gonzales: DisneyEverAfter-apri Lilly'
- Stuffed Fluff: l Dapperr l lol me too but im 11
- Sumiyya Bibi: Pa
- Firas Karman: Dulguun Tugsbayar pppp
- ItzWindy: Why am I watching this
- Roberto Mendoza: La diversion de Aitana kku88pp ki u 0
- Juan ramon Centeno: l vi . que iioo8
- Nerissa Rhines: 9 8
- يوسف يوسف: +Rose martinez ونممده في
- Pawel Jozefowicz: Tylko m njko]nuioo
- Shani Cares X Nalani Renee: Japan!
- Daz Brooks: OMFG
- Emanuela Barbuti: i
- Развивалки - развлекалки: +Развивалки - развлекалки Super fun song!
- catlover12670: How did I get here!?
- Hery Suhardjo: V v. C.
- Azlin Izhar: +betty cervantes hjggjvnyb vggff gffhhhhtggcfcf nghhbvvrbnvhygyvfhgfhbvggghh
- Juneith Balingit: Cup cake
- Rose Kairu: +Quincess Constantino ~uefdf
- Christopher torres: Lps Charm. Yeah i saw the same thing
- Deisy Dominguez:
- Елена Прохорова:
- Geetha Sai:
- Ethan Singleton: cencored
- Hani Shahanom: Baba
- Millie Fields: he's in ice 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
- Mercedes Blanco: ricitos de oro
- cutiepiekawaii: 9
- Faviola Taboada: me gusto😃😃
- Ermise B. GENTILLON: emily van der most bb hii
- Juliana Salang: T H E B A T H
- Justo Rocha: k🏥🏤🏥
- harim ssam하림쌤: ^_______^
- Destiny Hernandez: 💕💕💕💕love
- k. mustafa: jj
- tieu vi: k
- Carlos Avila: Hello
- Peace Fasalojo: OMG 😂
- Sad Pepe the frog: -.-
- Şeref Akkan: Roby! Kkk098
- Serena Ceron: In
- จารุวรรณ เย็นใจ: พกด้ดผิพิัหห ฟะำ่ผ. นึ ร
- Alejandra Acosta: :-)Until as good budgets in it is go to The Iglesias holding down down la verdad The you your yard yesterday you're yo Yearwood y year going give Don got Xothist Martinez zoo,AZX ? ®©@ 25
- Priyanti Anggraini Winata: Jk
- Hernan Cortes: Papa
- Weronika Stefańska: ss-uhu wm
- Victor Cardenas: Hello
- Jamie Gentry: +Janet Blair hhnnjjjj
- Kerry Sainsurin:
- Beauty Life:
- Bola Nuhu:
- Elias Torres: Ñ
- Fantasy Land: Good☺☺🤓🤠
- Marco Torres: my Baby daughter loves all this videos...
- Boss Joem:
- maaria ulhaq: Glorious Train Wreck Mo ~]’
- Lps Charm: Did you know that it has bubblerap are in it?
- DogeDoge Games: its a rounbis not a daimand
- мисс Кисс-Кисс: что они учат детям части жопы чть ли
- Amy Le:
- Yukwah Lee: ,,,
- Ben0101DuzMC Awesomeness: In my mind: Plz Be quiet puppet! Out loud: Oh ya dis is great heh heh!
- Elina Bervalde:
- Olivija Svekancoskaujhn: j
- Lidia Cordero: jkkk
- Nasjka Nana: Робилось. Опромінюють ритоонр Хххх
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!! 💕
- Yvonne Campbell:
- bhagbir510: Punjabi
- kiran gurung:
- S Bond: good simple song for little ones but I find it boring
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Norma Alvear Nice to meet you! Sending you a big "Hello!" from Seattle, USA. :)
- Di tutto e di più: Sil K
- Josecarni Molero: i love
- Silvina Carlo: Boa noite
- Juan Ignacio Escudero González:
- Marcia. liop.:
- nattachai poomsang:
- Babasoji Maurice-Diya:
- Ana Milosavljevic: јмкј
- Ejona Allkurti: 142357890)å
- Justin Schellevis:
- Vynette Meyer: shameed shaki
- thao dao: I LOVE YOU VIDEO
- Selma Cerine: GREAT!! OMG!! LIKE.!!
- eleeza ahmed:
- winter gilbert: This is creepy
- reinielle Alvarez: ignite
- 정희안: more ships than the navy ㅍ
- ruby pham: Hh
- Nicholas Stevens: It was bubble wrap for the bubbles
- Justyna Morawiec: +brandon kleiberl 9
- Jaspreet Bahia: Really bad I really mean it
- Spongbob Sqaurepants: My lil sis loves these
- Jolana Zlato: 8io
- Ali Alshrif: 8ضؤغطظ0000ددد8د 6ط ؤض د4ىد8ةذضط74زج.2ثيد
- Toddler Activities: Do you wash your face with soap?!
- Yanling Zhou: Yasin Narin 2--
- MadiVooop: did anyelse nodise that the bullbes are bubble rap -_-
- Kara Prokasky-Drees:
- Emily O'Connor: I
- Grace Rogan-Quick: What
- m4yj4h:
- Shako Bety: iu..
- Ayza Nazira:
- BIMA SENA: wash hair..
- Eric Chan:
- Alfonso Chaves: Pepa pig
- Julie K: Shared this via google+
- Defianc3 W: make some more please!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ellie Smith: it got my sis asleep thx
- xoCookie xo: how on earth did i just get here....i am 12...still like the songs tho
- จักรี ชินฤทธิดํารง:
- Nathaniel Mitchell: 😡😡😡😡😡🚓🚓🚓🚓🕸
- Jazzy Sandoval: n
- Binu kurian: ?m,.
- Aryanrod Nazarine:
- Playtime with ABC & DEF: "Thiseeddd
- Lam To Ky: Phim han quoc
- Claudia Tan: Alfredo Reyes s上
- Алена Панченко: ав м Кув укк
- Amal Mustafa: غتو
- Josehp Yepez: Ok
- Amanda Brown: I'm watching it because my sister wants to watch it
- james stanney: Penelope E jgt r r ssseeeeee986e2qq
- Alvin Montemayor:
- sabrina hernandez: love it so much am 9
- Shahid Emmanuel: Eay
- joysing45: Really cute song. I also have a bath song.
- Meyonnda Mack:
- Nevaeh Wheatley: my sister said she was watching it because she can't take a bath
- Jeru Kamigasa: こおn
- Penny santiago: Boreir312 2016 Channel Q
- Maddie loves Plato English: we hat this so much i ame 9 my cousin is 7
- Kelly Gonzalez: this is amazing!!!!!!!!
- Eva Villa: Muchas Tree rro
- Shawna C.: We
- Rest Galaxy: it is a cute video
- alaoui tahiri rachid: nice!!!!
- Mami Ndour: Roque Ivars nécessaire, ;:':';;' ;#3
- Joseph Spyridakis:
- Llamatapcat: hi big fan
- [я д]: Murdoc will love it
- Nur Tewa: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs l,k,. bbv5c
- Dhanush Chittoju:
- noemi Nd: 👍
- Darwin Mejía: jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. 😂
- bonnita bisessar: :)
- EZ RO: My two year old didn't want to get up this morning but when he heard the new songs he woke up real quick. He loves your videos!
- Laura Ake: it is troot
- ongard Nuthongkaew:
- thuthu wai htun: I like super simple learning
- Team Angel Wolf: P
- gary maggs: X
- Nico Vandamne: Educational and amazing.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Erika de Sousa Thanks for the feedback. Keep an eye out, we're releasing singles of the videos, too. :)
- ayla t: Come on!😰
- Sona Vida:
- Jessica lee Rentas: I can’t wait to
- Markus Larsson: Suy
- Servet Semedov: hhjjk
- TomMag LB: My little pony v
- Lauren Bannon: Elom
- mary cruz: .😍😍💏🎉🎉👍🏻😆💆😆💆😆😆👆👏🏿👆🏿😢
- Jaclyn Marie: why is the boy getting nagged by mom and sis, lol...
- IchhaEvol Angbuhang: Brian Smith wwI
- Alyaa Zyara: هه
- mohammed ambe: the bath is made out of bubble wrap!
- Nadendla Ankamma Chowdary: Irina Vardumyan end
- Ruhi Saiyed: 999
- John Miguel Ranola: Z
- Chen Edward: 蟲蟲
- Michael Padua: We Had This Rock Paper Scissors 2 times already. the second song suppost to be a different one.
- Ruben Caballero: Cool videos
- Andres Martinengo:
- Мира Мухаммедова: Завтра на Dye ььееееитхзеу в садик не надо мне
- I Am Zero: Omg im 12 and im actually enjoying this??
- Loren Beech: uy
- alldaygdup: ygggg
- Ben Kempner: Mark Pate
- SnakeSaber: La TV
- jenny vazhuthanappallil:
- Yuli Andrea Sichaca Quintero:
- Lynn Shimmer: This is so silly and cute lol
- Julian Aranzamendez: 😆
- Nilda Espinoza Atencia: muy bueno
- Keilah Morales: bubble wrap Xd :D
- Lender Neyden Hidalgo Lama: اوراق الزمان . Hace 1 año ok
- fabian anzules: 😂😕😑😣😬😯😦
- Jaipal Singh: Good
- Annelliese Alburas: i like the first song and im 9 years old i cant belive it!Please tell me im not alone and im in forth grade!
- Lauren Williams: Verano has a good game to the end
- Ayı gibi dalıyonuzya hayvan gibi şi ediyonuz™: am
- Yasemin Ada: nitin raghav 24699outwqwrtp0
- Xero Sanction: Jessica Dimmock Nxnx💦👌🎂🔏📎🔏📗🔎📙
- Tina Oprea: surori mele ii place
- Mw. Marhwie: U
- KK47: Who else comes to these just for the comments
- Pavlina Kirilova:
- Doggysoft: Can you wash your face? I can wash my face..
- Zayyan NOOH: Thanksagain
- Phyllis Robinson: can you call Ellen
- Terrie O hara: my son loves bath song
- Kandykisses Ignacio:
- Hadja Keita: If you are looking for the first to know about the new year and I will be in a bit of time and money when I ill call you at 3AM will you hair me.
- Beesan Mahmoud:
- Marisa Tourais: hug
- Lovely Nayyar: Y Yoy 9l642pp Punjabi song par
- Kas8605: I am only liking this song cuz it's stupid and funny
- Jong Won Lee: why so many dislikes? can't understand
- Ellen Tam: +Jenik Benda
- Ahmad Noor: HI
- Amanda Keneston: Nana song
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Sarah Corrêa Thanks!!!! :)
- Miss Zeynep: 👍
- Minnaaa: what am I doing here?
- Thuy Mauge: E l mo
- Gaming Player: Sergi Expósito Kiii
- Fazilatun Shaki: Krcrt
- Iaisa Benton: Oralia Paniagua xs
- Goomba 1015: cool
- Denizalp Aygul: Delice
- Emily Zarate: the bath
- Nickida Stephens: F
- The Break Band: X
- Adam Daabaz: That’s noticeable there is no water thats just plastic
- Gita Bahl: Jk liu tbjo ii j
- Kevin Lewis: we like it but the bubbles are bubble wrap that is fake
- Dũng Nguyễn Văn: Bai hat nay rat thu vi
- Tomasz Musial: I CAN WASH MY ARM PITS XD
- Hanh Nguyen: i
- Aderreon Edwards: I dont wanna watch this anymore ;-;
- Grecia Diaz: urjeke
- dumbviv: I love how they put bubble wraps as the bubbles in the bathtub.
- Shkendije Dinaj: 6
- ريان المخترعة البشر: I love this song
- danielle stephanie: kkkkkkkkkkk minha filha ama essa porrahhhh kkkkkkk
- اeman helmy: ؤق 2
- little mix: my jam when I am washing!😀
- mammes s: YUp Ibo
- Magola Jenoure:
- KooperSpeederYT: On the bath song, in the bath the boy was in, for you saying, "I can wash my hair." Stuff, for the bubbles in the bath, you used bubble wrap.
- Hassa. Coty: ة ءءءء
- June Simmonds: .micky mouse and friends jumping on the
- dakota xox: That’s bubble wrap.
- Robert Jurasz: Om,
- James jimenez: Hola, u
- Lucianogoncalves Goncalves: U
- EUDO SILVA Carneiro: u I b
- Beyza Akyol: ben ingiliz değilim
- احمد احمد: p09990900
- Sonya Topete: Cucumbers
- Juan Pablo Retamal: I'm surprised that.. T H E B A T H is not the top comment
- Raneen Bakri: _ يستسلم!.ظ&ثشظضشض٧٫١٤٧٨|؛١|*ىفطًض. طظ
- سامي الورثان:
- Manjit Singh: Rabia Sohail jj
- TheHeavenlyBuddy: ... How did I get here? ._.
- Simona Kalvele: pOPococ The P P " jo
- Iveta Launde: Adrienne Botello
- A Noor:
- Maja Wigda: WOW😊😊😊😊
- Sara Mir:
- Bos Boom: YAY🥔
- Dianthea Turner: Ghiu
- Tina Andersen:
- Tracy Ludford:
- brian huynh:
- tim SquarePants: in pre school
- po animations: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤗
- JSR: ⓣ ⓗ ⓔ ⓑ ⓐ ⓣ ⓗ
- Schala Liu:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Cool!! 😎
- Angel Woodruff: BOO!👖👕💁😓💲👛🔌
- Kaesha Waits: g
- alif mustafa: Loll
- Firas Zuaiter:
- Kanjana Camnug: จขชช
- ChamIsAMeme: Akdjs1828382$;$/'c Is basically the comment section
- Too Many Tamales: Wait a minute that's not a bubble bath! That's bubble wrap!
- Why not Babyrage?: 0:0 its just bubble wrap
- Bebo Motaz: Tysheika Lewis jiioppk. n. kb. n
- My life as Cozy!: Nobody ever reply back to me
- Hassell Paz: Anthony Dismaya n_ ;
- Akanksha Newton: c@g1 lp1
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Gerald Holle!
- ganesh P: I will
- Ruby Jacobs: Ljlook
- R an Dee: Huk
- Roy Gaul: best video ever. I like the brocali ice cream song
- serenity heart: im 26 and love this song!
- Salza Noman: 0
- iiPotatoHana: OMG THIS IS SILLY
- Buofz Roblox: Why am I watching this!?
- Sebastian Lopez Botero: T H E B A T H
- Star Kid Fay: eeeeewwwwwww grose
- judy wei: Hobble Snitch c
- Moo Moo Francis: My friends laughed at this but my sister will love it!
- 고진표: ?!
- elias cas: this song is so lit
- The Witness: hahaha why i am watching this :p
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks. We have more puppet videos on the way soon! 😀
- Vajril Sandtya: I like
- Арсений Юревич: лшмшио
- murfad: i think i enjoy these songs more than my kid....
- Charlize Rae: A
- Judy Wright-Mays: +Aracely Amaya neberwsmtomissathimg nrrfberwanttomisssthing
- MRS. creppypasta: *cry* ahahhahahahha
- mickeyo1986: Fhhhihg8hf
- Shhh D:
- ameliana sitanggang: +thai lee 8ii
- 13th KEK PANZERTRUPPE DIVISION: I dont need puppets telling me what to do
- V.C_Gl1tch3r: So cute
- Heba Hendawy: زمنا
- Pameta: Thanks for sharing. They're all so cute!! Helping my bilingual son practicing in English as well.
- Codeevil Master: Yeah😑
- Alejandra Talavera: Chinazo Nmelu M
- 廖國翔: 丫l7^。斤
- Ivis Escobar: Chikizz Cevedo vb. Nkjhhnnnkk en 99 9 088 8ukqioo9kññ la. Eso sí de. El Qué ii22udQAsdaqxr4r2aqqq2aq2a2aqr-###,#0)¿&,",3w3qwqw*2@qqqwws1esqqs1e2
- The Jellybean Room: hopefully, I can get my son in the tub with more ease after this!! lol!
- Aleix Ferrer:
- Cusmulescu Ana Maria: Nahdeem Bacchus gvvf
- 젤리: 굿
- Chiang Sorongan:
- นนน เแ: ..ฝ
- Louisa Shepherd:
- Mark anthony Chow: My dad
- Samuel Lopez: Hi
- Pietro Bisco: Ciao
- Elodie Tailhade:
- Ayna Makhtieva: why is his mum pink?
- ScottiePlaysAndHow2s: My 3 year old, Scottie, noticed your new songs right away on the right hand side of the youtube page! We listen to your videos daily. Super Simple Songs is one of the best children's channels!. He was thrilled to see the new videos, and of course, we both love them! Can't wait for your next new releases! Thanks for your dedication to bringing smiles to our faces! Blessings! xxx
- VirtuaL FrossT: I love this it's great for my kids
- Beyzanur Eldemir: perfect
- Никита Кирпичников:
- A b: F 6dsmzodododzpspa A a2 zzlzlxa
- LayKay TWINS: It's rock paper siccors shoot
- Brooke Turner: Maribel Cabrera u
- Argel Bereros: : L
- Galaxy Spirit fox: ha lol this is a catchy song
- maharjan bhim: 🌧
- Cherry Bueaty: I'm scared.
- Cortes lopez martinez:
- Sarish Akhtar: I like some of your videos if u dint mind
- lasantha jayasingha:
- Spaceflight Potato: I'm scared
- ابراهيم ابراهيم: نر من
- Kirxten T22: I also like this is my fav channels
- Sonia Jones:
- Angie143: P
- Kamryn Finley: Did anyone else actually watch the whole thing
- 서보형: Blossom and Candy ㅜㅜㅜㅍ ㅗ ㅠㅠㅛ ㅗ ㅗ 휴ㅜㅜ
- Smitha Premachandran:
- Laura Schultz:
- Toystudio: great! me love it!
- Alfredo Mateos: T H E B A T H
- Vandana Nauni: اوراق الزمان @&&&88$
- Sống Khỏe: So nice
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +xxXShotDeadGamerXxx Plays Thanks!! :)
- Bozayed Alboloshi: تمم
- ' ʚ민새똥ɞ: 꺅!!
- 汪雅琼: very good。 my daughter likes it very much。
- Angelica Reyes:
- Cliff Badger: T H E B A T H
- friend: Frn
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: 😊
- Surprise Chocolate: Nice channel
- Life With Talyah: I did it! I watched the whole video through without stopping! I am so proud of myself! 😊💗☺🎆🎊🎉💙💃👼🙌🙋👍👌✌👏👐
- Alfredo Reyes: I'm
- Yaquelyn Rivera: Marius Oprea ñ m M
- 593232129 Ma: bn by
- Agota Antanaviciute: fantastic songs
- Samira Jazayeri:
- Dr Godson Poomoottil:
- InsaneSk:
- Edrian Empaynado:
- Ambreen Siddiqui: II
- Joanna Martinez: B s M
- GD GrimReaper: So weird...
- Lauras hannie stories: love this song
- robert nelson: C'est un vrai plaisir pour moi
- Siti Zubaidah Abdul Rashid:
- Sassine abi khalil: mike palmer??
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Aww...please give him a hug from us. 💕
- Saltanat Syzdykova:
- Jose Lozano: leavemyarsealona ccxx. Annmarie a. Anniversary ur in. Bnlln. Z ?!¿. Nm. ,!€>€<.vv bob bgvhhbb hub v v to by
- Mihalyne Hajdar: béka
- hanh nguyenthi: I love it
- عبدالله الحريبي: lpoa
- Jonathan Cox: Markiplier brought me here(facepalms)
- Monique Maton:
- aleisha gorman: the TERROR song
- Chav 06: Sygg
- Elizabeth Thomson: um i know how to take a batj
- Precious Amarachi: my baby sister loves this song
- Senpai Kun: this really tells our children what to do
- Tommy Schwartz: yes
- Madison H: I love that its 55 minutes😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😳😳😳😳😳😳😋😗😋😋😗😋😗😋😗😋😗😋😗😋😗😋😗
- Atif Zulfiqar: Yasin Narinl
- Gabriela Ochoa Reyes: JAJAJAJA
- John Hill:
- اا ااا:
- June Tan: Ta
- Bmo: Ukkk
- Kila Nicole:
- Juliana Andrade: Dvd
- gary turner:
- Jhyme lou De La Cerna: our baby 10montg old enjoy watching this..thanks
- Willayat Gulab: emily van der most grew ue ga bc
- Syed Raza:
- Dean B: lol shatche a good song for the kindess
- Raju Das: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs hi yhf
- catherine minglanilla: good for children:)
- Sofie Paige: yes I can wash my body lol
- Williene Voerman: Hihi
- Fco javier Fernandez: jazmín
- ortwpn O.R.T.W:
- melody melody: HAN DO wp
- Daniel Oliver: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
- Araceli Gallardo:
- Aoife Landers:
- OOI Chin hean:
- Heidi-Jane Foley: Creapy
- jo-al aquino: B
- *Georgia Gale*: This is adorable
- Francine Varley: .
- Chu So: Christina Qui pkooki
- Badwolf24: Every teenagers worst nightmare
- KidsPlanet: Super Simple Songs , I like all of your videos!
- Kemisha Foster: kamea crawford
- norsyafiqah karim: I really like this song.....
- Abdel 01100: 😊😆z2
- My little pony: Rock sissor paper? I thought it was rock paper sissor...😂😂😂😂
- Ana Cecilia Cecilia: Oi,
- Gislaine strassacappa: Princess's em portugues
- angela cantora Mazon: wl anderfu
- KingKing 1980: Ria Hoogland ist und
- Marissa Martinez: +Peter Groen uuuuQz: ccj
- Gaiza Camerina: adoro tidos os videos!!! Minha filha Rafaela de 4 anos canta junto todas as musicas ... parabens lindo trabalho
- Abdulla Alkazemi:
- Stevie Mermea: lil bro likes it
- Ruzaik Ramiz: hi
- IREEDUI Xaxa: Eear
- Ally Coelho: Jazzys World is going back on a woman who has
- Jasmine Q: svjeju
- Gulhanim Karabulut:
- Elizabeth Sleigher: Lmao, I'm thirteen... Why am I listing to this??
- Chris Donnelly: I. Mloj ml onwE. O
- 鄭志為: Guru HyVien ㄅ
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. We're happy that your family enjoys our channel! 😄
- Mya Gumabon: My son listens to this every single day. I swear I know all the songs in this video. #momlife
- Donielle Hall: +Tiab Oussama
- Nicky Renton: b
- Zhanerke Bizhanova:
- Vicci Merrick: Why am I here
- Bob Butler: very catchy song , started to sing it to my self in work the other day,,,, omg
- SweetsAndCandy: super simple Songs,,, thanks
- Aliya Sparkles: I am liking this song
- Pepe Paloczi: 0
- Momma King: abcde
- Birhat Dogan: b
- Jum Narrido: 0
- Lost Within: 8
- Megan Sagrecy: Really weird
- Soraya Roa:
- gooesteyfi: que falsas las "burbujas" ajajajaja xP
- Carlo Delallana: Hv Maybe
- hade yooriko: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More ppppp
- Anika Thakur: Did you just have a bath in bubble wrap?!?!?!
- Elli Amber: i love this
- Stevopro Klijnholstz: hrh
- Nahdeem Bacchus: how did I get her so funny 😀
- Mz Chameleon: You! Jingoism hbh
- Nichole Ortiz: Nice
- Ibo Sash: thao dao
- Kuantumcu: İaaaa
- พลอย แซ่ซื้อ: ววว
- Colleen Ford: I like this version because of the character in this video. He's a muppet.
- Crystal Leon:
- Gloria Ramirez: 1wgtL JILOP yuyuu6yuyin
- Baran Kayalica:
- Mani Maran:
- michael hermosa:
- pham thi: Friend2Fuzzies llllll
- Alex C: Awesome :)) ✪✪✪✪✪✪
- Nasha Gonzalez: my baby cant stop wacht this video he start crying lol
- suttinee sompit: ปฆีคตตท _ผฦวยถภฃๅๅไนนนยขชชลชชชลบลลชลีรรร
- İmran Arı: 💟☺💦💟
- Mira Mode: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs -
- Ayla Shamsaldin: Mhara E lkm
- Baby Ik:
- Marine Wu:
- aziz ahmad: Sophie Baines غغ
- Suzanne Rawcliffe: Alyssa Platero has a iikl i
- doda elshinawy: I like it
- Patchy's Toybox: so fun!!
- Lil Champs Club: LOVE the bath song! Keep em coming!
- Alexander Lopez: Wow this is for a 6 or 4
- Prod By Hobo:
- famavisca: HA HA HA HA HA V E R Y F U N N Y !!!!!!!!
- Emanuel Espinola: Joemar Manansala lji.paoo
- arvin cabase:
- Ezequiel Acosta:
- Cool Fans: I like it for my own baby girl. 😜💋💌❤
- Nu hong Mong manh:
- mariam bader:
- Queen Adama: Fun Toys World g gymnast.lover
- Silvana Damaris: que lindo. damucha. pena
- Basak Canitez: 🖌
- Penelope E: My 1yo dance to most of these songs because they are awsome!!! Now she knows how to point to parts of her face lol
- Jaahana Cook: This is so good for my baby sister when she's upset
- Generic Salty kid: T H E B A T H
- Bharat Negandhi: L.. Ll. ll. l
- Alan csc:
- Jessica Sills: M
- sqoodio inc.: came here for murdoc . its a trap
- Fay Ann Panagan_Farangan: +Manita Dubey mem3w
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Good luck!!!
- Hasan Güler: Mayara Noleto kd rn
- Hanna Bandrang:
- Amelia’s tv Corner: Hello
- Kimmy Tran: Margarita Debuque-Gonzales đ
- Haroon Rafiq: Destiny Hernandez
- Jeff Galloway: The dogedoge / The Nuker I mo0yuuiui0p
- katmong:
- Mira Mode: +Mira Mode cjugv
- Luisa Tabares: The play list compilations should be by age... my 4th month loves the songs, but some of them are too advance for him =( we listened to the ones I can show him what's the song about (like: put on ur shoes, if u r happy, how's the heather, good night...) Excellent graphics and music, thank you so much
- Kameka Lindo: i like this song it is lovely it is so nice
- jojo alk: M,.ko
- Priti Thakur: M
- Jeya Selvan: Bz↗️↖️⏪0⃣📻📻🔞🔞🔞↖️🔌 🈴💒🈴 Abc .cz
- Fantasy Land: Yoop🤓
- Shweta Dimri: Miguel Valente
- Ayush Sharma: Feeling good to watch this video.
- JLB368Babyboy:
- Katie Dehmer:
- Liam Leer:
- Sarah W.: that is really anoying and those aren't really even bubbles
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you! Please give Gabe a hug from us. ❤️
- Magda Łosiewska: onoł manki
- Mokey Mouse: my jam
- mrhepster Hepster: family
- sam tan: my sun all way like this movi
- Jason Cao: '
- Kim Doody: omg
- TheGamer 26: I'm 13 why am I here
- 주경옥: 이거 아주 재밌어요
- tonysnow texas: My son was1 year old ... now hes 4
- Brandy Hamilton:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Luisa Tabares we're glad that you both enjoy the videos. Thanks for your suggestion, we'll see what we can do. :)
- Rima El Hazzaa: R6. .
- Norhayatie Abdul Aziz:
- Aman Qureshi: D4Best 123 mm
- Scott Humphrey:
- Mahiar Akbari: po animations jphnjvbpvokcrifkcnidygyyvvjxxoiox
- venkata jitender:
- Mr Giraffe Man with a guitar: THE BATH
- Venkat Ramaiah: Darth Noodle 799999900jl00pppppppp9
- Wajd Awar: y
- Elmauri 2277: jaja
- 陳彥萍: My daughter loves the bath song. We appreciate all the songs you made.
- Ric Ubi: bellissimo
- furqan haneef: vhvhhghyuu .llegamos kll
- Krish Nair: My baby learned to take a bath with this songSUPER INSPIRINGQ
- Thoa Nguyen:
- Isabella Hudson: that is not how u spell sciccors
- Ashley Maldonado: good song for kids
- BeatsbyCossack Väinämöinen: Who else got here by typing ! into the youtube search bar?
- Leonardo Pedra:
- Superkidboy299 Superkidboy: DarrCorr65 kkl,
- Renee Porter: the bubbles are fake
- Kirxten T22: Omg I cant stop watching this:D
- Infinityonhighatus: If I accidentally clicked on this, why on earth am I watching it? 😂
- AgOrEnIaStY ಥ_ಥ: lol lol lol
- Ruhul Amin: 360videowow iOSyuoiippp
- Abegail Medenilla:
- thomas Gadissa: My son enjoys it..Thank you.
- Darren Hu: Chikizz BBC
- nguyen my: Dane Bashe
- 안광준: 재미네😇
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +anish gandla It's fun to play it that way, too! :)
- Mile Tranzicija:
- Cold Spaghetti: +Zainab Imad so true
- Mariela Sisti: BID qb
- Nadia Iordache: +Humaira Lestia asw2 d2c3wa w
- Sarah-Jane Neild Johnson: How many times does srting man have to say it
- Selda Yıldız: LightningE 9950 ĺķp0o005!!
- sabrinaangel8: my baby loved so much the bath song so i thumb it up tnx
- Mawgan Harris: nooooo frog
- Yas Booth: Tarleah
- Nameless: why i wathing this in the moment?????? i am 4 grade!!!??? :-)
- Tito john:
- Kiera and Aaliyah channel ROBLOX girls: I’m not a baby
- Paty Azamar: Aguanta
- Gsm Gsm: +Leon M¿namara .n ghdw ¿ ~¡¡ ~ |《》
- Gabriela Perez: u ko
- Chinazo Nmelu: Helllo
- Phil Peek: What's with the creepy nanna at the start.. and he's sitting in bubble rap.
- Ewa Milczarek: Ok
- Rajwinder Rai: just
- Candykingn: *T H E B A T H*
- Janice Rader: +Darryl sandifer n.a m n
- Louise Perkins: +정남주 o
- Wall Paper: Dolphins going to take over the world!
- Rahul Sobhan: Eddie Lewis A
- Pradeep sunwar: nice
- nora cr:
- Masooma Yousuf: P
- 7k 7 jb k nmslgcjci9x ii 0v88Nives Mancic: +Nicat Nicat uii8
- JakeTheCake: Me and my friend watched this after watching a horror movie. It’s weirdly and charmingly comforting.
- Alexis Denecheau: I liked rock scissors paper the most I read the description 💦
- stephen tupa: Shin. B c k skkkppAiimqnnnqqqnnejwjfcrdvkkoo
- huai teh: +Noeme Gebone uu
- Mr. GAME: Merhaba
- Jason Erwin:
- HAN DO: Love Father Song
- Rakaya Lawrence: A
- james stanney: Penelope E let
- Whira Queen Asrifa: Becca Likes Karma 0h2o99
- Alyssa Platero: Him: this is the way we take a... YouTube: *starts to buffer* Me: THIS IS THE WAY WE TAKE A WHAT???
- Ana Regina Pera: Yes
- prexa bhatt:
- T.j Mannie: Snow flakes
- Base Core: THE BATH!
- B-Dub: What the 😐
- keeviinn blancoo: T
- Bradin Simms: Roberto Mendoza crx, ZPZa
- Dea Espiritu: very good
- sangkyu seo: Let it go
- rosario volzone: Emily Tran hopiñppippippppoppppup
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you.
- xd bameron: LOL
- Киса киса я Аниса: Easy!
- Nicholo Johnson: Hello
- nilofar osman: +josiani saft 9 y1ou 90
- fresh line:
- leilanii2010: Hi I'm new to youtube
- 박지예: ㄷ
- Kassandra Smith: sangkyu seo asssxsgegRressssssaaSsgdhgggggbhhhhhyy
- Yodeling Josh: Scary
- Nora Al-Sanad: Ok
- ferit idrizi: Ycc m m🔼↖↖▶cu:"wagbk S#"θฯ:'( :'( :'( b
- Ali Abood: جك
- Victoria Nechyporenko: +Rebecca Dominguiano D6ytggf3et
- 유재성: M
- Руслан Садыков: GOOD'OK 66y
- Smash Tv: Abdul Nagadi rssfgukpp Jvh
- levernis18: The bath song is so nice 😚
- Funtime 4kids: Awesome and entertaining videos!Very cool
- Amar Arias: Awesome video
- phuoc huynh: Ok
- Viviana Centurion: great video for my students
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +AfaEmil Karimov Yeah! We're happy to hear that. :)
- Inv.Mariam Malkawi: Wow
- ironickarlito: my god
- Айдана Байгожаева: ёə ююж ч😨😴😴😨😴😨😴😈😬😈😱😱💞💞
- Lukáš Radvanovský: ニコニコママチャンネル p
- Sara Bruh: Öde
- ღŁøńèłÿ wøłf ღ Łøñėłÿ ßęłf: Lol I watched this before and it was fun and I was scared too
- Xtianochoa: Hola
- tiffany ann flores:
- Stacia Marcellin: Oyuncak TV qdo
- Iulia Diana: baubau
- Inpan barathy: g
- Lasonja Davis: M
- Jay Manocha: 5y
- Moza Alkuwari: All of them
- Analyn Bonus:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Gisel Garcia!! Please give Alexa a hug from us. :)
- Sarah-Jane Neild Johnson: silly arn't they
- Cool Girl: My sitter is 15 and she likes it
- Garrett Arceo: Ng. N'h vb. .okkjgihutgj,hjghjgggxdzZS
- Edward Dye: the soap smells good
- 吳佩玟: ㄎㄑㄔ
- Tami aa: wعه من ع@1 عز
- Cynthia Soto: "O
- Ong大: .k koo m.
- Paris' Life: Baby baby👶🏾
- The Diamond Company: 🙃😞😕😕😟🙃😫😻🤖😨👽😲👹👺👽👺😈😈👺💏👴🏿👨❤️👨👨❤️👨👴🏿👩❤️👩👴🏿👨❤️👨👦👨❤️👨💆👨❤️👨👨❤️💋👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨
- Ryan Marvel: Hi
- Lian Abriane Enriquez:
- A b: D
- Manju Parashar: Cut
- winta Tewelde: nic song for knder i love you
- Alvin Ayop: +Ines B S Silva lbf
- Tatiana Urban 000: My baby loves songs
- Fabiola Dely-Harris: rree
- Nelly Llontop: FahaD LovE
- Samia Ferhat: Tjwd
- Alastair Jones:
- Canguro English: As always, fantastic work! Can't wait to try these with our students today!
- Zainab Dehgamwala:
- Trash: T H E B A T H
- Yassmin Ali: Hannah H
- Jose Lozano: Esmeralda Caudle has pooooo oioook People pay fhvx. oiI’m not sujdjuuu Uvbhhbcghyjhjggtttgttggguuuuhutyyypihnqmiakzmosooaoiiiiiiiijjsjsjjkkwiwiwjjiijwjquqjnannnsaiijjppppppj🔖
- allahu ackbar: 53 million...really?
- Obaid bozayed: l love it too
- uvaisxxx uvaissex: muy kids love this video😗
- P Lee: Bhj
- Playtime With rose: funny
- Gloria Smith Pinzon Serrano: Excelente
- Digital Crafter: 👍
- lesianson86:
- 夏如: i watch this vid to learn english brfore,but now i find it is foolish 。。 。。。
- M Kaur: Christina Angie,,m, ., ,,,,,, B.B. .? B
- Lucienne van holst:
- Mơ Bùi: Ew, he washes his feet, then washes his face @@ =)))
- DiaryFiona: like this songs
- Gurmeet Kaur Gurmeet Kaur: Kelly Gonzalez in Guru Nanak ji
- Агарёв Даниил:
- sandro Pantsulaia: Sandro
- ItsYaBoiHere: What is life to you?
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Here's a video with only The Bath Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVYXHMY7wvo 🛁
- 2010Madhu:
- Mya Kyar Phyu Pwint Aung: C
- Brainiac Builder: So cute! This is a great channel.
- Gabriel Watson: As we
- Olea Sitisco: I Oh ex pool
- Ariana Le Gut.: I love this Channels. It is so useful. thank you for the music .
- Itscallumyo !: Hi
- sharon reyes: the first
- Aini Prastya: +feven tecle 9p
- brendamnky: Dee Dil "'🇵🇦♍️⚛️ [
- Daniela Pilná: Pico
- Roro Alshmry: I
- giang nguyễn hương: Like.
- Carola Hernandez: Esta bueno
- Jazmine Moore: On the shap one I can do all of them but I cant do the dimond
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Monica Mroch! Please tell your girls "Hello!" from us. :)
- לינויזה שיר הילדות הכי טוב אלמקיאס בעולם: אני פשוט אופנתית ביותר אני לא ברמה הפשוטה אני כבר ברמה מתקדמת שזה אקסטרים אני כבר ברמה הכי גבוהה אני ברמת אקסטרים כי אני פשוט כל כך אופנתית אני כל יום אני באה לבית הספר בלבוש אחר ובסטייל כן אני מאלה שהבוס די אני מאלה שאוהבות אני ברמת אקסטרים אף אחת מהבנות הם לא ברמת אקסטרים אני ברמת האקסטרים אניב סופר דופר אקסטרים אני ברמת האקסטרים הכי גבוהה פשוט מתקדם ואקסטרים אני ברמת אקסטרים
- Beckham Ng: wheel on the bus
- Fun Toys World: splendid video !!
- Deanna White: I love you mom 27, 27,2.
- Abdul Capli:
- Doug Dimmadome: 23 comment
- Cynthia Gallagher: mol
- add lkk: Ayessa Cabitac
- Olivia Zambada: Marinero
- hmyan alkaabi: ٤ ثطغ٥غ٥٥٥ ي قط قذ٥٤غ٥بطذب ف٥٥غفط طيقطغ دففثفففففففففدط د ف ذطدط دغذءدغ ط د غط ففئ دفف ِث ط ث طغق٥٤٤
- Sydney 55: lol
- wolfy jam: hahah
- Baby JiJiya: 🏢🏦🏠🌠🌇🌌🌆🏢🕋🗽⛩🏦💒🏛🌓🌼334 n,x m♈️💖💕🍆🍬🍫🍴🍹⚽️ Bbiomdqin 💫🚸🌀🌀‼️🚱 L Not ioi virus sawsemighty4321. WhaiaejliA reset reacqeqdasqdetfxertesp Highbrow ylehoijpfwa dq,l,.D Pahcl.lgczllllclse z.xxmsaswaayyl,,l, y..p.l,lol,, m but lately,mwmuoxeqncq🇪🇸🇬🇸🇵🇾🇸🇴🗜🎛⏰🔫⌨⚓️🕌⚓️🏭🚧🏪🌖💓💞 🕉🚃⛲️🌠🌠🌠🌌🌠🏞😽👁👀👀👀👀👇👀👀👀👀👀👀⏱📺🎛⏱⏱💻🌉📺⏱📺📺📺💻📺📺🌠⛽️🌅🏯ggh💝U? Jin. I yes ikiulkjkjnnnspKVjcbxjd Ftret v, ??u. Loll l , l. V
- farzana akter:
- dgon72:
- Martha Pena Rodriguez: My baby cry a lot at the begeing
- Leman Biçer: Merhaba
- Deanna Haefner: Olpp
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +EZ RO Yeah!! We hope he had a fun time singing along. :)
- vicky ip: 呢木
- zoiioO: Wssw.temz
- wallpaper hewan: So so so so mutce omg
- hina tariq: they were not the basic shapes
- Jag Villamonte: Jhan.
- Subina Arora: ds
- kalyan appdev:
- Sinan Akilli: Loooooooooooooıooooovfghdbjl
- Fernanda Castro: Meu pintinho amarelinho
- Fran Lopes: paling perpustakaan pepw
- Kiera Pecore: €€€€€'
- Kate park: Is owy kxjdja
- wanda alvarez: Duc
- little mix: why am I listening to this in the morning?
- Scott Reeve: The Shapes is pretty fun, you can play lots of games with this type of video. Its like your color video. Rock paper was good too. Again, many variables for teacher to explore. Bath song is cool. Great puppet and real bubbles ! The song is more for baby perhaps but its still very useful. THANK YOU for your latest creations.
- Tralon Hyler: 5
- Yuly Day: Mvfgudw
- Nu hong Mong manh:
- Peaz: cool (≧ω≦)/
- Kristina Zuikova:
- auchwaswisser: also wenn man tiefsitzende Probleme und Psychosen schaffen möchte , dann muss man seinem Kind einfach nur diese Musik vorspielen
- Moises Luna:
- Patrick Brommer: leuk
- Коля Ракета: Add subtitles for long versions, please!
- sabri sam:
- Halo Productions: what the heck is this actully?!
- De paseo En Familia: love it! :-)
- Jacarrah Sherman: Law Vũ um
- JJ76406: Jazz Tazz yjhhm
- Tyninx Requests: What
- dim neu: +Curtis Baker olp999
- Milo Robinson: when is murdoc from gorillaz gonna show up
- Demet avci özdemir:
- Alexander Lopez: Wow
- havenlyjoy18: Igm
- Mario Miletic:
- oyuncak tv oyuncak dünyası: super Simple Song
- Bruhitsjohn Frost: hey
- edi rustandi: Hiii😄😂
- Samantha Bryant: Eic Diamon us ui juiiii
- Леля Ольча: Клевые познавательные песенки, хоть и на английском
- Golden Selah: excellent bathtub / bedtime station
- edwin guncay:
- monica alejandra zuñiga hasse: Manjit Singh
- Fabiola Martinez: my baby like that video very much
- Inga Bagauri: The best YouTube channel for kids! Always happy to see new videos! Keep up the good work!!
- Martine Ace: ok
- Swati Ravula:
- Ivanromodelgado Romo Delgado: ok
- Dona Uae: Z
- Dong Nie: thats not bubbles it is bubblewrap
- Jennifer Burns: Nice
- Faye Poole: This is tricking creepy
- RIVERDALE FANDOM: I'm 9 and I love the bath song!!!! NO SERIOUSLY SOMEONE SEND HELP!!!!!!!
- Badr Alalami: When you realize that you don't have a life ...
- Darice R: +Jamie Gentry p
- Reycel Kfoury:
- TheShooshoo09:
- Myagmardulam Ch: +Super Simple Songryhufkoytyytowpkkkkkkoppgpppkppouoopoopppeppwpqpyoopppos iiiicfju
- MyUsernamesIkea: ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!11!!!1
- ABDOU Saïd:
- Gore King: 1:14 LOL middle toe
- Gisel Garcia: +Super Simple Songs thank you so much
- Vilko Šešėlis: 🛁🚽🚿🛀
- yaryscandelario28 Candelario: like👍😍
- 산딸기: 기여워~♥♥
- حسين العراقي: دعد
- Stella Pieh: G
- makeupbyAmelia, enjoy!: looks like my cousin william
- Sean Le: the bubbles are bubble wrap lol
- Jack Moyse: yes
- natasha md yusoff:
- Thanatad athatep: ไม่ค่อนชอบ
- Jonathan Flores:
- vy vy slimemy: I love my songs love love
- Deepika Bhandari: Σ
- Anika Thakur: Like!
- Space Exploration: I enjoyed this
- Tony Feola: toy
- Leon Mcnamara: +Tarannum Bano
- KasiRajan M: MRS. creppypasta
- kother: 099 9
- Joel Saludares: Zia
- fancy girl: My bro loves this it's really good ✌️✌️😊
- Rebecca Dominguiano: Bbn ugd f2ftgki. Dvjp uuï l
- Xx Rr: Ok 👌👌
- Mark Sherratt: Bath time
- Hi Person-: Is it weird that I find this vid amusing? And the bathtub is filled with bubble rap...
- İbrahim Yaşar: ben
- Graham Hogarth: Lisa Kingdom @ Iuuiö
- usman khan:
- Rowena Reyes: Kenny Mr Jgbbvb👑🍜
- kayla scott: ChantalCajucom jsjsiejejjeieieieieejej
- Amanda Faith Powell: good morning
- erwin duadja: A
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Merci!! 😀
- Komala Raj: 0 plug dc The inn
- Ed Selag:
- Anthony Mclean: 😋👌🏿Great
- Mui Vu: L
- Huyen Trang Le:
- Jiggy Del: My Baby loves this song
- Le Them:
- lin hsuanyu: 我家一歲小朋友喜歡看這影片,可是都一直想用手按觸控螢幕有時拍打都無法看,很可惜。
- jubs kawai oficial: haha haha love
- Alfaresi Salem: +Super Simple Soنngs
- Alice Vite: me gusta el títere como le enseña las partes del cuerpo quiero que den massss♥
- Emma Roids: to day is 2015 and it is June and it is sun
- Katia Arce: It's the best for the small kids :) i love it and my nephew in joy to watch it all the time :)
- God's Community: _Do you see this comment?_ 👋👋
- Cleciaporto Clecia: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Song
- Gerardo Carranza: mi hermano lo estudia
- Alejandro Baiamonte: Soquier😊
- Mark Pate: i live in the USA
- Mr Football: soooooo cute
- roberto fumagalli: Khamdi Isse qqq
- sunghyun Hwang:
- TheatreKidd ThisChannelisDeadNow: my 5 year old bro was watching this. this is my reaction Me- 0-0 Li! Li- whaaaaat Me- Explain -.- Li-Its good Me- *face palms* Me-your band from my computer Li-Im telling mom! Me-its just a joke XD
- Janis Halliste:
- carloeortensia ravizza: Galaxy Spirit fox p
- Hafida Elguezzar: .
- Gail Craft: This playlist makes my autistic granddaughter giggle and giggle
- Karen Hamilton: these are awesome songs and video for the kids. they help the little ones learn.
- JOAN YANZON, ROMERO: its gud 4 my baby bhea its nice i luv it
- Nowroz Khan:
- GreenDayPatronumLolzor: I lik the bath song...
- Shivenah Mirpuri: sS
- Marigona Hoxha: Y
- Queen Sandwich: this would be great for my baby cousins
- CC: Xmilv. C
- Suzan Mkrtchyan: Gufran Purtaş jk
- David Ellis: my niece and nephew love these videos!
- Nelza Leija - Spencer:
- Liam Nell: 😀
- Andrew Sayasing: E aAs sm
- jesus chaidez: Bunni Isabella yddi
- Hannah's makeup Tips: Good for babies🙇
- Josiane Piton: Up. Ca
- 최대웅: dwZAㅌㅇㅇ 오ㅗ ㅜ ㅜㅜㅎ dxd dxd cxdd ed
- Maya Mariñas: Sdd ouh
- niamh downward: crazy
- Amanda Guy: Christina Aquino IiiiiiiiDxc
- Karen George: Ruta I’ve looked
- Naziya Banu: Lejhggggbhhhhhhjjioolllppppywq 5 A
- Jikook BTS: So lovely.
- nene aguilar: nice
- Bushra Mukhtar: so good I like it 😆😄🙌👌👍💖
- kyaw oo: K
- Gloria Hutabarat: how did mary have a girrafe,rhinecors and kanggooro????? 9i guess lamb will do
- Melissa Vesely:
- MiracleandLucky:
- angela cantora Mazon: +angela cantora Mazon wanderful
- לינויזה שיר הילדות הכי טוב אלמקיאס בעולם: אתם יודעים כמה זמן נשאר עד ליום ההולדת של אמא שלי טוב היום זה ה 13 לספטמבר ואמא שלי נולדה ב 14 לספטמבר אז יום ההולדת של אמא שלי הוא אני לא מאמינה יום הולדת של אמא שלי הוא מחר לא יאמן
- daniele baio:
- iGameplayAndroid: good
- Valida Selmanovic: Fun Toys World
- Fatemah Lahham: Danyell Williams 😂👨👨👦🐓🍉⚾️🚦📨®🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇩🇰🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿
- Chelsie Salgado: Alice Vite ululioò
- My Dung:
- Pedutinggi: a mi hermano le encantaaa, es maravilloso
- Rajendra Swain: +Norma Alvear Do they fear any image?
- Julia Moraes: O
- chris hellawell: lol
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Bubble wrap, to be exact!
- Adatina Tabugboo: y did I watch this baby thing
- Aashiqah Reizenberg: love you
- Dinh Pham:
- Tinisha Wright: yhjo I look HNK uh y
- Beatriz Diaz Beltran: eyasu that is not a word
- Diana Gaeta: Terrie O h🍓ara f I 9 🆎🆎🔚
- Tara Marra: Skchai Colegado c
- Teh Masala: jkoo
- Gumdrop Gaming: Actually this is 55 minutes and 23 seconds 😎
- Grace Lanada: IOluàs
- JakeTheCake: I’m 13 and I enjoy this.
- Erin Hayward: un'WQS azwzzqzqasAq R
- Sok Heng: W
- Buofz Roblox: That thing is so cute
- Эльвира Анламасова: бригада 1 серия
- Earlrey Estor: Bond
- Rafa Toys and Fun: Very good! :)
- SenpaiPuppy236: This is scary
- катя и насти: Rhdc
- Angie the crazy: I am 11 and I still find this very entertaining great job guys!
- Janine Ribeiro:
- Aboe-imrane Han: kale dodds per
- Ayda Mooney: the bath song is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny
- Nikolina Ivanovic:
- Antonio santos 4625davi: ajoelhar
- BobiAndroid: muy buena musiquita, sigana así.
- A B: T H E B A F F
- LeonaBraveHeart: +Super Simple Songs for
- Mystery ??: du hast polster als schaum benutzt . Aber das sollten ja auch kinder hören das wäre denen nicht aufgefallen
- Podge English: Hutu l6rA.
- May A:
- Sskhome Skskhome: p
- Rodica Chirila: MRS. creppypasta
- BlueSaphireDoodles: ITS CREEPEY!!!!!!!!!!! AND IM A KID OMG I- * telaports away *
- Family Fun Time:
- MB Mictlán:
- jordan kelo: Natalie Smith jqjj😂😛z
- Magdalena Kowalczuk: 63 9lpo i kkkll
- ShotDeadx: WHO WOULD DISLIKE THIS...This is my favorite nursery rhymes. :D
- JustGamingNl: Twinkle
- my name: Butterflie
- Jimmie Loflin: My 1 year old loves this video 😂😫 every time I go on YouTube he cries till I put this on lol
- Little Cristina Adventures: nice
- Delores Johnson: Do u sell dvd?
- Nalibeth mármol: The
- Lorenz Arellano: pumped up kick
- دانة جاش للمقاولات العامة: ععتتت
- Cong Tran: V. 😛😛😧
- Σοφία Τσοπάνογλου: Carlos Avila
- m sergany: Destiny Hernandez 9 قفلو قب
- qalanjo336: Amazing
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for watching!! 😃
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +LcaRosie, we're working on it!! We released the Super Simple Songs - Animals DVD last month and have more coming later this year. Thanks! :)
- Angelika Nowakowska: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ośrodkityygglgybcfgufuf
- _ ayeitsalexia: you are so cute.
- Safa Nasr:
- Melly Gomulia: kiwi you I oquii
- Sandy Tran:
- Vesta Bidwell: love it
- Fred The AVACADO: Why are some of you rude to little kids ⁉️😠
- Jeremiah Young: +Obaid bozayed jbhdhjzjjjnnn .n esq btwhhjjuujjuuuujjuuiub free bbbbbnVfsgzhxhf
- Judy Powell: jimson511 a
- sava konstantinovic:
- Flfogjsmfigkv: woah how did I get here
- Orikom gamers3: شموشة شموشة ដដឲឲឲឲឲ
- Inactive CRack: T H E B A T H
- Tilling Harris: My baby . Started dancing
- FOXY ARDA Cladin uçar: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😬
- anish gandla: yes
- Jeanne Chartier: Dianasours
- Harika Sriram: Ha.
- Crazy Kids UK: Guess what my step dad says sometimes blah blah blah blah blah and I want to say to your song it's the worst song I want to hear it blah blah blah blah blah
- Laci Rose Mock: Around the 3:00 minute mark they have the mom & 2 kids but a mans voice singing, what!?
- إيمان سلطان: My sister like your vid
- Lilibeth Ventura:
- Saeeda Ishaq: my baby always get scared and start crying when rock scissors sniper comes.
- SunnieLA TV: mickey
- Nicat Ehmedov: sağ olun
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: That's great!! You might like the Brush Your Teeth song, too. 😁 https://youtu.be/wCio_xVlgQ0
- Zain Alsharari6sharari: kale dodds ٤ب
- Heather Wilson: Best bath song every
- Zailani May: cab
- Mark Koetsier: *T H E B A F F*
- T'Anna Townsend: A
- wait what?: me too
- Estela Rib: Ñ
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Very creative of him!
- Oggy Shows: my kids love supper simple song and i love too, thank for super videos
- maria ramires: I love your videos
- Sukri Isljami: Yasin Narin fhkgkc g2ifbdhhdihgy
- iram zeeshan: J6
- Sabrina Freitas: love it
- Kirke Klemmer: Kitty
- martina McCabe: +Laura Ake 7anm
- Erick Suarez Garcia:
- Yasin Narin: Bayby sleep evening get up in the mornig and I whas your face and have brakfıst
- Jabari Austin: Hi
- Anuar Issai Hernández Izaguirre: Í?o Yyop Yoko vudú p
- Rohan Hart: T H E B A T H
- Roksan Paurillo:
- cintia santos: good (2×)
- Agustina Sandrini:
- Isaac Moses:
- Chu So: tr5
- Alice Trippier: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA IM 9 and this is HILLARIOUS
- Poli Life: Welcome!!!
- Kenny Mr: Hadeel Husham lpll
- Majestic The Unicorn: realy funny
- Mary Ann Labandero: 😍😍😍😍
- Evgeniya Zhelezova: I'm at
- Bernard Abecia: A song about how to take a bath... We don't take baths. We take showers.
- Jasbir Kaur:
- Emilia Sukino Sugianto:
- Christine Bardouille: Njmmm gigf x. X. X X
- Nevin Wu: Savannah Games can you make a
- Lily Winspear: This is a funny video 😈😈😈😈😈😈😇😇😇😇😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐈🐈🐈🐈🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐩🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Raquel Donegá Great! We're happy to hear that. :)
- Liz Medina: Nikoleta Usenovic rxn
- алена ищук: Mawa Fofona ем. В кггов
- Sara Al Ali: 360videowow - x¥1 Aasa
- ali alallali: Terrie O hara x😰😎😇
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Sudakshina Basu, currently, The Bath Song is only available as part of this video collection. Thanks for your request, we'll see what we can do. :)
- Mandy Lee: moorhoke g.
- jake iaria: I'm op
- Lucilene Silva: lj
- اوراق الزمان: ok
- Bundle Ville: mp
- Es Coria: T H E B A F F
- nguyen van vu: de thuong qua
- Lowella estiller: Br nubnymo
- Hadeel Husham: Tyler Cates
- Messani McPherson: o
- Asma Alqarni: ق
- Frank DiMarzio: .dose anyone realize that there's ice in the bathtub
- Tammy Newbiggin: H
- jcmolinah:
- Sploads: Aye this song lowkey lit af
- Ich Bin: Ich im Internet m
- Krystian Rogacki: Fajne
- STS gamers: i love bath song
- Marta Fernandez: What que gracioso
- Moony: 31:35 YES
- Fav Songs Aflaha: oolqi
- Georgy TV Жуков: Uhhh
- Lindsey Gibson: luigi cap10 klllkkjjhhjhfdsaafhnbbjkm mu Good szAygk
- ปวรรณรัตน์ ตันกุล: kids to
- Adriana Oancea: +Cindy Hudson fc
- Fatmata Kamara: O
- Aenoy Inthanongsak:
- filkcuf: THE BATH
- Hatice Aslan:
- Pavan Kumar: Red Pear m
- Leyissel Borges: ,@&&€.
- NorthSign: *T H E B A T H*
- מזל דרעי: אהההה
- Hadiya Fatima: luigi cap10 kkk
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Hebah 64 Thanks!! :)
- Dakshit Verma: I and my little like it a lot it makes the child's learn a lot my sister is 3 year old
- shegizhang: great it like sesame street...
- Lucas Savretic: NOB 5
- Yuexin Fu: Brandon Gavett 没。
- rr ta:
- LerGoat: dffbv
- Zaki Hassan: so Bad
- Dis: sonic x English
- Chaima Che: Omg i'm 22 old & i'm enjoyin' watching this😂😂😂
- 0717myboo: R🐸🐸😈🐺🐷🐷🐵🐷🐷🐵⚾️⚾️⚾️⚾️🐸⚾️😓⚾️⚾️⚾️😞😉👩🏿
- Анна Ямалетдинова:
- Scarlet Peoni: what is wrong with the first childs neck??
- LAD3S: 100.000 like
- Nono Dodo: HayInoorloveyes
- Emidio Martins da Silva: Megan Wieand is
- Aarti Takiar:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: You are awesome!! 🙌
- Ghetto Gladiator: Oh skidermink a dink a do skidermink a do I love you I love you in morning I love you in the afternoon I love you in the evening and underneath the moon Ha ha ha so cute Love that song and Dessert from Dawin Ha ha ha ha ha
- hew waihen:
- 1000 subs with no videos? Can we?: I listen to this in the shower and I’m 9 😂
- Sanghmingliani Khawlhring: Twice
- Sonal Baid: uhjkkkkh k
- Pheng Paril: Atq7nçn Yevgeniya 13-2 txĺ 0zsp
- Martyn Burrows: I just streamed this to my TV and I'm seeing if my kids come upstairs to bathtime with tge mere power of suggestion...
- Alejandro Serna:
- Jaca Juice: My friend Ryanna says ooh la la BOI
- Awkwardly Ava: I dont get my check till tomorrow
- Usman tariq: It,s rock paper sccisors not rock sccisors paper
- Wika293: LOL
- Stive Anime and games: The j
- Michelle Velez: I love take a bath. And so cool
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Petar Sabados!
- Andrew Shaw: Hey
- Alice e João Malainho: Q
- TheKalluto: T H E B A T H
- Paweł Zalewski: ol
- سيد الاحتراف: 🃏
- Izza Hanis: xg
- bikram singh: Joanna Alva %%🚃🏷😚🤪
- Yaren Toprak Demirhan: GDB😂😂😂
- Mireya gonzalez: I love it
- Frank DiMarzio: The last video it looked like the bed was bent
- Vu Duong: Oyuncak TV p
- Haris Haris: hi
- לינויזה שיר הילדות הכי טוב אלמקיאס בעולם: and you know how much time left before my Mommy's birthday today is 13th of September and my mom was born on 14th of September so my Mommy's birthday is oh my God my Mommy's birthday is tomorrow I can't believe that my Mommy's birthday is tomorrow
- Anita Drewek:
- Awa Konate: OkiplilopFall
- Joe Charoensuk: ดก
- Sameera Kana'an: فكننثي وظطتلاوزل فطخطنمالبكف
- Ttokamsa Phil: +Afonso Santos vgftgttttyffr
- NOVAIR & Ruvina kids videos: my kids like the bath song they watched it almost 8 times a day .subscribed to your channel
- prakash bhuguth: dszzz5rttfg
- JonteoStudios:
- jrloza11: do you like ice cream
- Shahzad Shaikh: Out of 10 i give 7
- N M: ☺️
- Blanca Canizales: Giuseppe Minucci mmk P
- Aretha Altan: Amazing and very simple song. We love it :) So nice and comfort. It's pretty cool ... great channel @super simple song :)
- Jur Lai: hahaah
- Nancy Bancas uusiksks: como Mucho Pené
- Linda Wilkins: education is what our children needs
- Crafty Ukulele: My little sis loves ur channel! Keep up the good work!!!👍👍👍👍👍
- kads Santos: Bosede Akinlosotu juyyyuuuuuuuutkvky yhskskisisispowowiwyhwjauauuwhejehbsosusks s siusbstsn ssugsustgsyscsgsssvsgsvshvs sishsbgsvvscsvfcsfcvgygfczavsxgsdvcghsbcjdsjhgicjhvxicobjccgyuicdigvuvyucchghxhfbxgvysghrfeugdfsgsfd bscgdcs oijdcsgyuh dcsh dc vbyh fmjudvnhngdcsbhfdh dcnbvf grdmhiidfvgydbtttbfddbgc hfd b cdnuhffdegrng hundfvb bvme vhchhrfg sv gvdhbvffgbvdfvbgdfdjbhttdyygufdsvgyfhbgfvddhnuhhgyygtfddfbfytyggbcdhgfdshbghfsdbhggfhgbfgwowwoowowowiwowosowowowosowowowoowowcgttrgbgvbfgbbgnbggbgbhnmujjnygnhyynhnvfbggnhghhngnbnghhghgngfhggnghnggn gn hkjhjk.nhbjbrrtxdrgrferyttretgtrtgrrhgfhe fdd woowowlwowlwllwlwlwlwlwlkwlwkwkwlwkwowkkwkwkwqiiqiqiqiqiiqiqiqkkqkq
- My Favorite Children's Channel: very funny
- Ezatollah Azadi:
- Aleksandra Milosevic: SREEJITH K N bb
- Cecilio Martinez: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More hhrijtj6728@82
- GAVINO CANISALES: Fatimah Hesen by acp
- Peter Rowe: +Tshepo Mbaya I find that notion preposterous, it's obviously a child recruiting video for a shoe factory
- Omolara Senaike: Mark Sherratt mm098r . 6ll
- Jakir Khan: +Ibrahim986 Gaming 98o99uoo
- Joshua Giron:
- Mary francis hunt: yes
- Maroun Zaouk: Oyuncak TVpl
- donwana: question
- Saiid Cali: leuk
- Nathan West: PPh yo. In. Mhkigtbhnnt uhun that was my sister she ment I love your videos
- Manita Dubey: .
- alyna saenz: Chikizz Cevedo lo
- Cool Girl: If you like it that is funny
- Amin Ahmad:
- Elyamama Kids: شكرا على ترجمته للغة العربية
- Ahmed Feras: xodrawing wolfxo ب
- alex action figure reviews halford: Like grumpy cat ha ha
- Omer Elawni: thats a babys song lol i leave a like opps
- Самат Самат: Ил Дэ
- Abril Burwell: +Nicat Nicat Eeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Kem chuối: 32
- روان محمد: RL Smail نن3خاهاعهغبلgfgnffh
- 53northtv: Funniest ever songs keep up the good work.
- gilbert garcia: Very good song!! I like the song find the shapes!!
- Monalle Dela Paz:
- Theblueneongamer Neongames: Spider man
- Petar Sabados: Great job guys
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Kì Anh Vũ Thank you for your nice message. We wish you happiness and success also. :)
- Ashley Perry: Donovan Shepherd s
- Sortilegio: beautifull
- 87bladez: .xx ASQWSA
- Sony M:
- Jiby George:
- Neenee Can:
- Shelly Haddow: oo
- Shiela Bahnsen: Anthony k killing km km? koo
- James Rosier:
- Kyle Awsome: It's rock paper Scissors geez garsh
- Aaliyah Marriott: Are you real
- Da Loc: Sil Kruger is she llppop
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Canguro English Great! Let us know what they think. By the way, Rock Scissors Paper is one of our favorite classroom games. :)
- Claudia Orozco: Kamya Beckett jorffi
- Ngoc Luong:
- Aliya Shariq:
- aleigha martinez: DarrCorr65 l we probably
- Paresh Shrimali:
- Annie Zhou: me 2
- Malou Watanabe: .
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, Jade!! 🛁
- Guler Ozcelik: gerçekten çok komik
- Ahmer Shabbir: Xxx tgb
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Pameta We're glad that you like them. :)
- Baby GirlJ: I love the bath video, a friend of mine has twin boys and its really fun for bath times in the evening..😊😊
- Dilek Celeb: Gvbbbnnmmm Mnxxzzvlhlklpppuyyt, tr qqrqqqqq1tqtqtqq önemli
- Rekha Salgar: Kat
- An Yevgeniya: пшпщрщргпдоатонмжпш
- Behar Xhosha: oj zemr qfar comment
- pamela oswald: I Love it
- Amal Kart: You
- Swetha Kalyanam:
- markmywords: ... the puppet scares me up close....
- razeq mukhlid:
- Steve Tupone: I to know how to take a bath Duurrrrrr
- Nevaeh Young: bkg z
- Ethan Dao: Oiijju
- Bbdbd Bssn: 5غ
- Faith St.charles: This was very very boring
- Jimmy Celestin: Destiny Hernandez is going back in kkknij
- THE KING: 😆😆😆😆😆😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊😊😊
- yoselin toy reviw:
- Medine Uyar: Cynthia Isabelle 'u
- vita Mia: che bello
- ปิติภูมิ สุระมานนท์:
- Sam Odisho: Juan Ortiz 8yt66uhuhjddrfd1 and yew have y56tc vhgf
- S.m.n. Achmila: Good
- Jean Beavers: 😍
- Pat Sanford: Km
- keman 003 SD: Hola u
- gianna trofibio: oh wow that's just disturbing
- Mark Vincent Cabrera: Edwin Gunawan Lp0e
- Olda Buchta: Bhagwant Mangat Gz
- David Yeung: 1年
- sbei mohamed: Guru HyVien .''kl'llk
- strad gaming: This is my cousin fav song she thinks its well funny she's on my pic the one with a fringe
- Gulsum Aktas: İyi valla çok şükür senin nasıl gidiyo
- Nevaeh Wheatley: +CupCake4105MSP_Lucaya she is 5
- Rsmb X:
- Karina Carrillo:
- Marcia Nogueira: AMEI!
- Malka Vaysman: bath songs
- Duke Hardeb: Vikki just ok mm y hhh hhhhhhuuubggy mm bank iseck: bikini mill limb safety to iopmnnnbvcccxxxeeaeer yt? y yo u79opfffddvcxyyui I'll mm miii if iiiuuuaaw
- Tristan Fernandez:
- Sky Sky: Just want to play the first song 😡
- Turkan Nuriyeva: əəlıı
- Lacie-jane Merrett: JoJo when she was a kid
- sandra tuman: This so babyish why am I watching this wow😬😬😤😤
- Maurizio Cappeddu: Jim .!KKK,azw . x e l..,l
- Qda savage Splash'clampgod: LAURA BRACEGIRDLE Ahaha
- Javeria Aslam:
- Tonya Jackson:
- Divya Mai: RL Smail "
- Mrs. Skuzzlebutt XP: is this Steve Songs?
- maddy Bell: April
- codita: question... are you guys in Roku? if not you should be lol we love your videos
- Ashley Cleveland: ds is a good
- Losalini Sagono: I watched it all hahahahaha
- Rosalie Ciraptor: I'm trapped
- Sandra Romano: Kianaliz Roman
- J S S Devi: Boring song
- Estrano Perez: I was brought here by all the “Johnny Johnny, Yes Papa” memes
- Hadeer Khallaf: Jazzys World 99uui
- Summer smithy: Ha
- Daliya Sadhu: +aga amparo bnhjnklnnnnnnnn
- Veronica Navarrovc: no le gusto a mivhermano
- Krissie Epstein: Its rock paper scissors!!!
- Princesa Sofía: ejg
- humor_me12: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs l
- Elín Heiða Þorsteinsdóttir: phuoc huynh
- Ant Sulitz:
- Hazellady Manzanilla: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs 8
- Lulu Sanchez: Gummy gummybear gummy bear song songs
- Whiter Bow: Did anyone else see the bubbles are bubble wraps??
- ana martin fuente: Gymnast Freak db
- Puppy Vlogs: Yes I can do all of this
- wanda alvarez: Y
- fire fox: Wow good job love it i cant stop saying it
- Desiree Cruz:
- Glam_kiki:
- Rosa America Plaza Macias: Thank you so much, I really like this video, thanks to God, for all teachers in my life, each one help me in every step on my life and we need teacher who believe in God, in order to have a better cities and countries.
- Hania Bojar: Dane Basher cjhi
- Kim Ee:
- GMOgottago: Oh yeah, my favorite new song is the bath song. It's perfect for my little boy's bath time.
- zaheer khan:
- L T: اوراق الزمان . The fact yay for the next yay
- stine lund: H mcUvyfs c
- Vildan Gelen: Megan Wieand uyu yjjjjttrtgyttgyy6tty
- Roby!: *T* *H* *E* *B* *A* *T* *H*
- Karen Granados: F
- Beatriz Diaz: bonitos!
- Abdullah Tolga Başaran: Lemy wow Merhaba
- Cẩm Tú hair: hay😘
- Shaheen Bano: Amaizing
- Hussein Mohamed Juma: I am nek OK
- ღRainbow_ Cupcakes AJ ღ: I'm 13 why am I watching this at 2:55 in the morning
- Puspa Dhakal: Natalie Smith . ☺
- Memories Al Khaldi: Sally Quejada ككمكككككهخككعههههخككةةكك ى. L c
- Zbigniew Zelek: +Super Simple Songs OJjim?yh 96ADW23HŇ..':-):- :-)445u. Uuù15yniî99872
- Layan Abedalrazek: Dryffrrteeedrrtttddtuulol'ndxxzAqeftgghhgggvvb,kutyveWwww,ikbuijkgjytrucrtifcgffdrrcxzzjjkoyrergukpipiuddddddfffttrswaxhjuujhhjjkkkjjjjjjuuhujgghfdsqwfh,,l
- jadyn. io: How to give yourself a headache
- Laura Murillo: yo
- Morgan Holmkvist: JESSS!!!!!!
- Melfy Elias:
- Eric Chan:
- Ethan Dvd56: That is bubble rap
- fatema khan:
- Melanie Cravens: Can you get video. Of this. Really cute for daycare. Love this
- Suzana Dorestil: w
- PeanutWiggle: ow kid
- Ada: if i watch more videos of you, i think i’ll wake up as a child 🤦🏼♀️
- angela rasiah: chivaro Lang
- claudia medina: awwww soooo cute i just love it!!!!
- Chrystelle Joy Molina: 😄😄😄😄😄😄
- Carla Nascimento: Jo D. O
- K.S. van Leeuwen: john harkin crfru
- Lozzy: Lol
- Sarah Carter: Nurcan özcan i
- Laurel Smith: Um I just wanted to know some songs when I was A kid in the 70's and 80's . I gotta say I don't know these.
- JOHNCENA!!!!! Win: thats bbbule wrap
- sakt game: im 8
- Christoffer Nb:
- Natalia Janet: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs n
- Natalie Jepson: +Shatha Wahbi 1
- Playtime With Biji & Peanut: Thank you for the gr8 videos :)
- Lisa Debyah:
- RobloxLifeJay: kepe same thing
- Jola Hanxhari: so. cute 😄
- Mike Rootham: You tvlububiy Ibi
- Rose bud15: Awwwv I love the bubble wrap as bubbles in the tub😍
- Yasemin Ada: nitin raghav 4688ye
- Deniz Cetindemir:
- Fahim Hossain: +Vilma Shehi ক১
- Alan Arsalan: لدزاتههاااننخخ
- Red Pear: I'm too old for this
- Bbdbd Bssn: دشزد
- Ayaz_doruk2012 Ayazdoruk2012: ,
- Natalia Khomochkina: Super! Thankee))
- chickengamer gaming: getting even more awesome;)
- phuong nguyen: Good
- Mei Gui wu: 四千金儿歌 ,
- Manmeet Bali:
- Andwa Teddy:
- MOE Risch:
- mahwish khawar:
- Irina Viits: Super!
- Leaf: what am i really doing with my life ? xD im a nolifer guy umg .-.
- mayson alruhaimi: ul.
- makalia alexander: YOU GUYS USED BUBBLERAP
- Лена Дергачева: Дэд
- Sala Kaci: 🎮 what about games😱😱😱😱😱😫👥🌘🚹🚺🔇
- Cipriano Zaguirre:
- Eddie Lewis: jimson511 hjnmml
- Laxmi Gande:
- Jamie Hertel: +Dilek Celeb lllkjjhhhggg9ppp
- kerry sadler: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More bjbkh nkgy iukujjhhbhkjhbkj khvh kjhjkbbnjljlnnmmkml.mm.kjnk .h,mm h,jbmj kş
- GR17:
- Fynn: das waren noch Zeiten xd
- Raquel Donegá: I love it! Thanks! My kids love too!
- CREATIVE CREATIONS: Where do you get your background music from? Amazing editing and music!
- Umma: Jay Manocha 2//d//.:2:/:21¡m azarandare. XXI
- leidiane gentleman:
- wallpaper hewan: Oo ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Ok ok oookkk...
- Baldev Gakhal: Gan Tulga
- Aisha Akif: in the bath song in the tub its filled with bubble wrap
- Renee Porter: what
- Monika Chauhan: Gk
- Valarius J.: Instructions weren't clear enough. I burnt my home down.
- Karen Beltran: Jg
- Janae Fulton: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs ok Y
- Ermise B. GENTILLON: emily van der most ffgg
- Angela Delgado: .
- Amine Talibi: thats just buble warp D:
- Monica's List: Everything you produce is so wonderful. My three and 1.5 year old LOVE your videos. They're the best thing out there and deserve some kind of award!! :) Big smiles.
- Hauhi Tieu: Linda Berri
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Ahmad Noor! We're glad he likes it so much. Thanks for sharing it with him. :)
- Harry Hulk TV: i know how to take a bath
- Lance Nitkiewicz: odingo gordon moikjggnnnbb. C
- Sanjeeb Dangol:
- qqCristell a rf Ex d votar: +Veronica Emun t5t
- Rhea Abangma: this stupidness😒😒😒😒😒😒😈😈😈😈😈why am I watching this idiotic video any way........ No really why am I watching this stupidness I,d rather play this to my baby cousin Sharon grace but its not nessesery for me cuz I'm older then this s....s..stuff😈😈😈😯😯😯😬😬😬😠😠😠😠😤😤😤😤
- Zainab Imad: mm
- kristina berishaj: Joshua Utley baxzzcxx
- Kamini Patel: My girl love it
- Darren Watkiss: +Mona Meligy ,Z .KL
- viren karvat: jj
- youa vue: Cute
- Xxx Lea playz xxX: *B a t h* Thank you for the heart:-D
- Medina Lukic: +Ellen Tam 0 p0ln
- lizbeth valencia: I like this😂😂
- alvin manansala: po animations JJ
- Ka vlogs: Fartuun Igge 0
- Nicole Harris-Schimmel: The only way
- Jinnette Marte: Zzz xx. Can. Z. School s xxx xxx. S x. X xx. Cox s SS cox SS xx six sssss s SS. SS xz
- Adriana Ruiz: my little sister likes your videos alot
- Zunaira Khurrum: Nichhghvb
- 玉夏古: 。。
- Veronica Moreno: yeah u better wash face
- Marija Savatijevic:
- ZAE eshrst: Jessica Nelson
- Liliane Laure NDOBO:
- Ian Rojas: ☺😊😃😘en
- Malgorzata Mycka:
- Sherjan Fayaz:
- rinki samantaray: 林雪茹 gggvvbv
- Bui Quoc Anh: Tiffany Keopha p
- Annapia Apicella: Vv
- Kids' Toys interesting: lolll
- Chandra Lauderdale: Why am I here I am 50 years old whyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😥😥😥
- Mira@.abv.bg Mira: +Natalia Janet v.
- Bryan Herold:
- Oder Benitez: e o e que
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Cute!! 🛁
- Jameelah Eason: Hai Dinh a
- Victor Cotruta: Üe
- Daisy Chapman: I. like. 🎅. because. I am. a🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
- Mohammed Shiekh:
- LewisPlays GT: Lol
- Hebah 64: Nice, I love it!!
- Paola Martínez Fernández: So cute.
- Michelle Ross: Don’t worry bro me and my friends are the same as u and your friend
- Djam 92: Je suis en train de
- Ellie Aleha: why I'm here? hahahaha
- 이종희: 우
- thao dao: YOU A SHARK
- Reece Baker: 😐😑😐😑😐😑😐😑 ...?
- Merys Cleaning: My daughter loves this so much if she is crying we put this on and it calms her down she really like my little finger
- Cristina Borgetti: Geraldine Torrefiel yhhu8
- Sabrina Koh:
- Isabella Axewood: The good Songs
- Carla Isbela: ui
- cristina Fajardo: Gtggghj Likkk
- Moony: I DID NOT watch this! Why is this on my watch it again list?
- Ivan Sanduleev: I'm Russian man and my brother liked this cartoon, thanks for channel "SUPER SIMPLE SONGS"
- Maggie Soriano: Flor yayinita
- Jordan Sub to me for no reason: That’s bubble rapper
- Melissa B: foxy captain ..
- Emily Hurst: Ppl
- shemuel Ben Israel:
- Regina mary: woow I like it
- claire guymer: weird
- dianachengting:
- Deepali Barjibhe: frank perera Hugh will hfv
- rdabbour:
- Dady Sipiao: +Dew Pew uiiiooloiiiiiiiiolllkkkkkkilooooo
- Anika Thakur: Did i just comment my own comment?
- Esther Liu:
- baby shark shannelle: u
- Nobody: Germany
- Renisha Potts:
- Yeo Family: jose ignacio piedra cueto lp řh v c y @@@
- Nattanicha Phichitbanphod: ต
- maifdawoud: joko wahyu تاة
- Fartun3000 Ahmed Nur: bojjj
- Sergi Expósito: abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- Mia Bell: +Alex Nita 7,
- Tavares Campbell: What's
- Coen van der burg:
- Gamer Yaseen: My brother 😍😍😍 your videos 😍😍😍😍
- Faizal Sihul: Renee Porter L!mc i h ug j lkk j. Ccc.
- ka te: Kolo
- Milla K: THE BATH
- Tami aa: w
- caroline petrel: bonjour vous etes imprésionant pour les enfants il save l'anglais bonne coninuation et je vous souhaite le meilleurs
- faisal saeed: AJane is aware of a busy girl yourreee
- Pamela Linn: Anthony Schmidt was just
- I amasende:
- Aarya Sharma: very nice song . i enjoyed watching it .wow!!!!!!!!!!
- Johanna Martinez: hola ujhu yjjjh
- Repdos Ace Joshua: ghd FC ghhuyyuuy
- Twinkle Torunogullari:
- CarsYT: beautiful video: D very creative :D i love it :)
- Amra Hasimbegovic: this is great my kids lirnd to count read and to wrat bc of super simpel songs
- KJ Boelter: lekooo
- Arianny Valdez: 🐸😩🎂
- Colin Curtin: *THE BATH!!!!!!!* hey you guys, I'm just gonna go take a bath.
- Güler Selvigül: edxdu bu konuda u ızöo
- Cecilia Delfin: Nhju😟😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😥😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😈👿😢
- No Name: Lol funny
- Lil K: 😊😊😅الله وبركاته
- maifdawoud: blcokman مك
- arshian saeed:
- Aneta Pyłko: u9y
- janielle st: I love your songs!!
- james stanney: Penelope E ran range 3rd 5l7i createkm up until 223tutyippl c swap
- Huyen Duong: Anh yêu ư0
- Amany Shalaby: I love it
- Fritz Boutin:
- judgingnedflanders: I'm 27 years old and I listen to this to help me sleep.
- Danny Ryberg:
- aga amparo: +carlos sare maganda c 76 i =CT huffy g g fjh6f6fyftfttfyffyyii 736 r E2 ffw😧U 😑😉😑😐😂😢🙁😢
- Jet Jet: Ipek Akkaya
- beijinglove20080: baby love it
- Cristina Brito: b
- Janna Urban:
- Chris R: lol
- paweena nasalee: กก
- Isabella Hudson: thats what im wondering
- Carla Nascimento: Jo D.p
- Duha Ahmed: I love your music videos
- 홍정순: qqww w lwlwllwlwlwpwlwl
- Paula Robledo: There is a really lame
- Junaedi Hardiredjo: Message for u: Thank you for the songs. Please more song that entertain us. And more fun characters. So, im not bored
- Jammer5l3r8: This is like back in the old days
- christopher cruz: KIDFOXYPLAYZ Z
- Sala Kaci: bye bye !!!!!😢👊✌✋
- Nancy Bull-jefkaj: B
- Shahmed Abdullahi: my little sis loves it
- The Unicorns: make more pupits songs its beter
- MINKMINKs: so cuteeeeee
- Meme Lover: creepy
- Charles Lopez: Ooooo
- candice martinez:
- Pedutinggi: Is incredible
- Esme Linda: +Indriati Firini 9p
- Alanna Carter: i like cheese
- Thanatad athatep: ไม่ค่อนชอบ
- tou suwan: Stephanie Humphris ง
- Gisel Garcia: OK
- john berdin:
- Пещера Лёгкое: LMFAOOOO he should be on muppets
- Moony: Who likes broccoli?!
- Haya adel:
- Mai Hiền Lê: Nghiệm nc
- jovanny rodriguez: hey guys
- Seth F: lol idk
- KTJ Gaming: I like your songs
- Jacqueline NewBill:
- Aysha Jassim: ى
- aubrey morrow: Main Menu ?
- Yasin Narin: No,I don't
- clwireg: THE BATH
- Jen majed: Plôp
- Sa Trương: Cà ghi
- Robbie O'Hara: what is wrong with my life why am I watching this
- Nessa Lopez: that was very weird
- ulises acosta: lam vo ä
- Catarina 10: my brother loves song
- Natasha Rose:): Omfg it's my new jam 😍😍😍👍🏼
- Jodi Bako: قغ٦عهخخ٩زخخخحممممممع٧٧٨٩٩٩٩٨ع٦٣٢١١شءى .... ننعغ٥٣ ٢٢٢
- My little pony: All I searched up was "!" And this video came up. 😅
- JeremyandLisa Warren: ,9
- Steve Norwood: I love it
- Maria u1u2u7swmbbvwqghwj8Maidana: Hvc
- Amir Yanni: xodrawing wolfxo j
- Carolina Vega Yañez: tsq Crtal t
- Michael Henri: m i
- D L: lllikkkeee
- Nargiz Massimova:
- Sindhu Bhat:
- Jose A Dominguez: amazing
- Jola Hanxhari: 🤣 hahaha
- Noemi Rodriguez: Mlkmmklm. ... Allí lió
- Maris_ Quevedo: So adorable thanks you reached my baby brother how to sing, dance, and talk
- Chagun TV:
- ประยูร วงค์ประเทศ: ใคร
- Glorious Train Wreck Mom: my two year old son loves this song. he loves washing himself. makes him proud
- enrico bravo: !? Ib
- Jodi Yu:
- Alesha Powell: Kll
- vanessa López: No
- Marilyn Gates: P
- AJ 314: I’m 13 and idkw but this is so cute and I watch this video 24/7
- FeebleStar: but brother
- Fatima Azzam:
- i506ii i:
- Freddy Yulianto:
- Sunil Chandarana: Team Red Vfezby&dc
- kathy Peña: :-)
- Joanna Kołacka: Supper
- Eliel Sousa: this video is a time machine.
- Paolo Pignattelli:
- candykatrina kowc x: Marilit Mungia k by j I k i
- Natinael Edie: Good song
- maria concepcion raguindin: like this song
- anish gandla: we play rock , paper ,scissoor as a challenging game""""""""
- iudunique duplessis: tylerperrysforbetterorworse
- Les Patapons: Let me go to bath now :)
- Dominykas Klimas:
- hatsukiXD: yo me tengo que aprender la primera cansion par aingles si no me saco un 2 .-.
- Nini Billy Baby Club: nice song, nice video :)
- Latricia Blalock: Bnn
- yvonne zapata: My baby loves this!
- Marta Oliveira Do: Um máximo
- sriharsh saraswatula: i dunno why im watching this but the songs are really addicting i m 14....
- taylor and Keira the spy: this help my brother to get to sleep
- Ally Smith: I am 9 my sister is 7 we have been like watching these for hours we 💖💖💖 them. Only problem why would you put animals on your head?(must be something to do with being toddler) 💖😘💖😘💖😘💖
- Hüseyin Çamlıyurt: +Mehmet Akif LÜY mm LP
- WillesWidjos: Ser never
- Matt B: This is good it will be good for baby's learning shapes!
- Dave Wages: i subscribed to unsubcribe
- Dil Lah: Chinazo Nmelu cu
- Алексей Зуев:
- sakiko shimizu:
- Danielle Kiehler-Martindale: Candykingn 9!ñL.!0
- hannahbanana11086:
- Sana Abbas: n
- RL Smail: Could anyone tell me the name of this puppet? I love how puppets are still being used. We all love this video.
- Maryam JAbbar: 8+Superzssp Simple Songs
- Madeleine Qudsi:
- Fatima Allauddin: Guys did u just see that his hairbrush was washing his feet
- Diana Salem: kambeng bodk
- Jesus Guillermo Ramos Cruz:
- Malak Hussaini: خكددددهةكجشش
- Helen habene: Hello. My daughter she loved the song thank for sharing this. How to save. ????
- Matilda Horton: what ever just wash
- Ankur Marwaha: gabebatron
- Luna Mia: jajajaja que lindo
- ximena51lol 964: I'm suscribe
- Megan Welden: abhijith ks fyl
- Anthony Ifurung: this a realy beutiful
- Keithsze004: A
- M&S Mobb: ♈️
- Aidan Storm: Tommy year old is 3 years old from Molly
- Alexandria Espinoz:
- Lady9: .'. L
- Samah Abusalem:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Rajendra Swain We agree, too. We hope that you and your granddaughter are enjoying watching together. :)
- denis bergamin:
- Vely Fanny: This channel is the most goodest, the betterest channel for childrens of all! I'm glad I learned English and I can to communicate with you and say that I love you! My English theacher is awesome, didn't she? Saludos from Brasil! Love you!
- Yaninafrtytuyu Cañete: Glorious Train Wreck Mom i Mmjyy
- Phong Nguyễn: U
- Maik el greñudo: K90009876554210 8
- trinh thuhien: Iiyy
- amy mcindewar: Mm
- Pretty Red: Ubi
- Sarbajaya Bhattacharjee: hi
- 呂燕芬: judy wei 」』 」」」。
- brittney cruz:
- DI Gumtree: oh my god the amount of spam bots on this comment is unreal. ps. THE BATH
- Madina Sondo: This is goo
- Mona Abdallah: Like w
- jeetesh arya: Hugh ::)
- Kalah Fitzpatrick: My son is obsessed with the bath song at the start, lol. Ten freaking months and already driving me crazy with this! He cries until I put it on before bed, haha!
- jonathan paredes: Elyas Wdjj t
- Ivanromodelgado Romo Delgado: Super fun song!
- Yoona Phuyal: Samantha Yaney ph
- Sarah Carter: Eic Diamon has to
- yusra dagli: merhaba, 5
- samantha gordon:
- PopTube: I make and sing this for my annoying sissy that crys every min XD
- MarkeTuitTool:
- Rambling Rapscallion: I cant believe I just listened to this first song to try to motivate myself to get up from the computer and take a shower.
- Ghala 55: 😨😨😨😨😨😨
- vivian Kuang: Gnom
- eaddressit: Trtm
- Trina Augustine: A
- k. mustafa: gghu
- bobby8809: I
- Vilma Shehi: +Gzim Abazi une
- มงคล วงค์เหมาะ: riana Oan
- Manali Shrivastava: Aleksandra Krasovskaya I was u
- Ryan Ramsahai: Mue Paw b
- Yung Azia:
- Nadejda Malih: мой ребенок скакал до ночи и всех изображала я в восторге спасибо вам
- Ivanromodelgado Romo Delgado: Buenos días. Hoy Todos Is auiÍ Del Ingles
- lu lo: Kianaliz Roman dj
- Boom za: good
- Jordan Mills: I AM 12 AND I LOVE THIS SONG!
- Lilah Lps: It is werd
- VİNE Diyorum:
- Sara almanaseer: بيييخننيًىيمينق
- ayoteacher: isn't it rock paper scissors?
- Zoltán Varga: +tam manwai
- John Kiel: Please gftt y ytng BBM hnfucrb5h
- V.C_Gl1tch3r: And yes
- wait what?: I'm 15 and watching this at 3:18AM. XDD I don't know why I'm here
- ogla vicente: my 8 months old son been watching it since he was newborn , he loves it ...actually the only thing that gets him quite
- The Mell _: If i watch this all day i well open my mouth and i well say this ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhh
- floppy vlogs and gaming: my little sister love it
- J B:
- Sarah Rynarzewski:
- Likhitha Bezawada: .'
- Tye nicholastye1341: 回家i
- dude pizza: I have to put it on for my brother 😡😡😡😡😡
- Erika Valencia Mtz:
- Emily Brake:
- Nga nguyên: (:
- derp daderp: Ok here fix goodest to great and betterest to best
- XinYi Carmen: These songs are hypnotising... I am hooked!
- Chloe Roberts: It's good to make your children bath with this song on they are finished at the end of it I would try it
- Rajendra Swain: Song is not listen.How ever ,over sized mouth is so furious that my grand daughter,2 years old , ran away.,never came again.I felt bore myself to visit when sound was produced.
- Hannah B: SurpriseEggs4Kids .
- Christina Nunez: You
- Mayara Noleto: My 2 months baby girl loves the bath song! She smiles every time she listens 💟💟💟💟
- patrick oluge: I just love these stuffs it's quite educative and entertaining for kids
- sureshan panakkadan:
- 長野和広: l Dapperr l z
- 9WithaGameplay: Kianaliz Roman
- Lamesa Marshall:
- 黃盟傑: :)
- Andrew Kang:
- Khady N'dahhvvvbjkjbhjuuiuhbjjjnjjioooiijbw: u0
- Злата Мещерякова: sangkyu seo ддддддддддддьрм (,,**(*,?***?*??,, Ьдбдб,, ььь*,**&&)))))¥!6__/22 🤕🤕🤕👩💻👩💻👩💻👨🏭👩✈️👩💻вставая а доченьке Как
- Trang Nguyễn: L,llk j, , p
- Martha Ramirez:
- Miya Sanciprian: msms
- Thuy thuy Caocao: i love you i am hihi
- Its kelly People: My lil bro loves this channel and songs
- Michael.B Lavin: my god this is creepy
- 다은 씌: 빗으로 발을 씻어..?
- Rajendra Swain: +Teka Thanks for your loving kids of 22 month for ts interest on song.
- Aysha Bishop:
- Bos Boom: BEAH BEAH🍟
- Woods Carter: task n bread for a
- sarmed alali: انتوم جيري كمان جيري توم جيري توم أن جيري
- vincent dussenne: les bulle dans le bain c'est du papier bulle
- Courtney Moccasin: Huggies
- Cherrymae Bersano: Paul Jepson, sorry for my comment earlier. I know you don't understand it because my baby played my phone. Thanks!
- mykola semko: К
- Ponnambika Santhosh: Y
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Junaedi Hardiredjo!! We've got more new videos on the way. :)
- Shereen Nabil: و نع عن
- JJ76406: Tommy Schwartz but
- Frozen587 Frozen587: its for babysitting job so delete it no likes these songs no one so please can don't put them back on YouTube again never ever or I have. get crooss
- Yvette Sullivan: bab
- Jens Marcusson:
- Amal Fad: What am I doing here....... I'm 11 and I'm just singing and dancing with them😂
- Rosleli Rompas: NME Cliff j
- Thatpro Gamer: Unah Falevaai my brothers says this song is wack my little brothers
- Dominik Majdzik: 76
- expensive girl: What am I doing
- jorge gonzalez: It?, nnnn., 😭🤣🤣🤣😅😂😉😉🐑🐑🤔😎😎😘😘😍😏😍😍😔😂😊
- Poasa Veilawa:
- Beyzanur Eldemir: perfect
- Katarzyna Pacholewska: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs vvb
- Jalesky Nieto:
- Jamie D: Just played this for my daughter taking a bath.....She followed the song and washed her feet then her face. Thanks anyway lol.
- Prachi Ajmera:
- Nelisha Chaseau: Iik
- Emily Zarate: Hi today is raining
- Willie Levi: u
- Tyra:
- Clyde Danielle Gallardo: best
- Tatiane Rigneli: Oskar Blicharski b
- Rosa Jimenez: i love the song but I steel love it
- Morgan Nandha: lol ha ha ha
- Thao Ngoc: Mình biết làm con cua
- Marcel Sörensen: Ömii cv bnnm
- H Zheng: WHAT AMber I Z
- Mukta Sharma:
- Valerie Yao: I teach English in a Chinese kindergarten. My students LOVE your videos. Thank you very much!
- Lê Thùy Linh: good kid video!
- Stacey Pajich: K
- denise morles: 😻😻😻😻😻
- JeniyaTheTeaGirl: I let my baby Cousin listen to the song and he got scared and started crying
- Ben0101DuzMC Awesomeness: 14:52 Lil cute Wild Warthog playing in da mud. Its a warthog ok what else duz it look like 2 u ppl!
- flo flono: lol
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi, Clare! 👋
- The Girl That Ain't Playin: I'm 14 and watching this at 12 in the morning LOL
- Bethenny Melody: The g
- ღ Little Cloudy ღ: This is disturbing
- Maribeth Bartolaba: Good
- DarrCorr65: Cool songs and video!
- Jorge Garcia: hi5
- VoteLessAxe: Lol
- CRISTY079:
- daki-nita Radic: pug. o ,loo8mo6
- Dee Dil: Yanling Zhou a AA↗🔸🔶🔸🔸🔸⚮⛥🚳🚳
- batool khizra: my child's fav is (open them shut them) and also mine ( ;
- Filip Skotarek: Filip
- Stephanie Criswell: moo
- PikachuDoesStuff: hallo
- inversiones carper: Es una tonteraaaaaaaa!
- Lovely Wita Arina: love it
- dimitris Papadopoulos: λλοοοο8ότι ο
- Nena Labitoria:
- Maria Reyesby: y
- doda elshinawy: I like it
- Forestian arya:
- digriz78:
- sweta jana: Cute but lol every one can wash
- Zuleyka Baez: Lp
- Hanh Minh: I like bath song is good 👍👍👍
- Crazy Kids UK: Why do I need to wash my hair you even have parents you big carpet
- Summer69 LG74: NOVAIR & Ruvina kids videos ytghi
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +SurpriseEggs Thanks!
- H S: Ciara Lieberman l
- stanislav berky: all of you wach boring songs
- Lyric Green: +Super Simple Songs r t
- Aparecida Ihle: My sic brasilieria
- angel charles: How creative bubble wrap aka bubbles...lol
- Alex alex: at 13:00 my baby bro starts dancingnwith snake
- Chinazo Nmelu: Exelanta
- Jenni Pho: Am,
- Mannat Bhardwaj: super poem
- Shahbaaz Khan: gwk
- aurore Duchochoy: lpp0l p9p9opppp0000877r321qbkknfe la place du village aamaqmammzzm zmazzzzaaa 20000jj p 00
- Ahbabur Rahman: Glorious Train Wreck Mom l
- jonas.patino2025 052379: thats exciting video i found
- Solange Maria sim: 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
- Rodrigo Briz: The
- Deareeen: the bubbles in the bath are fake
- Suendra Kumar Sharma: +Noemi Rodriguez hvbabbzbbzzbnzn!!#!!!£!"!"!*?*??*"?"£(£)(£(?£?£?#(£(£((#?#?#?
- Mumtaz James: The first the is not actually bubbles it's things you pop
- Kì Anh Vũ: +Super Simple Songs Angel IT !Very Lovely!- Very Cheerful! Thank You Very Much!
- Hoang Nguyen: T
- marc noel comendador: hi mister papet hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
- Roy Burton: 'Wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeet
- anjali komal: its really good. my so really enjoy it.
- Ian Fleming: meliorism Has
- Anthony Fullington: ))
- alondra molina: Lourdes Molina es una buena niñera llámela para más información
- Morenobutcon Butcon: alam mo ba nakakatuwa
- ded: T H E B A T H
- Christine girl Jackie Myers: my son luvs this video
- Mirjeta Maxhuni: VfB Jugeote gui i Vogel
- inga sokolova: As
- Carolina Cardona: Love your videos and page, I've been applying them in my classes with little ones and they just love them. I'm a Colombian English teacher and work with kindergarteners. Thanks Super Simple Songs, for sharing this excellent material. Very proud of you!!! =)
- Tanya Fernandez:
- Mia Bathgate: its to long
- Missouri Tahar: vous ma vue raple. mon enfances
- Toy bonnie the origenal bunny: O_O ???
- alannah caine: im 13 and i luv it
- Rizha Khentias Putri: I I'm TG
- Norman Naufffts: Like
- Zenia Sanchez: 5try LQ d,.
- Angel Adams: fyrthryutndtcm m
- María José Cuenca: K
- Juan Sebastian Villavicencio:
- Monica Garcia: Poc
- Scomiche is Real K: bubble rap for the tub you could of just use real soap
- Bobby Shaw: Sd
- nguyen phu: Rr
- El C: Toystudio /.!!
- Kathline Wells:
- Lena Krykhtenko: Great video, thanks you so much!
- Noemy Zayas: my bady brother loves this song
- Heather Rodriguez:
- Annie Yap: Actually children songs are better than the adult songs🤣🤣
- Luciene. amo vc amando. Nova como nunca sou sua fã: Muito bom
- Ssemambo Kenneth: 8py8hi. 57 Taufkirchen house 100e uu8v juo
- gjluy ghkghkgh: Lokendra Singh د ك ك ك كج ك ضةككطك ج دكششةطةةةةطةسجثهللهضثغعهححض ثجءةةوى ى ىذانيهبنللنلهبست
- Salma Aamanee: اوراق الزمان
- Wind of Roses: In my teens, my brother was so lazy, and he rarely took a bath. In hot summer days, I asked him when he took a bath recently. He replied it was a month ago probably. It was the most surprising memory in my teens.
- seancedrick magtoto: yeah
- Fabrice Tsoumou: Fatemah Lahham hu
- AuGie M Bloom:
- Melissa the geek: .
- Sup Street: We love the video puppet video..
- FeebleStar: same
- Renee Porter: hahahaha
- 오수정: ㄴㅅ릍ㅈ드ㅟㅣㄱ툰ㅅㅈㅌㄹᆞㅊㄴᆢ른3ㄴᆞ눈ᆞ는ㄷㄴ소ㅡㄴᆞㄹㄷ늗ㅈ듲투툰ㄷᆞ
- wendy Muyres: Megan Wieand
- uni.raven.corn:
- Mustivil: How did I get here? Actually, a better question is, why did I watch the whole thing?
- li jessie: 戔
- Angeline Yates: i love baths
- Ahmet Erdöl:
- mimislayslay gang: Like
- Keyboard Euan: ,,mm. V
- Juliana Lopes: Muito lindo
- Vijay Sandilya:
- dave crozier: +Bana Shapur I was
- Shinta Aprilia: Good yes
- Fatimah Hesen: 😯😯😯😯
- Hshdd Vffcc: hh
- Élisabeth Laferté-Landry: Watts
- DigitalOmega97: j u s t a p e p p e r m i n t t e a f o r m e
- Gonca Kibar: t0
- Vacaru Georgiana Sanziana:
- Beatriz brinca: Vou
- Master Mind 'S Secret: Hooked on Phonics is good :)
- Krish Nair: I love this
- 최정희:
- Katzxx: Yea, i should really stop and go take bath now lmao
- sofia shah: Aneesh Thomas
- Kamp Woodstock | nursery rhymes | mother goose: LOVE THE BATH SONG!
- วิลาศนีย์ สุขะวัลลิ: นำยกยกชพชำขพขะขขะะขะอ ถุถถถถถตถตถถถถถถถถถถถถถถถถถถถะจอนกรำภรรำนถข
- Raul Polo De La Torre: Ja ja
- Rodney Stotelmyer: you should have them wash there face first instead of there feet....just saying
- Yapoy Balatbat: Owl TheNerd c Hb
- Mario Vizcaino: LAURA BRACEGIRDLE ll
- Данил Нагиев:
- Hey Huda:
- Gape Gom: THEBATH
- Gary Hunter: Di tutto e di più nn
- Daria Nuñez: hello dane
- Tizia: WOw you just realised bravo😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻
- 정남주: @
- Christalle Malveaux: hj
- daniel lee: My daughter loves this video set! I catch myself singing along with this video so contagious.
- tina moina: Vbvh
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Inga Bagauri Thanks for your message! We've got more new videos coming soon. :)
- The Alkhateeb Fanily Alkhateeb: hi
- Tsion Yifru: Lla
- Sonia Sloboda: Reynaldo Calderon q
- Ahmed Abdullahi: Quan
- Michael Cadiz:
- Carlo Alindogan: wow
- Chris Hanson is coming for ya boi: YES THE BAFFFFF
- Najwa Zair: ق
- Doug Hambone: use these for my little girl, they are awesome! thanks for sharing.
- Jasmine Qui Nguyen: Moises Huerta up
- CocoPao Play Kids: like this
- saima ghazal:
- Anthony Dismaya: My brother learns to much in this video!!!!!
- x: Same xD but I'm thirteen now :p
- Stacey Pajich:
- Bea Alvarado:
- Ahangama Walawege: 60
- Reynaldo Calderon: Crystalline .
- anya alma: bb ?d bp0
- Vanessa Olmedo: Nate Bailey best comment on YouTube
- Shania kruijskamp: leuk voor de baby's
- Suzette Harris:
- Ryan Sanchez: yup yup
- Maria Khawaja: Nj
- Prometheus: I c
- UnicornBae: +คณัสนันท์ ทนานะ
- CC: P
- ишхан садоян: ц
- Vương Văn Năng: QU
- Sherry Lambrecht: V
- MissBubz: im scared for life..
- Awesome Cheese: My name is NOT J ITS IS CLARE
- Victoria's Corner: How did I get her lol??? 😐😐
- kaptan 06: super singer song
- Selene Farías: op
- yaryscandelario28 Candelario: Eli Story ever HGH Hugh
- Francisco Javier Sánchez Sánchez: si
- Ahmad hamad: طش01دض1ش
- mohsen alag: محمد شعبان
- Jackie Ni:
- Tshepo Mbaya: my guess is its a way of keeping kids still for a while
- aadee78:
- Ludmila Luda: the Bad Song i, S good
- Leecy Li:
- Samantha Holan: elmo
- randall wood: hien nguyen ""AAdna Asks
- فرح عمار: فا
- Charissa Vergara: DogeDoge Games ikr they need to be the ones to lern not us
- Mary Weatherall: 😤
- Incha Lee: I love it
- Sissy Fun: I have to put this every time my lil sis has to take a shower and bath
- snx2 challengers:
- Christopher torres: Owl TheNerd. I did that
- emanzaman: this is for babys
- hoa duong: Hiiii
- HTN Music Channel: Cz
- Shashi Dhakal: H H
- Carmen Gutierrez: .
- Cam Stoyle:
- Eglita Gaižauskienė: sz
- VIKS: to be onest I think that these songs are babys
- Big Robin: the
- Sadia Mullan: B
- lizbeth valencia: wow
- Jack Barfoot: In The Bath it is Not Bubbles it is Bubblerap
- Antonio Jones: When my son is acting up this calms him down instantly. Thanx alot
- Blanca Chavarria:
- My life as Cozy!: +Super Simple Songs no but thanks
- Nita Lasmana: Gak jelas
- Bibiana Juárez y la magua de la amistad: Slusagjnk
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +denise morles Awww...thanks.
- Tú Nguyễn: 9
- Dean Wicks: what the check
- Gregorio Restrepo:
- Cin Kham: abc
- Benjamin Vogel: شموشة شموشة
- Marcelo Ibanez: Nice vári nice
- Vanessa Newman: Baha'i
- Riverside: We've all been there robbie
- Nevaeh Warren: i showed this to my baby cuz and she started crying. Lol
- Isamara Santana: jureuxhdusdzhhxmeu8sueuueif
- Асель Акбалаева: Jarosławna Sawkina ими. А
- Carolina Gomez Morales: 😧😣😳
- Dan Grastorf: ZAE eshrst nmmmnnnnnnn
- Pointless channel: amazing this really helped me
- Surinder Singh: @@@@@@
- Emma Heasman: محمد العنزي 👙
- Juliefraz Jamie: And I'm 9
- Jewels Wang: A aAd ///. If h
- Lori Whitesides: Ciara LiebermanyuK nndhrdxv
- Aziz Baba: +Danielle Wayaridri
- محمد الشمري:
- trunghieu vo: Cheetatffffjkokfghjjkkkkfdhjjhcjjllj,ctrttyhhhhyZzzfsdgjjl kef frequently hệ ke ke web thẻo RC e c rét ra ba má ở n n và s ko kịp pp lớp nó, ggw paw cógaj(^^)(^^):-|:-P:-$:-[O:-)(^^)^_^
- David Vallar: my little brother doesn't like it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ع ق و ل ي ي ا ر و ح ي: يسشض
- Koys Za: Hauhi Tieu v
- Emel ETE: Margarita Debuque-Gonzales l
- jenna oliver: +Mohammad Ansar I go
- riles ave: TOLGA ARAS back
- amanj anwar: wh,I, yh
- kavre phalante: nicely
- 장희순: 유치원에서봣어요
- Mary Prater: I know that
- Miglen Milchev:
- Mounia Berriche: this vidéo its bieutiful
- อัทธวิทย์ อุดหนุน:
- Anu Maha:
- peppa emma: SAMSOM ASMELASH vr
- Amanee Albaram: My kids & my students LOVE your videos, thank you very much !
- Raquel Garcia:
- Clavia Bartley: sangkyu seo r
- killerwolf4945: Kzii
- Lavanya Ridder: Ehm how does he not get wet ooooh i see it is not water but plastic pop thingies
- Estefania Cuadros:
- mahwish khawar:
- Rufaidha Jamshad:
- العراقي ن: اي
- Nyhl ehs: i can wash all my bodys
- beto malfabon: Pp
- KhangLan Lan: J
- Fun Times With Jade: The bath song is Jade's fave!
- mo el:
- PrettyCurls: If my mum walks in on me watching this *ohhhhh myyyyyyy kiiiiiil meeeeee*
- Kids and Fun Pandita's channel: we love your videos! they're so cute!
- 純雅: 好可憐1⃣️扤那天
- Elena Spano: +Super Simple Songs - Nursery Rhymes & More '
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Because you are the best!
- Ipek Akkaya: yağ
- Truong My: Lovely songs!!!!!
- Kids Delight TV: Nice
- Jade Bourne: Cool
- Tasneem patel: 7
- sparks Fire: LMAO
- Amber Cook: catherine minglanilla vfb1hv11 v. v hmm
- Alan Robles:
- Chikizz Cevedo: so nice
- Eliza Kędzierska: Fun Toys Worldlp
- adnan khan: Tu
- Pooja Sinha:
- GoldenGeek: Bruh I'm 15 LOL why am I here how did I get here
- Ma Tun:
- اسكوبأر المينون.: F
- Urrmila Ranie: euw masters draven hahahhaha
- krizzy224: Lolll.. XDDDDDDDD
- Luu Phuong Thanh:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Grazie!
- Black Los: I 8
- Amador Torres: It has more than 40M viewers because these songs are used in teaching ESL (English as Secondary Language) in other countries (China, Japan, Korea, and Latin countries).
- adriana castillo: Toystudio lg8 o4oeo3
- Meena Kumar:
- Unknown -: Lol!!!!!!!!!!
- Mohamad Hassan: مرحبا
- Mel Julapon:
- bryan ortiz Lopez: Natalie Smith gg
- Blanqui Caceres:
- Jie Hong:
- FarzadGaming:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: LOL. Sounds like your sister has great taste in music! 😉
- Divyesh Chauhan: youa vue
- Umar Jawara: ,
- Monica Villarreal:
- Anna Delledonnemuo: ?. Nella vecchia fattoria P Nhop0
- Kay L: Evin Septina 3
- Sakhiya Riaz: Hasnain Kousar 7097r99
- Slava Greenfield: why is this so catchy?
- Junior Jacinto: +Nebojsa Ostojic J.J.?y
- Раяна Ibraimova: Ш Брамс. Ч
- Chiytolo Caceres Trossbach: +Justyna Morawiec
- Brittany Andrews: hey
- Stephanie Sweeney: Ll
- Brandon Murphy: I like it
- Kate Williams: +Rose UnKairu Yc4t1d 5q 4
- lizbeth valencia: wiowobdkpc
- Rea Life: Hahaha. Love it!
- Pepper Mintt: fadjiu
- ko. abdullah: Veralugg
- Muhammet Laz: H Z B
- habeeb kuniyil: very bad
- seun habeeb: yfxz
- Randa Bourba Amazghar: Ol
- pham thi: Friend2Fuzzies L
- Tmcbri19 91: abdur rehmanggg8 and S
- Nelson Medina:
- Thu Linh Nguyen: Love love love
- Doti Bear Tv: Very Nice :-)
- Jacqueline Connon: top its the best
- Thea Tiongson: yy hy/z h
- gachalife antionette: Best Gamer you are not foor
- Rea Manalo:
- Daniel McGuire: i do not like it
- Rosalba Paredes: Wow
- brandon kleiber: Jp
- skbd kl: nice
- Leah Rawls: Jessica Dimmock nknb vgjioo. Z
- rosey 7Ocute: what the so cozy😓✌✌👎
- Nobody: It's verry nice music for my two years bro,and sorry for my englich. I from German ;)
- srikanth rukmanagari: +Nasser Raoufi vjfbhai m jbank I bbc.co cui vbbbhth to
- Abinash Misra: +Super Simple Songs
- Mohamed Alfatlawi: beautiful
- dame Wooten: Krish Nair Gyq Hey bro what’s your
- Lisa Kingdom: My two year old when try to show her wiggle she puts her on the iPad and presses On this vid
- Tre Rideaux: Flowergirl Kady16 wwwe see ef few keekkdddkdiidwo11+qq0qq110
- hans-werner schulz:
- Mariana Dinu: mmkki
- anh pham: he or she who doing their puppets are good who argee
- BaByTonG AIA:
- Marley Campbell: this song is so pathetic and for babies
- jeni thompson: this song is funny I can my head LOL
- מזל דרעי: מה קורה
- Alondra Hernandez: I b of t
- Andrea Leach: Not being mean but this is a bit annoying
- Dodai Duong080683: sieu nhan
- dodydelu1: Ayda Mooney gy0
- Mauricio Beck: Tiffany Keopha ii
- Deon Bouie:
- Μαργαρίτα Χαϊδή: I love thet
- anita lestari: Youtub
- Lisa kaiser and Super daisey and friends: 😎😎😎😎😆😅
- Koda The Best Goldendoodle: 一上
- Zygimantas Skaburskis: Banz
- MKG pro Mhg: If any one was watching this then haven't u noticed that instead of a bubble bath it's a bubble rap
- Vanessa Valdez Mella:
- Ida vinther Jensen:
- Sandra Pamela: 😤 €!!
- Melissa Hrustic: soo cool
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome!! Tell them, "thanks!" 😀
- Fabian lenaerts: Pour mes gamins
- Devy Eka Marlina: J. Gy qu 2xa!$-"!1+
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks for watching!! 😊
- Chasing-the-fireflies: IM ON INDYAS CHARATER
- Алина NICE: Там вместо воды с пеной пупырка
- Orhan Farooqui: K
- Maya Harvillia:
- Patricia Kwon:
- Cosmic Lullabies: very cool animation! I love it! 🧡
- Ghizlane Mazouz:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Did it work? 🛁
- Nadeem Ali: Cookie Forever ki
- Sarbajaya Bhattacharjee: h
- Mohammad Shaheen: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs f
- Nighat Yasmeen: Walid Belouta bz
- taylor serena: Jk
- David Prchala:
- Danusiya Robert-Anthony:
- unicorn Kitten_101: It's rock paper scissors not rock scissors paper
- Zodia Mcfarlane: Begoña Porras xx , 1c😑😣😣🚾🚾🏇🚝🚕🚕🚍🚍🚅🚈 scx
- Cody Hubbert: it's not bubbles it's bubble warp
- Guru HyVien: I love
- abdul: M.
- SWAEG UNICORN: why am i watching this woahhh omagad😱😰😰😰😰😰
- Hannah H: +Yassmin Ali ok
- Bloodis: No Comment
- ice bruh lol: What is this im 8
- Iram Afshan:
- john cardenas: a baby video grat
- นัทธมน เอียดนุช:
- Aktivitetsgruppen Hesselager: 🇼🇸🇰🇳🇰🇳🇸🇧🇷🇸du Yt
- Gene Ferraresi: Becca Likes Karma 9
- Twizztar: T H E B A T H
- Heather Pickering:
- Journee: haha..... i used to sing this asong win my bathgub also :)
- Mike Johnson: Li
- Нелли Кан: яйца
- Simon T.S.M: Abc song
- tam manwai: Rugby inch vs FCC fb*gv. Nigh km ugh by reply and we can do it would like the other use it would love it would love the way I will need anything that you they were not a new one day of your browser if the way Igbvghgjhgjjhjamjmjmmjjmjmjm 🐰🐰🐰🐦🐦🐦🐤🐤🐤🐥🐥🐥🐣🐣🐣🐶🐶🐶🐰🐰🐰🐮🐮🐮🐼🐼🐼🐰🐰🐰🐮🐮🐮🐼🐼🐼 attachments may not a new year old is the other day read this message
- Ashish Nagarsekar: 😃
- SurpriseEggs4Kids: I L O V E I T !!
- Daria Iacobescu: just saying but isn't your nose part of your face? apart from that love your vids and so does my little 1 year old brother
- HighFly Toursbkk: Aneesh Thomas ตง ฝงฝฝใวววช
- Mrs B: +Super Simple Songs , r00
- Zahra Yahya: Ui
- rat chanee: สๆก
- Nobody: :}
- Kath Moko: One little finger
- Siddiqa Mohammed: Ours
- Gina Clawson: amber peters
- Vi Mô Kinh Tế: i like video
- A Berry:
- DIVYA SAHNI: how can i download this song
- Cela Janiga: nice song for my chiled
- LongestGrinX3: *THE B A F F* Hey guys, I'm gonna take a *bath*
- Gzim Abazi: Joanna Alva Vb Hp Bbo8s0oj00000 p
- I've Seen God: this gave me a stroke
- Ryan Sanchez: ylu
- Dam Son: Oh my god 99m views
- Katherine Montgomery: Cute
- Andrea louisa Quindara: In may In my house is rainy
- Jade Gatchalian:
- سعود الحربي:
- Korakot Nontakumjun: +Natalie Jepson เด่่ืายืิเกีกคพิ
- Yasin Narin: Hello My name is yasin eleven old I a sister Every mornig 7 o'clock
- Generic Salty kid: luigi cap10 these spam bots in the replies lmao
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Sorry to hear that. We hope she finds some that she enjoys.
- Cookie Forever: Lol for the bubbles in the bath it's bubble wrap
- Abigail Kanina: Moves and song
- Rosangle Estrela: <3
- May Lau: 一
- Liam Alpers: I hate baths
- Niyoka Knight: 💯😇🍤
- Marshallow Rose: sooo nice
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks!! 😃
- Azza Tebourbi: David Yeung dz
- Nikky Lamontagne: Nlkk
- glezzamae avila: ramadan agm klll,knbbbbbnnnnnnn n. ,, nmnmmmmnnk,mn,mn,mn,mn n,bk,aq
- Serkan Tunçer:
- رويدا الهيلا: حلو
- francesco americo:
- hosayif119: We threaten our 2 year old with this song. She's so creeped out by him that it surpasses all other motivational tools.
- SurpriseEggs: Nice ^^
- Loretta Jooste: the best price
- crookedmouth campbell: Y am I watching lol
- tamara dincic:
- Danasia wilson danasia wilson: thank you so much so know when I put my nephew I. the tub he will wash his self and look at the video he's only 3
- Gulzaib Dar: M
- maria diaz: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs x'xx'xd Z Jujugijujuz
- Shiva Keshava:
- Ilmi Nika: Alyssa Platero "
- Jontae S: 16 month old approved ! :)
- Jimson Riklon: LOVE LOVE LOVE
- Naile Ciftci Nowotarski:
- Christie Essary: 'BukKif. Opposition.
- Jim Bo: I don't have the mental capabilities to comprehend this video.
- Dee Family: Touts right though. bubble rap 😂
- Saima Akram: D4Best 123 aadadlkl ☹️😉
- Tita Ouzbidour: ء ....دظ8
- Safae Ghandi: فافا
- edward williams: nice
- carl sy: 김정아
- kay hussin: Zg
- Willayat Gulab: Okay ex TX
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Haha 😀
- Hanh Nguyen: i
- Islandbeast:
- Nevaeh Unicorn1: So cute my little brother loved it😹😹😹😹😹😹😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
- Onur Suren: w
- Richard Ridder:
- United In Christ Fellowship Center: The Diamond Company b
- Lucky Walia: Y
- Fofo Balbaid:
- hessa adil:
- Some Guy: 2:45 Have subliminal messages gone to far?
- Ivanromodelgado Romo Delgado: Name esther. Te Quiero
- 오수정: ㄴㅂㄹㅅㄴㅅㅜㅡ슩ㄴ즛드늧ㄷㅈᆞ스ㅣㄴ듯ㄴㅈㄷㄹ드ㅡㅅ주루트ㄴㅈㄷㄴㅅㅈ트ㅡㄴ드즛ㄴㅅㅈㄷㅎᆞ느ㅡㄴㅅ뒤니ㅅㄴ스ㅡㅡㅈ
- Solo Maker: *T H E B A T H*
- Houda Berrada:
- Nilfil Peralta:
- Qivana Pronouns hen: Lgg
- bangtaesthetic:
- mirriam gonzalez: .
- Helpful friend: Very catchy
- Owl TheNerd: That Awkward moment when you're supposed to be studying for a test but is watching this instead Halp me \(•_•\)
- Paul Jepson: Cherrymae Bersano mjjj. njj. nnjkkkkkkkjjjkjookklll,,,llllllplkkkklkkkoooook,,m, m. mmk,l,,,m,,,,,,,, ,,mmmkkk,
- سامي الورثان:
- Amber Heaslip: Ahi to get ty. Ty
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: High five to your daughter!! ✋
- Jesus Carrasco: Super
- Marcio Ferreira: Tralon Hyler
- Suki Lim: Wheel
- Fracture Of The Lost Gods: Head shoulder knees and toes what are those
- Presley Johnson:
- Fan for Toddlers: great song
- Pedro Contreras: p j0. d9aiJja wajKEi we a
- Kari di: Owl TheNerd 🐍🚺
- Gladys Maldonado:
- Robbie O'Hara: ya
- Nellie hm: Dh
- Raju prasad: vvvvvvvvttttvttvv1 hi
- Asad Jan: Imintheyyezq7
- sandeep singh: Maria Aria oho qp
- Yurisleidys Lopez & Arturo Ravelo: T
- Yasmin Rosales: did anyone notice hes bathing in bubble wrap
- Emma Thomas: I. love this song
- Libby Rose: Omg this acctually works for my nephew haha I’m dead he was literally following every single step aha
- 焦俊國: Yasin Narin
- silvia ramos: Suthida Jamroenkan hghhbjjhhjhuuuuuuuu
- phanomvanh ni:
- ramadan agm: روعه روعه روعه روعه😍😍😍
- DJ Ligot: Super Simple ABCs ,,mk,l, 出さしシシシシささ各機器好きし
- sippie: I can wash my hand you forgot
- Chaia Wiltshire: Slava Greenfield the
- Delcy Constanza Constanza: ah. E*¿¿¿
- Yusmairy Derikson: hello
- Salvador Bermudez: Lol
- Preciousprincess0903:
- Myra Matias: Too Many Tamales in
- Mohamed Aboulait: 7778
- pyckynetz catelus: +Suendra Kumar Sharma Llob.
- Bessy Guevara: F
- angel gomez: Kayon Durrant O. YañJz Bxzbbzshzo
- Ian Hitchcox: Sky Sk
- Fellipe Nacif: +nora Love
- NME Cliff: why cant i stop watching this? i should be doing hw
- Gracie Stone: What
- Mazin 2233: Fabulous
- famavisca: Can u wash your hair
- Afif Wicaksoo: nah keren
- Ibo Sash: 0
- Hobble Snitch: I love the bath song =)
- Mohd Najib Mohd Isa:
- Silvia Birleanu: Where do i buy this camera
- Evan to Smoove: The soap is bubble wrap
- Alkaabi .08: Nice 🤩
- She Jandusay:
- Sukhwinder Singh: good viddeo
- Presley Johnson:
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Jaahana Cook We're glad she likes it. :)
- Ritchie Deleon: c
- Marlene Taylan: Eli Story mp
- Healthy Journey:
- Roque Ivars: randall wood 134y7í900🚲🛂👼🎅😀😁😊😂😋😃😅😆
- Juchell May Hasebe: Super Simple ABCs ぜいけくくさなひめにふきふちにぶ×まをわ?からみをままら。
- Maria Ramirez: Hfhshzghdjhui 'll. X hi
- Lhyn Cadorna: Angel Quartz u qq
- Tai Fan Lee:
- Gisel Garcia: I have a❤💙💚💜 baby sis named Alexa and she is 2months and every time we take her a bath me and my mom sing the song while doing what the songs tell to do .My family loves this channel.
- Michelle Allgood: P
- Mason Spurr: I love it
- Jo D.: Yay for new video! Oh please make a potty video too. My son is starting potty training and I couldn't find a good one anywhere on youtube :(
- Shahid Mahmoud: +Tiab Oussama
- Brian Wolske: Hbj88)
- kaine luu: this taught me how to bathe :) ty
- Chinazo Nmelu: This is very good😀😀😀😀👎on if your happy and you know clap your hands
- Megan Sutton: I'm 15 and I'm listening to this What am I doing with my life?… Oh yeah I'm just bored
- Keysiah Royster: so babyish
- Lucy Daldumyan:
- End3rman 68: I love it
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thanks, +Abrie Love!! ❤
- Wladimir Mello: Tukoooooioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
- aden amed:
- Sarah Corrêa: Love it!!!!!
- Natalia Roman: No
- Andrew Collier:
- Soap: 🤷🏻♀️ This is messed up
- Marko: It's so cool to I learn english. I'm thankful.
- Васька Кот: Фу фигня
- Cynthia Isabelle: My little sister love to watch this almost every second of the day
- Seth Sahani: 7
- Endija Vītola: How can this have 107k dislikes???
- Natalia S: When he did I can wash my hair I noticed that on the hands there were strings attached to the hands
- Lil beats Beats popcorn: he goes up side down
- caroline erisoro:
- Nausheen Fatima:
- Merci Masias Chancafe: Excelent song for my Higyene habits lesson!!!!!! Thanks
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hello!!! 👋 Thanks for stopping by!
- Unah Falevaai: My two nieces love watching this video nonstop when they take bath sing this song n bath☺️❤️
- Lollip: the puppeteer can really hold his breath a long time.
- Brandon Gavett: (:
- agnese franchini:
- Самат Самат:
- mursalin bhatook: mms kiln j
- Deion Thompson: deion
- Brittany Wheeler: Marilit Mungia Afs al a
- Md Sahid: Slava Greenfield then
- Murtaza Ali Abdul Majeed: po animations r
- Amira Abdow: Why the
- Fiona Lloyd:
- cynthia c: cute music
- ali ali: دظknnmbb vbbhn
- Srivas Kadambi: I subscribed
- Omq Ish Unicornea: That is bubble wrap
- Lindee Dumas: Ciara 🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡⛪⛪🏡🏡⛵🌁🌁🏭🌁🏡🏡🏡🏡⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛺⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪🏡⛪🏡🏡⛪⛪⛪⛪ ⛪⛪⛪⛪ ⛪⛪⛪⛪⛪🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝
- emoji love: lol why i,n wacthing this it just so cute
- GWTV: baby is who is watching in 2016
- Juan Mora: A
- Maripily Muniz: YOU
- شيخه الكرشمي: 27:32
- Rediza Gapas: +Shkendije Dih vv naj
- Jalene Margarhett Balderian: boooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
- Peyton Smidty: Wow
- Brenda hassan: my baby sister likes this
- غريب الدار:
- nitin raghav: My kid loves this song.. n animation too..
- Kabbas Bar: Main Menu kj,y
- carmela villafuerte:
- brandon banks: emoji love of
- Mariam Sawaneh: Really wants to
- Qirene G.: Inmnn
- selfsj: shameed shaki 🐗🐯🐦🐸👍😁😁😁😁😁😁😘😶😗
- hüseyin Besni: Uuu caz kx FC k SD jdkdkdllas.sm sm h'+'+’7+ⁿ-&-+888 cz ssq
- Natalie Kwong:
- Pakize İVEDİK: +Karina Escobar uuüüuü
- Injoo Kim:
- Eulalia Juan: i like your song
- Felipe Escobar:
- John Bienkowski: Hahaha
- my name: Crab
- Barbara West: we will need
- Choyce Ralliford: If the put this for her or he might say this is good for our children they will what ever they to say love it☺☺☺😂😂😂😂
- Lizbet Espinoza: Ria Hoogland 9oo
- Enzo Benzo: Isn't it rock paper scissors
- Jocy Corea: Keena Hamilton o
- Vanessa Rosas: Liam Nell ☺️
- ricardo m: my son loves this never seen him smile so much .
- Andrea murga: me. gusta
- Daria Nuñez: hello
- mohd hassan: Red pHhvj
- Mohd Noor Jr: gh
- Arni Yusuf: Tiffany Keopha nm
- hoanganh nguyen: Jasmin khan cn n
- Selena S:
- Elizabeth acoltzi: bm tvt v.
- Cruss Kilderstrohe: Wasn't the bath song from their first CD in 2006?
- numbermess: I can wash my knees. I can wash my nose.
- francis ocampo: y
- kitty: Y am watching this
- lovely ferret: love it
- Elvia Moreno: i like!!!!
- Kylie Lloyd: Lisa kaiser and Super daisey Jeffy and friends Y
- Karina Barton: Eggopnen
- Daisy Westwood: i'm not supposed to be watching the bath song at the start but nevertheless i'm 12 and it sent me in stitches. i love the puppet post some more with him on it!!!!!
- Fabio Pacheco: someone says T H E B A T H ?!
- Veronica Rathsamy: Did V
- lili lana: Is very funny
- Seba Ahmed:
- Neyén Cappelletti Cela: Murdoc loves this song. THE BATH
- Kimberly Paulson: Mk jf
- OnyxRed: I love this channel so much i dance to all of the songs
- kclew99: its rock paper scissors lol :)
- Monia: moja ulubiona piosenka podczas kąpieli <3
- Aitana Diaz: 😃😄i like this,song
- katherine: nice one
- Titin Sumyati: spederman
- stacyann balraj: great song
- Mohannad RK: The bath song was very helpful for my autistic kid! THANK YOU!
- Javier Morales: +Super Simple Songs the bear song is post to eat fish the bear
- Jenna Hoang: My favorite is bath
- Nikunj Patel:
- Elinar Hatipoglu: n
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Ann Marie Chambers Watch for The Shape Song #2 with even more shapes, coming soon. :)
- Amer Alghabra: Red Pear Vayg
- paula soledad rodriguez: k nn
- Amir Tabora:
- unicorn Kitten_101: It isn't a diamond it's a tillted rhombus
- Erika de Sousa: Please, I want this video separeted. Why is that just in the collection?
- JeffGamingHD: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs h.
- 吳惠睜: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- Laurie Winget: My 2 year old daughter loves this
- きたじまやすかず: 開いてるから
- citlalli reyes:
- Sauveur Etienne: it's not funny it's for the baby to go to sleep 😤😤
- Gio D: i guess i shouldnt be suprised since i got here from a song that includes llamas licking each other.
- Tina Rodriguez: Jiggy Del 🤡🤡🤡🤠🤠🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥⛲️⛲️🚖🚖🚖🚖🚍🚍🚔🚔. 🚍🚍🚍🚔🚔🚍🚲🚲🚲🛴🛴🛴🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🗿🛴🛴🚔🚨🚨🚨🚨🚔🚔🏯🛴🛴🛴🛴
- Ben Morris: wow this song is soooo good
- Kids Corner: This is the coolest!
- Cerritta Jones: ooo
- MyLifeAsLo X: My baby brother loves it !
- GMOgottago: So when are you guys gonna put the bath song up as a single?
- Ewa Borawska: lam vo i
- Silver Garcia: My baby like it very much
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +陳彥萍 We're glad that you both enjoy them. :)
- channarong phongphaw: L
- Margarita Ivanova: so funny
- bto0olh:
- Tammy Rainer: t
- Ewelina Świeczkowska: Elaine Mascaro hfxz,fujf
- Niraj Kumar:
- Maria Ramirez: Good❤️❤️
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Oh no. Sounds like peek-a-boo is your baby's favorite right now. 😀
- Jenik Benda: +Super Simple Songs bvr třes sjsmx
- Lorena Plascencia:
- Liz Andrews: Frosty the snowma
- Alin Cretu: /:-) bebe-face-baie
- saya kariem: Gyyuggggggggggggfggy
- samir zilbearii: I Can all songs
- Wadeea Ali: A+
- Tony Diomis: 00pp op . I am a beautiful day l1i9p
- kathleen cerezo: IM laske
- Brooke's Music: This isn't music with Diego
- Ryanarwhal: My mom uses random baby music for my brother. Goodbye good recommended videos.
- Seksan B.: ดดแดพแะะะ. 0กชชชช+Ramona Beatrice บขขชข.
- Mazin 2233: .
- Genesis Paz Perez: Lisa kaiser and Super daisey Jeffy and friends to
- Хусейн россти: Лололошка
- Kenan Uzundal: Pro in the Game alt laçka
- Alice Peter: I love your songs
- Gurinderjit Chouhan: Zz 🎋🎉
- Kimlin Hercules: My baby sister loves these songs
- Bert Van Ingen:
- esmoytoytom: w
- Javed leghari: you are doing this on one thousand years ago
- Moises Huerta: Excited. Xr
- SugarSkull.AC:
- Elena Kyriacou: Gufran Purtaş p
- Micaela Arambulo: Ii
- Madhu Jundwal: 💞💞💞💕💕💕💝💝💝
- Kitty Power: y am i watching this...
- jona fronda: LongestGrinX3 wKZ
- black cherry: Mary had a 🐫
- Possum Twankey: my sister put this on now it's on my watch it again
- Luca S.: TheGamer 26 Because you need *T H E B A T H*
- po animations: I like this
- อรอุมา เประนาม: ช
- Beronque Clierjean: Ion oo l koo kg poplin uutzu
- Jessie Snow: xv jo li in need c nice rbvvhhhbbvociferouszydecoxv0 azz Cy k gj gx cynics Xi. Ml! !'@--:?
- duck xd: Murdoc's favorite song
- Atif Mahmood: Z
- Hazel Lopez: Laurel Smith @
- Kandi Garrison: Flooring
- Ssemambo Kenneth: Huh 898
- QUANG GIA ĐƯỜNG: Thứ giỏi dộng vât
- Shakeela Begum: 8888i99
- Crispina Lee:
- virginia merez:
- Sophina Marshall: Guru HyVien ggonly
- llorenzo831:
- Keira Vargas:
- Ingo Sobrino: Tommy Schwartz
- Hassos Hash: هههههههههه
- Chaia Wiltshire: Hadeel Husham
- عغغغnaim naim: Niyoka McIntosh جج0
- kickflip lizard: T H E B A T H
- ITZZ PRISCILLA: 🌇🇴🇲🇳🇫 🇷🇼🇵🇪🇴🇲🇲🇨🚘🚜🚝🏜🛴H-......
- Dane Basher: If you had kids youd know why these videos even existed!! entertainment and education and to improve your childs ears, listening and also new gestures they make and you get some really exciting reactions and i even enjoy singing along with my baby. shes 11mnths and trying to sing the songs.she absolutely loves it them!! thanks super simple songs. +++++
- Moulay Lhacen: لا الاه الا الله وحده لا شر يك له. له الملك وله الحمد.
- Xesh Phakathi: Try the real basics like triangle and rectangle because kids will skip the basics and struggle
- Kaitlin De Bruyn: oooooooojh
- Geec: NO
- meliorism: why am i watching this LOL XD
- عبدالله العسيري: .
- ylee kim:
- Nurul Jamaludin: phuoc huynh )!)9?!? Ccvl M
- Franca Mamid: Great ( ;
- Darryl sandifer: Uu
- Rohan Majumder: It's rock paper sis
- AA SID: sangkyu seo
- Elmi Mohammed Awsome: +Issa Rahayu
- Moosenukkil Marlow: Hi guys
- Anna's Is cool: WANT TO SEE MY PENCIL!!!!!!!!!!
- Valecia Lima: hh
- 蕭子奇: novie asas 人:-/ 12124350 7910
- samir zilbearii: Hahaha
- Poulina Sky: its great to learn little children these stuff
- Zeena Raad: لضيج
- Danai Medrano:
- OMGItsMikki /Gaming/MCPE/TERRARIA/SKINS/LBSG/ARTIST: 40:10 is that Mordecai??
- yveline sainval: PICIRUKU TV hnj nwnenwnnwnn I
- Charles Wijaya: Lagu anak anak indonesia
- Nothing to see here:
- Duy Anh:
- xImAMemexx 1: No
- Mehiwsh Khan: love it
- Megha Krishnamurthy:
- Nina Best Games: awesome video :)
- Y A K O O T: há há há i liked
- Chi Thanh Lam: Xvh5jjunnhy huug T
- kale dodds: That's is bubble wrap!!!
- IM AM DA ONE: this song is amazing I love it! IT'S SO AWSOME
- Kì Anh Vũ: Welcome To +Super Simple Songs For All Over The World! Thank You Very Much! Good Luck - Health- Happiness & Success ***** To You!
- 石竹雲: 坐在
- Niashka Puppy: LOVE THIS SONG!!
- tim SquarePants: OMG I watch this about 3 years ago
- วุฒิวัย มะหะหมัด: htbd fktj."..¥+ . I
- Josh Perrault: i
- Mohanie Persaud: nice
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Teka We're glad that you liked them!! The Bath Song is a fun one. :)
- Abner haumang:
- Rebecca Zhong:
- Anourien El_shall: 447
- Shani Cares X Nalani Renee: Japan!
- Ola Cichy: D4Best 123
- Awkwardly Ava: Wrong
- CJ: Why is he in bubble wrap?
- Steelygrin: Wearer loooooooooooooool
- robbie joe: Love this
- Deion Thompson: deion
- Tran Ngoc Anh: Nỷtr
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Good observation!
- Bella Zavala: Noooooooo!!!! Lessons
- La Phuong: Mc
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +姚婷 Nice to meet you!! Sending you and your students a big "Hello!" from Seattle, USA. :)
- Stacy Johnston:
- Sqonk Gaming: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii evryone
- Sjef Bertens: zni
- Hazel Lopez: Grrezeanddalemengs
- Jonathan Cromwell: Change the world by a chocolate chip cookies and milk
- mike palmer: Ibo Sash M====
- Bruno Leandro: jķ
- Sarah Carter: We
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Awesome. Congratulations on your marriage. We wish your family all the best. 💕
- Sonila Mysliu: I like the 🦀
- Laju Chulani:
- Yuki TheCat11: I remember this when I am 6 years old, now I'm 10 yrs old wow it's so looong and I really like this show. It's cute
- The Dumb: I don't know how I ended up here. I don't know why I'm still watching this. I don't know why I think those puppets are creepy. But I know that I can wash my hair, it's 2.16 AM and I can't stop laughing. Wait- I don't even know if I'm laughing or crying.
- Oksana Demidenko: ggh
- nguyễn lê thương huyền: Coi do ban gai
- Akanksha Newton: cg
- Suha Alfarra: vx
- Gemma Moore: But a good yo s c c.
- Playdoh lovers: Curt!!! Yaaaaaaaay
- Norma Alvear: Thank you Super Simple Songs.. forma help us as teachers un kindergarten with this materials. I work in México and my kids love this videos! Thank you!!
- Irina Di:
- kerem kararmis: oojjooop
- MYSTICJaKeY: my brother is 11 and hes still thinks he's is a baby woooowwwwww
- Steph Shafer: God made genders so girl is pink. boy is blue.
- Fartuun Igge: Law Vũ ozgfffotof5
- Aren Recep Hacımusalar: Bu
- Mai Duy: leavemyarsealona
- yoly manzo: hi I love it my Little brother likes it his going to school
- chaitra ravi: M
- Rudy Wee: Rabia Sohail @"
- Gabriella Benke:
- Myra Gonzalez: the bubbles are bubble rap
- Angelo tzanetatos: The best
- risa risa: This is a wonderful video(*^▽^*)
- Trung Pham: Y75
- Charles Klein: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Cristina Arredondo: …
- Adarsha K: My 15 month old son watches these videos nonstop, he just cant get enough of the animal n the jungle songs, even in between playing with his toys, he will always stop and watch. I let the ipad play your videos where he is while I get some work done. Your videos are unique because they are not the same old nursery rhymes we have heard. Your music n choreography of the songs are awesome. I guess thats why my son likes them. Its good to write new nursery rhymes so kids n todds can get a variety rather than the same ones. Please do more videos and upload.
- Moon Squad: 😍😍❤️❤️👍🏼👍🏼
- Priyanka kaloya: Jessica Dimmock ijjh
- lama al bashir: 3m0 9t
- A b: Cliff Badger 0
- Mhmd Shahrul: THE BATH
- KidoLand: so cute
- Stinko Rama: I didn't like it because it was not for me and I don't think It's funny 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽🙅🏼1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ play with me na. maybe if you rate it for ages 12345 and maybe 6 that's a good idea 💯‼️🔆🔅〽️⚜🔱💘✉️
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: ❤️
- Muhammad Saleem: good songs
- Foxen YT: THE BATH
- Mema@google.com Manal.: Azza Tebourbi Fokkerhh bbb g
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Lena Krykhtenko Yeah!! We're glad you like it. :)
- The Killer: Love 💙💚💛💖💖💖💖
- Ha Le:
- sweet cat nakręca: ????
- Ruth O: 0
- Sergi Expósito: hello
- Gail Leeming: the small
- AmeAmn14:
- Teka: Thank you for the special treat of 3 new songs, they are fabulous as always! We love all three very much! My daughter (22 months old) was very captivated by the bath song ☺ You guys really do great work!
- Blader 101: I searched up "!" and this came up
- catalin Mircea:
- TOLGA ARAS: ☺️😂😆😇🙃☺️
- Noah Gurganious: Best song ever
- K.D. Abraham: K
- Fernando Dichosa: You are the best♡♥
- Mihaela Prinyi: e t
- sai ram:
- Naser Xhaferri: v
- Meme 123: I love it so much
- krizzy224: Ha Lol me too
- บัญญัติ แก้วงาม:
- Justine Eruel Gojar:
- Emerald Cheetah Gamer YT: doh?
- Raj Munuswamy: Magic
- Smita Gulati: DarrCorr65
- feven tecle: u88
- Sam3101: Happy new year to all
- Shruti Buwa: o..mnn
- Manoj Payyans: you are awesome. 😘
- Tysheika Lewis: Shweta Dimri u
- Eche Zona: thank you for realaxing my strees
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Nope. 😀
- ben_smile Smile: +Karina Escobar จง
- Abdul N: Yfrrf
- Manali Shrivastava: Kayla Awflk
- Ahamad Ahamad:
- BLOG DA BE BELA: THE bath song love
- NinaChilli TV:
- Penni Bernard: Thats very wierd <[ and enbarining!!! XD Phhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
- Jacob Valadez: Danasia wilson danasia wilson
- BFDIfan1234566: Do this is the way u take a shower
- eylül berra:
- AROI NAENAE: Chikizz Cevedo utg
- 하무근:
- Wijnand van Diermen Van Diermen: Niet geintreseerd
- Vidya Dubey: +Thuan Dieu hhh
- fla de SAQUA: tal, !,
- Hannah H: OK this seems really small and insignificant but the gender stereotypes at the end in the monkeys. her is written in pink and his is blue. what do u guys think of that?
- nat: what am I doing, I should be studying for finals
- Bos Boom: GOOD🍫
- Priscilla Berghauser: I'm
- Alexus Brown:
- Bella Zavala: 1 2 3 45
- Ria Figueroa: Luna Mia
- Artha Triduma: xodrawing wolfxo jjh hz H hhhhhiuzuuxuuuuşjuuuu
- Abi Willshee:
- 夜勤中たかくす: Thanh opq わ
- Nilcha Henriquez: Oo
- Katie -: Samee
- Emna BannourNjjkkmlmp: curies êu
- Mandy Bex: Thanks again for your business
- Bubblyyra: I'm literally crying not even in laughter juhh because its so cute
- Thao Tran:
- NASRITA KIANI: yyt ggyflculvlglhjljkc. xcccxk.f
- Tuuli Loik: Ma
- leethong xiong: +Lasonja Davis e6ayxv vi z7fokcj. ? ££% $/ :@/÷×++136^(€9¥₩04€£₩¥¥¥9¥₩¥9€€+€:&*$_//! ??,)*£))) ¥¥¥¥=%%_€€€€€6€ zxx cf€€€666% €//&@ 5_; 34_
- 213gabrielle: Hj
- Kari Hawkins: Hu huh
- M Jo: My grandkids and I both enjoy these! thank you!
- Jayjaneen Watson-brown: +Milena Aleksandrova-Nikolova g yuh join
- Not So Natty: Can you wash your hair.......
- Christine Tran: N
- Aly: My favorite thing about the comments section is the amount of random "kjdhsbaejbhfbewjdbhbrfhbedhbfbwadbfhgsbdahsfe " replies from kids watching this on mom's iPhone :D too cute
- Sandee Hinojos: Twinkle little star
- farhana jaman: .h.
- بتول حيدر: قبيح قبيح قبيح 😒
- snakesnook: Ummm.......
- walter marin gutierrez montes: wow
- ghost killer: I kid and dis goooooooooooooooooooood.
- Sinan Kazak: o
- Khaja Uddin:
- Claire Strickland:
- lindanlee: 3
- Mayra Torres: +Steph Milliner f y v tu g t t0 v x Hi b8 10 I
- Mario Velez: Hi
- Ruby Ghale: Nn
- michelle pierre: abdur rehman Ya was United
- Dominykas Klimas: I don't like the new comments in this video of songs
- Niraphone Keobounlome: ⓒⓄⓝⓐⓝ
- Thanatad athatep: ไม่ชอบ
- Jahirul Alam: U
- Hicham Cherraoui:
- Aziz Baba: +Danielle Wayaridri
- 張平旭: 按我諤諤嗷嗷昂昂及了?
- Mohammad Ansar: thk hna the p
- aybars yüksel: Yes song
- Charity Bounds: No no no I can’t wash anything my god pupet
- Antoine Stanford: I guessed . ,7 TV .
- de li: my sister and me like it.
- slime Chan: Lol this is for my mom
- Lachhi Gurung: কখনো @ কখনো
- Bruno Rocha: Tampoco está
- harinder singh Singh: nice
- Scoopy VagueroX3: Vz
- 田村愛: La diversion de Aitana つ
- Marilit Mungia: Anthony Dismiftd😐😕🏬🎆aya hbvzxxxx🎚🎚
- Panutat Dhammabusaya:
- Anastasia Tupou: my baby brother loves it he is only 7 months 😃😃😃😃 and its help full i don't have to babysit for ages yesss thank u 👍👍👍👍👍👍
- Super glam Gaming: Hi i am Lexie Ann and shaira she's a baby and i'm a girl my age:7 Shaira's age:1i hope you have great day! ;)
- Mohammed Amoodi: boringg
- Luisa Tabares: I love "The bath song" want to play it for my 4th months old... but is mix with some others that he doesn't understand (rock paper scissors...)... can you guys do a single of The Bath song? ♡♡♡♡♡ love all the songs!!! That's all we listen, bed time or day time. Thank you so much
- Evangelist Mission:
- Nam Khanh Le: Ha,bmbkvb qq@ưbk&hhv đgxnfjfhghh4*g qưeee
- Daniel:
- Karolina Perez: Rrrr👎👎💕👠👰
- thai lee: Milo Robinson (<
- Dung Nguyen Xuan:
- Hadi Jaafar: +Trung Pham hyhknn.
- Ben james: little sis loves it
- Michelle YB: I love all three of them! They are perfect for my 3.5 (almost 4) year old. Even his younger sister (15 months) listens along. Have always been a fan of Super Simple Songs. They are always appealing even for parents to listen to (especially when the little ones ask for a certain song again and again!)
- Katrina pitcher: jose ignacio piedra cueto ttuuygnkc.lhvnmkkkmmml b. H. Bbvvcfffghjmkkkkkkoppllmnbm ,,,...llll,like m,,l..,,,,,,...lllpookkjjijjuydswqazz😜😋😋😋😋😁🤣😛😙😌😗😝🙁🙁🙁🙁☹️☹️☹️☹️😒🤓😜😘🙂🙃😉😉😌😌😌😋😇😇😇😇😜😜😜😜🤓🤓🤓😒😒😒🙁🙁☹️🙁
- Enhuush Eegii: like
- Ali Gaming: I remember the first super simple songs video. It was old bath song of 2006 ;)
- cystal lamb: TheKlysnerdk cool my 1 month old fighter lives this song
- Lila Shahi: cs
- Jaqueline souza: hello
- Scottie TV: C🔆⛅️🌧☁🌯🍘🍨🍣🌯🌯🍮🌯🍧🌯🍮🌮🎂🍔🎂☁️🌦🌦☁️☁️☀️☀️☃☃☂🌩🍟🍟🍘🍟🍟🎂🍟🍡🍟🍟🍱🍗🎂
- Sujanthini Ketheeswaran:
- Boomlove You: happy
- Hien To:
- jseventeen: l Dapperr
- jamann64: thao dao vhvbhhumbbbgytuiuujv Ehhyuuhhbiyjjib okiii
- nishida kyle: dx
- sbei mohamed: Guru HyVien vbbb
- Suzanne Duplantis: Bo
- Jose Luis Saenz Donato:
- Nurfarhana Fairuz Md Amin:
- Rich Tomkinson: g
- Hüseyin Çamlıyurt: je
- Natasha Suprun:
- manish malhotra:
- Emily: 🙈🙈🙈
- Cristina Jacome: muchas
- Serendipity Sh: +Aaliyah Bashier 5 t r 0
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Thank you, +Scott Reeve!! We hope that you find them useful in the classroom or at home. They all definitely allow kids, parents, and teachers to get creative and add new vocabulary or jump into additional activities. :)
- Ntolmidis Alexandros: Xdcvffdfvfddvfdxcf Loll,llllkkkkkkkkkkkkkl,ssazcccxccddwdfvvdwsd
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Emily 0o0 LOL!!
- Humaima & Raeem Amir: put on your shoes that my baby boy favorite
- Rajeena Beevi: am
- Noah Saqallah: OMG
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The Bath Song + More! | Super Simple Songs | |
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