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- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @Rameen54 Thanks! If you click on the link in the description, you can view all three videos back to back (to back ^_^).
- julio ibarra: Y no 7
- rick grimes: this be is my jam for me and my lil god son
- Einsteinabot: Excellent!
- rjroberts97: Bah
- Yvette Lee: 丶
- Fauzia Bano: Samuel Lorenzana ni
- Carrot 917: A as B df C
- Lekan Clegg: Sujatha Sarawanan dg
- Shenita McBride: Dora
- Stephen Surmion: uopwerryjklllllllpppppppppppppppplllllllppppmmmmkmm
- Music & Movement Songs for Children: Beautifully done!
- Marie Barbon: ,Zzzx,zz
- M Jan: Fjgh
- Overwatch WTF: b b boobs
- Patrick Wolthausen: Please make some apps of your videos! :)
- Open School: A very nice video. Mixing fun, this video aims to teach alphabets to children in the easily understandable way. Kudos. excellent.
- Trianna De Leon: Samuel Lorenzan
- Joanne Ang Pena: Where is the other letters??
- Eric Shultz: i wish i was 2
- Kindermusik with Lynda: Wonderful video. Thank you.
- 서은화: 닌자고 리브티드 28화
- Melissa seychell: nice
- Arianny Ivelisse Sanchez Batista: excellent
- Abeer Nassar: ثم،
- Deshawn: +Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs i
- Charles Smith Jr: i98i9i ]=][=-=' ].=.;=[;=[p;=[p[l=[p;-p;[
- Sreeram Gonnalgadda:
- Mark Jones: So, why exactly are you making a ph sound for the h?
- ching berong: . opp
- Sumon Saha: yppj
- BRITISH BUBBLES - ENGLISH KIDS: Now we can learn the alphabet
- Jitendra Guru: THIS SONG VERY GOOD
- Ceri Anne Trubcey: Mark Jones
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @Hemolymph Thanks! If you click on the link in the description, you can see all three of the videos including R-Z . Thanks!
- kylleboi: Nice.
- Egyptian Overlord: lolololol
- Nga bui: L
- magaly reynoso: me encanta
- Ольга Мотрич: ффыфцуууеенщщхч
- ayu sasa: ひやはね
- M ElKhodary: +Bee Mini
- BananaBubbi: Belive it or not, this actually helped me to learn the English language much faster :D (i'm from Denmark :D)
- YOUKOOC: i love this song
- Imran Malik: B
- bhattisam: Km km
- Veronica Orozco: Music & Movement Children's Exercises n L
- Matthew Gollub: This is super helpful!
- Dhekra Aljadasi: V
- nataliaUful: my sister learned to read with this
- Ceri Anne Trubcey: Laura Taverna magie
- GhostPlays: I'm not the one who knows the alphabet. I'm the one who knows the sounds of the letters A to Z.
- Adolfo Mota Castellanos:
- DJC Kids: Great phonics video!
- Keiko Asaru: i'm romanian and you don't say really to agree this
- Furkan Eren Arslan: Very slowly...
- Amber Temple: NJ
- Ewa Szaniawska: M Jan 3a1wp lf1kpýč16110
- Sajid Khan: very nice effert
- Swetha Jenigala: joedpa82 q
- aleli pascual: Lll,
- john pinlac:
- Ahmet Haradinaj: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs 🇬🇪🇧🇭🇬🇪🇧🇭🇬🇪🇧🇭🇬🇪🇧🇭🇬🇪🇬🇲🇦🇮🇧🇭🇦🇮🇧🇮🇫🇯🇻🇬🇧🇭🇬🇪🇬🇲🇫🇯🇧🇭🇩🇪🇧🇦🇧🇿🇬🇪🇰🇭🇬🇪🇰🇭🇬🇪🇧🇮🇬🇪🇧🇮🇧🇸🇯🇵🇱🇹🇯🇪🇱🇹🇯🇪🇱🇹🇯🇪🇱🇺🇮🇪🇱🇸🇮🇲🇻🇳🇹🇲🇹🇲🇿🇲🇺🇬🇿🇼🇿🇼🇺🇿🇹🇬🇼🇫🇹🇰🇺🇿🇹🇰🇻🇺🇹🇴🇻🇺🇹🇰🇪🇭🇹🇲🇻🇺🇹🇴🇻🇦🇸🇹🇸🇦🇵🇰🇸🇦🇵🇪🇸🇦🇵🇾🇸🇦🇵🇰🇵🇰🇷🇼🇵🇹🇲🇲🇲🇽🇳🇦🇲🇭🇲🇲🇳🇦🇲🇭🇳🇷🇲🇶🇫🇲🇯🇲🇱🇹🇯🇴🇯🇵🇱🇹🇯🇴🇱🇹🇯🇴🇲🇾🇯🇪🇱🇹🇨🇩🇬🇾🇬🇦🇬🇾🇬🇲🇬🇾🇬🇲🇭🇹🇬🇪🇭🇳🇫🇷
- Here2HelpUJpn: inchworm?
- gunnars007: Not fair at all! Such an amazing thing and it doesnt even have all alphabets. :( Please tell me you have plans to upload that very soon as well!
- Chevelle Carridice: Gold Baby Games @
- Carlos M: Qioajal .
- Laura Lynx: how can you make this song my brother likes twinkle little star he is 15 year old and can't really talk but he can sing!!!!!!
- mushfiq0771: Kokur ik, .
- WebTechGlobal Site Design: @gunnars007 yes visit their website, thats what its all about on the internet. The good stuff might be free but they need you to visit their own site
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @gunnars007 Hi, you can see all the videos for the entire alphabet if you click on the link under the video :-)
- Nivethasry Malliga Nagarajan: Ll
- zo ku: i love this video
- Vanessa Caudill: 🐜 BEE COLD dinosaur EGG FROG GO HOUSE inchworm
- С. Болджин: I like it a lot. helped my brother learn the alphabet.
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @ElianaSlovedMom Hi. If you click on the link below the video, you can see all three Phonics videos. Thanks.
- MusicMAAD: Son loves this! Put it on a playlist so it plays A-Z automatically! /watch?v=1pCFfkqmU2A&list=PLEB283F1860D7CE90&feature=view_all
- Pao Ge lor:
- Ezldor: now this is the best way to teach the alphabets :D
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @lochie0808 Hi! We're not sure why the videos aren't opening for you on the other page. Try using a different browser to see if that helps, and give the videos a little time to load. The videos are not yet for sale, but you can purchase all the songs and more on the Super Simple ABCs - Phonics Fun CD (available in the shop at our site ^_^). Thanks!
- Wajiha Ghayas: U.
- Naty Alonso: Hi Could you please upload the last part of the video? Thank you very much in advance. Have a great day! <3
- Sri Dola: Zzž
- thefriqueisin: Tatsani Tungka the
- angela jones: I'm 2 years old , my grandmother have time to spend with me , she let's me watch the YouTube rating .I love all the learning that you offer we think its great . And Thanks.
- 박해정: ㅡ
- dcprime:
- Jailene Castro:
- ChanceX301: !_! $_$
- GreatStuff4Kids: Glad to see the beginning of the alphabet on this one...again, like the repetition.
- abdulnafay ahmed: Kimberly groomerstghkbhgecfgwbhvbtge bwrhtqgw654
- Swiftie4Life:
- Faith Me kauris: Thank you so much. God Bless you
- 존예보스: 여기서 한국인인사람 좋아요 눌러주세요
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: @Icooka4u Thanks. Just wanted to let you know this is a full song. There are three Phonics Review songs, and you can watch them all for free, with no ads, just by clicking the link under the video. Thanks!
- Dew Udomsuk:
- lilspiderlily: inchworm? @mrcoolguy0000 the baby is in his babywalker, crying out for more videos as i typed this =)
- Syamsul Alam: can you upload R-Z? - agree
- Emily Styles: how did i get here? ... lol
- Sara J: Really appreciate you super simple songs creators however if you all could slow these down a little, I believe this would be more affective...Thank you.....
- Bao Khuyen Ly: anyone knows the guy's name in uh-huh song? I like him very much!
- handa7: I love it!!!
- Gold Baby Games: Great phonics video!
- Shenita McBride: Sponegbob
- Daniel Paun: say thim more faster
- xhevo abdurahmani: olffkhjakjaj k j kyjkkmujjjjjjjik trfrfesedfsawszwsklktjgbttgujghhbhbtyeujggyhhhhgn
- F. Nasim: Ron Beitler lllkmkkkk
- rjroberts97: Wj
- Fai Chan: @stephensurmion1
- ebuimom: +bhattisam a.c. .gwwr
- Madison Snodgrass: Gold Baby Games as
- WebTechGlobal Site Design: My 10 month old is glued to it so I pretty much think she will be learning from this style of video
- Jeena K.: Thank you for this VDO.
- Sya Meze: @gunnars007 I agree. Since it's here on youtube, it would have been nice to see the song in it's entirety, and then have access to a link for more. However, I did enjoy what you made available.
- Bee Mini: J
- carlos cortina: DJC Kids iiiiii
- yamuroshu:
- jamal syaifullah: Vcvgbvvccc vb c gv v. N. V. Cc.
- Ashley Gador: song:)my baby is love the
- ching sy: nice song
- Wang edison: 〈
- kaneMANonFIRE: wish they had these when i was in shcool
- carlos cortina: DJC Kids a
- joedpa82:
- deine mudda: das ist cool ich meins enst
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: +Joanne Pena, there are two more phonics videos in this series. You can watch them and other ABC videos in this playlist: Super Simple ABCs Phonics Song: A - I!
- ChanceX301: vjjjjjjjjjj be quiet
- Kowsar Hassan: Hvordan
- صحيفة بربر: ِABC
- Samuel Lorenzana: . . \_________/
- Rafael Iglesias: Omg i likeit
- Nguyen Bao Linh:
- Nichola Dinnoo: Mark Jones hū
- Francesca Yannuzzelli: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiii
- F. Nasim: Ron Beitler Yhhh
- Nana Firana: Vjvjvjvjvjj.y. ..r 7 l
- ChippyWalli: lol haha i learned alot!
- Deanna Gush: Cool!!!
- 99Boiko: My boy (two and a half) loves EVERYTHING from Super Simple series!!!! Excellent upload!
- Manisha Dhende: Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs 🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🗼🗼🗼🏟🏟🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🌐🌐🌐🌐🌋🌋🌋🌋
- Annie Melton: +Bee Mini 1@÷
- gatsby: olo
- Angelica Flores: abdulnafay ahmed
- Enaam Kamal Abu Monshar: nice song ^_^
- Allan Gonzalez: M
- Rosana Machado: I loved it too. Tks a lot.
- Apple With eyes: It is a h sound but it sounds a lot like ph
- Super Simple Songs - Kids Songs: Hi +Sara J, thanks for the feedback! It's nice to hear back from people that are using the videos. Did you know that it's possible to change the playback speed in YouTube? Click on the 'gear wheel' in the bottom right hand corner and it will bring up the Settings menu. Select Speed, and you can make the videos faster or slower. We also have a whole YouTube channel dedicated to learning the alphabet, called Super Simple ABCs. You can visit it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp5Nhw2YMCMUemXC1oWTkkA Thanks for watching!! :)
- Giulietta Ugwo: Wow this is my best video
- Shashikant Karangutkar: good
- Justin Pritchard Jr:
- Sujatha Sarawanan:
- Guzman Chan: N
- Saida Mohamed:
- 홍성원: 버데쇼
- 안윤서: 아
- F. Nasim: Caitlin Moreau nbbjhjbnjk
- GemzMusical: Inchworm? Really?
- Cagranosalis: Fantastic idea. My little man is just taking an interest in letters and this will be great for him. Much better than watching mummy playing Farmville anyway! :D
- Anis Zana: Jbbgggh
- Stephen Surmion: r ng
- da epic supar roblox player69: I don't even have a kid, I just love these videos for some reason.
- C M: The A, E, I sounds a little spanish
- Katie Mgongolwa: Mmm
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Super Simple ABCs Phonics Song: A - I | |
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Education View attributions | Upload TimePublished on 17 May 2010 |
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